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sounds like a hothead to me

Gaming / Re: Arby 'n' the Chief Season 8 Teaser
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:51:57 PM »
jesus christ let it die already.

this shit hasn't been relevant in years.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:17:25 AM »
But is he wrong?
The Empire was right.

Ulfric was a thalmor pawn, ad the only hope The Empire has of overcoming the Thalmor is if they stick together.
lol no

casualfag pls dont think you're a lorefag
O rly?
So you're telling me that the Aldmeri Domion was going to be toppled by a useless collection of warring factions as they were before Tiber Septim buttblasted them all into the ground?

That would require some serious divine intervention, unless of course you enjoy being under the thumb of tamrielic nazis.
hurr de he durr hur dee


The most important thing, far more important than the survival of the Empire, or even mankind for that matter, is the survival of the Towers. The more weakened Talos becomes through suppression of his worship, the more Anuidic thought prevails, the more freedom the Thalmor have to travel across the continent investigating towers at will, the closer they come to undoing creation.

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
This is all based on the assumption that the Empire goes back to war with the Dominion in time, if at all, which we don't know. We don't know that Thalmor propaganda won't pacify the Empire, we don't know that the Imperial populace has the will to go back to war.

The Dominion is still reeling from Hammerfell. Right now bad blood leaves them cut off from the Empire, but they are the ONLY entity standing up to the Dominion. An independent Skyrim is almost sure to cooperate with and provide aid to Hammerfell. Hammerfell+Skyrim > an impotent and corrupted Cyrodil.

What matters most of all though is protecting Talos. Talos is the only Tower the Thalmor cannot physically destroy. Instead, they destroy him by eliminating his worship. The Stormcloaks can ensure the worship of Talos remains widespread in Skyrim, while we really have no way of telling how prevalent it is among Imperials.
This is all only assuming that the Empire won't eventually... strike back.
You can't assume that a thalmor asset, however uncooperative, would wage open war on the Aldmeri dominion. More likely than not, he would sit idly forever on his nord ass, drinking mead and laughing at the sore imperials, not doing anything to help.

There are other powers that would intervene beforehand, but a unified Tamriel is the only mortal force that would overcome them other than exterraneous intervention by Atmora.
nigga why are so many retards convinced Ulfric being considered an "asset" means he's a sleeper agent or something

he's considered an asset because his civil war is bad for the Empire, and thus good for them. Uncooperative because, nigga, he's not willing to cooperate with the Thalmor.

unified tamriel doesn't mean jack shit anymore. The Empire lost Hammerfell which is just as important to it's war machine as Skyrim is. That break will not be mended. Now Hammerfell is the only nation standing up to the Dominion. The Empire is not going to provide aid to Hammerfell, for obvious reasons. There will be no cooperation at all between the two.

An independant Skyrim, in need of friends, would undoubtedly turn immediately to its Southwestern neighbor. Two independent nations cooperating militarily > the Empire sitting around while the Thalmor buy off more and more politicians and undermine them from within. Hammerfell and Skyrim, united, are a force greater than Cyrodil and High Rock, and are actually willing to take action against the Dominion.

You also fail to realize that just because mankind does not fight united under the Imperial banner, does not mean it won't be united against the Dominion. If a new war were to break out between the Dominion and the two greatest warrior cultures in Tamriel, it would behoove Cyrodil to go to war as well. Mankind doesn't need the Empire anymore. Even Talos himself has suggested this-

The Empire is sitting around while Thalmor wizards are free to creep throughout their territory and investigate the Towers. Every day Thalmor agents are able to spend in Imperial territory, they get closer to destroying the last of the Towers and unmaking the world.

The solution to the Thalmor problem is not one of military strategy, but of metaphysics. The best way to defeat the Thalmor is to prevent the destructon of the Towers. Talos himself being a Tower, his worship MUST be preserved at all costs.
I never said he was a sleeper agent, and do you seriously believe that those wretches are going to be able to unravel mundus without Akatosh intervening?
Akatosh can't do shit nigga. Besides, Akatosh is the most Anu-oriented being out there. Akatosh/Auriel/Aka-tusk was the one who, along with Trinimac, turned on Lorkhan after he tricked them into creating the Mundus. Akatosh would have no problem with this, I think, being a subgradient of Anu.

