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Serious / Re: Cruz to Announce Presidential Run Monday
« on: March 22, 2015, 06:04:20 PM »
general lack of knowledge and understanding of the outside world that is rather prevalent in the US
Christ you Eurofags are arrogant.

Can barely hold one country together between two language groups, but we're the idiots for not being versed in the political realities of backwater countries.

Serious / Re: Cruz to Announce Presidential Run Monday
« on: March 22, 2015, 02:29:58 PM »
If anybody here can vote in the Republican primaries, please vote Bush or Walker >.>
I plan on it.

Also, why do you keep up with American politics even though you live in the UK? There's nothint wrong with that, I'm just asking because people tend to not care about other country's politics.
Obviously I don't speak for Meta, but US politics are essentially world politics.

We're the new Rome and even the most delusional yuropoor understands that. The US, as a superpower, has massive sway over international politics and culture, and what we do affects almost everybody in some way.

inb4 bongs get butthurt about muh exceptionalism. There's nothing wrong with recognizing that the USA is more powerful than any other nation.

Serious / Re: Cruz to Announce Presidential Run Monday
« on: March 22, 2015, 11:06:55 AM »


Cruz is only even relevant because he does retarded shit for attention.

Come on Rand, Rubio don't you fuck this up.

The solution to this problem being a Libertarian vote

The Flood / Re: Anthony Fanthano Here
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:56:34 PM »
I'm feeling a light 6 on this one.


I'm feeling nostalgiac as hell tonight.

Friend and I were out having some burgers and were joking about how goofy Green Day was, and just to fuck around decided to drive through town at twice the speed limit blasting Jesus of Suburbia.

I have no fucking clue how but we sang along and we remembered every single fucking word, I wasn't sure whether to be embarrassed or proud, I hadn't heard this song in over 4 years.

I'm such a pleb I swear to fuck.

Serious / Re: Oklahoma is making atheist marriages illegal
« on: March 20, 2015, 10:32:45 AM »
If marriage carried no special benefits, I'd agree with this completely. But as a spouse, you get privelges relating to your partner that you can't get anywhere else. If we just made civil unions equatable to marriage in terms of these privelges, this would be a non issue.
I disagree.

Marriage has serious cultural and emotional significance for people. It's not like the Army where grunts just marry the first fat broad they meet at the club so they can get that sweet sweet housing allowance. Lots of gay folks want to be married as an expression of complete dedication and loyalty to their partner, not just for "muh benefits". It may be practically the same, but when you give it a sterile name like "civil union" it loses a lot of it's weight and perceived value.

Of course, Marriage shouldn't carry any legal benefits at all.
Marriage has always been about benefits. For example royalty would marry their kid(s) to another royal family due to power wise or protection.
These benefits, however, should be social, not enforced by the state. Marriage required a dowry and there was no option for divorce 500 years ago. Should that be policy?

Marriage changes.

Serious / Re: "All we ask is that Europe give Greece a chance"
« on: March 20, 2015, 12:52:28 AM »
That's the issue, the majority of Greece lives in Athens and the majority of Athens has not so much money anymore. How can people with little money pay the taxes of a government that they naturally hate, and that also would be more than eager to shake them for some cents just to throw in the black pit until the next few months when the payments are due.

No, it doesn't improve the situation, but it's not right for people to be treated like idiots by a democratically-elected government.

I am including the Government as well in this. My one aunt there (who is in her 80s) had to wait 2 years in line just to get a knee surgery just because she is poor, while all of the rich people simply bribed the doctors so they could get in front of line. Corruption in Greece is horrible, but refusing to pay taxes won't make the situation better at all.
I see..

Yes, my Athenian relatives are having plenty of experiences involving the Greek Government trying to screw them over financially. Like, another relative of mine who is currently 70, and is living both off of his pension from being a General in the Greek Army, and a pension from him heading a large company is now being forced to sacrifice one of his pensions. And that 80-year old relative I mentioned got screwed out of her only pension, since the Government is trying to claim that she hasn't lived in Greece for the 20 or so years required to receive a pension, when she has been living there for 20 years (she previously lived in Mozambique).

And then once you get out of Athens, it instantly gets a lot better.

Goddamn, I have so many interesting stories from Greece despite the fact that I've only been there for 4 months total in my life....

