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Serious / Re: Texas Tech style shooting in San Diego
« on: November 04, 2015, 02:16:41 PM »
high powered rifle.
I'm willing to bet the rifle in question isn't even in .30 caliber if the media is using a description like that.

Or it's an intellectually dishonest way to refer to a bolt-action Ruger American or the like.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 02:09:56 PM »
I feel like I'm going to be put on a watch list for visiting Golden Dawn's website to read their manifesto.
Do they have an english page or did you have to use a translator?

Serious / Re: UK Set For Russia-Style Bulk Surveillance
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:47:54 AM »
Nah dude trust me the government is only looking out for our interests

Really this is all good bro. What, you got somfink to hide m8?

Serious / Re: Clinton accuses Sanders of being "sexist" and "racist."
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:44:33 AM »
Literally every successful Democrat since LBJ has been a racist.
actually that was a retarded thing to say. I forgot for a moment that Dems were even more racist pre-LBJ

They've always been racist.

Serious / Re: Clinton accuses Sanders of being "sexist" and "racist."
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:34:56 AM »
Literally every successful Democrat since LBJ has been a racist.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:34:05 AM »
I think Golden Dawn's existence grew not because of people's struggles with the current economical and societal situation, but on the machiavellian interests of some parties in the Greek parliament that coincidentally could have been involved in creating the dramatic situation of the current economical crisis.

In late 2011 when the main "hit" of political struggle had struck Greece (for months some streets of Athens, and to an extent some in Thessaloniki were housing some of the biggest marches of this government) Golden Dawn was one of the inhibitors of violence and extremist ideas, along with some anarchistic parties and to an extent the communists.

Coincidentally at the time not much was said about Golden Dawn, until in 2012 it got too big. They had weapons, they had numbers and were steadily growing. That's when the so-called democratic leaders of Greece chose to move against Golden Dawn, and they used a single murder to turn the tables around.

Until that point Golden Dawn wasn't disturbed. The police force on the higher levels closed an eye to their activities, and somewhat to the violence, people were speculating a lot that the majority of the police was filled with Golden Dawn supporters because of that. (And due to the fact that at the time, police salaries were steadily decreasing, Golden Dawn being one of the parties that due to its authoritarian nature supported the military and police increase of salary and benefits)

So, what took place in late 2011 during this interesting time was that the whole high level military staff was sent off for retirement and replaced quickly throughout a single week. This incident was both underreported, and purposely hidden by the media. The news only circulated on some independent sites on the net, and only brief mentions of it on some news.

There's little proof to correlate the incident that Golden Dawn benefitted because of Samaras' government, but the times, growth, and the response of the political powers in Greece since 2012 to the controversial party all match with the growth, and fall of the Samaras government that just further dug up a grave for the country.

My theory is that well, Golden Dawn was just a pawn all along. A bunch of wild dogs to bark and maybe bruise some people here and there to make drama. Until the situation with the EU got too stressful and the Greek government couldn't exactly just make demands; by that point the EU's and ECB's "suggestions" were exactly like orders. Since that got out of hand, some people in Athens whose lives were -struck- by the crisis found an answer in the right-wing nature of Golden Dawn and supported it, and it helped in its increase in popularity, its pool of human talent, its political presence and all sorts of things that can help to a prelude of a military or fascist coup d'etat.

Similarly, people who were angry with the EU policies and treatment of the country, but not enough invested in being far right, turned their gaze to Syriza. However, in the EU, and inside the country nobody wants a political power that has the guts or at least, their hands stained with all sorts of shady things that took place in this small country. (If anything, Tsipras' party is the cleanest one in the country right now-- just to give you an idea on how deep the rabbit hole goes)

I wouldn't be surprised if in 50 or 60 years someone involved in these incidents comes off clean with some kind of book or document that explains some of the shit that went down during late 2011 and 2012.
god damn that's fuckin neat

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 01:51:46 AM »
Say what you will about Golden Dawn but they've got a pretty bad ass look

What is it with fascists and knowing how to dress?
Why the fuck would you want to look like a police officer?

Fucking wannabe pigs.
You have to when you plan on marching on Istanbul and reclaiming it as Constantinople.
What the fuck is an "Istanbul"? That word they keep putting on the map where Constantinople is supposed to be?

