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Serious / Re: Take down the flag
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:10:12 PM »
The issue is that currently it's flying above the state and national flags.  The guy also had the flag on the front license plate of his car.
Both of these things change how I see it. Thank you for the clarification.

Serious / Re: Take down the flag
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:24:04 PM »
It's a fucking flag, for fuck's sake.

Offence is always taken, it's never given. The people here who consider a flag "offensive" are the ones with the issue, especially when you could consider the historical intricacies involved in the Civil War.

I mean, come on, are we so stupid as to ignore context? Let's say the Swastika was raised outside the Reichstag ever year on VE Day, in an attempt to symbolise and remember a very dark period in Germany's history. Personally, I think this could be justified, and the fact that flying even the Swastika can be acceptable in certain circumstances sure as shit means there's no need to get your fucking cock and balls in a knot because some places fly A CONFEDERATE FLAG WHEN SOME FUCKING LUNATIC MURDERS A BUNCH OF BLACK PEOPLE.

Holy shitting Christ alive.
I take issue with the fact that it tried to keep that divide of North and South.

There's no division. It's one country and one people.
centralist shill pls go

hurr durr anarchy revolution

Go choke on a dick
okay bootlicker
Ok taxpayer
>implying i've ever paid my taxes

Oh yeah I'm sure Mr I live with my parents in the suburbs.
>living in london

Serious / Re: Take down the flag
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:11:32 PM »
It's a fucking flag, for fuck's sake.

Offence is always taken, it's never given. The people here who consider a flag "offensive" are the ones with the issue, especially when you could consider the historical intricacies involved in the Civil War.

I mean, come on, are we so stupid as to ignore context? Let's say the Swastika was raised outside the Reichstag ever year on VE Day, in an attempt to symbolise and remember a very dark period in Germany's history. Personally, I think this could be justified, and the fact that flying even the Swastika can be acceptable in certain circumstances sure as shit means there's no need to get your fucking cock and balls in a knot because some places fly A CONFEDERATE FLAG WHEN SOME FUCKING LUNATIC MURDERS A BUNCH OF BLACK PEOPLE.

Holy shitting Christ alive.
I take issue with the fact that it tried to keep that divide of North and South.

There's no division. It's one country and one people.
centralist shill pls go

hurr durr anarchy revolution

Go choke on a dick
okay bootlicker
Ok taxpayer
>implying i've ever paid my taxes


Serious / Re: Take down the flag
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:09:56 PM »
It's a fucking flag, for fuck's sake.

Offence is always taken, it's never given. The people here who consider a flag "offensive" are the ones with the issue, especially when you could consider the historical intricacies involved in the Civil War.

I mean, come on, are we so stupid as to ignore context? Let's say the Swastika was raised outside the Reichstag ever year on VE Day, in an attempt to symbolise and remember a very dark period in Germany's history. Personally, I think this could be justified, and the fact that flying even the Swastika can be acceptable in certain circumstances sure as shit means there's no need to get your fucking cock and balls in a knot because some places fly A CONFEDERATE FLAG WHEN SOME FUCKING LUNATIC MURDERS A BUNCH OF BLACK PEOPLE.

Holy shitting Christ alive.
I take issue with the fact that it tried to keep that divide of North and South.

There's no division. It's one country and one people.
centralist shill pls go

hurr durr anarchy revolution

Go choke on a dick
okay bootlicker

Serious / Re: Take down the flag
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:08:25 PM »
It's a fucking flag, for fuck's sake.

Offence is always taken, it's never given. The people here who consider a flag "offensive" are the ones with the issue, especially when you could consider the historical intricacies involved in the Civil War.

I mean, come on, are we so stupid as to ignore context? Let's say the Swastika was raised outside the Reichstag ever year on VE Day, in an attempt to symbolise and remember a very dark period in Germany's history. Personally, I think this could be justified, and the fact that flying even the Swastika can be acceptable in certain circumstances sure as shit means there's no need to get your fucking cock and balls in a knot because some places fly A CONFEDERATE FLAG WHEN SOME FUCKING LUNATIC MURDERS A BUNCH OF BLACK PEOPLE.

Holy shitting Christ alive.
I take issue with the fact that it tried to keep that divide of North and South.

There's no division. It's one country and one people.
centralist shill pls go


Serious / Re: Take down the flag
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:04:06 PM »
what the fuck does a confederate battle flag have to do with a stormfag going off his rocker?

