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The Flood / Re: A Christian could never refute a logical atheist argument
« on: October 04, 2015, 12:47:03 PM »
I swear to god if you faggots use the word science as if it refers to some kind of mystical force or entity one more time

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 04, 2015, 12:17:43 PM »
So basically if we drop the idea that everything is oppression, but borrow the notion that our social issues are caused by interaction between various cultural and social factors, you have a viable way of looking at problems.
Borrow it from whom? Every social scientist on the face of the planet who isn't a lunatic is also an intersectionalist. The whole bullshit about intersectional social justice and feminism is a valid concept taken by them; we need to reclaim it, more than anything.
oh neat

Wasn't aware of this

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 04, 2015, 11:23:13 AM »
So basically if we drop the idea that everything is oppression, but borrow the notion that our social issues are caused by interaction between various cultural and social factors, you have a viable way of looking at problems.

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 04, 2015, 11:11:02 AM »
Intersectionality. I learned about this in the mandatory Social Justice ("social issues") course I take.

All of our problems stem from multiple social failures intersecting and interacting. There is no easy way out, and it certainly isn't through legislation.

I've never actually heard that term. I know I can just Google it, but do you have any specific sources of info you've used for that?
Well most people who use it are SJWs who refer exclusively to the intersection of race, gender, and class. I first heard it from Jay on Bnet and later my professor.

I don't have any specific source, as I understand it it's a simple concept. I just see it as including far more than the factors my professor and Jay talk about.


It's an interesting notion that I feel has so far been used only by idiots.

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:57:43 AM »
The SJW's are right about one thing, though-

Intersectionality. I learned about this in the mandatory Social Justice ("social issues") course I take.

All of our problems stem from multiple social failures intersecting and interacting. There is no easy way out, and it certainly isn't through legislation.

Serious / Re: It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:55:38 AM »
My thoughts are you should have screencapped or used pastebin instead of posting a link, all you've done is given Salon ad revenue.

Serious / Re: Simple Question Sunday: Does might make right?
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:54:35 AM »
For the record, any statist who says might doesn't make right is a hypocrite of the highest order.

The Flood / Post your childhood aesthetic
« on: October 04, 2015, 02:27:24 AM »

Gaming / Re: Reznov is the ingame embodiment of Call of Duty
« on: October 04, 2015, 01:22:39 AM »
now i'm actually interested

I hate threads that are just videos




Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 03, 2015, 04:05:49 PM »
What guns are we talking about?
Depends on the situation. I wouldn't CC an AR15, but anything from a .380 subcompact to a glock 19 is a reasonable carry piece.
What kind of people we talking about?
Rational actors ie almost the entire populace.
Psychopaths tend to not really care about inflicting tremendous damage to others and/or themselves.
This is a failing of our society at large and mental healthcare, not deterrence.
Is this in a public area or an small restaurant/shop?
Deterrence applies anywhere people are armed. The more arms, the more it works. Ever see somebody hold up a gunstore?
What about those who aren't interested in guns?
The less of these people, the better. Still, a carrier density of even 1/10 people should be enough to disincentivize violent acts in public places.
They just supposed to deal with a bunch of assholes swinging AKs around on a street corner?
"Hurr what about straight people, they just supposed to deal with a bunch of homos kissing in public?"
If someone carrying isn't directly affecting or harming anybody else and they're not on the private property of someone who objects, anybody with a problem has the right to fuck off and mind their own business.

And while there will always be spergs OCing rifles, the vast, as in 95%, majority of people who carry do so using pistols, usually concealed.

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 03, 2015, 01:37:11 PM »
Deterrence, though, would logically work.
Not really. It fails to factor in other nuances.

The vast majority of people don't have military grade training, and not everyone can handle stressful combat situations competently. This deterrence meme, as always, starts with the presupposition that absolutely nothing can go wrong when shit hits the fan because having a gun automatically makes you the T-800 capable of landing military precision shots.
you're confusing deterrence with defense.

Deterrence works like this.

I have a gun.
You have a gun too.

