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Serious / Re: New Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:41:15 AM »

Can we science the shit out of it?
that one line has turned me off to a movie that otherwise looked decent

It sounds completely retarded coming from a character who's supposed to be a goddamn astronaut.

Bazinga/10 humor, only high school dropouts and community college graduates need apply.
94% on RT mang

can't pot the scott
yeah and big bang theory is one of the most popular shows on television

everyone in this country is retarded except for me
BBT is primarily watched by ledditcucks and barnyard sandler dick riders though. Not really an apt comparison to the guy who directed brade runna.
"science the shit out of it" is the most leddit bit of dialogue I have ever heard in my entire life

scott is either retarded or pretending to be retarded to pander to retards

Serious / Re: New Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:36:20 AM »

Can we science the shit out of it?
that one line has turned me off to a movie that otherwise looked decent

It sounds completely retarded coming from a character who's supposed to be a goddamn astronaut.

Bazinga/10 humor, only high school dropouts and community college graduates need apply.
94% on RT mang

can't pot the scott
yeah and big bang theory is one of the most popular shows on television

everyone in this country is retarded except for me

Serious / Re: I'm considering joining the army
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:34:58 AM »
If I was to join the military I'd want it to be something I have a pretty good chance of dying in. Like EOD
i honestly cried for 3 hours when I found out I was too tall to ever be a tank crewman.

Fucking 6' cutoff set by butthurt manlets in the brass.

Serious / Re: I'm considering joining the army
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:34:00 AM »
Check out /meg/ on /k/, the enlistment general.

Also check /fit/.

You will need to get in much better shape. People joke about AF and Navies having low standards, but you still need to be in good shape.

Serious / Re: New Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:32:28 AM »

Can we science the shit out of it?
that one line has turned me off to a movie that otherwise looked decent

It sounds completely retarded coming from a character who's supposed to be a goddamn astronaut.

Bazinga/10 humor, only high school dropouts and community college graduates need apply.

Serious / Re: John Boehner to resign from Congress
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:11:01 AM »
It's hard to tell if that's good or bad.

Well, considering he helped get a number of Tea Party Republicans elected in 2010...

And what's wrong with that?
shifting the party further to the right weakens it as a whole

The Flood / Under New Management: The Death of Imageboards
« on: September 27, 2015, 08:06:26 PM »

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 27, 2015, 06:37:28 PM »
Can anybody give me the downsides of a basic income guarantee? It seems like a decent idea, especially coupled with removal of wage laws, but I haven't read any actual criticism of it.

It incentivizes joblessness.
could this be mitigated by making the income just enough to get by? You could function on a certain sum without life being particularly easy or comfortable.

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 27, 2015, 04:44:48 PM »
Can anybody give me the downsides of a basic income guarantee? It seems like a decent idea, especially coupled with removal of wage laws, but I haven't read any actual criticism of it.

Serious / Re: Basic income guarantee vs traditional welfare system?
« on: September 27, 2015, 04:34:45 PM »
I'm not sure why you made this thread when my thread asks the same question.
shit, i hadn't read your OP

if a mod could delete or lock this thread that would be rad

Serious / Remove pls?
« on: September 27, 2015, 03:18:11 PM »
Didn't realize this thread was redundant on posting it

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 27, 2015, 03:14:49 PM »
I don't see why minimum wage jobs should support a family with the lifestyle people demand today- a car, TV, internet, cell phones, etc. These are luxuries that for some reason seem to be expected.

That said, the argument that these jobs are "entry-level" or "meant for teenagers" is silly. These jobs are created because the work needs doing, to ascribe a purpose is stupid. It's just bottom rung work that isn't worth much. That's just how the market works.

Fuck a minimum wage though.

The Flood / Re: The theory of Cleganebowl just intensified
« on: September 27, 2015, 02:52:40 PM »
G  E  T      H  Y  P  E

The Flood / Chicken is the best pizza meat
« on: September 27, 2015, 02:51:32 PM »
Debate me

The Flood / my posts is 5 memetics tall
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:01:46 PM »

« on: September 26, 2015, 07:29:17 AM »
Russia and China will never succumb to Islam.
lol Russia pays tribute to a Chechen warlord to keep the other chechens in line and not seceding.

« on: September 26, 2015, 02:00:06 AM »
China isn't human rights friendly, but no you misunderstand what I mean. I say Russia's government is corrupt in that one man is single handedly ruining shit and making it more oppressive, and his government officials take bribes and shit. And order hits.

China's government on the other hand is literally purging anyone who took bribes or did anything like Russia does. And it's not just one man. If the president was someone the party didn't like, they'd oust him easily. Same with any other member, really.
you've gotta be kidding me

Do you really believe that harsh corruption laws indicate a country that is not corrupt?

The Chinese government is rife with corruption- as any authoritarian government inevitably will be.

