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The Flood / Re: is Hole a shit band?
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:48:05 PM »
i only know the song you posted, and i like it
That settles it, Hole is a shit band.
your obsession is pathetic
Dude, you just like really bad music.

Every time in you spam NiN or some buttrock like that.

have you ever heard NIN in your life?

Like, the lyrics are edge/10, but seriously? NIN doesn't even sound kind of rocky.

The Flood / Re: The Hobbit was amazing [spoilers]
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:45:20 PM »
Also, we have an Aragorn reference.

Fuck Jackson and fuck these movies.

ah. It's just a name drop. Thranduil tells Legolas to find Strider at the end
Legolas shouldn't even be there

The Flood / Re: The Hobbit was amazing [spoilers]
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:26:34 PM »
Also, we have an Aragorn reference.

Fuck Jackson and fuck these movies.

The Flood / is Hole a shit band?
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:21:15 PM »
I can't decide

The Flood / Are mustaches a meme now?
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:11:18 PM »

« on: December 12, 2014, 01:06:06 PM »
I think it's *thang not thing
know it all mothafuckas think they know errythang
it actually is thing though

Kinder you are on a roll lately

« on: December 12, 2014, 01:01:19 PM »




Perhaps I'm being misunderstood.

I'm in no way saying that the police should have killed the kid. I apologize if that's what it sounds like.

I do, however, think the response was a ridiculous overreaction. All local cops pulled in and backup brought out for ONE gunman? This shouldn't have taken more than seven or eight officers.

Serious / Re: Does the Constitution truly give a Right of Privacy?
« on: December 11, 2014, 06:15:22 PM »
The constitution doesn't give anything.

The constitution recognizes a number of rights as natural and inalienable, and promises they won't be violated.

Your rights as a human being neither start nor end with the constitution.

Serious / Re: Canada allows warrantless cell phone searches.
« on: December 11, 2014, 04:47:29 PM »
Muh security

The Flood / >Character in a book goes to sleep
« on: December 11, 2014, 02:53:25 PM »
>I have to go to sleep for maximum immersion
>I just woke up and was reading to start my day


Serious / Re: Holy shit, Dick Cheney
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:21:40 PM »
Agreed 100% with him
Whether you agree with him or not isn't the issue. We're not supposed to torture people.
We do lots of things we're not supposed to do.

Welcome to realpolitik.

Serious / Re: Holy shit, Dick Cheney
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:06:53 PM »
Are these people American citizens? Are they military personnel of a sovreign nation?

Serious / Re: I am a Nietzschean, AMA
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:43:19 PM »
Are you ubermensch?

Serious / Re: For the first time in two decades
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:37:36 PM »
How the fuck did you retards turn this into a slavery discussion within two pages

Serious / Re: For the first time in two decades
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:36:15 PM »
Do people not consider background checks and registration "gun control"?

Can I only support gun rights if I support unregulated access to any and all firearms?
No, fuck registration.

It is only proposed by anti-gunners so that confiscation will be easier.

Not one fucking inch.

Serious / Re: If Immortality was made Possible, Would You Support it?
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:29:49 PM »
Do you think wars would be fought if everybody had the potential to live forever?
Yes. People are retarded.

Serious / Re: If Immortality was made Possible, Would You Support it?
« on: December 10, 2014, 01:16:15 PM »
Death is inevitable. You may not die of organ failure or the like, but eventually something would happen to you.

Serious / Re: Political compass of philosophers (compared to ours)
« on: December 10, 2014, 01:12:19 PM »
I guess it makes sense how radical some are

Serious / Re: Having to have a licence to reproduce?
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:52:30 AM »
Good luck enforcing that, mr inner party man

No, that would almost completely devalue a college education.

However, costs do need to go down, even if they have to be forced down by legislation. Financial aid also needs to be more available.

« on: December 10, 2014, 07:50:20 AM »

Serious / Re: I just watched the movie of Ender's Game
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:07:04 PM »

Serious / Re: I just watched the movie of Ender's Game
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:06:10 PM »
The Ender series is basically apologia for Hitler.

Serious / Why do we laugh at preppers?
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:02:53 PM »
Why is being 'prepared' for some kind of apocalyptic or catastrophic scenario seen as something only performed by people that are crazy and delusional? Why does the media push this image on people that stock food, ammo and water in case something horrible were ever to happen to our world?

