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The Flood / Seriously though, about Chic-fil-A
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:53:51 PM »
If you boycott every single corporation that does something morally or ethically questionable, you're basically cutting yourself off from like 60% of businesses out there.

LGB rights have picked up enough momentum that nothing is going to stop the movement. Where you buy your chicken sandwich means absolutely nothing in the long or short run.

So just eat what you like, because if you only eat what's 100% right, you'll go hungry.

Serious / Re: Can Americans living abroad vote in US elections.
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:24:36 PM »
Assuming that you're not permanently living elsewhere, I believe you can file a mail-in ballot for your stateside place of residency.
You'd have to actually look into the law though.
I'm talking about permanently.
If you're not living here why would you want to fuck with the US government

That's like letting Britbongs vote for congressmen

it'd be retarded

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:12:16 PM »
But I have no idea why people here get worked over which President or party wins elections. If they're as bad as they say the winning President/party is, then they'll just be booted out 4 years later.

You have a it too much faith in the democratic process.
I do, but it is because comparing to other forms of governance, democracy is the best one hands down.
I don't disagree, but the idea that Americans will just "vote against the shitty guy" is proven wrong every election cycle.

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:09:50 PM »
But I have no idea why people here get worked over which President or party wins elections. If they're as bad as they say the winning President/party is, then they'll just be booted out 4 years later.

You have a bit too much faith in the democratic process.

Legislation would make it a civil rights violation to enforce criminal or traffic laws for the purpose of raising revenue.

Yesterday, U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II (MO-05) in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Selma, and in response to the tragic events of Ferguson, announced his plan to introduce a bill to ban criminal and traffic law enforcement activities motivated by revenue raising purposes.

Announcing introduction of the Fair Justice Act, Congressman Cleaver stated, "The time has come to end the practice of using law enforcement as a cash register, a practice that has impacted too many Americans and has disproportionately affected minority and low-income communities. No American should have to face arbitrary police enforcement, the sole purpose of which is to raise revenue for a town, city, or state.”

Congressman Cleaver's Fair Justice Act would make it a civil rights violation, punishable by up to five years in prison, to enforce criminal or traffic laws solely to raise revenue. Thus, no official or agency of a state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision may adopt a policy or engage in any activity that authorizes, promotes, or executes the enforcement of criminal, civil, or traffic laws for the purpose of raising revenue.

Serious / Re: Don't nobody give speeches like Obama.
« on: March 10, 2015, 05:39:27 PM »
You don't approve of democracy? Move to Somalia.

Serious / Re: Don't nobody give speeches like Obama.
« on: March 10, 2015, 05:05:52 PM »
Not voting is one of the worst things you can do.
If I voted, it would give the false impression that I approve of the system.

Yup. Dead heroes like the ones who fought for equal rights and the ones who still are.

You would be incredibly wrong because I'm talking about the people who rejected Britain's tyranny
Somewhat like I reject Washington's tyranny?
, freed slaves,
In the states that lost the war. Union states with slavery weren't covered :^)
fought for equal rights,
fought against the Nazis[.
If you think WW2 was fought for any moral reasons you're more delusional than I thought. I mean, yeah, genocidal fascists need to be gotten rid of, but that's not why the US joined the war.
The list goes on and on. Just because right Singh fascists have skewed the view of what patriotism is
Patriotism is stupid with or without neocons.
and left wing nuts criticize America nonstop
There is no more left wing in America, and what we call left is no different from the right when it comes to imperialism..

Again, there's no point discussing anything with you because you're actually ignorant enough to believe your vote does nothing but you're willing to leech off of democracy and not support it.

Serious / Re: Don't nobody give speeches like Obama.
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:39:25 PM »
Yeah I knew you were gonna say this. You're the problem.
I wasn't even old enough to vote until two months ago and I've never been in a position with any level of influence. I assure you, I am not the problem.
You don't want to hear you're the problem and you'd rather sit there and leech off the efforts of those who spilled their blood for you to even say something so incredibly stupid.
muh star spangled banner muh dead heroes muh national pride muh land of the free
I'm sure you'll read that sentence and think "LOL TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN DIDNT DIE FOR MY FREEDOM".
I didn't think that but I wouldn't be wrong if I had.
Not what I mean. I'm talking about the very creation of America.
The idea of a democratic nation with a constitution to protect natural rights and internal checks and balances to keep things from going full-retard is really good, but it's irrelevant now because not only do we lack true democracy, the government doesn't even pretend to respect the natural rights outlined in it's own constitution. America as the founders envisioned it is dead and pretending it can be redeemed from within reeks of delusion.
You're throwing away everything so many people died for.
It was thrown away long before I was born, dude.

>road to world war 3
>oh great, storm clouds gathering
>stefan molyneux

alarmist title and thumbnail aside, it's a pretty reasonable video.

Sometimes I don't know why Stefan feels the need to give his videos such stupid titles.


Good watch. Check it out.

