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Serious / Re: I feel I am becoming a Buddhist. I like it! : D
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:15:08 PM »

TFW I didn't like any of them.

*sips tea*
le ebin contrarian neutral moderate who thinks for himself and doesn't trust anyone :^)


Has Elder Scrolls ever been good?
morrowind and oblivion were good, and skyrim is a really great game if you're 10 years old and have never played an RPG before

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.
Dude, they have the capacity to literally undo existence. The only thing stopping them is Talos. What makes you think a slugfest war is going to do anything?

"Undo existence" lmfao all they're trying to do is mix things together, not end existence
Dominion apologists pls go

Man it almost sounds like anti-natalism

Gaming / Re: Who's your main character in MK X?
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:45:12 PM »
People actually payed real money for MKX???

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.
Dude, they have the capacity to literally undo existence. The only thing stopping them is Talos. What makes you think a slugfest war is going to do anything?

"Undo existence" lmfao all they're trying to do is mix things together, not end existence
pls stop shitposting

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.

Here's where they can draw huge numbers of troops to keep up with human reproduction. Khajit reproduce at a fast rate and are competent warriors.

If the Thalmor manage to destroy the Towers, or possibly just enough of the towers, they will be able to undo the world itself. Which is exactly what they want.

That's implying that dissolving the barriers between Oblivion and the mortal plane are a bad thing. What's so wrong with immortality?
No, stupid, they're not dissolving any barriers.

They're literally deleting everything. Including themselves.

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.

Here's where they can draw huge numbers of troops to keep up with human reproduction. Khajit reproduce at a fast rate and are competent warriors.

If the Thalmor manage to destroy the Towers, or possibly just enough of the towers, they will be able to undo the world itself. Which is exactly what they want.

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
This is all based on the assumption that the Empire goes back to war with the Dominion in time, if at all, which we don't know. We don't know that Thalmor propaganda won't pacify the Empire, we don't know that the Imperial populace has the will to go back to war.

The Dominion is still reeling from Hammerfell. Right now bad blood leaves them cut off from the Empire, but they are the ONLY entity standing up to the Dominion. An independent Skyrim is almost sure to cooperate with and provide aid to Hammerfell. Hammerfell+Skyrim > an impotent and corrupted Cyrodil.

What matters most of all though is protecting Talos. Talos is the only Tower the Thalmor cannot physically destroy. Instead, they destroy him by eliminating his worship. The Stormcloaks can ensure the worship of Talos remains widespread in Skyrim, while we really have no way of telling how prevalent it is among Imperials.

Has Elder Scrolls ever been good?
Only when you sperg out.

Gaming / >he actually thinks the Imperials are the better option
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:12:39 AM »

The most important thing, far more important than the survival of the Empire, or even mankind for that matter, is the survival of the Towers. The more weakened Talos becomes through suppression of his worship, the more Anuidic thought prevails, the more freedom the Thalmor have to travel across the continent investigating towers at will, the closer they come to undoing creation.

I can't really see any unless you're operating a country that is extremely small geographically. Centralization is not good.
I dunno. It could be more effective in countries with significant ethnic tensions, since making a country with ethnic tensions would likely further divide the ethnic groups in conflict.
Ideally your country shouldn't have ethnic conflict in the first place. If you've got two groups divided along ethnic AND geographic lines, is it really better to have them compete for their opposing interests within a central government, rather than letting them handle their own issues by themselves?

Europe is fucked. I just hope no Euros come over here and shit up my country when theirs go full thought police.
America is already shitty though

We don't want to be any more like europe
like that has anything to do with america being shitty
the more like europe we become

the shittier we will become

europe a shit
i know europe is shit, but that has nothing to do with america being shit
>crimes being committed for the "greater good"
>religious leaders attempting to hijack government
>centralization, collectivist and statist thinking gaining more ground every day

America today is facing the same things European nations faced in the past.
do you not understand what i've been saying?
america is a shitty country, regardless of european influence
we're cooler in a shitty way

Europe is fucked. I just hope no Euros come over here and shit up my country when theirs go full thought police.
America is already shitty though

We don't want to be any more like europe
like that has anything to do with america being shitty
the more like europe we become

the shittier we will become

europe a shit
i know europe is shit, but that has nothing to do with america being shit
>crimes being committed for the "greater good"
>religious leaders attempting to hijack government
>centralization, collectivist and statist thinking gaining more ground every day

America today is facing the same things European nations faced in the past.

