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Serious / Re: Do all men cheat?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:13:58 PM »
I cheated on a long-term girlfriend three times this year. I genuinely never thought I'd be that kind of guy, even a week before I started.

But when I did, honestly, I had trouble even feeling guilty.

So maybe it is true. I don't really know. I don't intend to cheat on anyone again.

Serious / Re: Do all men cheat?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:11:00 PM »
I'd say in the same amount women cheat. In my case, Ex-Mrs Charlie cheated, in Foehammer's case, her baby-daddy cheated.

If you think about it, it takes two
I think it's shitty when the person who is cheated on gets mad at the third party for hooking up with your girl/guy. It's not the third person's fault.
That really depends.

If they don't know they're sleeping with someone's spouse? Then yeah, not their fault.

If they are aware? String the fucker up.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing right
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:01:01 AM »

The Flood / hey bby
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:15:25 AM »
can i add a branch to your family tree? ;^)

TBH I must be dumb or forgetful because I really don't remember Meta being a commie
pepperoni farms remembers

Bnext was weird, huh.

The Flood / Re: Petition to ban Artica Sparkle
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:58:45 PM »
Artica sparkle is a better user than you

Gaming / Re: Online military shooters are the best
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:10:18 PM »
>be in middle school
>black ops and Reach
>skip school all the time to alternate masturbation and vidya

Good times.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:01:23 PM »
Balon Greyjoy

The Flood / Re: All polls on the flood should contain....
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:58:02 PM »
Being more attractive than my ex.

Sounds fucked but I'm moving up in the world, not down or sideways.

I strongly endorse the euthanasia of all Republicunts.
Cenk go back to YouTube please

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:33:30 PM »
I'm poor and with elections coming up getting guns and ammo squirreled away takes priority over vidya.

The Flood / Re: Feminism is hot but most feminists aren't
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:26:01 PM »
Define feminist.

The Flood / Re: Describe the user above you with a seven word sentence
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:21:24 PM »
Just calm the fuck down nigga damn

Headphones always. Only enjoy speakers when I'm driving.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:18:15 PM »
Alright, fuck columbus.

Serious / Re: So like...I sympathize with some NeoNazi ideology
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:10:45 PM »
I don't believe there are different "races" of humans. We're all homo sapiens with traits suited to the regions we live in.
Races? Not really.

Ethnic groups? Absolutely.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:04:16 PM »
I never said we should apologize, in fact I specifically said that in one post. I simply said we should remember it as it happened. Learn to understand the points I am making please.
Colombus himself didn't even kill anyone.
Maybe not directly, but he was responsible for a horrifying trail of blood.
More recent views of Columbus have tended to be much more critical.[104][105][106] The combined effects of Columbus' forced labor regime, war, and slaughter resulted in the near-total eradication of 98% of the native Taino of Hispaniola.[107] De las Casas records that when he first came to Hispaniola in 1508, "there were 60,000 people living on this island, including the Indians; so that from 1494 to 1508, over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines. Who in future generations will believe this? I myself writing it as a knowledgeable eyewitness can hardly believe it...."[107]

The native Taino people of the island were systematically enslaved via the encomienda system implemented by Columbus,[108] which resembled a feudal system in Medieval Europe.[109]

Disease played a significant role in the destruction of the natives; however there is no record of any massive smallpox epidemic in the Antilles until 25 years after the arrival of Columbus; rather the natives' numbers declined due to extreme overwork, other diseases, and a loss of will to live after the destruction of their culture by the invaders. When the first pandemic finally struck in 1519 it wiped out much of the remaining native population.[110][111] According to the historian Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes by 1548, 56 years after Columbus landed, fewer than five hundred Taino were left on the island.[112]

Columbus' treatment of the Hispaniola natives was even worse; his soldiers raped, killed, and enslaved with impunity at every landing. When Columbus fell ill in 1495, soldiers were reported to have gone on a rampage, slaughtering 50,000 natives. Upon his recovery, Columbus organized his troops' efforts, forming a squadron of several hundred heavily armed men and more than twenty attack dogs. The men tore across the land, killing thousands of sick and unarmed natives. Soldiers would use their captives for sword practice, attempting to decapitate them or cut them in half with a single blow.[113]