Serious / Re: "You spoke, we listened"
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:17:35 PM »
this legislation would've never passed anyways, given the enormous domestic market for U.S arms manufacturing companies
"muh ebil war lobby"

Fucking no, the only manufacturers that give a fuck about the civil market are the ones who can't get a government contract, and even those aren't really powerful.

err not entirely true

the point is though that the military industrial complex wields too much influence in a legislature controlled by Republicans. It doesn't make sense for this law to pass when arms sales boost the economy anyways
It's not a law and it wouldn't need to pass anybody.

ATF doesn't really answer to anybody.

Serious / Re: Time for that iSideWith quiz again
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:15:24 PM »
Anyway most of these answers are retarded as fuck, like half of these questions need an option for "no, the state shouldn't even be involved here"

Thos whole thing has a really nasty statist bias.
Did you try clicking the "show more answers" button?
Yes, and I actively avoided simple yes or no responses

Serious / Re: Time for that iSideWith quiz again
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:53:32 PM »
Anyway most of these answers are retarded as fuck, like half of these questions need an option for "no, the state shouldn't even be involved here"

Thos whole thing has a really nasty statist bias.

Serious / Re: Time for that iSideWith quiz again
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:52:02 PM »

Serious / Re: "You spoke, we listened"
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:49:20 PM »
this legislation would've never passed anyways, given the enormous domestic market for U.S arms manufacturing companies
"muh ebil war lobby"

Fucking no, the only manufacturers that give a fuck about the civil market are the ones who can't get a government contract, and even those aren't really powerful.

The real force behind this was Americans who like the AR15s a little too much. When they went after 7n6? Little to no outcry, but god forbid muh merican sheepdawg rifle get touched.

Serious / Re: Don't nobody give speeches like Obama.
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:21:48 PM »



You have no power and your vote doesn't mean shit. You have no real choices, the parties in power might as well be the same.

It's funny as shit that people in this country think their vote means something.

Serious / "You spoke, we listened"
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:18:06 PM »

For the first time fucking ever, and thanks only to immediate outrage and pressure.

Fuck the ATF.

The Flood / ITT: Words people in your area use too often
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:01:30 AM »

The Flood / Re: Nationale Volksarmee feels
« on: March 10, 2015, 12:32:20 AM »

but hey they got to use this
Some piece of shit, poorly assembled semi-auto rifle that'd likely explode in your face? Awesome.
but it was special and that's all that counts
Special in the way that it was especially low quality, sure.
At least it came with all it's parts...
NVA work trousers are known to me missing the right pocket more often than not. There's just a slit... and no pocket.
Well, what're you going to take?

Shitty quality Nazi equipment or shitty ripoffs of Nazi equipment?
The shitty ripoffs. Wehrmact repro shit can cost twice as much as equivalent NVA surplus.

The Flood / Re: How do I handle this woman?
« on: March 10, 2015, 12:25:12 AM »
Cut the distrustful thoughts out right now. Get in there, keep her horny, fuck her until one of you doesn't want to fuck anymore.

>So to fix this, we're going to take away guns from the middle class.

The Flood / Re: Since I'll be studying in America for a year. . .
« on: March 09, 2015, 11:15:30 PM »
Come to North Carolina and shoot guns with me faggot
But aren't you a nofunz having faggot?
by the time he's here I'll have all the guns

The Flood / Re: Since I'll be studying in America for a year. . .
« on: March 09, 2015, 10:53:29 PM »
Come to North Carolina and shoot guns with me faggot

The Flood / Re: Nationale Volksarmee feels
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:58:05 PM »
Yeah, thank god that stupid bullshit era is long-gone. Minus for the socio-economic impacts it has on modern Germany today. Like, (former) West Germany has poured equal to a trillion dollars into the development of the East, and they still aren't to West German standards. Though on the other hand, living in Eastern Germany is extremely cheap (apartment rent in Berlin is around 3-400 dollars a month) for the time being. Until the gentrification is complete, which would be 50 or so years from now.

believe Communism is one of the biggest evils in the world

If this wasn't a mistype, and your thread was about West Germany instead, then disregard my response.
It's really interesting to see a government in charge of what is both a 1st and 2nd-world country.

The Flood / Re: Nationale Volksarmee feels
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:47:59 PM »

but hey they got to use this
no that's volkssturm

The Flood / Nationale Volksarmee feels
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:43:02 PM »
Ever wonder how it feels to be joining the puppet army of your defeated and divided homeland? To have experienced the degrading defeat of Germany in WW2 and been raised to believe Communism is one of the biggest evils in the world? To be handed a weapon and receive orders from the very country your nation tried to destroy about a decade ago? To know that you are an army poised against your own people, your own families in the West?

The Flood / /k/ is weird sometimes
« on: March 09, 2015, 08:29:51 PM »

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 09, 2015, 08:04:26 PM »
I can never get over how populist US politics are.

Serious / "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 09, 2015, 11:38:15 AM »

Yes this is a very reasonable woman and I believe she should be the next US President.

because sweeping generalizations, and Google is probably the exact opposite of what you'd want to as an example
Google is corrupt as fuck, actively undermines competition and unhesitatingly cooperates with the NSA.

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