If you go into a job interview it is obvious you would want to be prepared. If you were going to meet with one of your largest clients you would want to be prepared. If you were ever to make any kind of large purchase you would want to be prepared.

So what is the disconnect and why does the media absolutely HATE anyone that would want to be prepared for a catastrophic scenario?

Obviously people can go overboard with elaborate bunkers and the like, but what's the problem?

The Flood / SSH TYLER
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:43:03 PM »

Every time

Serious / Re: If you live in a country that banned Mein Kampf
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:10:56 PM »
Suppression of fascism is not suppression of ideas.
I'd love to know what makes you think fascism isn't composed of ideas.
You're taking what I said out of context. I said I'm not for suppression of ideas, I'm for the suppression of Mein Kampf and by extension all books promoting or glamorizing Nazi ideology.
So you're not for suppression of ideas, you're just for suppression of ideas.
If you think Nazi ideology is important and valuable then there's nothing I can say to you about this.
I wouldn't call it valuable in and of itself, but understanding this ideology, and it's causes and implications, is pretty important if we want to prevent it's resurgence.

When you suppress these ideologies, you radicalize the people that hold them. They'll believe they are being oppressed for their deeply held beliefs. And they'll be right. They can still spread it to others, but they'll be more likely to engage in violent acts.

Not to mention suppression of ideologies is a pretty huge violation of democratic principles.
If you call banning Mein Kampf a "suppression of ideologies" you're just being dumb.

Nobody will be more likely to do anything if the book is banned. It puts us on the path to stop treating the Nazis the way we do and get them off this pedestal they're on.
I can't think of any place where Nazis are put on pedestals. I'd say Nazism is probably the most widely hated thing in human history. Calling someone a Nazi or fascist is the most powerful slur in modern politics. People call the UKIP Nazis, for example, demonstrating a clear misunderstanding of the ideology. If a politician in Germany is accused of Nazism, that's it for his career. Nazis are our boogiemen, the default evil. The word Nazi doesn't even mean National Socialist anymore, it's the new way to call someone an asshole.

I don't know what alternate universe you're living in where Nazism poses a genuine threat to the principles of democracy, but it's not the one the rest of us are in.

The greatest threat to Democracy in the real world comes from within, from those who advocate doing extremely un-democratic things in the name of democracy.
The majority of German politicians are closet Nazis. The majority of governments in Europe are fascist.

Nazis are on an extremely high pedestal. People think of Hitler as a great man, as the Nazis being incredibly organized, efficient, and revering their clothing, their salutes, their slogans. It's an unspoken truth nobody likes to admit, proven here by all of you pretending it doesn't exist. True, you guys don't revere Nazis. But I can think of quite a few people on this site alone that do.
Oh ok you're just trolling
Either make a rebuttal or just don't reply at all. Go ahead and drop the discussion if you want, but don't start acting stupid.
If you think people genuinely revere Nazis, there's something wrong with you.

Maybe you do, and you're projecting your insecurity onto others.

But nobody who is capable of reading Mein Kampf is going to get into that ideology.
Kiyo, Meta, Slash, Berzerk Commando, Kernel Kraut, Kinder, and a few others whose usernames I can't remember.

There's nothing wrong with me. If you want to deny Europe isn't being controlled by right wing fascist governments, then LOL. I live here dude, I can see what's going on better than you reading a CNN article.
>right wing

Authoritarian? I'll give you that, they're working hard on it. But Europe is pretty far from right wing.

Serious / Re: If you live in a country that banned Mein Kampf
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:05:29 PM »
Suppression of fascism is not suppression of ideas.
I'd love to know what makes you think fascism isn't composed of ideas.
You're taking what I said out of context. I said I'm not for suppression of ideas, I'm for the suppression of Mein Kampf and by extension all books promoting or glamorizing Nazi ideology.
So you're not for suppression of ideas, you're just for suppression of ideas.
If you think Nazi ideology is important and valuable then there's nothing I can say to you about this.
I wouldn't call it valuable in and of itself, but understanding this ideology, and it's causes and implications, is pretty important if we want to prevent it's resurgence.

