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Serious / Re: Conservative on campus
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:35:29 PM »
Anyway, I think the reasons are

A: Lefties market themselves as being on the "right side" of history, progressives. And they market themselves well to stupid college students who wan to feel intelligent.
B: College students are some of the most socially conscious people, but are easily misled and, again, generally pretty stupid. Because the left is so good at projecting an image of social progress, they get swept up in it.

t. Theatre major

Serious / Re: Conservative on campus
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:32:40 PM »
I'm in what is essentially a social justice class.

Every time I open my mouth I'm a target but I fucking love it.

I feel naughty, like a kid who broke some arbitrary rule for the fun of it.

Yesterday I called out a bullshit statistic some pink-haired hambeast (dude) was shilling, got a serious death glare. Couldn't fucking hide my grin. People told me today that he was bitching about it for hours.

Serious / Re: The God-Emperor of Florida
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:00:12 PM »
He has an awful accent.

0/10 would not die by the billions for.

I can't tell what accent it is, it's like he's slipping between southern and French Canadian.
That would be the "autism" dialect.

The Flood / Re: So I guess I'm in a fight with my GF
« on: October 07, 2015, 06:58:54 PM »
You mention she swallowed like it's notable.

Should be happening every time brah

Gaming / Re: Far Cry Primal - Announcement Trailer
« on: October 07, 2015, 03:08:18 PM »
I'm down for a radical change in gameplay, but at this point why even call it Far Cry? Seems like they're just coasting on franchise recognition.

Gaming / Re: Far Cry Primal - Announcement Trailer
« on: October 07, 2015, 03:07:25 PM »
I'm just taking some guess here.

Crafting system.

Close knit sort of tribal community/base builder.

Rival tribes for you to go conan the barbarian on.
>game starts
>new guy in tribe
>everyone talks oogabooga bix nood and you don't understand anything
>after a few hunts you learn their language and everyone starts having a British accent

Septagon / Can we have a temporary Gun Control/Rights General in Serious?
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:47:22 PM »
It seems like we have too many threads about the same thing right now. It's crowding out space for other discussions. Just until the hype dies down, though, it would suck as a permanent fixture.

At least IMO. What do the rest of you think?

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:43:03 PM »
I read it as "Ben Carson, the retarded neurosurgeon" at first glance. Can't say I was wrong either.
He's actually a pretty intelligent man.

It's just that his proposed policies are crazy.

His ideology is fairly complex and interesting by Republican standards.

The "HURR DURR US MUHREEN HOO RAH" mindset is prevalent, yeah, but that's more a result of the USMC's target audience than the training itself.

The Marine cops is the most white trash branch. Marines don't need to be as smart as the other branches, just in better shape.

So alongside myths and propaganda, you have stupid people bragging about how fucking hard they are (which they would do whether or not they were marines, to be fair). These people breed, so you create entire families who are super hyped about how great da muhreens are. The meme perpetuates itself this way.

It isn't branch-wide, though, I know a few former marines who actually made something of their lives post-service, and so don't have to cling to their speshul club. They're rare, though.

Although to be honest I can appreciate the muhreen hype crowd more than the welfare queens in my high school who want to treat the Navy as a jobs program.


Just for some closure.

I like strict moderation.

Just need to stop getting buttflustered in srs.

The Flood / Re: How do you think Trevor Noah is doing on The Daily Show?
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:43:10 PM »

Trevor Noah walks out onstage and the audience goes wild. He takes a couple mock bows and then waves his hands as if to say "knock it off you guys, I'm just a regular guy just like you!" The applause dies down and Noah takes his seat. The studio is silent and there is an air of expectation hanging in the room. "So folks did you hear about what happened on Capitol Hill today?" The audience can hardly contain themselves, they're hanging on Noah's every word. They know the punch line is coming. "Well it turns out Republicans voted to pass some new legislation that will make it more difficult for women to have abortions." Already stifled giggles are begging to leak from the captivated viewers. Noah pauses for a moment and then makes a funny face at the camera. The audience erupts in uproarious laughter, scattered shouts of "he made the face again!" can be heard between the cascading guffaws that reverberate throughout the studio. Noah has them just where he wants them and goes in for the kill: "DUDE REPUBLICANS LMAO." Any remaining restraint that may have been in the studio evaporates under the thunderous laughing that is now shaking the very foundations of the studio. Even the cameramen can no longer contain themselves as tears of joy roll down their faces at another perfectly delivered Trevor Noah zinger.
why are you trying so hard?
does copypasta count as trying now?
sorry I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of copypasta
step it up normie

