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Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 27, 2015, 02:32:05 PM »
we still don't know if Ulfric is a sleeper agent either, by the way.
JESUS christ this fucking meme I swear to god. Can people not read?

Ulfric is not a sleeper agent. The Talmor view him as an asset because a prolonged war is good for them. I don't think I need to explain to you why, but I will if you don't know. They want a Stormcloak victory as little as they want an Imperial victory, so long as the war goes on for as long as possible.

They even describe him as uncooperative.
>is described as 'dormant' and an 'asset' in The Thalmor dossier
>conveniently manages to escape imprisonment on which the details are never divulged

Yeah okay mate, there's nothing suspicious about his background whatsoever. Keep deepthroating the Stormcloak shaft.
"Uncooperative to direct contact.

Operational Notes: Direct contact remains a possibility (under extreme circumstances), but in general the asset should be considered dormant."

Why the fuck would they be vague in an internal document? They describe him as uncooperative to direct contact because if he realizes he's doing something the Thalmor want him to do, he won't fucking do it. He's not actively cooperating with the Thalmor. He is an asset in the sense that his actions can benefit the Thalmor in the long run- if the war drags on.

Uncooperative to direct contact=He's not going to just do what you want, you have to herd him into doing what you want him to do by setting up external conditions to compel him to act in the way you want.
Very interesting use of the word 'dormant' there. It's not an adjective I would use to describe an oblivious political tool who conveniently happens to be aiding my goals literally every step of the way, from The Markarth Incident right up to The Civil War.

But whatever. Sleeper agent or not he's playing right into The Thalmor's hands for the destruction of The Empire. Perhaps his emphasis on Talos worship will end up saving Mundus, but to me, he seems a tad more interested in Skyrim secession, which is precisely what I would expect a Thalmor sleeper agent to be doing.
The Markarth Incident was not good for the Thalmor. I'll explain why if you're interested.
It's explicitly stated in the Thalmor Dossier that the Markarth Incident aided their strategic goals (weakening of The Empire), but resulted in his uncooperative behaviour.

That to me, screams some kind of magical brainwashing spell that is conflicting him.

But maybe I am wrong, and Ulfric is just an oblivious retard conveniently giving The Thalmor a helping hand round every corner.
Markarth forced the Talos issue to the forefront.

Before, everyone thought they could get away with worshipping Talos behind closed doors. Meanwhile, Thalmor agents were all over and people got disappeared in the night. This worked for the Thalmor- worshippers could be hunted down quietly while the deity died a slow death in the public eye.

After Markarth, people realized they had to fight for Talos if they wanted their faith preserved. Suddenly, entire chunks of Skyrim became hostile to Thalmor agents, and Talos worship resurged.

The Civil War is overall good for the Thalmor if it drags on, but the Stormcloak movement in general and the effects of the Markarth Incident in particular are not.

Thalmor just have an uncanny way of benefitting from literally every event no matter the outcome.

on your bike
Is this like some retarded anglo version of a fuck you?

If it's by their own choice then who are you to tell someone what to wear?
Rarely is it wholly their choice.

Further, I'm not telling anyone what to wear. I'm the guy worried about the fact that anyone is told to wear anything.

Except it would be retarded to combat the pressure by banning the use of make-up.
Do I seem like the kind of guy who advocates the banning of anything?

What're we discussing here?
Sweden's government and media establishment are so terrified by the anti-immigration movement that they're blaming it on "kremlin trolls"

Why are they terrified of it?

Though the movement is kinda stupid to begin with
Sweden's establishment has for a while now promoted mass immigration in order to
A)Keep the labor force large enough and
B)Secure future voters for their parties

This is because Sweden's native population is aging and in decline.

If the backlash from native Swedes gets big enough, Sweden may see political upheaval and a change of the status quo. And the political establishment never wants changes to the status quo.

What're we discussing here?
Sweden's government and media establishment are so terrified by the anti-immigration movement that they're blaming it on "kremlin trolls"

Serious / Swedish government starts losing propaganda war, shits itself
« on: October 27, 2015, 10:58:43 AM »

>''Swedish government asks NATO for help against alternative news websites''

>''Alternative news websites spread ''racist conspiracy theories and hate'' on the internet in the ''free west'', says DN. Now, NATO suspects ''foreign powers'' are behind everything and the swedish government asks for help from NATO against the alternative news websites.''
>'' It's important to uphold the truth!'' says Swedens defence minister Peter Hultqvist about the decision to ask NATO for help.''

