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Gaming / Re: Well Obsidian just lost its one edge over Bethesda
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:33:17 AM »
Obsidian are godly devs with or without Avellone.

There are FAR more reasons they're better than Bethesda.

On the bright side I won't have to cling to any bright hopes for Fallout anymore, it is dead for good now.

The Flood / Re: Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:30:55 AM »
Depends on what I'm looking for.

I'd like kids someday, so someone with a non-genetic disability like blindness or an amputee isn't out of the long-term question. Nothing that would affect a person's intellectual capacity though, short or long-term. Physical attractiveness shouldn't be affected either.

I could see myself in a short-term fling with a girl who may have a genetic predisposition to something nasty but doesn't have it herself, but again nobody mentally handicapped.

The Flood / Re: Rate my outfit for my date tonight
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:58:13 PM »
Where is the suit? Are you going out on a date or are you just chilling at home?

Wear a suit. Women love suits. Well, most do.
Who the shit below the age of 50 that isn't a business owner or pilot even owns a full suit?
literally anyone who has ever been to anything relatively formal

The Flood / jocephalopod is the only user here who is actually funny
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:52:25 PM »
the rest of you really ought to kill yourselves

The Flood / Re: This picture deserves it's own thread
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:37:57 PM »
i wish i could find that funny fraser face i had as my coup before leaving Bnet

The Flood / Re: Rate my outfit for my date tonight
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:33:51 PM »

>short sleeves


The Flood / Re: I'm gonna participate in ramadan
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:33:05 PM »
Of course the dumbest aspects of religion would appeal to you.

I love those little shits

The Flood / Re: only 45 to go
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:52:52 PM »

The Flood / only 45 to go
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:50:50 PM »
Who is ready for #INVINCIBLEDOOR2015???

The Flood / Re: cringe thread ACTIVATE
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:28:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: cringe thread ACTIVATE
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:27:37 PM »

I wish I remembered the login for Frute Brute

It was the best alt name I ever used
the plot thickens

It was door the whole time

The Flood / Re: cringe thread ACTIVATE
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:10:47 PM »

I wish I remembered the login for Frute Brute

It was the best alt name I ever used

Gaming / Re: Why is nobody taking about the best game from e3
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:58:53 PM »
Mobile shit aren't real games.

The Flood / Re: A video of a bear attacking a deer
« on: June 16, 2015, 11:06:28 PM »
That reminds me, I still have some reindeer meatballs that need eating.
fucking scandi

Gaming / Dream game GO GO GO
« on: June 16, 2015, 11:00:50 PM »
Open world first person shooter with magical elements set in the Winter War of 1939. The player is a Finn soldier who is killed and comes back with ancient Finn magic powers. Combat somewhere between STALKER and Far Cry, with magical powers and combat skills progressing based on use. Dungeon exploration and commie-hunting in a large overworld. Emphasis less on gunplay and more on ambush and stealth tactics, with magic powers and weapons being viable in different situations.

The Flood / cringe thread ACTIVATE
« on: June 16, 2015, 09:28:25 PM »


Gaming / Re: Marty O'Donnel founds Highwire Games
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:48:33 PM »
Hopefully marty's a better developer than composer
lol are you trolling? The Halo OST is the single best thing about the series.
maybe, but like all the other things about the series it is highly overrated.

Gaming / Re: Marty O'Donnel founds Highwire Games
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:25:16 PM »
Hopefully marty's a better developer than composer

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 is barely a Fallout game
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:18:30 PM »
How would you go about it? I'm genuinely asking.
take the core mechanics present in new vegas, apply them to an updated engine with smoother gunplay and more detailed visuals

Have Obsidian people write it because Bethesda's writers are hacks

Add more features and challenge to stuff like hardcore mode, make NPC and faction interaction deeper.

Give players difficult choices with meaningful consequences. Explore the realities, lifestyles, and ethics of a post-nuclear America, not build a bigger plasma gun.

