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Serious / Re: He says, after sending them $38B in tax dollars
« on: September 21, 2016, 09:55:10 AM »
because Israel refuses to honor Palenstine's sovereignty.
Israel has repeatedly attempted to trade land for peace, and the historical Arab leadership in the region had a solid track record of rejecting proposals that gave any land to Jews.

Israelis who want Israel to recognise the legitimacy of 'Palestine' with Hamas as the government of Gaza are masochists.

The Palestinians shouldn't have had to cede any land to Israel. Especially not their "historical" leadership, who lived through seeing European Jews show up, occupy their land, deny their heritage and establish an ethnostate.

The Israeli leadership was trying to barter with land that did not belong to it. Imagine if you showed up in my house, stole all of my fucking clothes, then offered to give a third of my clothes back if I stopped trying to kick your ass. No, fuck you, I want all of my clothes back, faggot.

Even today, the Palestinians have no reason to acknowledge the "legitimacy" of Israel other than the fact that they are vastly outgunned.

The only reason the two state solution should even be an option is that the Israelis have settled in and raised two or three generations of kids, so forcing them out would be a humanitarian crime as great as those Israel committed. Frankly, I can understand why the Palestinians would rather commit those crimes than take the high road and let ethnocentrist fucking nazis run them out of their homeland.

The Flood / 9:11 AM TURN THE FUCK UP
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:12:16 AM »

The Flood / Re: >be trying my best to study Latin before a big exam
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:06:43 AM »
>studying a dead language
Most modern languages are just heavily degenerated forms of old languages.

A Latin speaker would think a Spanish or Italian speaker were some kind of literal retard if he heard him speaking. Because both are dumbed-down versions of regional Latin dialects.

Languages only change out of necessity or laziness. Almost always the latter.

So really, it should be
>not learning a dead language

The Flood / >be trying my best to study Latin before a big exam
« on: September 21, 2016, 07:51:58 AM »
>decide to put on some music
>look up "Latin music"

Fucking illegals I swear

The Flood / Re: Hey kids
« on: September 21, 2016, 07:48:33 AM »
Why is it, whenI had a little break from this place and went to 4chan for a while, then came back.....does this place seem ever more like 4chan?

Did I just pick a convenient time to migrate?
a few of our more prominent memesters are 4chan users or have been heavily influenced by 4chan culture, so it seeps into the overall culture of Sep7.

It's only to be expected, since 4chan is producing a good portion of the cultural capital on the internet these days.

Serious / Re: SEND HELP
« on: September 21, 2016, 01:35:02 AM »
wtf is ur avatar?   not offended or anything lol jenuinley curious
john wilkes booth
That's Stonewall Jackson you fake ass southerner.

The Flood / Re: Post pictures that make you go "hmm.."
« on: September 21, 2016, 01:33:02 AM »
this is the most 2007 thread

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 21, 2016, 01:10:18 AM »
Is it me or did this thread get real stupid?

The Flood / Re: Have you ever looked at something and just said
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:55:08 AM »
We talked about this three years ago.

It's never going to happen.
I know I can spam it into being if I believe in myself

The Flood / Re: Have you ever looked at something and just said
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:51:09 AM »
>Kiyo was chosen over TBlocks

What was the thought process behind this decision lmao
>a fucking leaf

The Flood / Re: Have you ever looked at something and just said
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:48:37 AM »

The Flood / tfw USA will never have speech regulation laws
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:27:44 AM »
tfw the FBI will never send you on an all-expense paid vacation to Northern Alaska as mandated in President Clinton's Remember The Children Bill because you posed a frog meme on Twitter

Serious / Re: SEND HELP
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:03:26 AM »
wtf is ur avatar?   not offended or anything lol jenuinley curious
john wilkes booth

The Flood / Re: Hey kids
« on: September 20, 2016, 10:55:10 PM »
I've never had a wet dream.

You missed out. For me, it was the first time I ever really had a....

I'm just gonna leave it there. Too personal to share.
Would you like me to explain to you exactly why this post is cringey as hell? It's not the information conveyed so much as the way you're conveying it.
 I don't mean that to be insulting, I know you don't know better. I want to help.

Go ahead.
The first offense is the ellipsis (...). I'm sure there's some context in which it can be used without sounding like a fag, but I've never encountered it myself. I avoid those in my writing as a general rule. It's supposed to indicate a kind of fading or dropping off, so it's pretty much useless for writing. There's no reason you should be fading in written word. It's not a conversation where you're reacting to things; you're sitting down and writing. If you weren't going to say something, you just wouldn't write it down.

And then you go and say you don't actually want to share the information that you just conveyed implicitly. The first part of the post, considering the context, gives a good idea of what you meant. You can't just heavily imply you had your first nut, and then go saying that talking about your first nut is too personal. If you had stopped halfway through typing and decided that it was a bad idea to talk about your first nut, you'd just erase the first part of the post. Hell, you might decide against making a post at all. But you didn't, so it's clear that you do want to at least imply that you had your first nut. If that's the case, why pretend you don't want to imply it?

There are better ways to imply you had your first nut, without explicitly saying it, than to imply it and then pretend you don't want to talk about it when you very clearly do want us to know about your first nut.

I see. I'll try something else next time, and if I really don't want to say anything, I won't even post about it. I didn't know how else I could talk about it without doing that.

Yes. You behave so similarly it's uncanny.

Oh. :/
Don't ever beat yourself up, Deci. It won't do you any good.