>Sweden is considering joining NATO's ''center for strategic communiation'', Stratcom, who analyzes immigration critical opinions in social media from a military base in Riga. The center suspects according to DN that a ''foreign power'', as in Russia, is behind the growing anti-immigration sentiment on the internet in Sweden right now.

>''According to the newspaper DN, NATO has identified a ''pattern in how the information is spread'', which has got the military alliance to suspect Russia.''

>''Foreigner-hate and that type of fear can be uplifted and allowed to grow by foreign powers. We see that tendency too, says Mikael Tofvesson from the ministry of society-protection and preperation to DN.''

>''But that Sweden would use its own agents on the internet to spread ''half truths'' is according to the defence minister Peter Hultqvist ''completely out of the question'', reports Aftonbladet. The defence minister instead refers to the swedish etablishment as the source of truth.''

>''The imporatant thing is upholding the truth'', says Peter Hultqvist about his role.''

ITT: Remove all agency from Muslim women and then strip them of their choice.

The Old World is not the same as the West. The Hijab is no more imposed on women then make-up and fashion is. All the women I see with Hijabs at Uni seem perfectly fine.
The Hijab is as imposed as the religion itself for these people. But something imposed from childhood doesn't feel imposed.

Don't play dumb. There is extreme social pressure in these subcultures. Honor killings still happen.

The Flood / Re: Going down
« on: October 27, 2015, 02:25:35 AM »
It's something I'm improving at and enjoying more as I improve.
Go straight for the bean.
This was the lesson that took me from awful to passable.

The Flood / Re: Going down
« on: October 27, 2015, 02:21:51 AM »
It's something I'm improving at and enjoying more as I improve.

Hijabs are a disgusting display of genuine misogyny, only present in first world countries thanks to cultural and social pressures that wearers often don't realize are compelling them.

This isn't something that comes out of nowhere. A girl doesn't wake up one morning and decide the best way to honor her god and demonstrate modesty is to cover her head. These things are drilled into a girl from so young an age that all of the theoretical political freedom we can give her won't free her from it.

Honestly, it makes me more angry than anything else I can think of. It's long past time for us, as liberal westerners, to say something.

This place isn't anything close to an echo chamber.

People on this board routinely say incredibly outrageous shit without facing any kind of moderation or groupthink.

If there's something we universally or near-universally agree upon, there's probably a reason for that.

The Flood / Re: Cloned ‘Human’ Escapes Chinese Government Labratory
« on: October 27, 2015, 12:13:09 AM »
It's obviously on its way to destroy the owner that it was cloned to be spare parts for. If I were Sean Bean... I'd worry
there can be only one

The Flood / Re: Cloned ‘Human’ Escapes Chinese Government Labratory
« on: October 27, 2015, 12:04:52 AM »
So - is there a better source for this story, or are we going to believe "RealNewsRightNow"?

Even searching for a story like this comes up blank - find a better source, or this'll probably be booted over to Flood. K thanks
dude come on its totally real

do you really think the government controlled media would make it known that the chinese have achieved cloning?

The Flood / Cloned ‘Human’ Escapes Chinese Government Labratory
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:54:09 PM »
SUZHOU, Prc. – The Chinese government denied allegations today that a cloned “human-like specimen” escaped a government-run medical testing facility in the Jiangsu Province late last week. “Our involvement in cloning does not extend beyond the research phase,” said Li Bin, chairman of China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission. “Further, our intention is not to copy a human being but to create genetically matched cells and tissue for the benefit of transplant patients.”

Meanwhile, Internet access in the Jiangsu Province has been suspended since Saturday and much of the city is experiencing a “cellular blackout,” the Shanghai Morning Post reported early today. Residents of northern Shanghai reported seeing military aircraft flying low over neighboring Jiangsu this weekend amid rumors that the Chinese military had sealed off the city.

Yves Billaud, a French journalist with La Tribune Internationale, was in the Jiangsu Province last week and spoke briefly with a molecular biologist who works in the government labratory where the incident allegedly took place. Billaud told the Associated Press that the scientist, who wished to remain anonymous for his safety, said “there were many deaths” linked to the escape and that the “specimen caused significant damage to the workspace.”

Billaud said the scientist did not elaborate on specifics but implied the deaths were caused by the “specimen” rather than the Chinese army.

In April of this year, Chinese scientists at the Xiangya medical college announced they had cloned “at least thirty human embryos” using harvested stem cells from cloned eggs obtained through a fertility clinic. Many in the scientific community have questioned the ethics of cloning human beings, arguing that doing so “violates our moral principles.”