The historian Howard Zinn writes that Columbus spearheaded a massive slave trade; in 1495 his men captured in a single raid 1500 Arawak men, women, and children. When he shipped five hundred of the slaves to Spain, 40% died en route.[46] Historian James W. Loewen asserts that "Columbus not only sent the first slaves across the Atlantic, he probably sent more slaves – about five thousand – than any other individual... other nations rushed to emulate Columbus."[114]

When slaves held in captivity began to die at high rates, Columbus switched to a different system of forced labor: he ordered all natives over the age of thirteen to collect a specified amount (one hawk's bell full) of gold powder every three months. Natives who brought the amount were given a copper token to hang around their necks, and those found without tokens had their hands amputated and were left to bleed to death.[46][115]

The Arawaks attempted to fight back against Columbus's men but lacked their armor, guns, swords, and horses. When taken prisoner, they were hanged or burned to death. Desperation led to mass suicides and infanticide among the natives. In just two years under Columbus' governorship more than half of the 250,000 Arawaks in Haiti were dead.[46] The main cause for the depopulation was disease followed by other causes such as warfare and harsh enslavement. [116] [117] [118]

Samuel Eliot Morison, a Harvard historian and author of a multivolume biography on Columbus writes, "The cruel policy initiated by Columbus and pursued by his successors resulted in complete genocide."[119] Loewen laments that while "Haiti under the Spanish is one of the primary instances of genocide in all human history", only one major history text he reviewed mentions Columbus' role in it.[114]

There is evidence that the men of the first voyage also brought syphilis from the New World to Europe.[120] Many of the crew members who served on this voyage later joined the army of King Charles VIII in his invasion of Italy in 1495. After the victory, Charles' largely mercenary army returned to their respective homes, thereby spreading "the Great Pox" across Europe and triggering the deaths of more than five million people.[121]


Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:02:39 PM »
I just really hate the pity parade circle jerk for Native Americans
Considering based Andrew Jackson (Trail of Tears, and who for some reason is on the $20 bill when he hated the National Bank. Talk about irony) and "Manifest Destiny" were two things that essentially drove the Natives away and slaughtered them? Yeah I think it's pretty bad. They honestly DESERVE some pity, and while I'm not here going "it's da white mans fault now! Be ashamed!!!", I think we should all be aware of the tragedies and misdeeds our ancestors did.

It's really crazy how we basically almost wiped an entire culture off the face of the map by killing, and forcefully relocating them. There is no positive spin on it by saying "well we culturally uplifted them" or "they weren't going places anyway".
who's this we motherfucker

Were you there? Did you participate?
I say "we" as in WE as American's should be aware of our past and our history and not try to over glorify everything. You know the whole saying "those who don't know history" blah blah. As a history nerd, I feel you should always strive to tell the truth about events that happened, be it good or bad.
what are you some kind of christfag? Fuck that original sin bullshit.

Yes, colonists basically destroyed Native Americans. To call it genocide is a stretch, though. Genocide implies a goal or organized action. This was just the result of one culture being destroyed by a dominant intruding culture. It's happened shitloads of times throughout history.

But just like we don't ask modern Hungarians to apologize for the actions of the Huns, or Danes to apologize for viking raids on Britain, we as Americans today really shouldn't be apologizing for shit that happened centuries before we were even concieved.

You do not bear responsibility for the actions of your ancestors, who may not have even made violent contact with Natives anyway.

Should the US government apologize for actions it took specifically? Absolutely.
Should we as Americans? No. We weren't there and we really have no right to speak for our long-dead ancestors.
We can't accurately label every single action performed by colonists as genocide, but we can acknowledge that genocide did occur. That's just silly to deny.
There was no major concerted effort to wipe out the natives as far as I know.
Trail of Tears?

Sand Creek Massacre?

Mendocino War?

all are accepted as genocidal campaigns by modern academics.

Secretary of War Lewis Cass issued an order in 1832 not to give smallpox vaccinations to Mandan, Arikara, Cree, and Blackfoot peoples.

