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Serious / Re: Nigel Farage in EU Parliament: "You act like you want war."
« on: September 14, 2016, 09:57:35 PM »
been fun seeing people from this site go from r/politics mode to full /pol/ over the years


peoples political beliefs on here have been fairly consistent since the start
i went from anarcho commie to ancap to borderline fascist

Serious / Re: Historical Tragedies
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:54:43 PM »
help me

what did he mean
I'm pretty sure he's just keeping the whole "Hitler did nothing wrong" meme alive. He ain't cereal.
I'm joking with WWII, but I'm being dead serious when I say the wrong side won WWI.
Think I've heard this before. Pretty sure there were no good or bad guys in WW1, honestly. It's more cut and paste good vs bad (and I hate using those words) with WW2, but WW1 was just so complicated on all fronts.
>being more cut and dry than WW1

Somebody doesn't know his history.

There's literally one good guy in WW2, and Britain declared war on them to appease the Soviets.

Serious / Re: Nigel Farage in EU Parliament: "You act like you want war."
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:52:43 PM »
Got out in the fucking nick of time

Serious / Re: Clinton builds wall
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:39:35 PM »
"Delivering flowers" sounds like a shitty cover for delivering medical equipment.

Serious / Clinton builds wall
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:36:27 PM »

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is taking a break from the campaign trail to recover from pneumonia at her home in Chappaqua, N.Y.

On the perimeter of the property, large concrete barriers have been erected in order to keep the public and media at a distance, the Daily Mail reported.

Before Tuesday, plastic orange barriers also were blocking off a huge chunk of Clinton’s road, but they were mysteriously removed.

In addition to the concrete barriers, Secret Service agents in black SUVs are preventing anyone from getting too close.

Clinton’s street has become a pseudo-tourist spot, as cars passing by slow down to see if they can get a glimpse of anything interesting.

At least one neighbor has called the police multiple times in order to get reporters off his property.

Locals seem to be hoping for a swift recovery. A sign on Clinton’s street reads, “Get Better Soon. Stronger Together! Hillary!”

At least four times she has received flowers from a delivery truck.

Clinton’s health had become a big topic in the campaign before the pneumonia diagnosis.

After multiple coughing fits and a few displays of unusual behavior, speculation arose that the Democratic nominee might be facing a serious illness or showing symptoms related to her 2012 concussion.

It wasn’t until it was wholly obvious after her early departure from a 9/11 memorial Sunday and subsequent collapse that Clinton’s campaign finally admitted she was suffering from pneumonia.

The former secretary of state has referred to the incident as a “dizzy” spell, and said it was brought about by dehydration.

As of Tuesday, Clinton’s staffers have yet to announce when she will continue campaigning.

Okay so I sat down and tried to rework it into something passable but he literally contradicts himself immediately and the thesis is a run on.

I'm nearly convinced that he's a master of the English language. He's making redundancies and contradicting himself at the same time. It's a beautiful farce, really.
Nah, he's not contradicting himself--he's just trying to convey that he's received some mixed messages over the years regarding his career prospects. When you're young, they tell you to focus on what makes you happy. But when you're older, it becomes less about what makes you happy and more about what makes the most money--which is kind of a troubling paradigm shift, and it wouldn't make a bad opening statement if he were better at articulating himself.
I should clarify that this is the second page of a four page essay, and the actual thesis of the essay is about the power of love and not holding back, vague gay shit.

Don't even think about telling this guy to change his major, by the way. The thing about liberal arts majors is that they're very emotional, and they take offense to any form of life advice. They take it as a form of persecution. Because what they do is their "passion," and they're not worried about money, etc. when, in reality, money will become a problem for them very shortly down the line, and if they don't have any marketable skills, things are gonna start looking pretty bleak for them.

But that's a conclusion they should come to on their own. You can't tell someone that what they're doing is a waste of time and money. It creates within them an attitude of defiance that they'll struggle to overcome. I did.
Believe me, I know. I live with theatre majors, and I once was one.

Do you think it would be appropriate to point my boy toward the writing center or just pretend everything is fine?

The Flood / Re: God save our gracious memes
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:36:23 PM »
when it's absolutely nothing you have any control over
this is exactly why you should be proud

Serious / Re: Cop fired for not killing an armed suspect
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:34:10 PM »
Good, he should have wasted that pussy. I don't want any bitchmade cops protecting me.
hell yeah bro fuck pussy cops

the last paragraph reads like he's just trying to hit a word count
page number actually

In his defense, the length minimum is way too long for this kind of essay, and our professor is being a real cunt about it. You'd think an English professor would recognize the problems with arbitrary length specifications.

Grab yourself a red pen and mark that fucker up. Every single mistake. Write little comments off to the side.

There is no harder strike to the ego than handing an English major an essay full of red ink.
is there a universal system for correcting essays? With like a symbols key?