Consider just saying exactly what you want to say in a direct manner, without any "cute" elements to it.
 "You missed out. I had one of my first intimate/sexual/whatever experiences through a wet dream."
That might be a good alternative, if it were applied in your own words.

The Flood / Re: Hey kids
« on: September 20, 2016, 10:47:22 PM »
I've never had a wet dream.

You missed out. For me, it was the first time I ever really had a....

I'm just gonna leave it there. Too personal to share.
Would you like me to explain to you exactly why this post is cringey as hell? It's not the information conveyed so much as the way you're conveying it.
 I don't mean that to be insulting, I know you don't know better. I want to help.

Go ahead.
The first offense is the ellipsis (...). I'm sure there's some context in which it can be used without sounding like a fag, but I've never encountered it myself. I avoid those in my writing as a general rule. It's supposed to indicate a kind of fading or dropping off, so it's pretty much useless for writing. There's no reason you should be fading in written word. It's not a conversation where you're reacting to things; you're sitting down and writing. If you weren't going to say something, you just wouldn't write it down.

And then you go and say you don't actually want to share the information that you just conveyed implicitly. The first part of the post, considering the context, gives a good idea of what you meant. You can't just heavily imply you had your first nut, and then go saying that talking about your first nut is too personal. If you had stopped halfway through typing and decided that it was a bad idea to talk about your first nut, you'd just erase the first part of the post. Hell, you might decide against making a post at all. But you didn't, so it's clear that you do want to at least imply that you had your first nut. If that's the case, why pretend you don't want to imply it?

There are better ways to imply you had your first nut, without explicitly saying it, than to imply it and then pretend you don't want to talk about it when you very clearly do want us to know about your first nut.

The Flood / Re: Hey kids
« on: September 20, 2016, 10:31:34 PM »
I've never had a wet dream.

You missed out. For me, it was the first time I ever really had a....

I'm just gonna leave it there. Too personal to share.
Would you like me to explain to you exactly why this post is cringey as hell? It's not the information conveyed so much as the way you're conveying it.
 I don't mean that to be insulting, I know you don't know better. I want to help.

The Flood / Re: mirror selfie thread
« on: September 20, 2016, 09:50:15 PM »
hashtag dadbod

I'll still fuck up every single one of you in a fight.
Except maybe Jive 'cause he's a juicing ass nigga now
you look like a fucking mexican with that stache

how do I make my mustache grow faster it's slower than any other hair on my body pls send help

The Flood / Re: mirror selfie thread
« on: September 20, 2016, 09:29:39 PM »
Cut your fucking hair

« on: September 20, 2016, 09:21:44 PM »

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 20, 2016, 09:01:30 PM »
Jews are the best kind of people. Everyone else can eat shit.
So the best kind of people are greedy, corrupt, and inbred? K.
I guess you're fine with kosher slaughter too.
Germanic people are, and always have been the best. You CAN NOT prove me wrong. Their contributions to science, art, literature, and philosophy are vast.
LMAO What is this racist bullshit? You don't actually believe this do you?

What's racist is you calling out someone as racist for being prideful of their race, just because they are a certain race.
Uh no, I'm calling him a racist for painting Jews as this race of evil comic book characters and saying Germanic people are the best and have always been the best.

Holy fuck, the fact you guys are playing the victim while demonizing everybody else is just hilarious.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of your country, but when you start to say your race is "the best and always has been", that's when you start creeping into retard territory.
typical snownigger hypocrisy

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 20, 2016, 09:00:09 PM »
This is the Serious board.

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:55:51 PM »
I'm not opposed to in-group preference, but race is a fucking awful basis for it.

Race is a nebulous and vague topic with all kinds of pseudoscience and propaganda fucking it up. The entire notion of "Whiteness" has only served to aid in the repression of the peoples of Europe and their diaspora. What are the defining traits of the "white race"? No two people will give you the same answer. It means absolutely nothing.

It's better that we re-organize around more specific ties, like religion, language, and culture groups, rather than this vague "west is best" bullshit espoused knowingly by the right and unwittingly by the so-called "left".

It seems to me like new nations will have to be established if we want to come out of this post-nationalist nightmare we've got ourselves into.

The Flood / ITT: Songs Yankees will never understand
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:37:52 PM »

Gaming / Re: What would you consider the WORST game of the decade?
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:27:21 PM »
Mass Effect 3's terrible ending can hardly be described as 'mediocre'.
we're not talking about the worst ending of the decade, though
Imagine you were eating the tastiest veggie burger you've ever had; it's juicy, succulent, and a great meal after two delicious vegan appetizers. Just as you take the last bite, the chef runs out and informs you that there was a mistake and the burger was actually 100% beef. That's kind of like playing Mass Effect 3.
I'll take your word for it, but wow, I really doubt that.
ME3's ending was garbage but I think people overblow just how bad it was, especially relative to the "main" game.

It's basically GOW with customization and skill trees.

1 was god-tier, but 2 and 3 really don't live up to it IMO. I really hope Andromeda takes after the first game more than the latter ones, but I haven't been following it since they announced it.

Gaming / Re: What would you consider the WORST game of the decade?
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:24:26 PM »
Gonna say Battlefield 4 or Battlefront, one of the current generation Frostbite games in terms of just being a massive pile up of shitty business practices.

Or literally any Asscreed game

The Flood / Re: Guess the Poster
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:17:11 PM »

The Flood / Re: Guess the Poster
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:11:03 PM »
"I wish I was a Jewish woman"

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