Anyways, you are right that people shouldn't be treated like idiots by their elected Government. Greece is the single most corrupt country in the EU, and it's fucking terrible.
that's impossible

it's literally impossible to be more corrupt than Brussels

Hey.  Hey Deci.

I asked you to show me where he's a criminal.

Instead you're dancing around the question like an autist.

So I ask again....please show Trayvon's criminal record.

EDIT:  Also, no, I didn't think it was a race issue.  However, you're pretty much the only one bringing race up in this discussion.
I'll answer this because Deci is not smart enough to know not to say things like this without evidence.

Trayvon had no criminal record. Deci has a way of looking at the world that causes him to take very extreme, and largely unfounded, evaluations of people he dislikes for whatever reason. Any understanding of Trayvon's character and background makes him seem like the kind of guy Deci would really dislike. Deci doesn't like Trayvon, so his idea of him is somewhat exaggerated.

In this serious discussion though, can we please not call Deci an autist like that when he is the one guy here with actual autism? At least save it for shitposting. This probably sounds hypocritical coming from me, but this isn't really a context in which that kind of name calling is appropriate.

Serious / Re: PSYOPS does some fucked up shit
« on: March 19, 2015, 08:36:13 PM »
Do you want me to show you what Syrian Intelligence services do?
please do
Extremely NSFW
The only information I can really gleam from this is that the page is run by Islamist shills, Assad forces put shit on the bodies, and some guy named Caesar takes pictures. What do those stickers say?
Oh, you're one of those people...
put the keyboard down n come to jihad bro :^)

The stickers are identification.

Why the fuck would Assad's forces make fake images of people they tortured to death?
Oh okay.

And Caesar is a defector from one of those torture camps. He was assigned to take pictures of all the bodies, and he stockpiled all of those leaked images between 2011 and 2013 when he defected.
What kind of retard has his war crimes documented? I'd expect that from hajji but it seems like a really dumb move for government forces.
They keep it documented for themselves or else the efficiency of the torture camps would suffer. This camp was actually geolocated to be less than 500 meters away from Bashar al-Assad's palace as well.
Torture isn't efficient anyway. Christ, that whole fucking country is amateur as fuck.
Here's the fucked up part though...

They don't torture people for information.

They torture them for fun. It's like an industrial-scale slaughter.
Which makes documenting it once again pointless and retarded. Fucking amateur hour up in this shithole.

Serious / Re: Oklahoma is making atheist marriages illegal
« on: March 19, 2015, 08:32:30 PM »
If marriage carried no special benefits, I'd agree with this completely. But as a spouse, you get privelges relating to your partner that you can't get anywhere else. If we just made civil unions equatable to marriage in terms of these privelges, this would be a non issue.
I disagree.

Marriage has serious cultural and emotional significance for people. It's not like the Army where grunts just marry the first fat broad they meet at the club so they can get that sweet sweet housing allowance. Lots of gay folks want to be married as an expression of complete dedication and loyalty to their partner, not just for "muh benefits". It may be practically the same, but when you give it a sterile name like "civil union" it loses a lot of it's weight and perceived value.

Of course, Marriage shouldn't carry any legal benefits at all.

Serious / Re: PSYOPS does some fucked up shit
« on: March 19, 2015, 08:27:17 PM »
Do you want me to show you what Syrian Intelligence services do?
please do
Extremely NSFW
The only information I can really gleam from this is that the page is run by Islamist shills, Assad forces put shit on the bodies, and some guy named Caesar takes pictures. What do those stickers say?
Oh, you're one of those people...
put the keyboard down n come to jihad bro :^)

The stickers are identification.

Why the fuck would Assad's forces make fake images of people they tortured to death?
Oh okay.

And Caesar is a defector from one of those torture camps. He was assigned to take pictures of all the bodies, and he stockpiled all of those leaked images between 2011 and 2013 when he defected.
What kind of retard has his war crimes documented? I'd expect that from hajji but it seems like a really dumb move for government forces.
They keep it documented for themselves or else the efficiency of the torture camps would suffer. This camp was actually geolocated to be less than 500 meters away from Bashar al-Assad's palace as well.
Torture isn't efficient anyway. Christ, that whole fucking country is amateur as fuck.

