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The Flood / Re: Those bolt action AR-15's.
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:01:18 PM »
Bullpup weapons>
bullpups=horrible balance

Serious / Re: I'm fucking mad.
« on: February 01, 2015, 11:23:38 AM »
I take medication to treat anxiety which is also used as an anti-depressant

Serious / Re: I'm fucking mad.
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:05:13 AM »
Because not everybody hates people that protects lives
I know this is bait but I still think you should kill yourself

Serious / Re: Is mayonnaise a gender?
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:33:30 AM »
Tfw oppressed for being a condiment I can't control

Serious / I'm fucking mad.
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:26:12 AM »

what in the flying fuck made chris kyle deserving of an annual holiday spot?

What the fuck?

The Flood / Towns with shitty names
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:20:03 PM »

Serious / A anylisis of Nazism
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:19:21 PM »
Nazism, teh comon short fourm name of Natoinal Socialism (Girman: ''Natoinalsozialismus'') wass teh idealogy adn pratice of teh Nazi Parti adn of Nazi Germani. It is a unikwue vareity of fashism taht encorporates biological racism adn entisemitism. Nazism wass fouended out of elemennts of teh far-right racist ''völkisch'' Girman natoinalist movemennt adn teh voilent enti-comunist ''Ferikorps'' paramilitari cultuer taht fighted againnst teh uprisengs of comunist ervolutionaries iin post-World War I Germani. Teh idealogy wass developped firt bi Enton Dreksler adn hten Adolf Hitlir as a meens to draw workirs awya form comunism adn inot ''völkisch'' natoinalism. Initialy Nazi political startegy focused on enti-big buisness, enti-bourgeois, adn enti-capitalist rhetoric, though such spects wire latir downplaied iin teh 1930s to gaen teh suppost form indutrial ownirs fo teh Nazis; focuse wass shifted to enti-Semitic adn enti-Marixist tehmes. Nazism promoted political voilence, militarism, adn war, it conceived of politics as bieng a "batle", adn teh Nazis utilized theit paramilitari orgainization, teh ''Sturmabteilung'' (SA) fo voilent atacks apon thsoe tehy oposed, particularily comunists, Jews, adn social democrats. Hitlir adn teh Nazis openli promoted Girman tirritorial ekspansionism inot Eastirn Europe to be ''Lebennsraum'' ("liveng space") fo Girman settlirs adn asimilation of Girmanic peoples inot Girmans taht owudl ersult iin teh ceration of a "Greatir Girmanic Relm of teh Girman Natoin".
Nazism advocated teh supremaci of teh claimed Arian mastir race ovir al otehr races. Nazis viewed teh progerss of humaniti as dependeng on teh Arians adn believed taht it coudl maentaen its domenance olny if it retaened its puriti adn enstenct fo self-presirvation. Tehy claimed taht Jews wire teh geratest threath to teh Arian race. Tehy concidered Jews a parasitic race taht atached itsself to vairous idealogies adn movemennts to secuer its self-presirvation, such as capitalism, teh Ennlightennmennt, endustrialisation, libiralism, Marksism, democraci, adn trade unionism. To maentaen teh puriti adn strenght of teh Arian race, teh Nazis saught to eksterminate Jews, Romeni, adn teh phisicalli adn mentaly disabled. Otehr groups demed "degenirate" adn "asocial" who wire nto targeted fo ekstermination, but recepted eksclusionary teratment bi teh Nazi state, encluded: homoseksuals, blacks, Jehovah's Witneses adn political oponents.
Nazism promoted en economic sytem taht suported a stratified ecomony wiht clases based on mirit adn talennt hwile rejecteng univirsal egalitarienism, retaeneng private propery, feredom of contract, adn promoted teh ceration of natoinal solidariti taht owudl trancend clas disctinction. Hitlir claimed taht uncoenditional equaliti of opertunity fo al able racialli-soudn Arian Girman males iin Germani wass teh esence of teh socialism of Girman Natoinal Socialism. Htis wass known as völkisch equaliti taht offically ascribed colective racial equaliti of opertunity, equaliti befoer teh law, adn ful legal rights to able peopel of Arian blod but deliberateli ekscluded peopel oustide of htis deffinition who wire ergarded as enferior adn erjected teh conceptoin of univirsal humen equaliti. Teh Nazis crimenalized strikes bi emploiees adn lockouts bi emploiers fo bieng contrari to natoinal uniti adn teh state tok ovir teh aproval proccess of setteng wage adn salery levels.
Teh Nazis wire persented bi Hitlir adn otehr proponennts adn viewed bi smoe scholars as bieng niether leaved-weng nor right-weng but politicalli sincretic. Howver major elemennts of Nazism ahev beeen demed as claerly far-right, such as its goals of teh right of claimed supirior peopel to domenate hwile purgeng societi of claimed enferior elemennts.

