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Jesus christ I'm tired of hearing about this dumb fucking sow.

Just fucking settle it already, god fucking damn people.

Why can't there be more coverage of shit that matters, like Putin in Syria and the refugee crisis? Why do we need to pay so much attention to these silly domestic irrelevancies?
You're such a fucking hypocrite. If this was about some gay dude not issuing marriage licenses to straight people you'd be losing your shit.

Keep marriage out of the state bruh.

Serious / Re: If you didn't think Walker was enough of a joke....
« on: September 15, 2015, 08:25:49 AM »

Some unions are nice to have and helpful, some unions are unnecessary, a lot are corrupt as fuck and power hungry.

I can see value in unions, though.

I say this as someone looking into getting into the stage actor's union, equity, some day. Equity isn't necessary for an actor to have a successful career (in fact an actor has to be doing pretty good to get in at all), but it does guarantee an actor certain conditions and amenities that he or she would probably want, as well as decent pay without bullshit.

It isn't essential for stage actors, but it is appealing.

Serious / Re: If you didn't think Walker was enough of a joke....
« on: September 15, 2015, 08:24:52 AM »
unions are pointless now and actually cause problems instead of fixing them

Unions are the backbone of America. You think your employer gives a shit about you? You think your employer's employer does? Unions are the only organized group who actually care about people and not profit margins.

If it bothers her this much, can't she just resign and go work at Chic-Fil-A?
somewhat offtopic but I recall the chic fil a debacle fondly.

does anyone else?

it was full of so much autism on both sides, as well as on my part. It's funny to me when I look back at it.

Jesus christ I'm tired of hearing about this dumb fucking sow.

Just fucking settle it already, god fucking damn people.

Why can't there be more coverage of shit that matters, like Putin in Syria and the refugee crisis? Why do we need to pay so much attention to these silly domestic irrelevancies?

Serious / Re: Yanks, take this quiz
« on: September 15, 2015, 01:30:16 AM »
So when the FUCK are you bongs going to bring back the Liberal party? It's like the only British party that wasn't complete trash and you fags let it die decades ago.

"If there be any party which is more pledged than another to resist a policy of restrictive legislation, having for its object social coercion, that party is the Liberal party. (Cheers.) But liberty does not consist in making others do what you think right, (Hear, hear.) The difference between a free Government and a Government which is not free is principally this—that a Government which is not free interferes with everything it can, and a free Government interferes with nothing except what it must. A despotic Government tries to make everybody do what it wishes; a Liberal Government tries, as far as the safety of society will permit, to allow everybody to do as he wishes. It has been the tradition of the Liberal party consistently to maintain the doctrine of individual liberty. It is because they have done so that England is the place where people can do more what they please than in any other country in the world...It is this practice of allowing one set of people to dictate to another set of people what they shall do, what they shall think, what they shall drink, when they shall go to bed, what they shall buy, and where they shall buy it, what wages they shall get and how they shall spend them, against which the Liberal party have always protested."

The Flood / Re: I wore a tanktop to school today and was eye-gangbanged
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:25:02 AM »
even though i know these threads are shitposts it still acts as inspo.

when the play I'm rehearsing is over I'll have time to really throw myself at fitness.
With your face x a good physique you will slay man srs
thx fam

The Flood / Re: I wore a tanktop to school today and was eye-gangbanged
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:23:29 AM »

where the FUCK are your shoulders dude

that fuckin neck bruh you look like a fuckin cardassian bruh

The Flood / Re: There's a special place in hell for people like this
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:09:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: I wore a tanktop to school today and was eye-gangbanged
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:57:14 PM »
even though i know these threads are shitposts it still acts as inspo.

when the play I'm rehearsing is over I'll have time to really throw myself at fitness.

The Flood / Re: Donald's getting salty
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:56:29 PM »

Serious / Re: Yanks, take this quiz
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:54:57 PM »
M I S T E R     J U N C K E R


Parties you side with by issue...

