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Serious / Re: Thoughts on the European Migrant crisis
« on: September 08, 2015, 03:29:35 PM »
They should build a wall to keep them out.
memes aside, I heard some of the Visegrad countries are actually considering this.

Serious / Re: Thoughts on the European Migrant crisis
« on: September 08, 2015, 02:58:42 PM »


>Poland doesn't have a problem with immigrants. Poland has a problem with immigrants who under the absurd Dublin doctrine [Dublin Regulation] are being forced to stay in concentration camps and want to escape from Poland to Germany, to Austria and other countries. Why? Because Poland has significantly lower welfare. If we were to abolish welfare, there wouldn't be any people coming to Poland and the whole Europe just to live off of handouts. People willing to work are valuable, but they are being sent back to their countries and we take in those unwilling to work. This is a ridiculous policy that results in Europe being flooded with human garbage. Let's state this clear: human garbage that doesn't want to work. America built it's power because it took in immigrants willing to work and didn't give any handouts. We are ruining Europe and this policy is the cause of downfall of Europe. Thank you.
Socialism kills.

The reactions mang. Solid

The real lesson here is that the intersection of marriage and government is always retarded.

It's law, doesn't matter what religious bullshit they are trying to pull out. They must follow the law.

End of story.
This is a terrible line of reasoning.

When the law said homosexuals could not marry, would you have said something similar?

Serious / Re: Did the Cold War advance us as a species?
« on: September 08, 2015, 11:44:32 AM »
Just give China about 20 more years and we'll see another Cold War. America likes to see them as foes rather than a friendly rival.

If China and America could actually work together as global powers, it'd be beneficial to everyone. But as the Cold War has shown, two superpowers never get along because of influence.
China will never completely catch up with the US with their current system.

Most of Chinese advancement consists of copying or stealing technology from US, European, or Russian firms. In this way they can close a big part of the tech gap very fast, while bypassing R&D costs. The downside, however, is that they will always be at least one step behind, and arguably at the mercy of Western development here.

Now, ecomomic competition? That I don't know shit about.

Serious / Re: Survation poll showing lead for Eurosceptics
« on: September 08, 2015, 11:40:24 AM »
What are the benefits/ drawbacks if a country leaves the EU?

I don't know much beyond the loss of military alliance and no free travel.
no more bullshit from Merkel, for one

Septagon / Re: Why can I suddenly no longer post in Serious
« on: August 28, 2015, 03:26:50 PM »
your opinions weren't liberal enough

sorry m8
"hurr my shitty country doesn't recognize it as a right so it's not a real right bruh"

The right to bear arms and defend oneself is universal.
door should I read the Meme of Syphilis by Albert Cumass

Septagon / Re: Why can I suddenly no longer post in Serious
« on: August 28, 2015, 03:21:45 PM »
your opinions weren't liberal enough

sorry m8
"hurr my shitty country doesn't recognize it as a right so it's not a real right bruh"

The right to bear arms and defend oneself is universal.

Septagon / Why can I suddenly no longer post in Serious
« on: August 28, 2015, 03:17:25 PM »
I haven't gotten a second warning so fuck you. I could post after the warning but now I can't just because somebody got butthurt and changed his mind?

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 02:48:18 PM »
Slippery slope is only a fallacy some of the time.

The Flood / Re: Why is getting laid such a big fucking deal?
« on: August 28, 2015, 02:34:54 PM »
Oral sex is the best thing ever to happen

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 02:30:34 PM »
To be honest I don't know why Americans feel the need to even own guns. Like, you're not special, many other countries get along just fine without 'em.
Maybe because it's an unalienable right?

How do you mean?
shall not be infringed

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 02:28:38 PM »
To be honest I don't know why Americans feel the need to even own guns. Like, you're not special, many other countries get along just fine without 'em.
it's a cultural thing. It's also our inaleiable right, so short of a completely new government nothing will make it legally okay to take them away.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 12:28:08 PM »
But flee, the courts would find that no different than a voting test. It's blatantly racist and only serves to stop underprivileged minorities from getting a handgun.
Are you fucking retarded? Those tests were literally made to stop minorities from being able to vote. Just how even though slavery was ended blacks were only given jobs which were not much better than slavery, segregated into ghettos, and denied access to higher education. Same thing with Hispanics and Asians.

Lay off the moonshine.
This is basically what Das is saying m9
Except he's being sarcastic.

And if he isn't, then he's still a fucking retard for saying that is in any way comparable to the "voting tests".
It is totally comparable. It's literally a way to keep the underprivileged from exercising their rights.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 12:26:50 PM »
Pretty much all of the other issues will solve themselves or are actually non-issues.

Shit like gay marriage and police racism will sort itself out.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about unconstitutional surveillance and police militarization at this point. We've lost, the police state is here to stay until people care enough to bring it down violently.

I don't have an opinion about abortion and I don't know how to feel about trannies.

The immigration fight was already won years ago and thinking about how the Republicans actively alienate a huge voter base while the Democrats use taxpayer money to buy votes makes me too angry to think.

Same with the welfare state.

American hegemony and military might will never go away so I'm not really worried.

Am I missing anything?