The fools think that just because they destroy the world they can become gods, purely because they would no longer be bound to the mortal plane that 'steals their true form'. Akatosh has had qualms intervening in the past, whether directly or indirectly, and would certainly have no problem crushing the thalmor if they came too close to victory.
If you can rely on Akatosh intervening (which he can't because Akatosh and the other Divines are weak as fuck), there's no point in even worrying about the Thalmor threat.

It would be more likely for him to let the deadric princes run loose upon the face of mundus just to destroy mortalkind, than for him to really allow them to do this.
He already let that happen a few times.

Not to mention Psidjic intervention, which is trivial in comparison, but pointed nonetheless.
Psijics aren't an army, dude.

Skyrim is in no position, no matter which side of the conflict prevails, to take up arms against the thalmor.
No, but it is certainly in a position to drive them out of Skyrim and help Hammerfell stay strong.

How can I be so certain?
Because there has to be concrete resolution to the plot in order for there to be a sequel.
Therefore, Ulfric, who did cooperate with the Thalmor, to the point that he believed he had some responsibility in the fall of the Imperial City, and decided to take up arms against the Empire later, (which doesn't help his position of "not their pawn") will not aide hammerfell.
Ulfric who was so hostile to the Thalmor that he threatens to leave the negotiating table if Elenwyn is allowed to stay, is secretly a Thalmor spy, yes.

He was imprisoned and tortured, just like everyone else of note captured by the Thalmor.

Ulfric's decision to turn on the Empire was based on his betrayal after the Markarth Incident, not his capture during the war.

In the end, the side you choose does not alter Tamriel's destiny, and therefore, there is no water being held in the argument that Skyrim could unite with Hammerfell, because they will not, only that I have done my best effort to preserve the Empire in hopes that they will lash out at the Aldmeri Domion, because regardless of they resolution, they still may. Essentially you have the choice between arming the Empire, or letting the nords sit on their asses and not touch the conflict.
The fuck is this incoherent bullshit.

The Empire is the one sitting on its ass. There is no real reason to believe the Empire's will to fight will not die with the generation that lost the war, while the Dominion veterans stay youthful.

If anyone is actually willing to take direct action against the Thalmor, it's probably the guy who they tortured and had imprisoned after freeing Markarth from the Forsworn.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:24:17 AM »
But is he wrong?
The Empire was right.

Ulfric was a thalmor pawn, ad the only hope The Empire has of overcoming the Thalmor is if they stick together.
lol no

casualfag pls dont think you're a lorefag
O rly?
So you're telling me that the Aldmeri Domion was going to be toppled by a useless collection of warring factions as they were before Tiber Septim buttblasted them all into the ground?

That would require some serious divine intervention, unless of course you enjoy being under the thumb of tamrielic nazis.
hurr de he durr hur dee


The most important thing, far more important than the survival of the Empire, or even mankind for that matter, is the survival of the Towers. The more weakened Talos becomes through suppression of his worship, the more Anuidic thought prevails, the more freedom the Thalmor have to travel across the continent investigating towers at will, the closer they come to undoing creation.

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
This is all based on the assumption that the Empire goes back to war with the Dominion in time, if at all, which we don't know. We don't know that Thalmor propaganda won't pacify the Empire, we don't know that the Imperial populace has the will to go back to war.

The Dominion is still reeling from Hammerfell. Right now bad blood leaves them cut off from the Empire, but they are the ONLY entity standing up to the Dominion. An independent Skyrim is almost sure to cooperate with and provide aid to Hammerfell. Hammerfell+Skyrim > an impotent and corrupted Cyrodil.

What matters most of all though is protecting Talos. Talos is the only Tower the Thalmor cannot physically destroy. Instead, they destroy him by eliminating his worship. The Stormcloaks can ensure the worship of Talos remains widespread in Skyrim, while we really have no way of telling how prevalent it is among Imperials.
This is all only assuming that the Empire won't eventually... strike back.
You can't assume that a thalmor asset, however uncooperative, would wage open war on the Aldmeri dominion. More likely than not, he would sit idly forever on his nord ass, drinking mead and laughing at the sore imperials, not doing anything to help.