We may not have directly declared war on the natives as a whole and tossed them all in a mass grave, but we most certainly engaged in genocidal actions.
Again, US government. Colonization was pretty established by the time the USA came into existence. Fuck, the British had promised not to travel any further west before they were kicked out.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:00:35 PM »

Who said apologize?

How about we stop celebrating the man who has come to symbolize the wiping out of those cultures?
The fuck? Nobody reasonable sees Colombus as a symbol of the destruction of Native Americans. If he's a symbol of anything it's the inability of the Spanish to differentiate between brown people. Colombus killed nobody.

If you were talking about Andrew Jackson or Cortes, I'd agree with you. But we're talking about a goddamn explorer here.

The Americas were already discovered. He didn't do anything new. There were people living here.
They hadn't been discovered by Europeans. I don't get your point here. Nobody thinks Colombus was the first human to set foot in North America. The Natives had been there for thousands of years, isolated after the land bridge between Alaska and Russia fell below the water. It was a discovery for both parties. Colombus accidentally a continent while trying to get to India the long way, and the natives discovered there were peoples and lands across the sea. It's not like the motherfucker tried to call dibs.

Does Germany have a national Hitler day? Or Russia a Stalin day? How about Eastern Europe having a Khan day?
You're comparing an explorer and unwitting historical figure to totalitarian dictators who engaged in organized genocide and any of various Central Asian tribal leaders. I don't think I need to explain how ridiculous this is.

Because some men don't deserve to be celebrated.
I agree. I'm not even sure Colombus really deserves to be celebrated. He wasn't the first European to land here and he didn't even realize where he was at the time.
But saying he doesn't deserve to be celebrated because of the actions of other, later-arriving Europeans is completely retarded.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:46:23 PM »
I just really hate the pity parade circle jerk for Native Americans
Considering based Andrew Jackson (Trail of Tears, and who for some reason is on the $20 bill when he hated the National Bank. Talk about irony) and "Manifest Destiny" were two things that essentially drove the Natives away and slaughtered them? Yeah I think it's pretty bad. They honestly DESERVE some pity, and while I'm not here going "it's da white mans fault now! Be ashamed!!!", I think we should all be aware of the tragedies and misdeeds our ancestors did.

It's really crazy how we basically almost wiped an entire culture off the face of the map by killing, and forcefully relocating them. There is no positive spin on it by saying "well we culturally uplifted them" or "they weren't going places anyway".
who's this we motherfucker

Were you there? Did you participate?
I say "we" as in WE as American's should be aware of our past and our history and not try to over glorify everything. You know the whole saying "those who don't know history" blah blah. As a history nerd, I feel you should always strive to tell the truth about events that happened, be it good or bad.
what are you some kind of christfag? Fuck that original sin bullshit.

Yes, colonists basically destroyed Native Americans. To call it genocide is a stretch, though. Genocide implies a goal or organized action. This was just the result of one culture being destroyed by a dominant intruding culture. It's happened shitloads of times throughout history.

But just like we don't ask modern Hungarians to apologize for the actions of the Huns, or Danes to apologize for viking raids on Britain, we as Americans today really shouldn't be apologizing for shit that happened centuries before we were even concieved.

You do not bear responsibility for the actions of your ancestors, who may not have even made violent contact with Natives anyway.

Should the US government apologize for actions it took specifically? Absolutely.
Should we as Americans? No. We weren't there and we really have no right to speak for our long-dead ancestors.
We can't accurately label every single action performed by colonists as genocide, but we can acknowledge that genocide did occur. That's just silly to deny.
There was no major concerted effort to wipe out the natives as far as I know.

Various groups of colonists committed atrocities against various tribes, but this wasn't some "final solution" shit.

The US government did engage in actions you could consider genocidal, yes. But that's statism at work. I'm fairly certain the US government has taken a stance of apology for its actions, already. We as individuals bear no responsibility, though.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:41:56 PM »
I never said we should apologize, in fact I specifically said that in one post. I simply said we should remember it as it happened. Learn to understand the points I am making please.
We do. I don't understand what the problem is here, then.

Colombus himself didn't even kill anyone.

