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The Flood / w2c 30x34 pants
« on: August 23, 2015, 10:06:59 PM »
that don't look terrible

i'm at my wit's end lads

The Flood / Re: I need help.
« on: August 23, 2015, 09:43:28 PM »
ignore the fags telling you to harden up and be a content nerd

you're supposed to have fun now

Get out and have sex. This is college so there will be lots of fags.

Make an art major friend and get around through him or her. Make all the friends you possibly can. Get phone numbers and names and social media adds WHENEVER you can.

You're a faggy computer science fag gay shit autism major, so you're disadvantaged socially, but that isn't hard to overcome.

This is like, the worst advice ever. If you want to be working for hourly pay in four years, feel free to slack off in college.
it is entirely possible to do your shit while having a social life

The Flood / Re: I need help.
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:01:32 PM »
ignore the fags telling you to harden up and be a content nerd

you're supposed to have fun now

Get out and have sex. This is college so there will be lots of fags.

Make an art major friend and get around through him or her. Make all the friends you possibly can. Get phone numbers and names and social media adds WHENEVER you can.

You're a faggy computer science fag gay shit autism major, so you're disadvantaged socially, but that isn't hard to overcome.
i will not be shocked at all if you flunk out of college

oh wait you have to be a vegetable to flunk out of an arts major

The Flood / Re: I need help.
« on: August 23, 2015, 07:48:53 PM »
ignore the fags telling you to harden up and be a content nerd

you're supposed to have fun now

Get out and have sex. This is college so there will be lots of fags.

Make an art major friend and get around through him or her. Make all the friends you possibly can. Get phone numbers and names and social media adds WHENEVER you can.

You're a faggy computer science fag gay shit autism major, so you're disadvantaged socially, but that isn't hard to overcome.

The Flood / Re: I need help.
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:45:38 PM »
Find an arts major. Idc if theater or visual arts or music. Hang out with them.

Bam. Instant source of friends.
But door

You have no friends.
My squad is already 9 strong and I've made out with two girls already. I've been here less than two weeks.


The Flood / Re: I need help.
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:30:15 PM »
Find an arts major. Idc if theater or visual arts or music. Hang out with them.

Bam. Instant source of friends.

The Flood / Re: The Foo Fighters "rickoll" the WBC.
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:12:16 PM »
Omg i love dave gorhl so progresive rip kurt ily

Serious / Re: and ben carson fucking ruins it
« on: August 23, 2015, 10:13:02 AM »
Not like he stood a snowball's chance in hell anyway.
A black candidate who panders to the religious crowd has a much better chance than, say, Bernie.

The Flood / Re: When type of pizza do you order
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:52:59 AM »

The Flood / Re: When type of pizza do you order
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:51:48 AM »

Beef or sausage

Multiple cheeses if I can get that

Occasionally mushrooms

Serious / Re: and ben carson fucking ruins it
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:56:02 PM »
He's appealing to the base that he needs for the nomination.

The Black Christian demographic is what will carry Carson to the white house if he gets the nomination.

And white people who know he can win is what will carry him to the nomination.

The Flood / Re: Just liberated myself from a two year relationship
« on: August 22, 2015, 08:07:24 PM »

The Flood / Just liberated myself from a two year relationship
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:53:59 PM »
AMA faggots I'm at peace.

« on: August 20, 2015, 12:01:57 PM »
You rang?

Serious / Re: North and South Korea exchange artillery fire
« on: August 20, 2015, 12:00:33 PM »
And here comes the nukes.

I bet.

do people actually think this? Stop eating the media hype brah

this happens every few years. it's how norks start the conversation when they want something

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:07:15 PM »
Interesting point made about unit cohesion and such.

Would you say the same if this was still the 1920's and white men didn't want black men serving with them in the military?

IMO, there's no reason to keep women out of a role they are able to perform. If the men in the unit don't like it, that's their problem.
the situation is hardly comparable

Why do you blue faggots feel the need to tie every issue to racism?
How is it not comparable? [Person X] is able to do a job. [Person Y] doesn't like [Person X] for a stupid reason out of anyone's control, Should [Person X] be barred from doing the job? No.
It's called being and adult and dealing with it. You'd think the big, mighty Army Rangers would be able to adapt to a situation, yeah?
if you honestly think males and females in a group setting behave comparably, you're retarded
I'm not sure you know how adults act around each other at all. If the male Army Rangers aren't able to control themselves like they're 13 year-old boys, maybe they shouldn't be Army Rangers.
do you seriously think the criticism boils down to just "they'll fugg"?

There's a myriad of cultural, social, and instinctual reasons here.
All the more reason to make Rangers only straight, white, Christian men. That way we don't upset anyone's cultural, social, and instinctual positions.
It's not about upsetting anyone

Just like you wouldn't put black soldiers in the 20s under the command of white officers who would use them as cannon fodder, so you don't throw women into the dynamic of a combat unit.

Fuck, if you can't recognize that the difference between genders is far more significant than the difference between ethnic groups within the same culture, you really need help.

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:00:20 PM »
Interesting point made about unit cohesion and such.

Would you say the same if this was still the 1920's and white men didn't want black men serving with them in the military?

