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The Flood / Re: Guess the Poster
« on: September 20, 2016, 07:51:03 PM »
"Fallout 4 is a good game"

The Flood / Re: PSA to all math professors
« on: September 20, 2016, 07:49:19 PM »
Just write it uppercase you autist

The Flood / Re: lol John Oliver won an emmy.
« on: September 20, 2016, 07:48:42 PM »
He's like Stewart without the good jokes and even less integrity.

Serious / Re: SEND HELP
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:59:53 PM »
Somewhere in North Carolina, people with electric cars are laughing.
my mom has a Prius but even she's worried. Had to cancel a drive up here this week.

Serious / Re: Historical Tragedies
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:29:59 AM »
The murder of Arminius. He led the Germanic people to victory over Rome when it was seen as unstoppable, and because of that, they never took anything past the Rhine. He was also able to unify the different tribes under one banner and could have potentially formed a Kingdom. No other faction would even be up to that task until the Franks hundreds of years later.
fucking barbars

Every time

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:03:19 AM »
Stop playing hot potato with shit like "illogic" and "emotion".

The political platforms of modern "conservatives" and liberals are both absolute garbage. Broad generalizations about one or the other make you sound like fucking faggots if you don't attack both.

Seriously, anybody who is fully or even mostly on board with the primary Republican or Democrat platforms is either brainwashed or schizophrenic.

There are absolutely some answers to small societal ills offered on both sides, but both ignore most of the serious problems undermining our society and holding us back from general prosperity.

And yes, I realize I sound like one of those "hurrrr both are wrong I'm independant lol" autists.

Serious / Re: Austrian economics?
« on: September 19, 2016, 04:02:31 PM »

Gaming / Re: Anyone ever play Rome: Total War- Barbarian Invasion?
« on: September 19, 2016, 10:04:58 AM »
Downloaded a mod and started a Romano-British provincial campaign, ran the Celts out of the North. I now have control over England proper, but there's a really tense peace between me and the Celts, who control Ireland. The Saxons, initially friendly, sent a small invasion force, which I'm currently trying to repel.

Looking for ways to manage my economy in order to maximize profits so that I can raise more/better troops. I've got a feeling the Saxon invasion is going to be rough. I need to get my military industry up and running fast if I want to hold on to the Isle. Nice thing about Romano-Brits though is that even though I can't horde, my faction can survive without any held territories, so as long as my Biremes are kept alive I can always evacuate England and regroup in Ireland.

Also considering trying to form an alliance with the Celts, since the Saxons are going to want Ireland, too. Worst case scenario would be the Celts allying with the Saxons and me having to fight a two-front war. The Saxons have no hostile neighbors right now, and WRE isn't looking like it'll be much help, either.

I'm still not good at controlling battles so I've been letting the AI handle it, but eventually I need to get good at these things. Might start a parallel run of RTW proper to get some practice in on a throwaway campaign.

Serious / Re: US airstrike hits SAA and Russian officers in Eastern Syria
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:38:00 AM »

Serious / holy shit what a twist
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:20:45 AM »

I never would have suspected.

Serious / Re: US airstrike hits SAA and Russian officers in Eastern Syria
« on: September 19, 2016, 12:48:04 AM »
This is like saying there is nothing legitimate about Obama. Both democratically elected leaders. And Assad is supported by a majority of Syria's population.

Read Syrian history. Do yourself a favor and open Wikipedia, then type "Syria" in the search bar. Get at least slightly educated about the shit you discuss.
Or you could actually look at news sources other than corrupt Western media.
Your only other alternatives are Muslim shills like Aljazeera and absolute propaganda shit like RT and other state-run media.

The truth is there are no good news sources these days. Everyone's an ideologue, a shill, corrupt, or a tinfoil hatter.

The best information today comes from whistleblowers and less-regulated social media like 4chan, at least in my opinion. I've seen no real better alternatives.

Gaming / Re: Anyone ever play Rome: Total War- Barbarian Invasion?
« on: September 18, 2016, 11:49:13 PM »
I'd honestly just get Attila. It's the exact same thing but better everything.