Serious / Sam Harris says in other words how I feel about girls in Hijab
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:45:22 PM »


thank u based atheist

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 09:13:12 PM »

my ff 14 character is an elf

don't hurt her

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 09:11:06 PM »
we still don't know if Ulfric is a sleeper agent either, by the way.
JESUS christ this fucking meme I swear to god. Can people not read?

Ulfric is not a sleeper agent. The Talmor view him as an asset because a prolonged war is good for them. I don't think I need to explain to you why, but I will if you don't know. They want a Stormcloak victory as little as they want an Imperial victory, so long as the war goes on for as long as possible.

They even describe him as uncooperative.
>is described as 'dormant' and an 'asset' in The Thalmor dossier
>conveniently manages to escape imprisonment on which the details are never divulged

Yeah okay mate, there's nothing suspicious about his background whatsoever. Keep deepthroating the Stormcloak shaft.
"Uncooperative to direct contact.

Operational Notes: Direct contact remains a possibility (under extreme circumstances), but in general the asset should be considered dormant."

Why the fuck would they be vague in an internal document? They describe him as uncooperative to direct contact because if he realizes he's doing something the Thalmor want him to do, he won't fucking do it. He's not actively cooperating with the Thalmor. He is an asset in the sense that his actions can benefit the Thalmor in the long run- if the war drags on.

Uncooperative to direct contact=He's not going to just do what you want, you have to herd him into doing what you want him to do by setting up external conditions to compel him to act in the way you want.
Very interesting use of the word 'dormant' there. It's not an adjective I would use to describe an oblivious political tool who conveniently happens to be aiding my goals literally every step of the way, from The Markarth Incident right up to The Civil War.

But whatever. Sleeper agent or not he's playing right into The Thalmor's hands for the destruction of The Empire. Perhaps his emphasis on Talos worship will end up saving Mundus, but to me, he seems a tad more interested in Skyrim secession, which is precisely what I would expect a Thalmor sleeper agent to be doing.
The Markarth Incident was not good for the Thalmor. I'll explain why if you're interested.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:59:10 PM »
Didn't side with them, but I killed every Thalmor I met anyway.

Then again I killed every elf I met regardless of faction, but...

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:51:24 PM »
You guys get srs over your elder sculs
TES, Fallout and guns are kind of the only things in life I'm not apathetic about.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:46:43 PM »
we still don't know if Ulfric is a sleeper agent either, by the way.
JESUS christ this fucking meme I swear to god. Can people not read?

Ulfric is not a sleeper agent. The Talmor view him as an asset because a prolonged war is good for them. I don't think I need to explain to you why, but I will if you don't know. They want a Stormcloak victory as little as they want an Imperial victory, so long as the war goes on for as long as possible.

They even describe him as uncooperative.
>is described as 'dormant' and an 'asset' in The Thalmor dossier
>conveniently manages to escape imprisonment on which the details are never divulged

Yeah okay mate, there's nothing suspicious about his background whatsoever. Keep deepthroating the Stormcloak shaft.
"Uncooperative to direct contact.

Operational Notes: Direct contact remains a possibility (under extreme circumstances), but in general the asset should be considered dormant."

Why the fuck would they be vague in an internal document? They describe him as uncooperative to direct contact because if he realizes he's doing something the Thalmor want him to do, he won't fucking do it. He's not actively cooperating with the Thalmor. He is an asset in the sense that his actions can benefit the Thalmor in the long run- if the war drags on.

Uncooperative to direct contact=He's not going to just do what you want, you have to herd him into doing what you want him to do by setting up external conditions to compel him to act in the way you want.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:43:17 PM »
"The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty."[/i]
Well how about that. I never knew that, that's really cool.

It's one of my favorite interactions in any game because it really demonstrates what the story of TES is about- the fall of mankind.
I don't mind kawaii elves ruling over us.
Altmer are inbred pretentious scum- basically the fictional equivalent of real life Europeans.

If we're following the Kirkbridian grand scheme here, the real protagonists of TES are the Dunmer.

Serious / Re: Mike Tython Endorthes a Prethidenthal candidate
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:41:33 PM »
“A guy that came from where he came from, doing what he’s doing in that field, and now this is where he’s at now.”
Where the fuck does he think Trump came from? The mother fucker was privileged his entire life.
Privilege as a tool to discredit political opponents is stupid as fuck.

Anywho, what Tyson is referring to is Trump's background in big business, not poverty.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:38:59 PM »
we still don't know if Ulfric is a sleeper agent either, by the way.
JESUS christ this fucking meme I swear to god. Can people not read?

