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Probably Tool or A Perfect Circle

The Flood / He's not wrong
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:30:29 AM »
DeathisI  sound plan
Booger King  I swear whenever someone throws a fit over something small there's new rules
Booger King  It's like some kind of PC daycare
DeathisI  yep
Booger King  All they need to be told is to fuck themselves in the ass

The Flood / Goodnight you fucking degenerates
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:29:20 AM »
Gonna fap to some porn, then play a little skyrim, then bed.

Goodnight you fucks.

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:22:51 AM »
Sure did a good job of stopping the Ottawa guy
Wannabe ISIS terrorists don't observe Western laws? Who'd a thunk it?!
Was he an Islamist? To be honest after that one cop killer guy who looked like Solid Snake, I just stopped following these shooter stories. They get sensationalized to hell and it seems like one happens every other week. I just don't care anymore.

The Flood / So I got a new car
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:20:59 AM »
Black '03 RAV4. Pretty good shape, some sun damage on the hood but it can be repainted. Drives nice, runs nice. Stereo is shit, that'll need to be replaced.

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:58:43 PM »
>mfw most cheap sks is oriental shit
>mfw wasr 10 cheap and best ak coming from romance country
but /k/ told me wasr a shit

What year are they still in? Fucking 2007? WASRs are fucking fantastic now since Century has stepped up their quality control
I mean if it's going to be a century, I might rather get a VZ. They're definitely more aesthetically pleasing than the standard AK. And lighter IIRC
Good luck finding magazines for them. They not only use different magazines than ak-pattern, but the whole internals are completely different. It's so much different that the only "ak" thing about them is thir look
Oh I'm aware of that. But if I remember right the Century one comes with like five or six mags when you buy it. I do like that the bolt locks back.
VZ 58s are popular up here in Maple Syrup Land, though partially due to AKs being banned in any and all configurations. Reliability is pretty solid.

In fact, we've got a dealer working with CZ to make a run of "CZ 958" rifles for our market.


what's with that tiny magazine?
"Gun control."

Sure did a good job of stopping the Ottawa guy

The Flood / >actually getting upset over online interactions
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:50:46 PM »
holy shit this faggotry is unparalleled

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:31:09 PM »
>mfw most cheap sks is oriental shit
>mfw wasr 10 cheap and best ak coming from romance country
but /k/ told me wasr a shit

What year are they still in? Fucking 2007? WASRs are fucking fantastic now since Century has stepped up their quality control
I mean if it's going to be a century, I might rather get a VZ. They're definitely more aesthetically pleasing than the standard AK. And lighter IIRC
Good luck finding magazines for them. They not only use different magazines than ak-pattern, but the whole internals are completely different. It's so much different that the only "ak" thing about them is thir look
Oh I'm aware of that. But if I remember right the Century one comes with like five or six mags when you buy it. I do like that the bolt locks back.
VZ 58s are popular up here in Maple Syrup Land, though partially due to AKs being banned in any and all configurations. Reliability is pretty solid.

In fact, we've got a dealer working with CZ to make a run of "CZ 958" rifles for our market.


what's with that tiny magazine?

God damn, Activision makes my blood boil. I'd say they could even be worse than EA.

They are at this point <.<

EA is at least trying to turn things around and make amends for being the shittiest company in America three years running. They dropped online passes, Microtransactions are now pointless shit not central to the AAA title aaand they delayed Hardline when people said 'Fuck off, do something better with this'


An award that in no way deserved might I add. Butthurt gamers just stuffed the ballet box so they could "stick it to the man" while the real worst companies in America (Monsanto, Verizon, Comcast, and various banks) got off scot free.

Cause you know, video games are more important than real peoples lives, families, and businesses getting destroyed.
It makes my blood fucking boil that those Koch fuckers never win.

Those guys basically run the republican party.

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:03:12 PM »
say I were to get a wasr

could I put some plum furniture on it?

I fucking blow my load over plum furniture every time

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:00:09 PM »
If you have like $3,000 sitting around, ya know......
I saw a pic of one of those converted into a coffee table

that would be fucking sweet.

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:29:46 PM »
My main concern is really reliability though, followed by availability of ammo. AK reliability doesn't really need mentioning, though idk if that applies to a budget one. I dunno how the VZ platform or the SKS hold up in comparison, and those are the main ones I'm considering. I do not like the feel of AR15s at all.
If you want reliability than an AK-pattern is where you can go best. But the SKS is equally as reliable as all Russian, Slav, and Oriental weapon systems were designed specifically for peasants living in any and all terrain possible. They were designed specifically for durability and reliability, the only thing that Commies oddly delivered on
Funny thing about the Soviets. They had an incredible military-industrial complex, the west didn't catch up until pretty late in the game. Unfortunately, their weak socialized economy couldn't support that level of military spending.

ARs, while a good platform, require a lot of attention and maintence
My main reason for staying away from that for a first gun. I want something that is hard to fuck up.