These corruption executions are just political maneuvering- a convenient way to put your competition down. They're corrupt alright, but their real crime was ambition. You play for the wrong team and your dealings under the table might *might* just be a tool for somebody else to get you out of his way.

« on: September 25, 2015, 09:31:47 PM »
So. Serious question, because it just sprung to mind now.

Is it a serious possibility that China and Russia could ally in the next few years?
Most likely not. Ever since the Russo Sino split in the 50s there have been some bitter feelings between Russia and China.
This, Russia and China still don't like each other.
I don't think anybody likes China. Or Russia.
Belarus likes Russia


They're a little wary after the Crimea episode.

Pakistan likes China.

Serious / Molyneux on clockboy
« on: September 25, 2015, 12:43:35 PM »
Just watched this, found I'm pretty much where Stefan is on the issue.

At first I was behind the kid, but the more I read about it the more it seemed like bullshit.


Serious / Re: Do we have a moral obligation?
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:55:03 PM »
Oh, and people with hereditary conditions that are pretty much guaranteed to be passed down or severely harm a developing child should be strongly, strongly discouraged from ever reproducing.
why bother with saying that, though

just say "they shouldn't be allowed"--straight-up
there's a pretty big difference between "strongly discourage" and outright ban.
Door, one of these days you really have to find out who that chick is.
has nobody tried reverse image searching?

Serious / Re: Do we have a moral obligation?
« on: September 24, 2015, 09:07:43 PM »
Oh, and people with hereditary conditions that are pretty much guaranteed to be passed down or severely harm a developing child should be strongly, strongly discouraged from ever reproducing.
why bother with saying that, though

just say "they shouldn't be allowed"--straight-up
there's a pretty big difference between "strongly discourage" and outright ban.

Serious / Re: Rambling
« on: September 24, 2015, 09:03:16 PM »
Why don't you stop being a little bitch and teach yourself?

Because what the hell are my parents paying for? Me to know shit I probably won't ever need and not how to psy friggin taxes?!

I cannot tell you 25% of my state laws
I cannot recite the human rights OR the Constitution(working on that)
I barely know anything I need to know!

You can be the goddamn president and still not know what the constitution says

Serious / Re: Do we have a moral obligation?
« on: September 24, 2015, 09:02:06 PM »
If it can be detected during pregnancy I really think the pregnancy must be terminated.

Once a disabled person is born, however, I would say that the people who brought him or her into the world are obligated to take care of them, yes.

Serious / Re: Rambling
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:49:47 PM »
A large percentage of high schools have some form of economics and personal finance courses that you have the option to take. I personally believe they should be mandatory, and I feel very strongly about that. Anyway, the main purpose of high school is to expose you to a broad range of different disciplines to, hopefully, give you an understanding of the potential courses of education that you'll be capable of taking in college- Where your options really blossom into basically anything you want (With some restrictions). You learn valuable things about your skills, interests, and passions during high school, but you need to be exposed to a lot in order for that to happen. Inevitably, you won't come to use all of what you learn, but it's a valuable process.
they may have the courses, but that doesn't mean students are learning.

The personal finance teachers at my high school played movies 4 days a week and had short open book tests maybe once a week. Students learned nothing, and usually left class to go cut up and be disruptive in the library.

« on: September 24, 2015, 08:14:55 PM »

Looks like China's looking for a fight in good ol' Syria, boys.

Can't fucking wait to see Charlie and Ivan put a boot to Islamists. It's also nice knowing they're getting their noses bloodied in the process.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:34:10 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.
And I'd rather see us in a world with no governments at all, but we have to play with the hand we're dealt and right now the best combination we have is one with the US, or at the very least the collective "west", at the head of the pack.

The United States needs to focus on our growing plethora of problems internally.

We can't keep ignoring those to play Freedom Squad.
For every problem solved a new perceived problem will prop up.

Meanwhile, Rosija is invading the baltic states and China controls Taiwan.

We don't have to ignore internal problems to keep the wolves of the world in line.

We also don't need to start a conflict with Russia and China.

It is not our responsibility to be the Worlds Police and get involved in every conflict, aside from humanitarian aid.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:25:03 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.
And I'd rather see us in a world with no governments at all, but we have to play with the hand we're dealt and right now the best combination we have is one with the US, or at the very least the collective "west", at the head of the pack.

The United States needs to focus on our growing plethora of problems internally.

We can't keep ignoring those to play Freedom Squad.
For every problem solved a new perceived problem will prop up.

Meanwhile, Rosija is invading the baltic states and China controls Taiwan.

We don't have to ignore internal problems to keep the wolves of the world in line.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:13:19 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.
And I'd rather see us in a world with no governments at all, but we have to play with the hand we're dealt and right now the best combination we have is one with the US, or at the very least the collective "west", at the head of the pack.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:09:48 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

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