Ulfric is not a sleeper agent. The Talmor view him as an asset because a prolonged war is good for them. I don't think I need to explain to you why, but I will if you don't know. They want a Stormcloak victory as little as they want an Imperial victory, so long as the war goes on for as long as possible.

They even describe him as uncooperative.
>is described as 'dormant' and an 'asset' in The Thalmor dossier
>conveniently manages to escape imprisonment on which the details are never divulged

Yeah okay mate, there's nothing suspicious about his background whatsoever. Keep deepthroating the Stormcloak shaft.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:38:15 PM »
"The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty."[/i]
Well how about that. I never knew that, that's really cool.

It's one of my favorite interactions in any game because it really demonstrates what the story of TES is about- the fall of mankind.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:25:16 PM »
we still don't know if Ulfric is a sleeper agent either, by the way.
JESUS christ this fucking meme I swear to god. Can people not read?

Ulfric is not a sleeper agent. The Talmor view him as an asset because a prolonged war is good for them. I don't think I need to explain to you why, but I will if you don't know. They want a Stormcloak victory as little as they want an Imperial victory, so long as the war goes on for as long as possible.

They even describe him as uncooperative.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:19:39 PM »
I used to side with the Nords, but let's be real. If the Empire loses, the nazi elves (kawaii~) win.

> is an elder scrolls/fallout lore nerd
sorry fam but the Nazi elves win no matter what if you don't keep them the fuck out of Northwestern Tamriel and preserve Talos worship at all costs.

Every tower except for Ada-Mantia has been sundered. Talos and Ada-Mantia are the only things between the Thalmor and their ultimate goals.

Military prowess means nothing in the face of metaphysical manipulation.

>implying Fallout has lore
I want Bethesda to leave.
The Empire is gathering strength though. Kicking them out will just leave that province vulnerable to the Thalmor taking it over.
Hammerfell alone is blowing the Thalmor the fuck out. The Empire is nothing without Skyrim and Hammerfell. Skyrim and Hammerfell are stronger when they are independent and free to worship Talos than they are bound to Cyrodiil.
I know there was a time when Nords came back and started their ultimate conquest FROM Skyrim, but those days are long gone and it's far different.
Indeed, the days of Man's empire are done. It's time to move on. Even Talos himself has acknowledged this.

Also, Fallout has all the lore, you hush your mouth young man. I love Fallout lore.
All there is to really learn about the world of Fallout is in-game. Bethesda's commonwealth shit isn't canon. It's not like TES or LOTR where you can read shitloads of text.
Who knows, if Nords retook Skyrim, they could probably form an alliance with the Red Guards of Hammerfell. That'd be interesting actually. And Talos acknowledged men has passed? When did he do this?
"The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty."

And why is Commonwealth not canon? Obsidian/original makers didn't EVER cover the east coast, so I dislike when people say things like Fallout 3 isn't canon. It's 2500 miles away in a land where culture basically reset to 0.
People who have no qualms with Bethesda's depiction of humanity in Fallout don't understand what Fallout is about.
In Europe in the old days, things were way different less than 300 miles away. That and (ramble) people hate on Bethesda for painting the Enclave in just "EVIL" light, but they also forget that these are the SAME GUYS who wanted to nuke the ENTIRE EARTH with gas that kills anyone slightly irradiated. So basically 99% of the population.
And from the Enclave's perspective the irradiated aren't human, but mutants, meaning they must be removed to preserve healthy humanity. It is wrong, but it's not wholly evil. Bethesda had an opportunity to tell an interesting story and instead made some good knights vs evil knights bullshit.

tbh I'm more mad that they fucked up the BoS than that they depicted the Enclave as super evil.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:08:50 PM »
High Rock was also mostly inhabitable desert. Skyrim, while freezing, is a lot different.

Gaming / Re: >he didn't side with the Stormcloaks
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:08:01 PM »
Tbf, Titus is a fucking tactical genius. The Dominion threw one of their biggest armies at Cyrodiil and Titus pretty much buttfucked them with inferior numbers but superior strategy. Let's also not forget the Battle of the Red Ring and the retaking of The Imperial City.

Not saying that makes them any more a viable option, but it would be an interesting war if Titus had the same amount of resources as The Dominion.
Nigga please

He gave up Talos worship and compromised with an Aldmeri force he totally could have defeated based on hearsay and misinformation, managing to lose Hammerfell in the process.

Titus "Cuck" Mede is not the rightful Emperor of Tamriel.

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