And 7.62x39 is VERY much available, but watch out for price gougers. Wal-mart always sells a box of 20 for around $5, the lowest price you can really get. Compare that to like $10 a box for .223
How does steel 7.62 compare to brass in terms of shelf life and cost?
Funny thing, I only shoot x39 and x54r. Pretty obvious x54r has great shelf life since all of it is like from the 70s but not sure the shelf life of x39 seeing as I just shoot it all and don't keep much. Do have around 700 rounds of .22lr though
what are you shooting? I assume a WASR or something and a nugget

The Flood / Petition to make BasedLove stop posting CP
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:24:06 PM »
pls sign here

I, _____________________________________________ pledge allegiance to the american flag, of the republic, under jesus, for which it unites, one country, tis of thee, amen

pls no copi pasteroni

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:20:43 PM »
My main concern is really reliability though, followed by availability of ammo. AK reliability doesn't really need mentioning, though idk if that applies to a budget one. I dunno how the VZ platform or the SKS hold up in comparison, and those are the main ones I'm considering. I do not like the feel of AR15s at all.
If you want reliability than an AK-pattern is where you can go best. But the SKS is equally as reliable as all Russian, Slav, and Oriental weapon systems were designed specifically for peasants living in any and all terrain possible. They were designed specifically for durability and reliability, the only thing that Commies oddly delivered on
Funny thing about the Soviets. They had an incredible military-industrial complex, the west didn't catch up until pretty late in the game. Unfortunately, their weak socialized economy couldn't support that level of military spending.

ARs, while a good platform, require a lot of attention and maintence
My main reason for staying away from that for a first gun. I want something that is hard to fuck up.

And 7.62x39 is VERY much available, but watch out for price gougers. Wal-mart always sells a box of 20 for around $5, the lowest price you can really get. Compare that to like $10 a box for .223
How does steel 7.62 compare to brass in terms of shelf life and cost?

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:16:57 PM »
Over the course of a year now, every few months or so, buy the pieces to assemble an AR-15 chambered in 9mm.
it's like the perfect storm of shitty gun
It's a better idea than a .45 AR... and I know a guy who made one of those.
the king of arfcom

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:09:41 PM »
Over the course of a year now, every few months or so, buy the pieces to assemble an AR-15 chambered in 9mm.
it's like the perfect storm of shitty gun

The Flood / Re: tali is worst girl
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:04:48 PM »
I'm going to cause you bodily harm if you say that again.
fucking tali is basically the same as fucking a socially inept highschool weeb girl with aspergers

is that really what you want to be fucking

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:02:54 PM »
My main concern is really reliability though, followed by availability of ammo. AK reliability doesn't really need mentioning, though idk if that applies to a budget one. I dunno how the VZ platform or the SKS hold up in comparison, and those are the main ones I'm considering. I do not like the feel of AR15s at all.

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:00:40 PM »
>mfw most cheap sks is oriental shit
>mfw wasr 10 cheap and best ak coming from romance country
but /k/ told me wasr a shit

What year are they still in? Fucking 2007? WASRs are fucking fantastic now since Century has stepped up their quality control
I mean if it's going to be a century, I might rather get a VZ. They're definitely more aesthetically pleasing than the standard AK. And lighter IIRC
Good luck finding magazines for them. They not only use different magazines than ak-pattern, but the whole internals are completely different. It's so much different that the only "ak" thing about them is thir look
Oh I'm aware of that. But if I remember right the Century one comes with like five or six mags when you buy it. I do like that the bolt locks back.

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:57:38 PM »
>mfw most cheap sks is oriental shit
>mfw wasr 10 cheap and best ak coming from romance country
but /k/ told me wasr a shit

What year are they still in? Fucking 2007? WASRs are fucking fantastic now since Century has stepped up their quality control
I mean if it's going to be a century, I might rather get a VZ. They're definitely more aesthetically pleasing than the standard AK. And lighter IIRC. I'd like to handle one myself though just to know if it fits me as well as a regular AK.



Serious / Re: To prove to you guys I am serious about believing in God now
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:56:06 PM »
bumblebees prove the existence of god

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:53:40 PM »
>mfw most cheap sks is oriental shit
>mfw wasr 10 cheap and best ak coming from romance country
but /k/ told me wasr a shit

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:52:39 PM »
When I get older I'm going to get an M4A1 with holographic scope, silencer, and heartbeat sensor.
>not ACR with silencer and stopping power

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:49:40 PM »
Don't waste money on a rifle.
but how else will i kill women and minorities

Serious / Re: >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:48:28 PM »
Make one from a shovel.
>mfw no shovel

>mfw no slav genes to enable me to perform the operation

The Flood / Re: Ellen Page
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:46:58 PM »
stop posting cp please

Serious / >mfw nogunz
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:45:09 PM »
>mfw turn 18 soon can finally become hasgunz

>mfw poorfag

>mfw don't want a memegun like the nugget

>mfw want slavshit but not a sks

>mfw too poorfag for a decent AK

what do

Gaming / Re: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare takes QTE to the next level
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:37:07 PM »
Why is the game so ugly?

It really does look like a 2007 game.
that's probably because it is a 2007 game

The Flood / tali is worst girl
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:33:52 PM »
you're waifu a shit

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