Somewhat important to me
Foreign Policy

I side with UK Independence on most foreign policy issues

Somewhat important to me
the Economy

I side with Conservatives on most economic issues

Somewhat important to me

I side with Conservatives on most healthcare issues

Somewhat important to me

I side with Labour and Liberal Democrats on most social issues

Somewhat important to me
the Environment

I side with UK Independence on most environmental issues

Somewhat important to me

I side with British Nationals, UK Independence, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, and Democratic Unionist on most immigration issues

Somewhat important to me
Domestic Policy

I side with Green, Labour, and Scottish Nationals on most domestic policy issues

Somewhat important to me

I side with British Nationals on most education issues

Somewhat important to me

I side with Green and Plaid Cymru on most transportation issues

lol most of this transportation and school bullshit I don't even know anything about

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 02:51:59 PM »
You people keep saying we can't function without government interference even after being given dozens of examples and ways that people can live without it. This meme is almost as gay as the "capitalism is a form of government" meme.

Fuck this discussion.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 02:44:01 PM »
2bh I don't know why people are so mentally invested in guns. Like, I know your constitution specifically grants a right to have them from the perspective of a Bong, but like, if I had a gun I'd just get so bored due to the fact that I can't go all Anders Breivik and start murderstomping everyone.

What's the point if you're not a hunter or an avid freedumb lover?

Shooting is fun. It's a skill, and it's an exciting and rewarding hobby to have. It's not about using my second amendment right; if rifles were illegal, I wouldn't buy one. Plus I'm in the military, and it'd be cool to score sharpshooter when the next range quals come around.
What branch? Now I get why you're looking at ARs in particular.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 02:36:58 PM »
ask kernal kraut, he's like a non autistic version of kinder
No he's pretty much the same.

being the lesser of two evils does not make one any less a terrorist

I'm glad his side won out in the end but let's not whitewash history for the sake of a warm fuzzy feeling
Aren't you a proponent of fighting government tyranny with the use of firearms?

Because that's pretty much exactly what Mandela tried to do during the late 50s/early 60s.
Along with founding an organization that killed innocent fucking people with bombs.
MK was a knee jerk response to the Sharpeville massacre in which they placed emphasis on sabotage to draw attention to government oppression as opposed to wanton killing.

But yes, they did unfortunately kill people too, I don't think anyone really denies that. Fighting for freedom is not without its collateral damage though. I thought you of all people would know this.
My definition of fighting for freedom may not exactly mesh with anyone else here.

A revolutionary movement replacing an oppressive government is not much better than an oppressive government. We're still talking about organizations legitimized exclusively by their ability to threaten force.

There is no such thing as a moral government, no matter how much this upsets utilitaricucks.

A freedom fighter will fight to prevent illegitimate force being used on himself or others- he does not follow this up by using his position to seize political power.

Freedom fighter= Mujihadeen who fucked up Commie shitlords then went back to his tribe to live a normal life.

Freedom fighter=/= Some revolutionary faggot with grievances (however legitimate) replacing an oppressive system with one he somewhat prefers.
Are you still parroting this voluntaryist no government meme?

It's a nice fuzzy little concept m8 but it doesn't work like that irl. Deposing an oppressive government and then magically expecting no one to fill the power gap because they all universally agree in the concept of freedom is a pipe dream of all pipe dreams.
I don't ever expect to see a voluntarist society within my lifetime, no. We may never see one before our species meets it's end.

The problem, of course, is that there's a percieved power gap to fill. People today have so much trouble picturing a life without a central authority dictating what they can and cannot do. It's been beaten into us through thousands of years of what is essentially people-farming.

I can picture voluntarism propping up unintentionally or naturally, though. I imagine, in a future where we colonize other planets, the potential for a free society somewhere on the frontier, at least for a while. Some interplanetary imperialist fuckers could come in and demand tribute from the locals, unless they were smart enough to arm themselves.

Voluntarism could exist on a man-made island, as well, if development goes that way.

Ultimately the problem isn't that voluntarists are wrong, the problem is that everyone else is an asshole.

But we've gone WAY offtopic so I'm going to stop here and get back to gun talk.