3 rules to getting good though

1. Don't get flanked

2. Know the basic rules. Spears = defending and beat horses, swords = attacking and pushing, arches = good at flanks/rear

3. The preparation for a battle is usually the deciding factor. Just have a competent force and make sure you're not outnumbered. Look up some general tips too.
>tfw too poor to afford a pc that will run attila
I'm not even sure my laptop could handle Medieval 2

Serious / Re: Death in the family...
« on: September 18, 2016, 11:45:42 PM »
I've been blessed to have only experienced close deaths recently. The kind of thing that would devastate a younger me really had no impact when it came. I attribute it to years of desensitization through the internet and video games. I feel bad about it sometimes. I'm a cold dude, and not in the positive sense.

So it's hard for me to sympathize with the losses others experience. I really want to, but it's alien to me at this point.

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:58:08 PM »
Nobody ever accused Trump of racism until he ran against the Democrats. Funny thing, that.
I'd suspect that has a lot to do with the fact that his notoriety has increased dramatically since the beginning of his campaign.
He's been pretty big for a long time. Even in the first leg of the 2012 race he was a notable player.
On top of that, Trump probably didn't have as much of a reason to voice his political/social views until now.
Generally, accusations of racism are based on alleged wrongdoings in the past, not things he's done on campaign. If he did engage in racist acts in the past, he's sure done a good job cleaning himself up in recent years.
He may have always harbored those feelings, but unless they're given out to the public on a massive scale, why would anyone really bother to pay attention to them?
Like I said, he's been pretty famous for a long time. He even had a Comedy Central roast, back when it was okay to treat him like a human being.

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:44:43 PM »
Nobody ever publicly accused Trump of racism until he ran against the Democrats. Funny thing, that.

Gaming / Anyone ever play Rome: Total War- Barbarian Invasion?
« on: September 18, 2016, 07:53:08 PM »
I fucking suck at RTW, haven't played it in months but I really kinda want to get good at it and play Barbarian Invasion because the setting and factions are cool as hell.

I especially want to mod it so I can play as the Romano-British.

Is Barbarian Invasion worth the time?

Also how do I get good?

The Flood / Re: Just found this
« on: September 18, 2016, 07:41:21 PM »

Serious / Re: US airstrike hits SAA and Russian officers in Eastern Syria
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:21:33 AM »
This is why Hillary can't be president. There will only be more occurrences of US backed militias trying to take down legitimate, democratic governments.
"Democratic" he says

The whole thing happened because the dictator decided to open fire on his own people. It's just the US never learns from their mistakes and keeps funding people who have shady ties at best.

I honestly don't think there are any "right" people in that region anymore aside from ISIS factions being in the wrong. You have a dictator or a power vacuum.
The protestors were most likely agitated and backed by the CIA.

Legitimately wondering if there's evidence of this
If there is, I doubt we'll ever see it. I imagine most of those protestors and agitators from early in the upheaval are dead by now.

The whole Arab Spring was really fishy, though, in retrospect.

So what is the CIA-protest conclusion based upon?
The CIA is no stranger to revolution and regime change. The CIA definitely wanted Assad gone, and I really can't imagine a foreign power hostile to Assad seeing some public dissatisfaction without thinking "We can use this".

I wouldn't say I'm sure of it, but I've got a feeling there was at least a bit of spook interference going on.

Serious / Re: US airstrike hits SAA and Russian officers in Eastern Syria
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:15:00 AM »
This is why Hillary can't be president. There will only be more occurrences of US backed militias trying to take down legitimate, democratic governments.
"Democratic" he says

The whole thing happened because the dictator decided to open fire on his own people. It's just the US never learns from their mistakes and keeps funding people who have shady ties at best.

I honestly don't think there are any "right" people in that region anymore aside from ISIS factions being in the wrong. You have a dictator or a power vacuum.
The protestors were most likely agitated and backed by the CIA.

Legitimately wondering if there's evidence of this
If there is, I doubt we'll ever see it. I imagine most of those protestors and agitators from early in the upheaval are dead by now.

IIRC there were some suspicious findings in the Clinton leaks regarding Syria, but nothing outright damning.

The whole Arab Spring was really fishy, though, in retrospect.

