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Serious / Re: Never thought I'd say this... Thank you SNP
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:56:11 PM »
All SNP is good for is dividing the left

when they vote with the rest of the left they're just being annoying leftists

anywho why can't UK hunters just not be overly brutal cunts? It's a fox, not a lion, just shoot it. Something in .223 would more than suffice, I would think. Having dogs do all the work is just kind of gay and retarded.

Not that I have any sympathy for the left here, either, since half of the force behind this comes from classist cunts in Labour.

So yeah, the traditional bong fox hunting is retarded and gay, but so is a lot of the opposition to it.

tl;dr just use a gun fucking eurofags
Nice assumptions there m80, current fox hunters/pest control do use rifles to kill them.

People tend not to give much of a shit about that, what they don't want to see is a return to the days when the rich bellends would roam the countryside getting dogs to maul foxes for fun.

But of course it's expecting too much from a yank to have any knowledge of the outside world.
i mean i'm aware that there are hunters in the UK who use guns, they post on /k/ a lot, I'm genuinely confused by the fact that people are still interested in using dogs when you can shoot the foxes

do you know how quick and easy it is to shoot a fox

really easy

(also why does it matter that the bellends are rich, this is part of why I'm so annoyed by the butthurt. There are genuine reasons to be butthurt but the wealth of the foxhunters is not one of them)

Serious / Re: Never thought I'd say this... Thank you SNP
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:26:13 PM »
All SNP is good for is dividing the left

when they vote with the rest of the left they're just being annoying leftists

anywho why can't UK hunters just not be overly brutal cunts? It's a fox, not a lion, just shoot it. Something in .223 would more than suffice, I would think. Having dogs do all the work is just kind of gay and retarded.

Not that I have any sympathy for the left here, either, since half of the force behind this comes from classist cunts in Labour.

So yeah, the traditional bong fox hunting is retarded and gay, but so is a lot of the opposition to it.

tl;dr just use a gun fucking eurofags

I'm kinda with Turkey here, but I'm honestly more interested in knowing what, if anything, could be gained from aborted fetus parts. Like, what good is that to us? What do you do with a fetus arm?

I don't think the problem is so much whether he believes what he says, it's that what he says is usually retarded

Serious / Re: Politically, what should Sweden do?
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:11:34 AM »
Abandon hope

This is the kind of domestic issue that literally does not matter
It doesn't matter insofar as it isn't shifting any weight, sure, but it's still pretty clear there's a right and wrong course of action here.
Well, obviously.

This is the kind of domestic issue that literally does not matter

Turns out the Gulf War was clearly justified and had significant positive ramifications for the country, and to call Saddam a "two-bit dictator" exposed how worryingly out of touch Sanders was and is.

never taking an opinion of yours seriously again

Pretty sure you've said that numerous times before. Saddam wasn't a two-bit dictator; he massacred ethnic groups and was invading Kuwait to gain control of one of the most strategically important ports in the area, ostensibly to use oil resources to leverage the world into allowing his rampage. Desert Storm is arguably one of the most clearly justified, good vs. evil-type war since WWII.
>good vs evil
>you can still be the "good guys" when you cooperate with the Soviet Union

The Flood / Re: Which is the better rifle platform?
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:57:19 PM »
Okay first of all anyone autistic enough to refer to a rifle as a "platform" needs help.

Second comparing these rifles is retarded and gay. I haven't read and replies yet but I'm sure all of you noguns faggots are debating the merits of "accuracy vs reliability" like the noguns faggots you are.

Comparing FAL to either AR or AK is fucking dumb because it fills a totally different role. It's a fucking .308 rifle and you're comparing it to intermediate cartridge rifles. A better rifle to bring to this discussion in it's place would be the FNC, but I doubt the fags in this thread know what that is. Flee might, being a Belgian.

Third, comparing "AK47" to "AR15" is dumb as fuck. The AK47 was introduced in the fucking 40s, it's a piece of antiquated shit. The AKM is what the first M16 would have been matched up against, and even that is an unfair comparison. 7.62x39 is a dated cartridge that really has no business being put up next to 5.56/.223. AR15 is broad as fuck, there are shitloads of manufacturers and the design has changed significantly since it was introduced by Armalite.

Rather than comparing 7.62x39 to 5.56, you should be talking about 5.45x39, the Soviet answer to 5.56. It performs more like 5.56 than 7.62, and is in some ways superior to 5.56.

Which AK and which AR are we comparing? A Krinkov to a carbine AR? M16A1 to AKM, cold war shit? Updated versions, AK74 to M16A2? AK74M to M16A3? AK12 to M16A4?

Fuck this gay debate
I didn't intend to have an actual debate about the rifles. I didn't want a historical discussion on which is the most effective in the battlefield. I just wanted to see what the Flood thinks so I can better decide on which one to get. The reason I listed the guns as AR15 AK47  and FAL is because I wanted to dumb it down so the people on the Flood knew what the letters meant. Don't get so aggressive over my improper term usage. I don't know why you would get so butthurt of something so stupid. Save that rage for an actual debate.
if you're looking to buy, i'd also recommend you consider a PTR, the magazines are cheap, I BELIEVE it costs less than other .308 battle rifles, and you can do the HK slap

Serious / Re: Why didn't the Jews fight back?
« on: July 11, 2015, 04:17:46 PM »
Inb4 mericans and their " Muh Guns would have saved them comments"
it is quite a bit more difficult to kill someone when they can shoot back

The Flood / Re: Which is the better rifle platform?
« on: July 11, 2015, 11:46:21 AM »
Okay first of all anyone autistic enough to refer to a rifle as a "platform" needs help.