Serious / Re: US bans trans fats
« on: June 16, 2015, 07:34:36 PM »
Ridiculous. People have a fucking right to put whatever the hell they want to in their bodies. We should be pursuing forced labeling laws, not this nanny state bullshit.
Oh fuck off. This isn't even remotely that type of a thing at all. It's not like people willingly put transfats into their food and now they're being oppressed by the evil government.
Banning any substance that people willingly put into their bodies is morally wrong. If we had better labeling laws, then people would know what's in their food and would be able to make their own informed decision. That's the utopia, not banning anything that's remotely harmful.
Bro, nobody willfully puts transfats into their foods. We just buy food with transfats because we don't know it has it and we don't really care enough to not buy the product.

It's not something we willfully do that's being taken from us. Fuck off with your obnoxious oppression complex.
if you would read the fucking label you'd know, faggot

This is the fault of people too dumb to be responsible consumers, nobody else.
If the amount of trans fat in a serving is below a gram, companies can advertise it as having 0 trans fat.  At most, it's recommended no more than 2g of trans fat a day, preferably 0.  If some were to have multiple servings with 1/2 a gram that would go over the allowance.  They should at least tighten the label recommondations.
fuck, that's bullshit

Serious / Re: US bans trans fats
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:55:24 PM »
Ridiculous. People have a fucking right to put whatever the hell they want to in their bodies. We should be pursuing forced labeling laws, not this nanny state bullshit.
Oh fuck off. This isn't even remotely that type of a thing at all. It's not like people willingly put transfats into their food and now they're being oppressed by the evil government.
Banning any substance that people willingly put into their bodies is morally wrong. If we had better labeling laws, then people would know what's in their food and would be able to make their own informed decision. That's the utopia, not banning anything that's remotely harmful.
Bro, nobody willfully puts transfats into their foods. We just buy food with transfats because we don't know it has it and we don't really care enough to not buy the product.

It's not something we willfully do that's being taken from us. Fuck off with your obnoxious oppression complex.
if you would read the fucking label you'd know, faggot

This is the fault of people too dumb to be responsible consumers, nobody else.
Except most the time they don't even tell you it's in the food dumbo ass motherfucker.
i'm 98% sure it's labelled

If it isn't universally labelled somebody should be lynched

Serious / Re: US bans trans fats
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:43:31 PM »
Ridiculous. People have a fucking right to put whatever the hell they want to in their bodies. We should be pursuing forced labeling laws, not this nanny state bullshit.
Oh fuck off. This isn't even remotely that type of a thing at all. It's not like people willingly put transfats into their food and now they're being oppressed by the evil government.
Banning any substance that people willingly put into their bodies is morally wrong. If we had better labeling laws, then people would know what's in their food and would be able to make their own informed decision. That's the utopia, not banning anything that's remotely harmful.
Bro, nobody willfully puts transfats into their foods. We just buy food with transfats because we don't know it has it and we don't really care enough to not buy the product.

It's not something we willfully do that's being taken from us. Fuck off with your obnoxious oppression complex.
if you would read the fucking label you'd know, faggot

This is the fault of people too dumb to be responsible consumers, nobody else.

Serious / Re: US bans trans fats
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:40:53 PM »
This is Europe-tier bullshit

Serious / Re: US bans trans fats
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:40:31 PM »
I'm all for potentially healthier standards from the FDA, but like, if we're banning trans fats for these reasons, why do we still let people smoke?

I imagine it has something to do with the average consumer not necessarily being aware of all the trans fats in their food, whereas cigarettes are notoriously dangerous and there's no question of how unhealthy each cigarette is.
so run a fucking media campaign like with smoking, fuck

The Flood / Re: Playing The Part Of A Girl
« on: June 16, 2015, 12:16:17 PM »
you should look closely at how people respond to smiggles

Gaming / Re: So that Pro Xbox Controller is $150
« on: June 16, 2015, 12:00:08 PM »
yfw it's required for Halo 5 :^)



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