IMO, there's no reason to keep women out of a role they are able to perform. If the men in the unit don't like it, that's their problem.
the situation is hardly comparable

Why do you blue faggots feel the need to tie every issue to racism?
How is it not comparable? [Person X] is able to do a job. [Person Y] doesn't like [Person X] for a stupid reason out of anyone's control, Should [Person X] be barred from doing the job? No.
It's called being and adult and dealing with it. You'd think the big, mighty Army Rangers would be able to adapt to a situation, yeah?
if you honestly think males and females in a group setting behave comparably, you're retarded
I'm not sure you know how adults act around each other at all. If the male Army Rangers aren't able to control themselves like they're 13 year-old boys, maybe they shouldn't be Army Rangers.
do you seriously think the criticism boils down to just "they'll fugg"?

There's a myriad of cultural, social, and instinctual reasons here.

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 10:55:48 PM »
Interesting point made about unit cohesion and such.

Would you say the same if this was still the 1920's and white men didn't want black men serving with them in the military?

IMO, there's no reason to keep women out of a role they are able to perform. If the men in the unit don't like it, that's their problem.
the situation is hardly comparable

Why do you blue faggots feel the need to tie every issue to racism?
How is it not comparable? [Person X] is able to do a job. [Person Y] doesn't like [Person X] for a stupid reason out of anyone's control, Should [Person X] be barred from doing the job? No.
It's called being and adult and dealing with it. You'd think the big, mighty Army Rangers would be able to adapt to a situation, yeah?
if you honestly think males and females in a group setting behave comparably, you're retarded

Serious / Re: 2 Women Become First to Graduate from Army Ranger Training
« on: August 18, 2015, 10:50:29 PM »
Interesting point made about unit cohesion and such.

Would you say the same if this was still the 1920's and white men didn't want black men serving with them in the military?

IMO, there's no reason to keep women out of a role they are able to perform. If the men in the unit don't like it, that's their problem.
the situation is hardly comparable

Why do you blue faggots feel the need to tie every issue to racism?

The "rape or incest" compromise is bullshit anyway.

If a developing fetus is in fact a person, then the circumstances of their conception are irrelevant- they have a right to life.

If the fetus is not a person, it has no more or less right to life than any other, regardless of circumstances of conception.
muh absolute rights

Nope. If you have to kill an innocent to save five innocents, you kill that single innocent. The negative impact of forcing the mother the carry through with a rape- or incest-baby (although in the latter case I'd be more inclined to do it for the future child's sake, since nobody wants to be horribly deformed) would outweigh the killing of an unborn person.

FTR, I take conception as the beginning of personhood.
i want cucktilitarians to leave

The "rape or incest" compromise is bullshit anyway.

If a developing fetus is in fact a person, then the circumstances of their conception are irrelevant- they have a right to life.

If the fetus is not a person, it has no more or less right to life than any other, regardless of circumstances of conception.

If they knew they'd get killed every time they were captured (provided they haven't blown themselves up already), they'd attack more.
So let's force-feed them pork before we kill them.
i get that we're just making funny memes here but this always triggers me

pork doesn't count if they're force-fed. That would be retarded.

Why do you eurofags think it's witty to make fun of your poor uneducated countrymen?

Punch up you self-righteous fucking cunts.
but door, we make fun of southerners too.
I don't
Cause you are one
*tips flannel*

Why do you eurofags think it's witty to make fun of your poor uneducated countrymen?

Punch up you self-righteous fucking cunts.
but door, we make fun of southerners too.
I don't

Why do you eurofags think it's witty to make fun of your poor uneducated countrymen?

Punch up you self-righteous fucking cunts.

Serious / Re: trump wat r u doing
« on: August 15, 2015, 11:57:53 AM »

Serious / Re: Door's 2A guide to the 2016 Republican candidates
« on: August 12, 2015, 11:54:28 PM »
Oh I was expecting a detailed list of what they stand for since this was in Serious
This may be serious but it's still a door thread.
remember this is a 2A guide

I'm just barely more than a single issue voter

Luckily enough protecting gun rights is something all republicans have to do at the national level, if it's within their power. The question is- which candidates are serious, and which ones will just pay the 2A lip service. Rand, Perry, Cruz and Jindal are the only ones who would actively work for better gun rights, but they're all pretty good except for the three I warned about.

Serious / Re: Colonel Sanders surges ahead of Clinton
« on: August 12, 2015, 11:26:49 PM »
Is anyone ever going to even acknowledge the other three nominees?
Do they stand a realistic chance?
Maybe. I don't think anyone truly likes Hillary.
Jim Webb has the best chances of anyone in the race for the national election. Guy's a true moderate who can pull votes across party lines.

Unfortunately, with retarded clowns like Bernie and Hillary leading the Dem polls, his hopes of getting there are bleak.

Serious / Re: Colonel Sanders surges ahead of Clinton
« on: August 12, 2015, 11:20:34 PM »
Is anyone ever going to even acknowledge the other three nominees?
>doesn't name a single one of them

...can you?
Webb is somewhat more palatable than the others

Then again he's a bit of an anomaly.

Serious / Re: Colonel Sanders surges ahead of Clinton
« on: August 12, 2015, 10:19:03 PM »
Please.  I would welcome a Sanders/Kasich debate.
We could only be so lucky, dude. The Republicans won't win unless Rubio wins the general election though.
lol please

If Bernie won the nomination it would take the Republican candidate literally sabotaging himself for him to win.

A jewish man has very little chance of winning a US election. An avowed socialist has even less chance, and with good fucking reason. An avowed socialist who shows open hostility to one of the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights alienates a huge demographic.

Bernie's damn good at viral marketing, but viral marketing isn't enough to win.

Bernie cannot defeat any of the front running republicans. Bernie might be able to defeat a clown like Santorum or Jindal, but even that is iffy.

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