Second comparing these rifles is retarded and gay. I haven't read and replies yet but I'm sure all of you noguns faggots are debating the merits of "accuracy vs reliability" like the noguns faggots you are.

Comparing FAL to either AR or AK is fucking dumb because it fills a totally different role. It's a fucking .308 rifle and you're comparing it to intermediate cartridge rifles. A better rifle to bring to this discussion in it's place would be the FNC, but I doubt the fags in this thread know what that is. Flee might, being a Belgian.

Third, comparing "AK47" to "AR15" is dumb as fuck. The AK47 was introduced in the fucking 40s, it's a piece of antiquated shit. The AKM is what the first M16 would have been matched up against, and even that is an unfair comparison. 7.62x39 is a dated cartridge that really has no business being put up next to 5.56/.223. AR15 is broad as fuck, there are shitloads of manufacturers and the design has changed significantly since it was introduced by Armalite.

Rather than comparing 7.62x39 to 5.56, you should be talking about 5.45x39, the Soviet answer to 5.56. It performs more like 5.56 than 7.62, and is in some ways superior to 5.56.

Which AK and which AR are we comparing? A Krinkov to a carbine AR? M16A1 to AKM, cold war shit? Updated versions, AK74 to M16A2? AK74M to M16A3? AK12 to M16A4?

Fuck this gay debate

The Flood / The years have not been kind, John Connor
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:50:02 AM »

The Flood / Re: Which Movie Should I Watch?
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:45:28 AM »
The Terminator (1984)

Gaming / Re: Posts games that you would want remade for current gen.
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:44:13 AM »
That's gay as shit

If you can't appreciate a game without modern visuals, it was either a shit game or you have shit taste

"Oh, boy, that's a lot of replies. This is going to be sad."

Look at what you people do to me.
The amount of losers in this thread defending Skyrim and Fallout 3 has given me cancer.
You're the faggots killing the WRPG genre.
WRPGs died with Mass Effect, mang. After that game it was all action.

There hasn't been a genuine AAA WRPG in years, just ARPGs.

At least we got Wasteland 2

Serious / Re: rape culture
« on: July 11, 2015, 09:59:31 AM »
Rape culture is probably my favorite SJW me me

Skyrim is enjoyable as a comfy-core game, nothing more.

Fallout 3 is just butt.

All of this asshurt, geez

It's a shit game, done. Why are you all still talking about it?

Serious / Re: African Americans in sports and slave breeding.
« on: July 10, 2015, 03:22:39 PM »
 F    ] [

The Flood / Re: I already don't don't like the Nightly Show.
« on: July 09, 2015, 09:07:43 PM »
As preachy as Stewart gets and as bored of Colbert as I am, at least they're funny


Old Belgian prime minister and leader of the liberal party, for those wondering.

But seriously though, he said some good things.
is he liberal in the european sense of the word

Or in the gay American sense
The European sense. I still don't entirely understand how the Americans got it so wrong.
something to do with the fact that we haven't really had a major liberal (european) movement, I suspect. At least, until recently, and even what we have now is tiny.

This is all coming out of my ass, though, I really don't know.

Is it wrong that deep down I want Rock Band 4 slightly more than Fallout 4?
it's pretty right actually

Gaming / Re: What's the best class for Mass Effect
« on: July 08, 2015, 07:05:18 PM »
i really wanna play mass effect now
I'm gonna buy 2 and 3. This franchise is the shit.
if you like Mass Effect primarily for the gameplay you may be disappointed by 2 and 3, they're linear corridor shooters.

If you get attached to the characters though it'll be hard not to enjoy it.
This is like the Star Wars of our generation.
thanks IGN

« on: July 08, 2015, 07:03:31 PM »


Because who needs roads, or law enforcement, or an efficient organized military, or any of the other services a government typically provides.
hurr durr roads can only exist if they're state-owned

Gaming / Re: What's the best class for Mass Effect
« on: July 08, 2015, 06:56:20 PM »
i really wanna play mass effect now
I'm gonna buy 2 and 3. This franchise is the shit.
if you like Mass Effect primarily for the gameplay you may be disappointed by 2 and 3, they're linear corridor shooters.

If you get attached to the characters though it'll be hard not to enjoy it.

Serious / Re: >china will grow larger
« on: July 08, 2015, 06:31:40 PM »
yfw China will experience it's own lost decade

Serious / Re: >china will grow larger
« on: July 08, 2015, 06:24:03 PM »


Serious / >china will grow larger
« on: July 08, 2015, 06:15:34 PM »


Old Belgian prime minister and leader of the liberal party, for those wondering.

But seriously though, he said some good things.
is he liberal in the european sense of the word

Or in the gay American sense

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