It's not like we have a General Custer Memorial day.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:36:07 PM »
I just really hate the pity parade circle jerk for Native Americans
Considering based Andrew Jackson (Trail of Tears, and who for some reason is on the $20 bill when he hated the National Bank. Talk about irony) and "Manifest Destiny" were two things that essentially drove the Natives away and slaughtered them? Yeah I think it's pretty bad. They honestly DESERVE some pity, and while I'm not here going "it's da white mans fault now! Be ashamed!!!", I think we should all be aware of the tragedies and misdeeds our ancestors did.

It's really crazy how we basically almost wiped an entire culture off the face of the map by killing, and forcefully relocating them. There is no positive spin on it by saying "well we culturally uplifted them" or "they weren't going places anyway".
who's this we motherfucker

Were you there? Did you participate?
I say "we" as in WE as American's should be aware of our past and our history and not try to over glorify everything. You know the whole saying "those who don't know history" blah blah. As a history nerd, I feel you should always strive to tell the truth about events that happened, be it good or bad.
what are you some kind of christfag? Fuck that original sin bullshit.

Yes, colonists basically destroyed Native Americans. To call it genocide is a stretch, though. Genocide implies a goal or organized action. This was just the result of one culture being destroyed by a dominant intruding culture. It's happened shitloads of times throughout history.

But just like we don't ask modern Hungarians to apologize for the actions of the Huns, or Danes to apologize for viking raids on Britain, we as Americans today really shouldn't be apologizing for shit that happened centuries before we were even concieved.

You do not bear responsibility for the actions of your ancestors, who may not have even made violent contact with Natives anyway.

Should the US government apologize for actions it took specifically? Absolutely.
Should we as Americans? No. We weren't there and we really have no right to speak for our long-dead ancestors.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:58:52 PM »
I just really hate the pity parade circle jerk for Native Americans
Considering based Andrew Jackson (Trail of Tears, and who for some reason is on the $20 bill when he hated the National Bank. Talk about irony) and "Manifest Destiny" were two things that essentially drove the Natives away and slaughtered them? Yeah I think it's pretty bad. They honestly DESERVE some pity, and while I'm not here going "it's da white mans fault now! Be ashamed!!!", I think we should all be aware of the tragedies and misdeeds our ancestors did.

It's really crazy how we basically almost wiped an entire culture off the face of the map by killing, and forcefully relocating them. There is no positive spin on it by saying "well we culturally uplifted them" or "they weren't going places anyway".
who's this we motherfucker

Were you there? Did you participate?

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:57:52 PM »
Cuckoldry: The Thread.

Anyway Colombus wasn't even the first Euro to land in the Americas. That was basef Leif Erikson.




Cuck mentality, brah. This self-flagellation is pathetic. If you're really ashamed of the European colonization of the Americas, stop breeding. Go back to Europe.

You are aware I consider all political power immoral, right?
Fucking socialist.
hey man

Under my ideology you can have all the hippe collectivist colonies you want so long as you don't use force or coercion.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:42:58 PM »
Cuckoldry: The Thread.

Anyway Colombus wasn't even the first Euro to land in the Americas. That was basef Leif Erikson.
His father Erik the Red discovered Greenland though. He established settlements in modern day Qarortoq and Nuuk

Hell, a guy named Bjarni Herjólfsson was the one who originally made landfall at Helluland and prompted Erikson to make his journey.
oh shit

Anyway the point is scandinavians were the best colonist europeans, spain and england can suck it. France cant even compete.

You are aware I consider all political power immoral, right?
Dude...what? Having a leader and/or representatives is immoral?

I think you're just fucking with us all now.
If every single person in a group willingly votes to make someone a leader with established conditions, it's okay.

But that literally doesn't happen. Instead our politicians are selected democratically (which is fucking dumb) and are able to enforce their decisions at gunpoint (which is fucking disgusting).

Leadership is consentual. Dictatorship is involuntary. Leadership does not exist in modern politics.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:33:30 PM »
Cuckoldry: The Thread.

Anyway Colombus wasn't even the first Euro to land in the Americas. That was basef Leif Erikson.

Serious / Re: Conservative on campus
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:24:24 AM »
Let me know when you want me to shoot your school up bro I got my pointy hat at the ready LETS GET IT



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