I would definitely want this child's psychology watched very closely and compared to those who lost their mothers to the childbirth process, not beforehand.

This doesn't affect my position, though, the offspring should be saved as long as it's possible.

Still, if it works, it works.

Europe is fucked. I just hope no Euros come over here and shit up my country when theirs go full thought police.
America is already shitty though

We don't want to be any more like europe
like that has anything to do with america being shitty
the more like europe we become

the shittier we will become

europe a shit

Serious / Re: Russell Brand interviews Ed Miliband
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:31:21 AM »
milibum is a mess

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:57:19 AM »
Extremely unethical.

Effective for the defense of a state? Really depends on the culture within the military and the state itself. Conscription+strong sense of unity and nationalism? Great. Conscription+Low morale and disunity? There will be a lot of rifles dropped once, never fired.

Serious / Re: Another victory for the LGBT
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:52:06 AM »
Another defeat for all couples.

The state should have no say in marriage. It should be a personal or religious choice. This is true of all interpersonal relationships.

How?  By making it legal for people to marry those who they love in states where the Government practically outlaws it?
By treating it as an issue of government at all. Government has no more business regulating marriage than it does deciding who can or can't be married. By making the state a part of such a huge life decision, you are normalizing statist overreach.

Then what do you say to the states that outlaw gay marriages?  Should the laws just stay untouched and people would not be able to be legally recognized as a couple?
I don't think any couple should be legally recognized, gay or straight.

Serious / Re: Another victory for the LGBT
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:45:23 AM »
JUNE 26, 2013
hand't read lol

Is same sex marriage not at the court this week?

Serious / Re: Another victory for the LGBT
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:43:03 AM »
Another defeat for all couples.

The state should have no say in marriage. It should be a personal or religious choice. This is true of all interpersonal relationships.

How?  By making it legal for people to marry those who they love in states where the Government practically outlaws it?
By treating it as an issue of government at all. Government has no more business regulating marriage than it does deciding who can or can't be married. By making the state a part of such a huge life decision, you are normalizing statist overreach.

Serious / Re: Another victory for the LGBT
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:33:19 AM »
Another defeat for all couples.

The state should have no say in marriage. It should be a personal or religious choice. This is true of all interpersonal relationships.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:57:03 PM »
Yeah, and unfortunately these black communities don't seem to be educated enough to actual form coherent thoughts on the issues at hand, and instead chimpout.
The rest of this post is fine, but jesus christ, this is the Serious board.

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega has mild autism, but he's really cool
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:55:18 PM »
Surprised people haven't posted about his channel more, especially back when he was basically a forum meme here.

He's still around here, right? I haven't payed too much attention outside of Serious lately.

it's literally ADHD: the industry

The Flood / Re: What was your first post?
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:52:01 PM »

Serious / Re: England is an Orwellian dystopia
« on: August 03, 2014, 04:24:07 PM »
Did you make this thread because I showed you that picture bbycakes?

OT: European-style statism is taking a hold here in the US as well, with the moves for mass surveillance and attempts to disarm the populace

« on: April 29, 2015, 11:46:01 PM »


Urban areas are shit no matter what country you're in. It's the countryside that won't disappoint.

« on: April 29, 2015, 11:19:50 PM »


Serious / Re: The country which never existed....
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:42:32 AM »
Where are you interested in going, if you're not sticking around?
Germany. I'm moving there next year for University, and hopefully I will be able to continue living there after that. It'd only be a concern financially since I'm an EU citizen.
[insert joke about Greek citizen owing money to a German institution here]
They're all free. Lol.

Hell, even Greek universities are free....
No such thing as free.

It may be free to you. But somebody is paying for it. This is getting off topic though.

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