Because we are both capable of inflicting tremendous damage on each other, it is in neither of our interests to act aggressively.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 03, 2015, 12:44:46 AM »
>Jim Jeffries
>doesn't realize Port Arthur was a blatant false flag

I'm honestly not one to believe false flag accusations, like ever, but Port Arthur is pretty fucking clearly one.
Please read up on the details of the massacre and tell me the narrative makes sense.

A mentally disabled man pulling off multiple headshots in a matter of seconds?

Yeah fucking right.

Please tell me all about your newest theory Mr. Jones.
yes Massa

I always lissen to how you says things dun went massa

you wouldnt lie ta us

them slaves ova yonda dont trust you massa, theys silly niggas

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 03, 2015, 12:25:11 AM »
>Jim Jeffries
>doesn't realize Port Arthur was a blatant false flag

I'm honestly not one to believe false flag accusations, like ever, but Port Arthur is pretty fucking clearly one.
Please read up on the details of the massacre and tell me the narrative makes sense.

A mentally disabled man pulling off multiple headshots in a matter of seconds?

Yeah fucking right.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 03, 2015, 12:20:26 AM »
>Jim Jeffries
>doesn't realize Port Arthur was a blatant false flag

I'm honestly not one to believe false flag accusations, like ever, but Port Arthur is pretty fucking clearly one.

Serious / Re: How do you feel about this quote?
« on: October 02, 2015, 09:36:42 PM »
The popular definitions of liberal anf conservative vary too much depending on the audience for me to say.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 09:33:04 PM »
Its as if one of these happens bimonthly
It's not "as if", it is. But it'll be the same cycle.

1. People mourn

2. Media obsesses over gunman and glorifies him

3. President and others come out saying we need better gun laws

4. Republicans think "muh amendment" and say government is oppressive and saw laws won't help cuz criminals don't follow laws

5. Nothing happens, not even things people should come together on with things that make sense.

and repeat
It really does say a lot about our country when I'm a 22 year old who's first gun is an AK. Instead of having to get a special permit in order to own one I simply had to do a 5 minute background check and nothing else.
AK owners confirmed turncoat

AR owners continue to be true Americans

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 09:00:14 PM »
Gun control is a cotton bandage on a sucking chest wound. It's a lazy feel good solution to the dark realities of human nature that we refuse to face.

Can say the same of pretty much every popular leftist stance, really.
All I got from this is

"Humans love to murder, so let's provide them the tools to murder

Fuck liberals".
Humans love to use violence against those who cannot inflict the same level of violence, so let's provide them the tools to equalize their capacity to harm.

Before guns, power dynamics were based entirely on physical strength and numbers. The strong dominated the weak with swords, spears, knives.

After simple, primitive guns, power dynamics were based on numbers alone. One of you can now do as much damage as one of anyone else.

With modern autoloading weapons, all of the old is out the window. I can fight off one attacker or five with even a semi-automatic rifle.
You would love a real life lord of the flies
the point is deterrence
'Deterrence' demonstrably isn't working though.

I don't necessarily agree with stricter regulations but this "more guns make people safer" meme has been put to bed innumerable times.
There really aren't that many people carrying. If you walk into a building most places, especially places like campuses that do not allow carry or have a culture that minimizes it, you can expect to be the only armed person until the police arrive.

Deterrence, like the free market and many other wonderful things, is not working because it is not being allowed to work.

Meanwhile there are a myriad of cases of -successful- defensive gun use every fucking year. A gun works as a defensive tool. The problem is, yes, that there aren't enough people carrying them.
Got any empirical data from the most liberalized states in regards to gun accessibility?

I mean, half of what you're saying is literally just blind assumption.
you should know by now there is no unbiased source for gun data. EVERYONE has an agenda. Those that don't have a side don't say anything about it.

Even in pro-gun states, carriers represent a small minority. I'm pretty sure they even represent a minority of gun owners in most places. This is the problem- there aren't enough of them for deterrence to actually be a thing.
Alright, simmer down with the conspiracy meme.

I'm simply asking for an academic source that proves your assertions. If open carry and deregulation really does hinder gun crime then it really shouldn't pose as a problem for you to provide evidence for it.
there are "academic" surveys saying it does lower, doesn't, or worsens crime. There is no "academic" answer at the moment.