What happened to yellow snake libertarian mechanic man

The Flood / Re: How do you think Trevor Noah is doing on The Daily Show?
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:39:04 PM »

Trevor Noah walks out onstage and the audience goes wild. He takes a couple mock bows and then waves his hands as if to say "knock it off you guys, I'm just a regular guy just like you!" The applause dies down and Noah takes his seat. The studio is silent and there is an air of expectation hanging in the room. "So folks did you hear about what happened on Capitol Hill today?" The audience can hardly contain themselves, they're hanging on Noah's every word. They know the punch line is coming. "Well it turns out Republicans voted to pass some new legislation that will make it more difficult for women to have abortions." Already stifled giggles are begging to leak from the captivated viewers. Noah pauses for a moment and then makes a funny face at the camera. The audience erupts in uproarious laughter, scattered shouts of "he made the face again!" can be heard between the cascading guffaws that reverberate throughout the studio. Noah has them just where he wants them and goes in for the kill: "DUDE REPUBLICANS LMAO." Any remaining restraint that may have been in the studio evaporates under the thunderous laughing that is now shaking the very foundations of the studio. Even the cameramen can no longer contain themselves as tears of joy roll down their faces at another perfectly delivered Trevor Noah zinger.
why are you trying so hard?
does copypasta count as trying now?

The Flood / Re: How do you think Trevor Noah is doing on The Daily Show?
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:14:11 PM »

Trevor Noah walks out onstage and the audience goes wild. He takes a couple mock bows and then waves his hands as if to say "knock it off you guys, I'm just a regular guy just like you!" The applause dies down and Noah takes his seat. The studio is silent and there is an air of expectation hanging in the room. "So folks did you hear about what happened on Capitol Hill today?" The audience can hardly contain themselves, they're hanging on Noah's every word. They know the punch line is coming. "Well it turns out Republicans voted to pass some new legislation that will make it more difficult for women to have abortions." Already stifled giggles are begging to leak from the captivated viewers. Noah pauses for a moment and then makes a funny face at the camera. The audience erupts in uproarious laughter, scattered shouts of "he made the face again!" can be heard between the cascading guffaws that reverberate throughout the studio. Noah has them just where he wants them and goes in for the kill: "DUDE REPUBLICANS LMAO." Any remaining restraint that may have been in the studio evaporates under the thunderous laughing that is now shaking the very foundations of the studio. Even the cameramen can no longer contain themselves as tears of joy roll down their faces at another perfectly delivered Trevor Noah zinger.

Serious / Re: CA Gov Jerry Brown is on a roll
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:07:35 PM »
It expands what misdemeanors kill gun rights. It's in combination with a ccw ban on college campus. Get caught, lose gun rights for 10 years.
Well if you can't follow the rules, why should you be allowed to own a gun?
Maybe some people don't want to end up like the Oregonians.

Serious / Re: Gun control compromise
« on: October 07, 2015, 12:58:14 PM »
Doesn't really sound very good, no.

Then why is it okay to call a registry a compromise when gun owners get nothing out of it? Every expansion if gun control has been labeled a 'compromise'
I don't see how less mass shootings, less gun violence, lower suicide rates, lower homicide rates, usually less violent crime in general, less shootings or gun accidents, a diminished illegal black market, a better name for actually responsible gun owners and so forth could possibly be understood as "we get nothing out of it".
Flee, you are more intelligent than this post.