I never said Zimmerman was stronger than Martin, but it's eyebrow raising to hear about a 200+ pound tub of fat getting knocked to his ass and being pinned down by a guy he outweighs three times over.
Let's not argue based on ridiculous exaggerations, please. If Zimmerman weighed three times what Martin did, that would make Martin 66Ibs.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say.

According to his autopsy, Martin was 5 feet 11 inches (1.80 m) tall and weighed 158 pounds (72 kg) at the time of his death.[22]

Zimmerman's height was shown as 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting

Martin weighed about 3/4 what Zimmerman did, was taller, and thanks to an athletic background would be in much better shape. Zimmerman was just a fat manlet.

 It's really not hard to pull this off at all. I'm 3 inches taller and weigh about 8Ibs more than Martin did, but I can take down people much heavier and better muscled than I am if I move fast and with force, I do it fucking around with friends all the time. Obviously in a different context, but they are putting up as much resistance as they can.

you sure do like to spin others' rhetoric for your own purposes.
Can you explain what you mean by this? Are you saying I have some kind of personal motive for arguing in favor of Zimmerman's use of force on a backwater spinoff of a videogame forum?
or maybe you actually arent able to comprehend english. i cant figure out which. either way, you've clearly got an ulterior motive here, so im done. this is the serious board, not your personal soapbox. go build a time machine and go back to 2012 when people still cared.
zimmerman deserved the beatdown trayvon gave him. trayvon didnt deserve to die for giving that sperglord his comeuppance. legally, and unfortunately, zimmerman was within his rights. let the issue die. we've known about the cough syrup for a long time. let the kid rest in peace.
I think it's really telling that you're giving me the "this is the serious board" shit when you can't even bother to capitalize or use punctuation, and are saying that a dude deserved to be physically harmed because he was doing something stupid.

Trayvon was within his rights.  He was being stalked and felt threatened.
You don't have the right to start beating the shit out of somebody just because you feel threatened.

Oh, you were there at the scene of the crime and know that Trayvon started it?
I suppose you were there yourself and can confirm that Zimmerman just walked up and physically assaulted the Martin.

We know for a fact there was a physical altercation. Martin was shot up close on top of Zimmerman.

Now, because we are reasonable people who are capable of reasoning, we can reason that Zimmerman would not physically assault Martin because he was carrying, and if he wanted to hurt him he would have just shot him. Zimmerman just deciding to physically attack Martin is a silly notion.

Because a fucking twig like Trayvon ended up getting 200+pound Zimmerman off his feet and onto his back and successfully pinned him down.

I guess I'm supposed to also understand Zimmerman meant  it when Trayvon kept him pinned, while covering Zimmerman's mouth, while reaching around for Zimmerman's gun.  Guess I missed Trayvon's third arm.
Are you a fucking retard? Being a fatass doesn't make you strong and having a slim build doesn't make you a fucking weakling.

Martin was an athlete and very fit, he just had a lanky build. I have a similar build and I can assure you I'm not getting beat up by a lardass just because he weighs more than I do. Stop listening to fat autists in middle school trying to argue that they can win fights.

Zimmerman was a fatass, and like pretty much all fat people who aren't niche bodybuilders, he was out of shape. Having a dickload of body fat doesn't make you strong by any means.

I have no idea if Martin reached for Zimmerman's gun or not, or even knew he had one. He probably didn't, it was dark out, and I doubt he'd knowingly rush a dude with a gun. It's really irrelevant. If you're being attacked, you respond with force. If you're just creeped out and being being followed, you don't respond with force, because that's fucking retarded and a violation of the basic moral nonaggression principle that anyone who isn't a belligerent degenerate follows, whether they're consciously aware of it or not.

Trayvon was within his rights.  He was being stalked and felt threatened.
You don't have the right to start beating the shit out of somebody just because you feel threatened.
id say the same about shooting and killing, but i guess fists are much more dangerous and have more long-lasting effects than gunfire.
Are you literally retarded?

Zimmerman shot while being physically assaulted, that constitutes a clear and immediate threat and put Zimmerman well within his legal and moral rights to respond with force. He didn't just draw his gun and start shooting at the poor little baby boy. Zimmerman drew and fired while he was on the ground. We can reason based on this that he drew while he was being attacked, because if he already had the gun out and Martin rushed him, Martin would most likely have been shot before reaching Zimmerman and there would be no signs of an altercation. Of course, if he had the gun out already, Martin wouldn't have rushed anyway, because he wasn't suicidal, just stupid.