Teh ful title of Adolf Hitlir's parti wass ''Natoinalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeitirpartei'' (Natoinal Socialist Girman Workirs' Parti). Teh tirm ''Nazi'' wass en "acronim fourmed form teh firt sillable of ''Natoinal'' adn teh secoend sillable of ''Sozialist''. Such tirms, usally fourmed form teh inital lettirs or sillables of succesive parts of compouend names, wire popular iin teh Thrid Erich. Anothir tipical exemple wass Gestapo fo ''Geheime Staatspolizei'' (Secrect State Police)."

Posistion iin teh political spectrum

A marjority of scholars idenify Nazism iin pratice as bieng a far right fourm of politics. Far right tehmes exsist iin Nazism, incuding teh goal of both Nazism as wel fashism iin genaral, to promote teh right of supirior peopel to domenate hwile purgeng societi of claimed enferior elemennts; adn particularily iin teh case of Nazism, gennocide of peopel demed to be enferior. Howver Nazism wass offically persented bi Hitlir adn otehr proponennts as bieng niether leaved-weng nor right-weng but sincretic. Hitlir iin ''Meen Kampf'' direcly atacked both leaved-weng adn right-weng politics iin Germani, saiing: "Todya our leaved-weng politiciens iin parituclar aer constanly ensisteng taht theit cravenn-hearted adn obsekwuious foriegn polici neccesarily ersults form teh disarmamennt of Germani, wheras teh truth is taht htis is teh polici of traitors ... But teh politiciens of teh Right desirve eksactly teh smae erproach. It wass thru theit misirable cowardice taht thsoe ruffiens of Jews who came inot pwoer iin 1918 wire able to rob teh natoin of its arms."
Htere wire factoins iin teh Nazi Parti, both conservitive adn radical. Teh conservitive Nazi Hirmann Göreng urged Hitlir to conciliate wiht capitalists adn eractionaries. Otehr prominant conservitive Nazis encluded Heenrich Himmlir, who wass mroe conservitive tahn Göreng; adn Reenhard Heidrich. Teh radical Nazi Jospeh Goebbels hatted capitalism, vieweng it has haveing Jews at its coer adn sterssed teh ened fo teh parti to empahsize both a proletarien adn natoinal carachter, theese views wire shaerd bi Oto Strassir who latir leaved teh Nazi Parti iin teh beleif taht Hitlir had betraied teh parti's socialist goals bi allegedli endorseng capitalism. Large segmennts of teh Parti staunchli suported its offcial socialist, revolutionar, adn enti-capitalist positoins adn ekspected both a social adn economic ervolution apon teh Parti gaeneng pwoer iin Germani iin 1933. Teh leadir of teh Parti's paramilitari orgainization teh SA, Irnst Röhm, suported a "secoend ervolution" (teh "firt ervolution" bieng teh Nazis' siezure of pwoer) taht owudl enternch teh Parti's offcial socialist programe adn demended teh erplacement of teh nonpolitical Girman armi wiht a Nazi-led armi. Hitlir hismelf tok a pragmatic iin-beetwen posistion iin taht he accepted private propery adn alowed capitalist private entirprises to exsist as long as tehy obeied teh goals of teh Nazi state but if a capitalist private entirprise ersisted Nazi goals, he saught to destory it. Of teh milion membirs of teh SA, mani wire comited to teh Parti's offcial socialist programe. Apon teh Nazis acheiving pwoer, Röhm's SA begen atacks againnst endividuals demed to be asociated wiht conservitive eraction. Hitlir saw Röhm's indepedent actoins as violateng adn posibly threatning his leadirship, as wel as jeopardizeng teh ergime bi alienateng teh conservitive Persident Paul von Hendenburg adn teh conservitive-oriennted Girman armi. Htis ersulted iin Hitlir purgeng Röhm adn otehr radical membirs of teh SA.
Though oposed to comunism as en idealogy, Hitlir admierd teh Soviet Union's leadir Jospeh Stalen adn Stalenism. Hitlir on numirous ocasions publicli praised Stalen adn he positiveli erviewed Stalenism as seekeng to purifi teh Comunist Parti of teh Soviet Union of Jewish enfluences, noteng teh purgeng of Jewish comunists such as Leon Trotski, Grigori Zenoviev, Lev Kamennev, Karl Radek. Hitlir believed taht Soviet Bolshevism undir Stalen wass transformeng inot a fourm of Nazism adn sayed iin 1934:
Hwile Hitlir allways entended to eventualli breng Germani inot tirritorial ekspansionist conflict againnst teh Soviet Union to gaen ''Lebennsraum'' ("liveng space"), Hitlir suported a temporari startegic allaince beetwen Nazi Germani adn teh Soviet Union to fourm a comon enti-libiral front to crush libiral democracies—particularily Frence.