Edit: Did Mandela denounce MK before or after he attained political power? If it was before, he's not as bad as I thought. If it was after then LOL.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 02:21:35 PM »
And fighting for freedom CAN be done without collateral damage. Those civilian deaths at MK's hands were not accidental as far as I know. Bombs are not a defensive weapon. When you set one off in a populated area you are wholly responsible for the lives lost to it.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 02:16:52 PM »
ask kernal kraut, he's like a non autistic version of kinder
No he's pretty much the same.

being the lesser of two evils does not make one any less a terrorist

I'm glad his side won out in the end but let's not whitewash history for the sake of a warm fuzzy feeling
Aren't you a proponent of fighting government tyranny with the use of firearms?

Because that's pretty much exactly what Mandela tried to do during the late 50s/early 60s.
Along with founding an organization that killed innocent fucking people with bombs.
MK was a knee jerk response to the Sharpeville massacre in which they placed emphasis on sabotage to draw attention to government oppression as opposed to wanton killing.

But yes, they did unfortunately kill people too, I don't think anyone really denies that. Fighting for freedom is not without its collateral damage though. I thought you of all people would know this.
My definition of fighting for freedom may not exactly mesh with anyone else here.

A revolutionary movement replacing an oppressive government is not much better than an oppressive government. We're still talking about organizations legitimized exclusively by their ability to threaten force.

There is no such thing as a moral government, no matter how much this upsets utilitaricucks.

A freedom fighter will fight to prevent illegitimate force being used on himself or others- he does not follow this up by using his position to seize political power.

Freedom fighter= Mujihadeen who fucked up Commie shitlords then went back to his tribe to live a normal life.

Freedom fighter=/= Some revolutionary faggot with grievances (however legitimate) replacing an oppressive system with one he somewhat prefers.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 01:43:56 PM »
2bh I don't know why people are so mentally invested in guns. Like, I know your constitution specifically grants a right to have them from the perspective a Bong, but like, if I had a gun I'd just get so bored due to the fact that I can't go all Anders Breivik and start murderstomping everyone.

What's the point if you're not a hunter or an avid freedumb lover?
I like small, semi-complex machines. A gun sits somewhere between a pair of scissors and a toaster in terms of complexity. I love figuring out how they work, watching the little parts interact, working the action. Understanding the background and history of the particular model I'm holding.

Self defense is nice, obviously.

It's also something of a political statement, too. You all know I'm an unflinching advocate of decentralization and democratization of power and the means of force.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 01:35:42 PM »
literally everyone knows that FN makes the objectively best guns in the world.
Fuck off, Continentalfag.

It's obviously BAE Systems.

L85s are the shit.
L85 is literally the Nambu pistol of the global war on terror

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 01:33:38 PM »
ask kernal kraut, he's like a non autistic version of kinder
No he's pretty much the same.

being the lesser of two evils does not make one any less a terrorist

I'm glad his side won out in the end but let's not whitewash history for the sake of a warm fuzzy feeling
Aren't you a proponent of fighting government tyranny with the use of firearms?

Because that's pretty much exactly what Mandela tried to do during the late 50s/early 60s.
Along with founding an organization that killed innocent fucking people with bombs.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:28:59 AM »
Also Turkey, with your budget a piston setup is well within reach. Have you considered the advantages between DI and piston?

If this isn't meant to be a fighting or 3-gun rifle and you don't mind frequent cleaning, DI is probably better. But if you're going to be shooting a lot at once or really frequently, consider piston.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:25:11 AM »
literally everyone knows that FN makes the objectively best guns in the world.
Fuck off, Continentalfag.

It's obviously BAE Systems.
You're comparing one of the premier small arms manufacturers to a contractor that builds fucking naval guns.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:19:26 AM »
I'm halfway through building my poorfag AR

currently consists of an Anderson lower and a Palmetto lower parts kit.

Not sure what upper to get other than I know I want a 16 inch barrel. Definitely not a carbine gas system because it looks goofy on a 16 incher. Stuck between Dissipator uppers and midlength. Dunno what brand yet but Bushmaster is looking nice.