Why the fuck are you reading his essay?
I have to peer review it for my English 101 course.
Tell him to pick another course.
it's his major
Which is exactly why you need to tell him to gtfo soon, he's gonna waste his college education
i figure he'll take it better coming from the professor tbh

Why the fuck are you reading his essay?
I have to peer review it for my English 101 course.
Tell him to pick another course.
it's his major

Why the fuck are you reading his essay?
I have to peer review it for my English 101 course.



This essay is so bad. The word love is used like 60 times on the first page alone. I'm not through it yet but the grammatical errors are constant and brutal so far. I'm not even supposed to be looking at grammar so much as structure and rhetorical elements, but this shit is bad enough to take me out of it with every other sentence.

I don't consider myself a writer or even decent at writing, but this is beyond the worst piece of writing I've seen since I was like 14. I question how this dude got into college.

How do I help this man? I'm going to straight up tell him to use Paper Rater and visit my university's writing center, what else can I do?

The Flood / Re: just saw Sully
« on: September 13, 2016, 04:29:56 PM »
Their depiction of the NTSB is the biggest criticism, though. They weren't incompetent or adversarial; they called the pilots heroes throughout the investigation, and there's no truth in the scenario that Sullenberger had to tell them what parameters to use for the simulation.
Yeah, I know. Hence why it's "based" on a true story. Even if the NTSB did their job flawlessly in real life, I would hate to see that in a movie. They're the government, and their depiction should be a negative one.

No need for the truth if it doesn't fit your reality, huh?
The truth is that 60% of government institutions are incompetent or corrupt. Even though a few aren't doesn't mean the portrayal of them in the media should be positive.
Baiting in the Flood as well now, are we?

Serious / Re: Cop fired for not killing an armed suspect
« on: September 13, 2016, 04:27:15 PM »
This is absurd

Serious / Re: Not sure if this has been posted yet
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:32:21 PM »
but pepe has LITERALLY nothing to do with white supremacism holy shit
white supremacist is code for /pol/

Which calls into question how autistic Clinton's campaigners are, since nobody who knows about /pol/ is going to give a shit, and anyone who doesn't know about /pol/ is going to be confused.

Serious / Re: Not sure if this has been posted yet
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:14:49 PM »
You know this election is amazing when a candidate's site opens with "do you believe that the other candidate is temperamentally unfit to be president?"
We are watching history in the making

I don't think it's ever going to be this crazy again

« on: September 13, 2016, 07:32:27 AM »


This election seems to come down to who sucks the least. Obviously, Trump sucks the most by a mile.
And that's why he needs to win.
America needs a giant slap to the face to wake the fuck up.
A slap to the face. Not a bat to both knees. I'm already baffled by the stupidity of him making it this far. Can't imagine keeping any respect for the American people if they elect someone like Trump.
It's our only chance to save America. We have to kill ourselves to free ourselves.

That's a very Japanese way of viewing things. In order to evolve, the old must be completely destroyed to make way for the new.

The Flood / Re: Eid ul-Adha
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:43:15 PM »
tfw no pan-Abrahamic anti-gay anti-abortion alliance
cease worship of this satanic amphibian, pagan, or woe to thee.

The Flood / Re: Eid ul-Adha
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:39:44 PM »
tfw no pan-Abrahamic anti-gay anti-abortion alliance

The Flood / Re: Went to court this morning
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:38:09 PM »
Isn't going without a lawyer supposed to be fucking dumb?

Or was the evidence so overwhelmingly in your favor that it really was unnecessary?

More like it was written by an autistic history nerd.

Door did you do this?
honestly the early principate is boring as fuck to me

Things get lame when Augustus consolidates power and they don't get cool again until Trajan hits the scene.

The Flood / Re: Whats your opinion on Straight Edge?
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:15:42 PM »
Moderation does not require total abstinence from drink and drug. I consider it more noble to remain in control while partaking than to write them off completely.

That said, I do understand the mindset behind straight edge, and I sympathize.


He married firstly before the year 40 a woman named Petronia, daughter of Publius Petronius or Gaius Petronius Pontius Nigrinus, by whom he had a son Aulus Vitellius Petronianus, the universal heir of his mother and grandfather, whom Vitellius had killed in 69 in order to inherit his fortune.

He married secondly, around the year 50, a woman named Galeria Fundana, perhaps the granddaughter of Gaius Galerius, Prefect of Egypt in 23. They had two children, a son called Aulus Vitellius Germanicus or Novis, the Younger, and a daughter, Vitellia, who married the Legatus Decimus Valerius Asiaticus.

He was Consul in 48, and assumed Proconsul of Africa in either 60 or 61, in which capacity he is said to have acquitted himself with credit. At the end of 68, Galba, to the general astonishment, selected him to command the army of Germania Inferior, and here Vitellius made himself popular with his subalterns and with the soldiers by outrageous prodigality and excessive good nature, which soon proved fatal to order and discipline.

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