Serious / Re: Gun control compromise
« on: October 07, 2015, 12:57:14 PM »
Enjoy having your shit confiscated in ten years because you told the government where all the guns are, making the 2A completely useless as a deterrent.
A registry does little to minimize crime and a lot to enable confiscation.

How about this.

I'll give you a thorough mental health background check that does not disqualify the disabled or depressed.

You give me nationwide Concealed Carry reciprocity and stop pretending black semi-autos are "military-grade murder weapons".

I think that you have an obligation to defend your community in the event of an organized attack.

But involuntary servitude is really no better than slavery. It is not acceptable.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 11:40:44 AM »
Never understood the appeal of the guy.
Black republican man. He offers the Republicans a unique opportunity to steal a chunk of the black vote from the Democrats.

He's also intelligent. Crazy but intelligent.
And pretty fucking charismatic. I like him and I agree with almost nothing he says.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 11:36:35 AM »
Bush is probably the safest candidate for the nomination. He definitely has a few strong right leanings, but in general he seems more level-headed than the competition.
Do people genuinely think this?

Nobody is going to vote for Jeb Bush. Like it's not going to happen.

Most people who vote in the general election are almost completely uninformed. They're not going to look at his platform, they're going to see the name "Bush" and remember how much everyone hated the last one.

Nobody wants another fucking Bush. Even conservatives don't want another fucking Bush.
It doesn't even have to do with him being a shitty guy or having shit policy. He's a fucking Bush and America has had enough Bush to last a century.
Do people even remember Bush Sr.'s presidency? Serious question, because every problem I hear with him being a Bush is in relation to his brother.
I honestly can't even remember what he did that was so bad besides muh wars and the faith-based initiative stuff. Dubya being bad is kind of a meme.

He was pretty embarrassing though. I'm amazed people have deluded themselves into thinking Jeb can win a general election.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 11:31:07 AM »
He's right, sorry not sorry.

Although his timing and choice of words is really poor.
This would work if anyone was working toward dismantling the second amendment, but that isn't happening. Unless you're one of those SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED types where literally any legislation that limits who can buy what firearms and weapons at what times is considered a violation of the second amendment...
Do I really need to explain this?

One step back means the loss of rights we will never get back. And as soon as we take one step back, another fucking statistical anomaly will be propagandized and forced into an issue, and you fuckers will be back demanding more, and more, and more every time.

So yeah, you're goddamn right I'm one of those SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED types, because I know that infringement begets infringement.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 11:27:42 AM »
Bush is probably the safest candidate for the nomination. He definitely has a few strong right leanings, but in general he seems more level-headed than the competition.
Do people genuinely think this?

Nobody is going to vote for Jeb Bush. Like it's not going to happen.

Most people who vote in the general election are almost completely uninformed. They're not going to look at his platform, they're going to see the name "Bush" and remember how much everyone hated the last one.

Nobody wants another fucking Bush. Even conservatives don't want another fucking Bush.
It doesn't even have to do with him being a shitty guy or having shit policy. He's a fucking Bush and America has had enough Bush to last a century.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson's Remarks on Oregon Shooting
« on: October 07, 2015, 11:22:40 AM »
He's right, sorry not sorry.

Although his timing and choice of words is really poor.

Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:14:18 AM »
The Crusades actually helped reopen the western world to eastern things, like spices, medicine, and other shit loads of things.

If anything, it helped get them out of the horrible Dark Ages.


Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:56:17 AM »

door plaize
No, it's not okay at all?

My point here is that the brutality of the crusaders is exaggerated compared to their contemporaries. Islamic conquests before and after were as bloody or bloodier.

But we treat the Crusades as if they're the greatest mistake of christendom and a mark of shame against western europe, meanwhile muslims dindu nuffin dey wuz gud bois dey wuz culturally enrichin' da levant!

Serious / Re: Conservatives be like...
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:53:08 AM »
i don't think i've ever seen a more limp and impotent strawman in my life
You're openly anti-natalist, and, unless your motivation has changed, it was all about muh consent.

So, as a fellow consentfag, I don't get why you let the utilitaricucks trick you into thinking that armed robbery is okay just because the thief shares.

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