Also not sure about what magazines to get first but I'm leaning towards ETS and Lancer mags for dat smoke gray.
>poorfag build
>obviously 5.56 for dat cheap surplus ammo
>barrel under 18inches

all of my REEEEEE
>18 inch snowflake barrel or
>20 inch bullshit that will smack on corners

I want a full-length C7 clone some time down the road, but they seem a little unweildy for something I could concievably have to defend myself indoors with.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:15:58 AM »
The first question to ask yourself  is do you want a budget rifle, something simple or some special snowflake keymod shit with gucci everything.

It sounds like you want a target rifle, yeah? So like 20 inch barrel, full stock, decent optic I'm guessing?

What kinda budget are we talking?

Simple to start until I learn my way around different components. I'm not really sure how to come up with a budget. $5k over a year, maybe? I was hoping to start between $1-2k though.
for 5k you might as well be looking at something like a SCAR, jeez.

You can definitely put together something nice if you're putting 1-2k in an AR, but I don't know much about the higher quality side of AR parts.
You might want to check AR general on /k/, or possibly Arfcom. Both are retarded in their own ways, but the knowledge is there when you sift through the bullshit.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:10:22 AM »
Shit Turkey, you forgot to include the phrase "fuck off Flee" in the OP to ward off buzzkill Belgians.
Napalm pls, my interest in guns and their regulation is entirely academic. Majored in (exceptional) criminal law for my Master's and wrote one of my Bachelor's theses on gun regulation, which explains why I'm interested in this. I couldn't care much less about people messing around with guns on the other side of the world, so I'm not gonna show up in every gun thread to explain you all in detail why easy access to guns is the devil's tool.

That being said, literally everyone knows that FN makes the objectively best guns in the world. Forget about your AR and Ruger. Belgian exceptionalism or bust, Turkey.
lol pls, FAL is a piece of dated shit that only white supremacists and anglophiles love.

FNC is good, I'd love to have one, but it's not hard to be good when all you're doing is making a modernized AK in 5.56. Swedes did it better anyway.

Hi Power is the fedora of handguns.

FNX/FNS pistols would be pretty based if the plastics weren't composed in such a way that exposure to sunlight turns them into rubber.

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:06:20 AM »
ask kernal kraut, he's like a non autistic version of kinder
No he's pretty much the same.

being the lesser of two evils does not make one any less a terrorist

I'm glad his side won out in the end but let's not whitewash history for the sake of a warm fuzzy feeling

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 13, 2015, 09:38:21 PM »
The first question to ask yourself  is do you want a budget rifle, something simple or some special snowflake keymod shit with gucci everything.

It sounds like you want a target rifle, yeah? So like 20 inch barrel, full stock, decent optic I'm guessing?

What kinda budget are we talking?

The Flood / Re: Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 13, 2015, 09:36:06 PM »
I'm halfway through building my poorfag AR

currently consists of an Anderson lower and a Palmetto lower parts kit.

Not sure what upper to get other than I know I want a 16 inch barrel. Definitely not a carbine gas system because it looks goofy on a 16 incher. Stuck between Dissipator uppers and midlength. Dunno what brand yet but Bushmaster is looking nice.

Also not sure about what magazines to get first but I'm leaning towards ETS and Lancer mags for dat smoke gray.

Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 09:18:18 PM »
That is in poor taste but if this is about the nuclear deal then honestly they should let it through. As you read more of Iran you notice a more balanced distribution of power. Where even the Ayatollah although the supreme leader has to stay wary or else he can be removed. Not from moderates but his very own republican guards who are more pragmatic over ideological. Not only that the clerical order is kind of weird as they have been part of every revolution in Iran and are also a group that threatens the Ayatollah power. Hell the Green Revolution a couple years ago had backing of some prominent Shia Clerics who once were part of the 1970 revolution that removed the Shah from power.
putting aside narrow national interests and le radical islam meme, having Iran around is good for the region. Frankly, Israel and Saudi Arabia should face some competition in the region. I can't really see Iran having much use for nukes short of deterrence anyway. To criticize Iran for it's theocracy and human rights violations is a little silly when anti-Iran rhetoric and policy is heavily funded by our friendly allies in the house of Saud.

Still, narrow national interests and le radical islam meme are hard to put aside, even for me.

The Flood / ????????????????????
« on: September 12, 2015, 11:10:47 PM »

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