Can't wait to drive the Turks back to the steppe they came from.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 01:24:09 AM »
Say what you will about Golden Dawn but they've got a pretty bad ass look

What is it with fascists and knowing how to dress?
Why the fuck would you want to look like a police officer?

Fucking wannabe pigs.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 01:23:21 AM »
I mean holy shit, if you think Sweden Democrats are far-right, you're fucking fooling yourself.
Far right for European standards, friend.

Also they have Neo-Nazi roots so yeah they'd arguably far right for any standards.
And Europeans are far-left by American standards. What the fuck does this shit even mean anymore?

The American Democrats started out as a conservative party that defended slavery up through the civil war, and now their biggest candidate is Bernie fucking Sanders. How a party started out is ultimately irrelevant to where it is now.
How are American political standards at all relevant to European political standards and the discussion at hand?

Everything you're saying is completely irrelevant to the OP.
I question the criteria used to determine whether a party is "far-right", here. Because it sounds a lot like this just refers to any socially conservative party with any semblance of nationalist thought.
Fair enough. I still think you're trying to apply American standards to your thinking on this. Nationalism is all you need, as a party, to be labeled far right in Europe. Call it bias of the left or whatever you wish but it is the simple truth of Europe. I think that just comes back to everyone associating Nationalism with Fascism and the "Nazi scare" that is still ever present. Nationalism just carries a lot of weight to it in a post-Nazi Europe. I think one thing that should be noted is that the majority of these groups have at some point in their existence been antisemitic but have retracted such views to be more appealing to the main-stream and are riding on the Islamic hate instead. So who's to say one of these parties won't attack Jews once they deal with the Muslims? I don't want to entertain that notion too much because it's a slippery slope argument so I'll just leave it there. Just something to think about. That's the thing about Nationalism though, they're always looking for a racial scapegoat to attack. The label carries a lot more weight than just simply anti-Islam or anti-immigrant.

Perhaps the Hungarians or Poles, I don't know much about them.

As I stated in the OP the Polish PiS definitely supports some questionable policies that could be seen as authoritarian in nature. Most clearly seen in their 2010 draft of a new constitution

its 2010 draft of a new constitution envisions changes that would strengthen the presidency, erode checks and balances (including ability of the Constitutional Tribunal to declare laws unconstitutional), weaken independence of the judiciary and the central bank, and introduce various populist, plebiscitarian elements (e.g., president-initiated referendums that could be used to strike down legislation passed by parliament).

Quite a lot of scary centralization there.

I saw your edit. Yeah I completely understand where you're coming from in the mislabeling of far right when a lot of these parties are categorized with someone like Golden Dawn. It is a bit questionable.
I don't really see comparing criticism of Islam and immigration with fascist scapegoating of Jews, but I understand the surface similarities.

This has got me interested in a discussion about the merits and failings of nationalism in the context of the European nation-states, as well as multinational states and federations. Probably going to make a thread about that tomorrow.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 12:47:48 AM »
I mean holy shit, if you think Sweden Democrats are far-right, you're fucking fooling yourself.
Far right for European standards, friend.

Also they have Neo-Nazi roots so yeah they'd arguably far right for any standards.
And Europeans are far-left by American standards. What the fuck does this shit even mean anymore?

The American Democrats started out as a conservative party that defended slavery up through the civil war, and now their biggest candidate is Bernie fucking Sanders. How a party started out is ultimately irrelevant to where it is now.
How are American political standards at all relevant to European political standards and the discussion at hand?

Everything you're saying is completely irrelevant to the OP.
I question the criteria used to determine whether a party is "far-right", here. Because it sounds a lot like this just refers to any socially conservative party with any semblance of nationalist thought.

Will acknowledge though that Golden Dawn are fascists, that's pretty clear. Perhaps the Hungarians or Poles, I don't know much about them. This adds to the confusion, though. To file Sweden Democrats under the same label as Golden Dawn is approaching intellectual dishonesty, although I'm not accusing you of that because I know you're better than that. I just don't get it.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 12:38:04 AM »
I mean holy shit, if you think Sweden Democrats are far-right, you're fucking fooling yourself.
Far right for European standards, friend.

