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Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 04:44:26 PM »
Is there really any point to providing him with these resources? He's not going to reform or anything.
Breivik is a narcissistic psychopath; that sort of disorder is usually outgrown by the time an individual reaches their 50s or 60s. Norway has at least one serial killer I know of whom they released, and who is now living under a different name.
Breivik's actions were political in nature, though, he didn't just snap and start serving the dark lord.

Could he come back from it? Maybe, Maajid Nawaz did, I suppose a white supremacist could too.

But I really don't think Breivik is someone you can just treat or reform with support, he has to pull his head out of his ass on his own.

And that won't happen if we allow him the opportunity to take a political science course?
Will it help?

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 04:21:04 PM »
Is there really any point to providing him with these resources? He's not going to reform or anything.
Breivik is a narcissistic psychopath; that sort of disorder is usually outgrown by the time an individual reaches their 50s or 60s. Norway has at least one serial killer I know of whom they released, and who is now living under a different name.
Breivik's actions were political in nature, though, he didn't just snap and start serving the dark lord.

Could he come back from it? Maybe, Maajid Nawaz did, I suppose a white supremacist could too.

But I really don't think Breivik is someone you can just treat or reform with support, he has to pull his head out of his ass on his own.

Serious / Re: "The end of capitalism has begun"
« on: July 18, 2015, 01:17:31 PM »
>European media ever knowing what they're talking about

>regarding any issue ever

Gaming / Re: Is Esports a legitimate sport?
« on: July 18, 2015, 10:57:31 AM »
Do Halo players get veteran's benefits?

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 10:25:40 AM »
Is there really any point to providing him with these resources? He's not going to reform or anything.

The Flood / Re: Said about this?
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:47:02 AM »
You just fuck a bitch, you say? What the hell for me? I need to know you, I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I was involved in the attack of a large number of al-Qaeda · secret, and I am more than 300 confirmed kill it takes, When I was training in Gorilla Warfare I, is the best all US military sniper. You did not do for me, but not for another purpose. I marked my fucking words you accuracy, wipe the floor like that has never been before on this planet. Do you think you can avoid saying that shit on the Internet? Think again, stupid. I must contact my network of secret US domestic spying, as we say, you'd better storm, because the preparation of the larvae, your IP-address was traced now. Pathetic little things Clearing storm you call life. You're dead, I'm damn kids. I can be anywhere, at any time, I can kill you in more than 700 of the road, it's just my bare hands. Not just a bit crap, I trained in a wide range of combat with bare hands, and I have access to all the weapons in the United States Marine Corps I, the surface to clean the continent YOU miserable donkey, and use it to the maximum. Unless you can be your little comments "smart" retaliation knew the evil that was up to you cell, you probably will take a fucking language. However, you, you could not do, and you are now paying the price, you redneck white man a fool. I shit all the anger on you, you drown in it. You're dead, you

The Flood / Said about this?
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:21:54 AM »
 It's a small thing, it's disgusting, I know that you are the best candidate for years, al-Qaeda linked is hidden, it's a terrorist attack, it's 300. I was trained in gorilla warfare sniper elite military forces of the united States, and it is a target for me. I love it... I saw him, and leave me alone, damn you. I wonder if you have a car on the Internet? I think it's stupid. The control system of the united States by agents of the secret of the storm, love is now on the internet, we can say that the wolf was ready for more. The attack was bitter tears on the Internet. Live, anytime and anywhere I want to, and I would kill to play with myself. and it's just there in the area.Not only for who's not a rule, you know, a lot of the rule of law, but in addition to Weapons, marines united states, the united states, because of the angle of the face in the mountain, pop. As before, for example, anger,revenge, even the idea that I don't know, if it's not, if You don't know how to use a memory loss in their own language. But, you know, no,no, not now, to pay back the money, stupid. I hate you. if you do this, Be very careful, when you die, my dear, we should.

The Flood / Re: currently listenenenenennenenenennenenenennene?
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:15:12 AM »
Did have Fall of Troy on.
Now this is playing.


The Flood / currently listenenenenennenenenennenenenennene?
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:03:14 AM »

That's funny, because who the raving, fundamentalist zealots are changes depending on which side you're asking.
We generally know better than to ask Stormfront about these things, Max.
You sure talk about Stormfags a lot.

Got something to tell us, dear?
i'm not jewish

i have no idea what you're talking about, goy reactionary apologist.

That's funny, because who the raving, fundamentalist zealots are changes depending on which side you're asking.
We generally know better than to ask Stormfront about these things, Max.

Who let noam chomsky in

Is it 2013 again

The Flood / Re: It's motherfuckin tomato season, yo.
« on: July 16, 2015, 08:04:20 PM »
Tfw my egg-tomato-toast sandwich is in season again

The Flood / Re: so is rage against the machine like an ironic thing
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:27:11 PM »
i like them

you probably don't like them because they're not idiots libertarians
most of what I listened to so far is pretty anti-statist, it's not that I'm offended by their politics anyway

it just sounds kinda dumb

I REALLY like the way out is through

The Flood / so is rage against the machine like an ironic thing
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:23:50 PM »
because honestly this shit is unlistenable, and it's all because of the vocals. they sound like butthole and the lyrics

oh christ the lyrics

this is the kind of shit I would've written at like 15

The Flood / Re: So apparently Dunkey recorded a nu metal album?
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:22:21 PM »
I don't get the joke
fuck you i wont do what you tell me

The Flood / So apparently Dunkey recorded a nu metal album?
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:15:14 PM »

Gaming / Re: Favorite line from any video game.
« on: July 16, 2015, 04:16:13 PM »


Serious / Re: A robot just passed the self-awareness test
« on: July 16, 2015, 04:07:37 PM »
Yeah but can it give a lifelike blowjob?

Serious / Re: EU could cock-block a British exit
« on: July 16, 2015, 04:05:35 PM »
Eurocucked by other Eurocucks? Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.

Serious / Re: How to insult a "progressive"
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:22:55 AM »
is this like the butthurt arab version of Obummer/Obongo?

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:15:42 AM »
What the fuck

Is this real

I had no idea there were people who actually took trump seriously as a candidate
Do you not use facebook?
not in a while

Serious / Re: China made 7% Growth
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:16:51 AM »
China is run by a totalitarian government- ANY news this good should be taken with a grain of salt.

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 15, 2015, 11:14:14 PM »
What the fuck

Is this real

I had no idea there were people who actually took trump seriously as a candidate

What is dark souls

Co-op TES would be stupid and gay

Serious / Re: You're made dictator for a day
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:46:30 PM »
Abolish everything

Serious / Re: Never thought I'd say this... Thank you SNP
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:57:59 PM »
All SNP is good for is dividing the left

when they vote with the rest of the left they're just being annoying leftists

anywho why can't UK hunters just not be overly brutal cunts? It's a fox, not a lion, just shoot it. Something in .223 would more than suffice, I would think. Having dogs do all the work is just kind of gay and retarded.

Not that I have any sympathy for the left here, either, since half of the force behind this comes from classist cunts in Labour.

So yeah, the traditional bong fox hunting is retarded and gay, but so is a lot of the opposition to it.

tl;dr just use a gun fucking eurofags
"lefty left leftists ecks dee :^)"

Not everything is fucking identity politics mate. As a Tory voter even I thought the repeal was demonstrably immoral.
when did i suggest this was identity politics? it's genuine moral outrage with a notable chunk of classism thrown in

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