dont bother with supplements. eat right and do the right exercises and you'll get big. nothing beats hard work and proper diet.
I pack on assloads of protein-rich foods and fuckhueg amounts of food every day and I don't gain any weight at all. If I was eating a "balanced" diet I'd be even thinner than I am now. My metabolism is such that I'm naturally very thin, and I want to counteract that. I'm trying to look good, not live forever.

Do you mind putting on fat? If not
Try creatine and find a supplement with a good balance of protein and carbs.
i cant use creatine because its high in arganine which triggers cold sores
then just find a supplement which is high in carbs as well as protein. That's be your best bet, since you want to put on mass in general. Plus your bodyfat is low so getting a fat shouldn't be that bad.
any recommendations for that?

this has a good balance of nutrients. plenty of protein and even more carbs.
esspensive though

How fast does one go through it?

at least I'm not dustin

The Flood / Re: Hobbit battle of 6 armies (full movie)
« on: January 31, 2015, 07:13:23 PM »
Watch the Tolkein edit you fucking cunts

Jackson is a sellout

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: January 31, 2015, 07:00:07 PM »
TLOU is a terrible game and if you consider it one of the "best" of anything you should probably kill yourself.

The Flood / Re: Just watched The Interview twice.
« on: January 31, 2015, 06:07:18 PM »
Sounds like you have shit taste OP

ITT: I don't like the source so it's invalid.

The Flood / Re: Already considering my next gun purchase.
« on: January 31, 2015, 06:01:45 PM »
>Implying .22lr is available for a reasonable price in my area.

If I wanted to be a real special snowflake I'd get a gun in .357 sig or 5.7
nigga if you want a varmint gun get .223/5.56 or one of the x39 cartridges or a 9mm carbine or something

But yeah .22lr is unobtanium now so that's a dumb idea

Fuck you, Islamic feminism is a bigger contradiction that 'Communist State'.

Bro, but what about Communist Nazism?

Not much of a contradiction once you replace the cultural component of nazism.


I know this is b8 but communism is all about elimination of the state (in theory) while fascism is all about empowering the state.

The Flood / Re: Already considering my next gun purchase.
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:56:31 PM »
>snowflake calibers

The Flood / Re: Sweeden Sweets > Everwhere else
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:55:55 PM »
>scandinavian food
>remotely edible at all by human beings


Is this that shitty Upotty or whatever anime /k/ faps over all day?

>implying FN-FNC isn't best girl

NOT how to twerk in their underwear and make videos of themselves doing Shisha.
If any woman needs to be told not to do those things she is already a lost cause.
the real question is what kind of loser would tell her not to do them

The Flood / Re: Dude what's the point of swim meets
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:09:34 AM »
Why did you decide to go, then?
my girlfriend is in it

I don't see how this has anything to do with gun control.
You really don't see how an issue to do with the flow and use of firearms is a gun control issue?
I suppose that depends on how you interpret gun control. If you do so broadly, as in any legislation regarding guns, this obviously falls under it. But if you interpret this in the more narrow and common colloquial meaning of the word, as in the general public's legal access to firearms, it is quite different from gun trafficking.
So we're just redefining gun control as only aspects of the laws that actually affect law-abiding citizens?

I don't see how this has anything to do with gun control. This is an issue of gun traficking and black market trading, not one of public gun control.
That's like saying drug cartels aren't relevant to drug laws because what they do is already illegal.

Gun Control Failing


I wonder what the reaction from the Saudis will be if Hillary is elected.
Well shit, there goes any talking with the middle east...
Imagine how much the monarchs will squirm having to rely on a country helmed by a woman to keep ISIS out.

I wonder what the reaction from the Saudis will be if Hillary is elected.

The Flood / Re: Dude what's the point of swim meets
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:24:52 AM »
I'd rather watch swimming than golf though.
at least with golf you get a tan

The Flood / Re: Dude what's the point of swim meets
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:10:54 AM »

The Flood / Re: Dude what's the point of swim meets
« on: January 31, 2015, 07:56:29 AM »

The Flood / Dude what's the point of swim meets
« on: January 31, 2015, 07:50:18 AM »
This is the most boring of all time

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