There are other powers that would intervene beforehand, but a unified Tamriel is the only mortal force that would overcome them other than exterraneous intervention by Atmora.
nigga why are so many retards convinced Ulfric being considered an "asset" means he's a sleeper agent or something

he's considered an asset because his civil war is bad for the Empire, and thus good for them. Uncooperative because, nigga, he's not willing to cooperate with the Thalmor.

unified tamriel doesn't mean jack shit anymore. The Empire lost Hammerfell which is just as important to it's war machine as Skyrim is. That break will not be mended. Now Hammerfell is the only nation standing up to the Dominion. The Empire is not going to provide aid to Hammerfell, for obvious reasons. There will be no cooperation at all between the two.

An independant Skyrim, in need of friends, would undoubtedly turn immediately to its Southwestern neighbor. Two independent nations cooperating militarily > the Empire sitting around while the Thalmor buy off more and more politicians and undermine them from within. Hammerfell and Skyrim, united, are a force greater than Cyrodil and High Rock, and are actually willing to take action against the Dominion.

You also fail to realize that just because mankind does not fight united under the Imperial banner, does not mean it won't be united against the Dominion. If a new war were to break out between the Dominion and the two greatest warrior cultures in Tamriel, it would behoove Cyrodil to go to war as well. Mankind doesn't need the Empire anymore. Even Talos himself has suggested this-

The Empire is sitting around while Thalmor wizards are free to creep throughout their territory and investigate the Towers. Every day Thalmor agents are able to spend in Imperial territory, they get closer to destroying the last of the Towers and unmaking the world.

The solution to the Thalmor problem is not one of military strategy, but of metaphysics. The best way to defeat the Thalmor is to prevent the destructon of the Towers. Talos himself being a Tower, his worship MUST be preserved at all costs.

Oh boy, nobody has ever posted this before.
Risitas - Las Paelleras (Original video with English Subtitles)



The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:41:31 PM »
But is he wrong?
The Empire was right.

Ulfric was a thalmor pawn, ad the only hope The Empire has of overcoming the Thalmor is if they stick together.
lol no

casualfag pls dont think you're a lorefag
O rly?
So you're telling me that the Aldmeri Domion was going to be toppled by a useless collection of warring factions as they were before Tiber Septim buttblasted them all into the ground?

That would require some serious divine intervention, unless of course you enjoy being under the thumb of tamrielic nazis.
hurr de he durr hur dee


The most important thing, far more important than the survival of the Empire, or even mankind for that matter, is the survival of the Towers. The more weakened Talos becomes through suppression of his worship, the more Anuidic thought prevails, the more freedom the Thalmor have to travel across the continent investigating towers at will, the closer they come to undoing creation.

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
This is all based on the assumption that the Empire goes back to war with the Dominion in time, if at all, which we don't know. We don't know that Thalmor propaganda won't pacify the Empire, we don't know that the Imperial populace has the will to go back to war.

The Dominion is still reeling from Hammerfell. Right now bad blood leaves them cut off from the Empire, but they are the ONLY entity standing up to the Dominion. An independent Skyrim is almost sure to cooperate with and provide aid to Hammerfell. Hammerfell+Skyrim > an impotent and corrupted Cyrodil.

What matters most of all though is protecting Talos. Talos is the only Tower the Thalmor cannot physically destroy. Instead, they destroy him by eliminating his worship. The Stormcloaks can ensure the worship of Talos remains widespread in Skyrim, while we really have no way of telling how prevalent it is among Imperials.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:26:32 PM »
But is he wrong?
The Empire was right.

Ulfric was a thalmor pawn, ad the only hope The Empire has of overcoming the Thalmor is if they stick together.
More referring to this, "The thalmor are like the zionist crime syndicate thats seized america and controls it from behind the curtains."
no, not really.

The Thalmor don't really run things from behind any curtain. Everyone in politics is aware of their manipulation and the way they walk all over the Imperial government.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:22:23 PM »
But is he wrong?
The Empire was right.

Ulfric was a thalmor pawn, ad the only hope The Empire has of overcoming the Thalmor is if they stick together.
lol no

casualfag pls dont think you're a lorefag

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:16:16 PM »
Wookiepedia has an article called "breast" that is just about boobs.