There are so many more factors at play that looking at just deterrence vs disarmament alone isn't enough. Maybe I've been too slow to acknowledge this in the past.

Deterrence, though, would logically work.

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 06:58:15 PM »
Gun control is a cotton bandage on a sucking chest wound. It's a lazy feel good solution to the dark realities of human nature that we refuse to face.

Can say the same of pretty much every popular leftist stance, really.
All I got from this is

"Humans love to murder, so let's provide them the tools to murder

Fuck liberals".
Humans love to use violence against those who cannot inflict the same level of violence, so let's provide them the tools to equalize their capacity to harm.

Before guns, power dynamics were based entirely on physical strength and numbers. The strong dominated the weak with swords, spears, knives.

After simple, primitive guns, power dynamics were based on numbers alone. One of you can now do as much damage as one of anyone else.

With modern autoloading weapons, all of the old is out the window. I can fight off one attacker or five with even a semi-automatic rifle.
You would love a real life lord of the flies
the point is deterrence
'Deterrence' demonstrably isn't working though.

I don't necessarily agree with stricter regulations but this "more guns make people safer" meme has been put to bed innumerable times.
There really aren't that many people carrying. If you walk into a building most places, especially places like campuses that do not allow carry or have a culture that minimizes it, you can expect to be the only armed person until the police arrive.

Deterrence, like the free market and many other wonderful things, is not working because it is not being allowed to work.

Meanwhile there are a myriad of cases of -successful- defensive gun use every fucking year. A gun works as a defensive tool. The problem is, yes, that there aren't enough people carrying them.
Got any empirical data from the most liberalized states in regards to gun accessibility?

I mean, half of what you're saying is literally just blind assumption.
you should know by now there is no unbiased source for gun data. EVERYONE has an agenda. Those that don't have a side don't say anything about it.

Even in pro-gun states, carriers represent a small minority. I'm pretty sure they even represent a minority of gun owners in most places. This is the problem- there aren't enough of them for deterrence to actually be a thing.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 06:53:06 PM »
You're doing damage to yourself witheat unhealthy. Last I checked, food doesn't actively try and clog your arteries or something. You can argue about smoke and smog, but don't throw food in the same damn defense, because it makes no sense.

I get you're against gun restrictions but damn please try and form a more cohesive argument, because this one is just one long winded reach and it's quite funny.
In a system where healthcare is funded in part or wholly via tax dollars, yes, you are harming EVERYONE by being a waste of their resources.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 06:23:12 PM »
do you NEED unhealthy food filled with trans fat?

do you NEED carcinogenic tobacco products?

You know you've hit the bottom of your argument pool when you start pulling out exaggerations and comparisons like this.
These things kill more every year than guns do.

Door, enough with the shitty arguments. You're against gun control, it's well stated and well known. How about forming an actual debate on the issue, not throwing out shitty, repetitive examples?
how about you addres my point and demonstrate what's so shitty about it instead of writing it off so you don't have to?

Gatsby said it best - eating absurd amounts of trans fats in foods, or smoking absurd amounts of cigarettes a day, is only killing yourself, not others. Continuing to pretend that loopholes don't exist and allowing people to acquire guns without a thorough and lengthy background check is absurd.

I said it in either this thread or another, but in many places, its easier to get a gun than it is to get a drivers license.
cars also kill many more people than guns.

Whereas the presence of guns only represents the potential for harm, the presence of most non-electric cars and cigarettes are inherently harmful. A cigarette not only hurts its user, but anyone close enough to inhale cigarette smoke. Cars pump polluting chemicals into the atmosphere, harming not only the planet, but people worldwide.

Smoking and unhealthy diets cost literal billions every year, worldwide. They do, demonstrably, FAR more damage than guns in first-world countries. Aren't all you statists coming from a utilitarian position?

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:18:41 PM »
do you NEED unhealthy food filled with trans fat?

do you NEED carcinogenic tobacco products?

You know you've hit the bottom of your argument pool when you start pulling out exaggerations and comparisons like this.
These things kill more every year than guns do.

Door, enough with the shitty arguments. You're against gun control, it's well stated and well known. How about forming an actual debate on the issue, not throwing out shitty, repetitive examples?
how about you addres my point and demonstrate what's so shitty about it instead of writing it off so you don't have to?

