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Serious / This blog is great
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:59:36 AM »

Australian-born journalist and leftist intellectual John Pilger admitted on Wednesday that he has been “phoning it in for a while now” on the topic of Ukraine.

“To be honest, I had to Google Viktor Yanukovych when all that Maidan business started,” Pilger said.

Having located Ukraine on a map and after carrying out extensive research on Wikipedia, Pilger said he then applied what he and several other leftist intellectuals refer to as “the formula.”

“It works like this. The US, EU, NATO, IMF, Monsanto, etc. appear to be supporting one side in a conflict, in this case, Euromaidan versus Viktor Yanukovych and his Russian backers. I might not know anything about Yanukovych or Russia, but if all those other governments are criticizing them, that means they must be good. Working backwards like this, I determined that Yanukovych must have been a progressive leader who was trying to look out for Ukraine’s working class by opposing IMF-imposed austerity.”

Pilger wasn’t the only leftist intellectual applying “the formula.” Noam Chomsky also admitted to falling back on templates in order to create talking points about Ukraine and Russia.

“I haven’t paid attention to Russia in years,” Chomsky admitted in an interview. “On Democracy Now! I was asked about the murder of this opposition politician, or NGO worker, or something, named Boris Memtsov or Nermtsev or whatever. A lesser leftist intellectual would have been shitting bricks right there, but I’ve been doing this for a while. I just started rambling about the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and my old favorite trope, where I talk about how our government is hypocritical.”

When asked if Chomsky thought there was anything wrong with self-proclaimed “anti-imperialist” intellectuals openly endorsing the 19th century great power politics of other countries, Chomsky said that there’s no problem “so long as you’re not talking about the US or one of its allies.”

“Sure, if some neoconservative think tank pundit endorses toppling governments in the Middle East or Latin America so as to secure US economic interests, I’ll be all over that,” Chomsky said. “But if Russia does the exact same thing, using openly imperialist rhetoric to justify its actions, I’m happy to back them up even if it is indisputably far more authoritarian than the United States. I didn’t get to be idol of so many white American college students by dialectical thinking and nuance, you know.”

Filmmaker Oliver Stone announced his plans to make a documentary about the “US-sponsored coup” in Ukraine after meeting with Viktor Yanukovych in Moscow late last year. He too admitted that he hadn’t really done much research into Ukraine, Euromaidan, or the conflict with Russia.

“You don’t have time to do research when you’re investigating conspiracy theories,” Stone explained. “The whole mainstream media was saying that Yanukovych was corrupt and authoritarian. Obviously if that’s what they were saying, it couldn’t be true. As it turns out, Yanukovych himself told me it was all a lie.”

Stone’s working hypothesis is based on deriving conclusions from the “propaganda” against Yanukovych and Russia.

“Our corporate hegemony advocates neo-liberal politics which lead to massive inequality between the rich and poor. Based on this, and based on the fact that the corporate media assails Russia and Yanukovych’s government, I’ve managed to determine that the real reason Yanukovych was overthrown was that he was planning to unveil a new socialist system whereby each citizen would receive free housing, food, education, and medical care. Apparently they’ve been planning to implement the same system in Russia for quite some time, but they can’t because the US State Department is meddling in their internal affairs.”

When asked about Ukrainians and Russians who are opposed to their own governments, the filmmaker shook his head.

“Obviously they are misguided. What kind of person would question their own government, assuming it’s not the American government or that of one of its allies? These people need to open their eyes and really see what’s going on in their country.”

Serious / Re: Okay, okay, I fucking love Milo.
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:52:55 PM »
if his thoughts have changed on gay marriage id like him more.
Is he against it?

It'd be interesting to hear a gay man's dissenting view on gay marriage.

Serious / Okay, okay, I fucking love Milo.
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:38:17 PM »

Serious / Re: Boycotting states to protest legislation
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:30:51 PM »
I will make exception for bills that directly affect businesses, though.

Here's a story I'm a bit fuzzy on, but it basically like this.

>Some California PD, LAPD I think, buys a Barrett .50 because cops totally need anti-material rifles to enforce the law.

>Rifle needs some repairs/maintenance, gets sent in to Barrett for work

>While the rifle is at Barrett, California passes a law banning citizens from owning .50s.

>Barrett sends a letter to the PD explaining that, due to the new law, they cannot return the .50 rifle to them, but promises to do so as soon as the law is changed

>the rifle sits in a Barrett office to this day.

Something like that.

I think just blanket boycotting an entire state is incredibly stupid. I can totally see refusing to do business with people or companies that discriminate, though, like Barrett did. That's how the market is supposed to work.

Serious / Re: Boycotting states to protest legislation
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:17:27 PM »
I just want to point out that this thread was supposed to be about opinions regarding the boycotting of states because of bills they passed. I think the current topic has been beaten to death on Serious in the past.
I think it's a very stupid business decision, and will be a big turn-off to the people of that state, encouraging them NOT to do business with you if you return.

It will also turn off people outside the state who support the bill.

Ultimately I think it's in the best interest of a business to stay the fuck away from these issues unless it's something everybody will applaud.

Serious / Re: Boycotting states to protest legislation
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:06:27 PM »
Ok, I think I made my way through it. Before I pick at any sections of it, what was happening in Indiana that provoked this bill to be written? Were the people of Indiana's freedom of religious expression and services being infringed upon?

They're following suit with many other states taking the federal RFRA law and applying it at a state level. I don't think it's in response to a particular set of incidents, though the ACA is largely what spurned the trend.
How could healthcare possibly infringe upon someone's religious freedom?
Contraceptives, probably.
Ok, I think I made my way through it. Before I pick at any sections of it, what was happening in Indiana that provoked this bill to be written? Were the people of Indiana's freedom of religious expression and services being infringed upon?