I swear to god.
I, too, browse /v/

The Flood / when do i get my Invincible?
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:38:21 PM »
gib pls

The Flood / Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:37:32 PM »

this post

this comment:
I kill imperals when I see them and you should too. Weaken it untill it collapses like Soviet Russia. The thalmor are like the zionist crime syndicate thats seized america and controls it from behind the curtains.
January 29, 2014 by A Wikia contributor

Dear retards: he's not downs because he says the Stormcloaks are the better option, he's downs because of his reasoning and grammar

« on: May 05, 2015, 09:37:49 PM »



« on: May 05, 2015, 09:31:44 PM »


Gaming / Re: Mass Effect: How did you deal with this problem
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:16:50 PM »
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire

How do you determine which of the branching storylines is canon?
you choose the one that isn't shit

so basically nothing is canon

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect: How did you deal with this problem
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:14:22 PM »
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies o
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
Ashley canonically dies on Virmire
n Virmire


Aren't both sides morally ambiguous?
the stormcloaks didnt have great moral ground to stand on

If you were all that concerned with morality you'd be an anarchist.
morality is relative, friend
also it's not


if morality is relative I want you to explain how treatment of women in Muslim-majority cultures is not inferior to the way women are treated in first-world countries.

Aren't both sides morally ambiguous?
the stormcloaks didnt have great moral ground to stand on

If you were all that concerned with morality you'd be an anarchist.
morality is relative, friend
this after literally implying that the Stormcloaks were immoral.


also it's not

>You people actually think choosing a side impacts anything other than model changes.
>not being a TES lorefag

Aren't both sides morally ambiguous?
the stormcloaks didnt have great moral ground to stand on
Literally no government has any moral ground to stand on.

The only argument for any government is that it is the most effective structure for society. I don't think that is the case in the real world, but TES is fiction. The choice that is better for the survival of mankind is the superior choice, because nobody you can side with here is good.

If you were all that concerned with morality you'd be an anarchist.

Serious / Re: If you can't speak English, you shouldn't be voting
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:17:12 PM »
Fucking liberals
>some of the worst statists in bongistan
>having actual liberal values


fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...
Because people can end up on watchlists for all kinds of stupid reasons. Anti-war activists have been put on no-fly lists. You cannot deprive a person of a natural right for something they are merely suspected of.

If this guy did legally obtain guns, and the organization supposed to be monitoring him did not begin taking steps to prevent them from being used, the blood is on their hands.
Where did you get that from?
So why should this mean that terror suspects can be allowed to possess weapons to begin with?
Because they are suspects, not perpetrators. Just because someone looks scary does not make them an actual threat.
Lol, this guy tried to join al-Qaeda in Somalia.
I think that would make someone slightly more than suspect. If actively attempting to join these groups does not constitute a crime what's the fucking point of monitoring them? Just wait for them to fuck somebody's shit up?

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...
Because people can end up on watchlists for all kinds of stupid reasons. Anti-war activists have been put on no-fly lists. You cannot deprive a person of a natural right for something they are merely suspected of.

If this guy did legally obtain guns, and the organization supposed to be monitoring him did not begin taking steps to prevent them from being used, the blood is on their hands.
Where did you get that from?
So why should this mean that terror suspects can be allowed to possess weapons to begin with?
Because they are suspects, not perpetrators. Just because someone looks scary does not make them an actual threat.

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...
Because people can end up on watchlists for all kinds of stupid reasons. Anti-war activists have been put on no-fly lists. You cannot deprive a person of a natural right for something they are merely suspected of.

If this guy did legally obtain guns, and the organization supposed to be monitoring him did not begin taking steps to prevent them from being used, the blood is on their hands.
Where did you get that from?

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...
Because people can end up on watchlists for all kinds of stupid reasons. Anti-war activists have been put on no-fly lists. You cannot deprive a person of a natural right for something they are merely suspected of.

If this guy did legally obtain guns, and the organization supposed to be monitoring him did not begin taking steps to prevent them from being used, the blood is on their hands.

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.

Serious / Re: I feel I am becoming a Buddhist. I like it! : D
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:51:47 PM »
I like the ascetism of it.
*tips fedora*


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