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What the fuck even is this thread.


And everybody's losing their fucking mind.
Have you seen the video? It's not a little sniffle.

And pneumonia as I understand it generally comes as a symptom of something else.

The Flood / Re: What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:49:33 PM »
An Icon of Christ and a prayer book, to get a little bit of ritual and structure into my prayers

Dance Gavin Dance tickets

.223 ammunition

A Marlin lever action rifle, ideally in stainless steel



British newspapers already dropping her


>SS agent trying to block the view

Oh... serious did actually turn into a partial meme repository.

Meta, you're the consummate father of this board, and Psy the mother.
Please discipline your unruly child.

That's kind of sad, really. They're both old shits, but I find it ironic that Bernie Sanders might be healthier than all of them.
Trump is by far the healthiest of the big three, but I'm pretty sure he's younger than Clinton and definitely younger than Sanders


>/pol/ begins tampering with magic
>accidentally taps into the power of an ancient african amphibian deity (probably some kind of satanic demonoid)
>uses newfound powers again and again to cause mischief
>Clinton calls out /pol/ and slanders them
>/pol/ invokes the wrath of kek
>accidentally afflict her with dangerous illness

have we unleashed a monster?


Wikileaks going in hard


>lies about being healthy
>lies about having a heat stroke
>probably lies about having pneumonia too
Pneumonia in summer is already fucked up.
What does she really have if a thing that bad is her cover story?

Tfw /pol/ said Hillary is sick so much they gave her cancer
"Hillary is fine goy, stop listening to those white supremacist tinfoil-hatters"


In other news

Serious / Re: Gary Johnson: "What is Aleppo?"
« on: September 11, 2016, 05:45:13 PM »
Aleppo is one the of the oldest cities in the world. The fact that he doesn't know it shows how ignorant he is.
Not everyone has an autistic fixation on sandnigger history chally.

I think it says more about the lack of knowledge among the general populace than Johnson. He may not be as up to speed as some people on this board, but the man still probably knows more about the conflict than the GP. I imagine your average American knows there's a big war in Syria and ISIS is killing all the babies and Kurds and the Russians are trying to bomb civilians, and not much else. Basically just snippets of the MSM narrative. Johnson doesn't know shit, but he's still way more informed than the vast majority of Americans.

I tried joking about Johnson's gaffe with people around me, friends on campus and friends from back home, generally educated people (relative to the average), and not a one knew what Aleppo was or why Johnson should know what it was either.

The Flood / Re: Avatar Rating Thread.
« on: September 11, 2016, 05:37:36 PM »
Ember your shit is borderline autistic

Something edgier would be more fitting

Gaming / What did he mean by this?
« on: September 11, 2016, 05:24:08 PM »
>BARFOK, Maid of Planes, who appeared as a winged human with lick-encrusted spear, had the powers of Event Denouement. Battles fought against her would always end in victory for Barfok, because she could shape outcomes by singing. Four Chimeri villages and two more Dwemeri strongholds were destroyed by her decision enforcement. Vivec had to stuff her mouth with his milk finger to keep her from singing Veloth into ruin.
>Vivec had to stuff her mouth with his milk finger to keep her from singing Veloth into ruin.

The Flood / Phrygian is the best classical helmet, debate me
« on: September 11, 2016, 04:56:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: SecondAss triggering thread
« on: September 11, 2016, 01:14:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: SecondAss triggering thread
« on: September 11, 2016, 01:10:36 PM »
"A thread dedicated to taking the bait and begging for more"

Gaming / Re: You know what's hilarious
« on: September 11, 2016, 12:36:29 PM »
Does he hate it? I thought he said he enjoyed it a lot more than 3 when he was playing it.
it's not really good, but it's really not hard to make a better game than 3

I'd like it better if Bethesda wasn't trying to pass their Far Cry clone off as a Fallout sequel.

Gaming / Re: You know what's hilarious
« on: September 11, 2016, 12:33:14 PM »
Elaborate pls

Serious / Re: This is what Communism looks like.
« on: September 11, 2016, 12:31:38 PM »
>these newfags think communism is based on generosity

>not knowing Communism is based on greed and self-interest

There's a reason Stirner is usually grouped in with the left.

A selfless communist is a communist who doesn't read.

Serious / Re: This is what Communism looks like.
« on: September 11, 2016, 01:07:37 AM »
The DPRK resembles a Stalinist state more than it does a communist one.
just like America isn't really capitalist becauss it has trade regulations and taxes amirite

Serious / Re: Judges attempt to block oil pipeline
« on: September 10, 2016, 11:35:58 AM »
This has been covering my news feed for at least a week now. Basically the oil company is bulldozing through a reservation and areas the locals consider to he sacred land. Hundreds of protesters showed up, and the oil company responded with force that included unleashing attack dogs on pregnant women and kids. Then the oil company basically just kept going.

So a lot of people are pretty pissed off about it.
haha roasties and injuns BTFO

The Flood / Re: Microsoft just launched a new W10 update
« on: September 10, 2016, 11:35:11 AM »
Windows 8 was cancer, Windows 10 is cancer in remission.

Serious / Re: Poo in the loo
« on: September 10, 2016, 11:32:48 AM »
Superstition is pretty much impossible to defeat. I think the Indian government is going to have to do a fine bit of memetic engineering if they want to fix this one.
To me one good way to put an end to shitting wherever is by giving people a good size fine for doing it. I say a fine of about $200 will discourage most people.
Because most Indians have $200
Since they wouldn't be able to pay the fine then the fear of getting one will stop most or a good amount from doing it.
Might as well just make it illegal to poo without loo

Serious / Re: Poo in the loo
« on: September 10, 2016, 11:24:27 AM »
Superstition is pretty much impossible to defeat. I think the Indian government is going to have to do a fine bit of memetic engineering if they want to fix this one.
To me one good way to put an end to shitting wherever is by giving people a good size fine for doing it. I say a fine of about $200 will discourage most people.
Because most Indians have $200

Serious / Weed Man strikes again
« on: September 09, 2016, 01:54:10 PM »
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is finishing up his trip to China, where he earned the affectionate nickname “little potato.”

The primary goal of the trip has been to strengthen business ties with China, the world’s second-largest economy.

“We are quite proud. The prime minister has been given a fond nickname in China, he is called tudou, which I believe means potato.”

>rich white English cunt knowing shit about women's issues


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