In my opinion Zimmerman showed extreme restraint during the actual confrontation. Most people would have drawn when being rushed. That said, he was a fucking idiot for getting himself into a confrontation at all, and should probably be charged with some form of negligence.

Trayvon was within his rights.  He was being stalked and felt threatened.
You don't have the right to start beating the shit out of somebody just because you feel threatened.

Oh, you were there at the scene of the crime and know that Trayvon started it?
I suppose you were there yourself and can confirm that Zimmerman just walked up and physically assaulted the Martin.

We know for a fact there was a physical altercation. Martin was shot up close on top of Zimmerman.

Now, because we are reasonable people who are capable of reasoning, we can reason that Zimmerman would not physically assault Martin because he was carrying, and if he wanted to hurt him he would have just shot him. Zimmerman just deciding to physically attack Martin is a silly notion.

Trayvon was within his rights.  He was being stalked and felt threatened.
You don't have the right to start beating the shit out of somebody just because you feel threatened.

Serious / Re: PSYOPS does some fucked up shit
« on: March 19, 2015, 07:07:59 PM »
Do you want me to show you what Syrian Intelligence services do?
please do
Extremely NSFW
The only information I can really gleam from this is that the page is run by Islamist shills, Assad forces put shit on the bodies, and some guy named Caesar takes pictures. What do those stickers say?
Oh, you're one of those people...
put the keyboard down n come to jihad bro :^)

The stickers are identification.

Why the fuck would Assad's forces make fake images of people they tortured to death?
Oh okay.

And Caesar is a defector from one of those torture camps. He was assigned to take pictures of all the bodies, and he stockpiled all of those leaked images between 2011 and 2013 when he defected.
What kind of retard has his war crimes documented? I'd expect that from hajji but it seems like a really dumb move for government forces.

« on: March 19, 2015, 06:22:20 PM »

oh christ

Whoa what? If you don't like Slipknot, then you really have no room to call yourself edgy.
slipknot is mainstream as fuck dude

it's just mainstream with mentally disabled people

« on: March 19, 2015, 06:21:13 PM »
Beyond Alive is the best track

« on: March 19, 2015, 06:03:56 PM »

« on: March 19, 2015, 06:01:19 PM »
I break mirrors with my inanimate turned off bitch, why gotta lie about pissing on the powers that byond alive 2.0

« on: March 19, 2015, 05:55:21 PM »
*listens to Jenny Death*


Is this what kids are into these days? It's not even fucking metal or even edgy for that matter. This is garbage.

Fuck this now I have to rinse my ears with metal. Enjoy your garbage.
You're really not allowed to call anyone a kid until you've had some form of intimate contact with a woman.

>Born in 97

>Thinks I can't call anyone a kid because of my sexual status.

Kid, you have a lot to learn in life. Far more. I've been listening to good shit before you were even born. You missed out.

Respect your elders motherfucker.
i mean

at least you didn't just get butthurt and start calling people assholes like roman does

maybe you're getting a little better

« on: March 19, 2015, 05:51:40 PM »
*listens to Jenny Death*


Is this what kids are into these days? It's not even fucking metal or even edgy for that matter. This is garbage.

Fuck this now I have to rinse my ears with metal. Enjoy your garbage.

>thinking you can enjoy the world's least accessible band on first listen

I threw in my 2 cents. I say it's garbage. You want some real music? Listen to Metallica. I'd recommend other metal bands that I listen to but fuck that, I prefer to keep those to myself because no one here is a metal head.


>metallica even being anything but shit

>metallica being remotely not worthless in any way other than inspiring some actually talented people to make actually not-garbage metal

« on: March 19, 2015, 05:47:54 PM »
*listens to Jenny Death*


Is this what kids are into these days? It's not even fucking metal or even edgy for that matter. This is garbage.

Fuck this now I have to rinse my ears with metal. Enjoy your garbage.
You're really not allowed to call anyone a kid until you've had some form of intimate contact with a woman.

« on: March 19, 2015, 05:46:55 PM »
If Jenny Death isn't metal, I swear, I'm gonna say something negative about it hold on...

« on: March 19, 2015, 05:42:09 PM »
MFW I'm on the last track

« on: March 19, 2015, 05:19:35 PM »




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