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:11:27 PM »
do you NEED unhealthy food filled with trans fat?

do you NEED carcinogenic tobacco products?

You know you've hit the bottom of your argument pool when you start pulling out exaggerations and comparisons like this.
Smoking kills more every year than guns do.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:52:18 PM »
and they're just fun as fuck to shoot
but do you NEED fun?

do you NEED unhealthy food filled with trans fat?

do you NEED a fast sports car with poor gas mileage?

do you NEED carcinogenic tobacco products?

NO, you fucking DON'T, shitlord, so we should make them prohibitively difficult or illegal to obtain, so you can't potentially hurt yourself or others, CITIZEN.

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:49:03 PM »
Gun control is a cotton bandage on a sucking chest wound. It's a lazy feel good solution to the dark realities of human nature that we refuse to face.

Can say the same of pretty much every popular leftist stance, really.
All I got from this is

"Humans love to murder, so let's provide them the tools to murder

Fuck liberals".
Humans love to use violence against those who cannot inflict the same level of violence, so let's provide them the tools to equalize their capacity to harm.

Before guns, power dynamics were based entirely on physical strength and numbers. The strong dominated the weak with swords, spears, knives.

After simple, primitive guns, power dynamics were based on numbers alone. One of you can now do as much damage as one of anyone else.

With modern autoloading weapons, all of the old is out the window. I can fight off one attacker or five with even a semi-automatic rifle.
You would love a real life lord of the flies
the point is deterrence
'Deterrence' demonstrably isn't working though.

I don't necessarily agree with stricter regulations but this "more guns make people safer" meme has been put to bed innumerable times.
There really aren't that many people carrying. If you walk into a building most places, especially places like campuses that do not allow carry or have a culture that minimizes it, you can expect to be the only armed person until the police arrive.

Deterrence, like the free market and many other wonderful things, is not working because it is not being allowed to work.

Meanwhile there are a myriad of cases of -successful- defensive gun use every fucking year. A gun works as a defensive tool. The problem is, yes, that there aren't enough people carrying them.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:03:22 PM »
Yeah you don't care about personal liberty until the government tries to take away something you do care about.
The point is that you shouldn't care about guns.
That's your opinion
Of course, but I don't exactly see a practical reason besides home defense that would warrant the necessity of a gun, and like I said, I believe that can be resolved through other means. Why do you need a gun, barring that? What practical benefit does gun ownership have?
inb4 hurr hunting is ebul
Personal defense outside of the home
Competitive shooting, if you're into that
Pest control if you operate a farm or ranch.

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:34:47 PM »
Gun control is a cotton bandage on a sucking chest wound. It's a lazy feel good solution to the dark realities of human nature that we refuse to face.

Can say the same of pretty much every popular leftist stance, really.
All I got from this is

"Humans love to murder, so let's provide them the tools to murder

Fuck liberals".
Humans love to use violence against those who cannot inflict the same level of violence, so let's provide them the tools to equalize their capacity to harm.

Before guns, power dynamics were based entirely on physical strength and numbers. The strong dominated the weak with swords, spears, knives.

After simple, primitive guns, power dynamics were based on numbers alone. One of you can now do as much damage as one of anyone else.

With modern autoloading weapons, all of the old is out the window. I can fight off one attacker or five with even a semi-automatic rifle.
You would love a real life lord of the flies
the point is deterrence

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:18:53 PM »
Gun control is a cotton bandage on a sucking chest wound. It's a lazy feel good solution to the dark realities of human nature that we refuse to face.

Can say the same of pretty much every popular leftist stance, really.
All I got from this is

"Humans love to murder, so let's provide them the tools to murder

Fuck liberals".
Humans love to use violence against those who cannot inflict the same level of violence, so let's provide them the tools to equalize their capacity to harm.

Before guns, power dynamics were based entirely on physical strength and numbers. The strong dominated the weak with swords, spears, knives.

After simple, primitive guns, power dynamics were based on numbers alone. One of you can now do as much damage as one of anyone else.

With modern autoloading weapons, all of the old is out the window. I can fight off one attacker or five with even a semi-automatic rifle.

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