>but Door, how do you know he was a stormfag?

stormfronters circlejerk over Rhodesia as "muh white paradise in Africa" all the time. /k/ommandos too, to an extent, but for different reasons.
namely 16" FALs with paratrooper stocks and tactical short shorts

Gaming / Re: should I get fallout 1 & 2?
« on: June 19, 2015, 04:15:06 PM »
if you're willing to sink time into them, they're absolutely worth.

Serious / Re: So if Transracialism is a thing, and acceptable
« on: June 19, 2015, 04:01:30 PM »
i shouldn't post while high

if this thread could get axed that'd be nice

Gaming / Re: Our fears about Battlefront may be true
« on: June 19, 2015, 11:55:53 AM »
Polygon and gamespot both liked the game
paid "journos" liking something doesn't reay say much

Is legitimized just because you say "muh nostalgia rose colored glasses afraid of change" every time someone tells you the shit you're eating stinks?

you people are worse than the le wrong generation crowd, just on the other end of the spectrum

kill yourselves

Serious / Re: So if Transracialism is a thing, and acceptable
« on: June 19, 2015, 11:39:50 AM »
well the line of reasoning here is that if racism is wrong because

people cannot choose their race and  you really can't blame someone for being born with certain genes

in a transracial setting this isn't really a thing because it's totally fair to dislike someone for a personal choice

not that i think this transracial bullshit has any legitimacy, i'm just high af rn and thinking about the implications of it

Serious / Re: So if Transracialism is a thing, and acceptable
« on: June 19, 2015, 11:33:55 AM »
How do you justify that? Transgendrism is a thing and gender bias/inequality isn't remotely OK
if you CAN choose your gender then it actually might be okay

At least we know
who Azor Ahai is :^)

Why is Brienne just a fucking Terminator at this point
Probably so that they have a counter to the argument that women in GOT are there to get killed in horrible ways or for haram purposes. Completely forgetting all of the decent characters with more to them than being a po-faced donkey that's apparently there to mop up everyone's favourite characters now.

It gets a bit boring after a while. Hell, I'm rooting for Cersei more now. Lannisters ftw.
D&D are so terrible they've even managed to make Cersei a sympathetic character

The finale was a shitshow

Serious / So if Transracialism is a thing, and acceptable
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:43:46 AM »
Wouldn't that make racism somewhat okay?

The Flood / Re: Door
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:31:10 AM »
you're all forgetting my favorite Fallout game is New Vegas
You're forgetting you're a nigger.
reported to al sharpton

The Flood / Re: Door
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:28:51 AM »
you're all forgetting my favorite Fallout game is New Vegas

People like Trump turn the Republican candidacy into a shitshow.

Serious / Re: Those still living. . . Shall envy the dead
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:39:45 PM »
hopefully the whole EU experiment comes to and end

Gaming / Re: Our fears about Battlefront may be true
« on: June 18, 2015, 03:49:32 PM »
What the fuck is this may bullshit

this has been completely apparent since shortly after EA started releasing information

did you need to be given this opinion from some shitty article from an SJW website to figure that out?

Serious / Re: I feel so oppressed
« on: June 18, 2015, 02:41:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: India 2030
« on: June 18, 2015, 01:18:28 PM »
Why is this shit in Serious and why didn't you embed it?
cant embed mobile youtube links

The Flood / India 2030
« on: June 18, 2015, 11:58:56 AM »

Gaming / Re: Well Obsidian just lost its one edge over Bethesda
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:45:52 AM »
People just have to fucking accept that Fallout is different now. Fanboys of the shit first and second games need to just stop playing.
i know you're baiting specifically for me but almost nobody is asking for new Fallout games to be turn-based and isometric.

We just want them to actually be decent fucking Fallout games and not shallow watered-down garbage Fallout-in-name-and-setting only cash-ins, which is exactly what Bethesda shits out.

Gaming / Re: Well Obsidian just lost its one edge over Bethesda
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:34:22 AM »
Obsidian is busy making World of Tanks: Modern Warfare I doubt they'd be in the running for Fallout anytime soon anyway.

The fallout drama is getting pretty fucking stupid, before it was funny how pissy all the dedicated fans were getting, but  it's old.
this is what happens when you shit on your fanbase

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