The Flood / Re: First picture of J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Jim Gordon.
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:12:19 AM »
Is this for the Batfleck movie? That logo looks kinda old.
Yep. It's the same logo as in BvS

It's inspired by the suit in The Dark Knight Returns, where Bats and Supes also fight eachother

why does Robin look like a Sociology major in this pic

Serious / Re: US airstrike hits SAA and Russian officers in Eastern Syria
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:04:46 AM »
This is why Hillary can't be president. There will only be more occurrences of US backed militias trying to take down legitimate, democratic governments.
"Democratic" he says

The whole thing happened because the dictator decided to open fire on his own people. It's just the US never learns from their mistakes and keeps funding people who have shady ties at best.

I honestly don't think there are any "right" people in that region anymore aside from ISIS factions being in the wrong. You have a dictator or a power vacuum.
The protestors were most likely agitated and backed by the CIA.

Regardless, we can probably be safe in assuming they wouldn't have established a nice quiet nation of good goyim if Assad had stepped down.

I'm just glad we finally took him back from the normies.

Pepe is rightfully ours.

The Flood / Re: It's not fall yet FAGGOT RETARD
« on: September 17, 2016, 03:11:04 PM »

Yes. It consistently breaks the high every day. Last week was 90 day after day.

I don't give a fuck what day Obama thinks fall starts, it doesn't come here until the end of October.
>82 degrees freedom
>it's fucking hot guys

sorry I'm not used to your 120 degrees towelhead desert weather

The Flood / Re: It's not fall yet FAGGOT RETARD
« on: September 17, 2016, 01:26:00 PM »
I'd say winter begins November 20th, spring begins March 1st, and summer begins June 1st
but why
his autism ties seasonal climate changes to months and memes instead of the sun.

Serious / Re: Pharmaceutical giant Bayer buys Monsanto for $66 billion
« on: September 17, 2016, 01:23:21 PM »
GMOS btfo

Serious / Re: Immigration is a spook.
« on: September 17, 2016, 01:20:20 PM »
You're completely wrong here.

Immigrant groups who come in in small numbers and spread out are great, because they're forced to assimilate in order to avoid isolation. This was true of the arab immigrant kids where I grew up- they were basically just browner looking normal kids.

Immigrants who come in in large groups, go to the same places, and stay together are bad immigrants. They only assimilate to the extent necessary for survival, they retain primary use of their own language, and they often form isolated communities. This can be seen in the various ethnic quarters of major cities like San Francisco, New York and LA.

The absolute worst immigrants enter en masse, stick to the same regions of the country, and develop political agendas. These groups form a 5th column, generally consider themselves a nation of their own, and damage the integrity of the host nation's political process. This is true of Mexicans in the United States, and Muslims in western Europe. Major parts of certain political parties' platforms are basically a promise to bring in more of their tribesmen in exchange for votes- selling the soul of the country and its native ethnic groups in exchange for political power. This kind of immigration must be stopped if you want your nation to exist in 100 years.
This is a massive spook. Large groups do take longer to assimilate, but they still assimilate.
You're not even using spook properly nigger. A spook is a fixed idea not just whatever shit you think is dumb.

Portuguese and Brazilian immigrants come to my area in droves. Their ghettos are shitty, but they generally assimilate by the second generation.
Where the fuck do you live that Portuguese are as poor as Brazilians?
I myself am a third generation immigrant, and my family is about as American as can be.
Did your family surround itself with other families of the same tribe for decades?
Irish immigrants came to America by the millions back in the day. Are we Ireland now? No, not even close. In 100 years are we going to be Mexico? Fuck no, because they'll all be assimilated by that point.
Irish were discriminated against by fucking everybody so that they were forced to assimilate. Then Irish identity itself was destroyed by the "white" identity manufactured to destroy european tribalism.

Mexicans are in a totally different situation. They speak a different language, stick largely to their own communities, and are ENCOURAGED not to assimilate by the political and propagandistic powers that be. There is no pressure to Americanize, and they won't. They're functionally the same as the Germans that moved into the WRE when the Huns invaded- they are tribally-oriented and have formed a 5th column.

I see Mexicans wave fucking Mexican flags at Trump rallies. If Irish did that shit 100 years ago they'd have been lynched.

The Flood / Re: It's not fall yet FAGGOT RETARD
« on: September 17, 2016, 01:11:51 PM »

Yes. It consistently breaks the high every day. Last week was 90 day after day.

I don't give a fuck what day Obama thinks fall starts, it doesn't come here until the end of October.

Serious / Re: Immigration is a spook.
« on: September 17, 2016, 01:08:37 PM »

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