Guns are the only issue where I feel like there is a chance to actually make things better.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 12:16:59 PM »
But flee, the courts would find that no different than a voting test. It's blatantly racist and only serves to stop underprivileged minorities from getting a handgun.
Are you fucking retarded? Those tests were literally made to stop minorities from being able to vote. Just how even though slavery was ended blacks were only given jobs which were not much better than slavery, segregated into ghettos, and denied access to higher education. Same thing with Hispanics and Asians.

Lay off the moonshine.
This is basically what Das is saying m9

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:53:53 AM »
And can we stop calling it gun control as if it's anything different from a form of prohibition?

The US government's current administrations clearly have no interest in actually controlling or limiting arms and violence, looking at the Fast and Furious bullshit, and rapid police militarization.

There are quite a few parties interested in disarming citizens, however.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:47:41 AM »
All valid criticisms, although to be fair I didn't know having a national registry was illegal (why is that in this case? Something to do with the constitution?),
I don't know what the legal argument for it is, but the practical reason is a registry would make confiscation extremely easy.
and for the pistol thing I doubt the American people would accept something that far given y'know, guns being pretty rooted in American culture.
Only cucks in shitholes like Cali and New England will accept anything approaching that. Actual Americans with an ounce of our culture in them don't want to give any more ground.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:28:07 AM »

I do not support gun control, because I believe every mentally mature adult deserves the right to own a gun if they wish to.
What purpose do fully automatic weapons serve?

And while people who have mental illnesses cannot get guns part of the reason is if mentally ill people were allowed it would cause a lot of fear and paranoia.

The fear is real. I believe there is a dark future ahead of us if things continue to go down this path of control. I believe in a few conspiracies, but to stay on point I don't support total gun control because it is our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms.

I do believe they need to be more thorough with mental stability screening. There are people out there Who have the ability to aim, shoot, and Fire at Will without any remorse. We do need to protect the public from those psychopaths . In order to do this "fairly" someone would have to develop a new type of "standardized code/test" to determine the universal measure of at what mental capacity an adult has to be to own a gun. They would have to legally define the moral code (which differs from person to person) of what behaviors grant the right to to Bear Arms.

That's pretty deep and extensive research.

If we have the right to bear arms in order to protect the right of citizens from the government then why can't I buy a machine gun or a rocket launcher.

I have the right to bear arms
You're goddamn right you do, and it is both unfair and IMO unconstitutional for the law to impede your ability to do that. Allowing civilians to own anti-armor equipment and munitions would make the 2A much more effective at curbing government overreach and abuse.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:25:44 AM »
I do not support gun control, because I believe every mentally mature adult deserves the right to own a gun if they wish to.
What purpose do fully automatic weapons serve?
Suppressive fire.

Useful for keeping an enemy down in cover and small unit maneuvering. Not very useful for a lone combatant, but extremely effective in the hands of small, well-trained fighters, alongside accurate semi-automatic fire. By yourself it's better to line up clean, consistent shots, unless you're up against multiple attackers, in which case your best option is to run.

It's also fun as fuck.
You forgot extra tax monies for Washington.
if there is a hell, it has a special room reserved for ATF agents

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:16:53 AM »
I want Europeans to mind their own business and I want wannabe-Euros to fuck off to their dream continent.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:15:16 AM »
I do not support gun control, because I believe every mentally mature adult deserves the right to own a gun if they wish to.
What purpose do fully automatic weapons serve?
Suppressive fire.

Useful for keeping an enemy down in cover and small unit maneuvering. Not very useful for a lone combatant, but extremely effective in the hands of small, well-trained fighters, alongside accurate semi-automatic fire. By yourself it's better to line up clean, consistent shots, unless you're up against multiple attackers, in which case your best option is to run.

It's also fun as fuck.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:10:44 AM »
It's too embedded in our culture and easily abused by companies like the NRA (who bribe politicians) to change anyway.

Christ you're misinformed

If you're going to accuse the NRA, an organization funded by donors, of bribery, at least fucking acknowledge how slimy the faggots on your side are.

The Flood / Re: To the new college students starting soon
« on: August 27, 2015, 05:27:09 PM »
I don't look good in chubbies

« on: August 26, 2015, 03:36:31 PM »




Serious / Re: The mouse utopia
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:01:15 PM »
Europe sucks, we get it.

Serious / Re: Let's try this again, shall we?
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:58:19 AM »
I currently weigh about 160Ibs. I think once I hit 180Ibs I'll be able to say I'm okay with my body. If I can reach 200 eventually I'll be extremely happy.

Are you going after muscle mass or just gaining more weight in general?
More mass in general, especially in my arms and torso. Whatever that means. I don't want a gut but I'm way too thin all over. Should I focus on muscle or fat too?

Serious / Re: Let's try this again, shall we?
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:49:25 AM »
you're gonna be miserable no matter what, just so you're aware

getting fit isn't exactly fun or rewarding

and you don't seem to have a very good attitude about it
I can attest to this. Working out for a while, lost hella weight and lowered my blood pressure which was the reason for it. Overall healthier, but I still feel like shit ere'day. On top of that, I think I fucked up my knee...both of them actually.
Well... >.>
It's hugely different for me but ok.

Serious / Re: Let's try this again, shall we?
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:46:58 AM »
I currently weigh about 160Ibs. I think once I hit 180Ibs I'll be able to say I'm okay with my body. If I can reach 200 eventually I'll be extremely happy.

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