They're following suit with many other states taking the federal RFRA law and applying it at a state level. I don't think it's in response to a particular set of incidents, though the ACA is largely what spurned the trend.
How could healthcare possibly infringe upon someone's religious freedom?

Contraception and abortion, I imagine.
The ACA forces people to take contraceptives and have abortions?
Wasn't there some huge debacle about forcing business to provide contraceptives in their heath insurance or something...
I forget how that court case turned out.
Yeah, the Hobby Lobby shit.

But I never saw the connection. The business owner isn't the one handling the contraceptives.
Would you ask a Muslim to pay for spam for the poor?

Serious / Re: Boycotting states to protest legislation
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:01:06 PM »
Also, I'm pretty fucking tired of retards saying shit like "This is what Jesus would do" or "That's un-Christian".

shit's annoying, yo.

Serious / Re: Boycotting states to protest legislation
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:57:48 PM »
Fucking awesome.

This will create opportunities for local businesses and organizations to fill in those gaps.

Thank you based statists.

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:33:07 PM »
Yeah, but it seems like punishments are often interpreted as "throw ALL the sanctions" by the West. I don't see it working due to that very habit that produces nothing but more problems. As if beating a dead horse.

Only, however, if, as Door says, there is a punishment mechanism for those who don't meet the 2pc spending requirement.
See, approaching it as a "punishment" isn't really the right way to go about it.

The solution is simple. NATO members who fail to meet spending requirements should be excluded from Article 5 and collective defense until they correct the problem.

The Flood / Re: The 1911 is the katana of the gun world
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:52:36 AM »
But 1911s are rugged, functional, and good for more than just show.
It's the same thing as the katana though, it works, but it's outdated and way fucking overrated because muh tradition and muh service time.

Gaming / Re: Favorite videogame characters aesthetically
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:50:28 AM »

Ty ofc


« on: March 30, 2015, 11:39:55 PM »
Somebody already made me an honorary american. It might have been solonoid.

But I don't take my layman status very seriously.
to Americanize the Australian is to devalue his work as a funposter

« on: March 30, 2015, 11:39:17 PM »
Kingdom of Norway.
needs more time to process

The Flood / The 1911 is the katana of the gun world
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:38:21 PM »
prove me wrong.

« on: March 30, 2015, 11:14:58 PM »
The Caliphate of Londonistan, obviously.
Meta is probably the most American person in all of Europe.

« on: March 30, 2015, 10:56:07 PM »
ITT: Foreigners post their country of origin and I tell them whether or not they're honorary Americans.

Goddammit, just shut up with your conspiracy shit. Please.

Christ, man, you were just arguing the other day that they'd have contingency plans like this.
That's fucking retarded. You're fucking retarded. The idea that they're preparing for martial law scenarios in America is fucking retarded. These articles read like the transcript of an insane prepper's youtube videos.
Holy fuck.
I can't think of a reason why the government wouldn't have plans for this kind of scenario.

I'm not saying they're about to kick into martial law out of nowhere, but I think to deny that there are plans either ready or in the works for every possible scenario is delusional.

Serious / Re: The Iraq War
« on: March 30, 2015, 10:29:30 PM »
If Saddam Hussein stayed in power, Iraq would have exploded worse than Syria right now. So I'm actually somewhat grateful for the US/UK for ending Saddam Hussein before Iraq could have been totally destroyed by him.

Obviously we can't know for sure what might have gone down had he lived and ruled until natural death, but it would not be good.

I imagine it would be somewhat like what went down in the Balkans after Tito croaked, probably worse.

Because a comedian is responsible for delivering you your news.
Not what I was saying.

That said, you'd be surprised how many Americans really do just get their news from The Daily Show.

The Flood / Re: Why are the only cool users here European?
« on: March 30, 2015, 10:11:49 PM »


Why? Because the totally-not-statist media decided that was the issue of the day.

Meanwhile, the government is running nationwide martial law drills.


Serious / Re: Dear Yuropoors
« on: March 30, 2015, 09:57:19 PM »
I guess by default I'm speaking for Norway because I don't know of anyother Norwegians on this forum.

My official response is as follows:

Spise en pikk.
You tell that to Vlad when he comes knocking :^)
If you think that Russia is gonna invade Norway, you have no idea what you're talking about. They're a regional power in decline.

Serious / Re: Dear Yuropoors
« on: March 30, 2015, 09:47:10 PM »
I guess by default I'm speaking for Norway because I don't know of anyother Norwegians on this forum.

My official response is as follows:

Spise en pikk.
You tell that to Vlad when he comes knocking :^)

Serious / Re: Dear Yuropoors
« on: March 30, 2015, 09:46:20 PM »
But how can they pull their weight into NATO if they're Yuropoors?
by spending 2% of their eurobucks on Eurofighters and crappy plastic rifles from Germany.
But Germoney doesn't even have enough crappy plastic rifles for it's own men!

and the Eurofighter sucks.
You suck.
But hey, it's still better than the F35 Legitimatewasteofmoneyigtning II
>1.5 trillion dollars spent on a jet that doesn't even work

Corruption is a hell of a drug

Serious / Re: Dear Yuropoors
« on: March 30, 2015, 09:24:20 PM »
But how can they pull their weight into NATO if they're Yuropoors?
by spending 2% of their eurobucks on Eurofighters and crappy plastic rifles from Germany.

The Flood / Re: what do you think of patty bieber
« on: March 30, 2015, 09:05:03 PM »
would fugg

Serious / Dear Yuropoors
« on: March 30, 2015, 08:56:05 PM »
Why don't you go to Europe and tell them to spend more on their militaries then?
Stop being cucks and pull your weight in NATO

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