When you suppress these ideologies, you radicalize the people that hold them. They'll believe they are being oppressed for their deeply held beliefs. And they'll be right. They can still spread it to others, but they'll be more likely to engage in violent acts.

Not to mention suppression of ideologies is a pretty huge violation of democratic principles.
If you call banning Mein Kampf a "suppression of ideologies" you're just being dumb.

Nobody will be more likely to do anything if the book is banned. It puts us on the path to stop treating the Nazis the way we do and get them off this pedestal they're on.
I can't think of any place where Nazis are put on pedestals. I'd say Nazism is probably the most widely hated thing in human history. Calling someone a Nazi or fascist is the most powerful slur in modern politics. People call the UKIP Nazis, for example, demonstrating a clear misunderstanding of the ideology. If a politician in Germany is accused of Nazism, that's it for his career. Nazis are our boogiemen, the default evil. The word Nazi doesn't even mean National Socialist anymore, it's the new way to call someone an asshole.

I don't know what alternate universe you're living in where Nazism poses a genuine threat to the principles of democracy, but it's not the one the rest of us are in.

The greatest threat to Democracy in the real world comes from within, from those who advocate doing extremely un-democratic things in the name of democracy.
The majority of German politicians are closet Nazis. The majority of governments in Europe are fascist.

Nazis are on an extremely high pedestal. People think of Hitler as a great man, as the Nazis being incredibly organized, efficient, and revering their clothing, their salutes, their slogans. It's an unspoken truth nobody likes to admit, proven here by all of you pretending it doesn't exist. True, you guys don't revere Nazis. But I can think of quite a few people on this site alone that do.
Oh ok you're just trolling
Either make a rebuttal or just don't reply at all. Go ahead and drop the discussion if you want, but don't start acting stupid.
If you think people genuinely revere Nazis, there's something wrong with you.

Maybe you do, and you're projecting your insecurity onto others.

But nobody who is capable of reading Mein Kampf is going to get into that ideology.

Serious / Re: If you live in a country that banned Mein Kampf
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:56:08 AM »
Suppression of fascism is not suppression of ideas.
I'd love to know what makes you think fascism isn't composed of ideas.
You're taking what I said out of context. I said I'm not for suppression of ideas, I'm for the suppression of Mein Kampf and by extension all books promoting or glamorizing Nazi ideology.
So you're not for suppression of ideas, you're just for suppression of ideas.
If you think Nazi ideology is important and valuable then there's nothing I can say to you about this.
I wouldn't call it valuable in and of itself, but understanding this ideology, and it's causes and implications, is pretty important if we want to prevent it's resurgence.

When you suppress these ideologies, you radicalize the people that hold them. They'll believe they are being oppressed for their deeply held beliefs. And they'll be right. They can still spread it to others, but they'll be more likely to engage in violent acts.

Not to mention suppression of ideologies is a pretty huge violation of democratic principles.
If you call banning Mein Kampf a "suppression of ideologies" you're just being dumb.

Nobody will be more likely to do anything if the book is banned. It puts us on the path to stop treating the Nazis the way we do and get them off this pedestal they're on.
I can't think of any place where Nazis are put on pedestals. I'd say Nazism is probably the most widely hated thing in human history. Calling someone a Nazi or fascist is the most powerful slur in modern politics. People call the UKIP Nazis, for example, demonstrating a clear misunderstanding of the ideology. If a politician in Germany is accused of Nazism, that's it for his career. Nazis are our boogiemen, the default evil. The word Nazi doesn't even mean National Socialist anymore, it's the new way to call someone an asshole.

I don't know what alternate universe you're living in where Nazism poses a genuine threat to the principles of democracy, but it's not the one the rest of us are in.

The greatest threat to Democracy in the real world comes from within, from those who advocate doing extremely un-democratic things in the name of democracy.
The majority of German politicians are closet Nazis. The majority of governments in Europe are fascist.

Nazis are on an extremely high pedestal. People think of Hitler as a great man, as the Nazis being incredibly organized, efficient, and revering their clothing, their salutes, their slogans. It's an unspoken truth nobody likes to admit, proven here by all of you pretending it doesn't exist. True, you guys don't revere Nazis. But I can think of quite a few people on this site alone that do.
Oh ok you're just trolling

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