Also they have Neo-Nazi roots so yeah they'd arguably far right for any standards.
And Europeans are far-left by American standards. What the fuck does this shit even mean anymore?

The American Democrats started out as a conservative party that defended slavery up through the civil war, and now their biggest candidate is Bernie fucking Sanders. How a party started out is ultimately irrelevant to where it is now. Furthermore, SD itself has never been a fascist or neo-nazi organization.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 12:21:46 AM »
I mean holy shit, if you think Sweden Democrats are far-right, you're fucking fooling yourself.

Serious / Re: Far right politics on the rise in Europe?
« on: November 04, 2015, 12:19:18 AM »
"Far right" makes it sound like we're talking about fundies or fascists.

These guys are fairly centrist or even lefty by American standards.

Even placing centrist statists like this on the "Right" side of the political spectrum, where Libertarians also go, calls the whole Left-Right dichotomy into question.

The fact that you goofball euros call people like UKIP "far-right" says a lot about how deeply you are buried in the sand-pit of democratic socialism.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't like Thomas Sowell
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:05:54 PM »
Hahaha le ebin meme lingo and maymay arrows
>chomskyhonk detected

go back to TYT and the David Pakman show please
I can't even understand what the fuck you're writing.

Chomsky is a fucking moron and so is the The Young Turks show. I don't know who the fuck Pakman but you seriously need to be banned from Serious again.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't like Thomas Sowell
« on: November 03, 2015, 08:30:41 PM »
Hahaha le ebin meme lingo and maymay arrows
>chomskyhonk detected

go back to TYT and the David Pakman show please

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't like Thomas Sowell
« on: November 03, 2015, 08:18:33 PM »
>door like based Sowell, the most intelligent black man ever

Guess I need to adopt a new political philosophy now.
Would be nice to see a revival of monarchism

that would make the field interesting

The Flood / >he doesn't like Thomas Sowell
« on: November 03, 2015, 08:16:02 PM »
lel I bet you follow Chomsky too

The Flood / Re: Did you vote today?
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:47:08 PM »
Voting is immoral

The Flood / This is an indigenous European
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:40:11 PM »

White Europe is the biggest lie in history

Gaming / Re: Genre's you suck at?
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:08:23 PM »
Also OP you forgot Grammar.

Until it dies or gets too European

Oh ya.

So you just bunked out for the entire day and watched TV?
nah, it was like Saturday night from around 8pm to 2ish am. We took smoke breaks and such, so we only managed to watch five episodes.

other things exist than sex bro

@Nexus: lolno
that's as retarded a thing to say as "I don't need to drink to have a good time"

The Flood / Is it really only tuesday???
« on: November 03, 2015, 11:28:01 AM »

Oh ya.

So you just bunked out for the entire day and watched TV?
nah, it was like Saturday night from around 8pm to 2ish am. We took smoke breaks and such, so we only managed to watch five episodes.


Maybe don't be a faggot

When you're alone with a girl in that kind of situation you're supposed to go after sex, it isn't just a Netflix meme.

I hope you get cucked.
I wanted to watch the show....

I can get sex more often than not on a regular basis, I just didn't really feel like it over the weekend. Also this girl had never seen the second season of The 100, and both of us wanted to watch it.
You can watch while you fuck bro

You failed her.

I mean yeah.

The whole concept of a war crime is just a tool for the victor to assure the defeated never rise back up.

If the Axis won, we'd see Marxism like we see Nazism today.

Maybe don't be a faggot

When you're alone with a girl in that kind of situation you're supposed to go after sex, it isn't just a Netflix meme.

I hope you get cucked.

Serious / Re: Why is the US still investing in China?
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:31:42 PM »
I'd rather be with the Chinese over fucking Pooloos
this tbh fam

i dont want my new iPhone to smell like curry

"Their own people"

I mean


It wasn't their own people because it was people from other tribes/kingdoms
It's their own people. If somebody from your country (wherever you're from) sold you into slavery, you've been betrayed by your own people.
But it's not, that's the thing.

Saying that it's "their own country" because countries exist in those areas NOW is pretty silly.
Bruh they were all from the same land and were all black and fucked each other over.

And no Africans went to try to save the slaves in America.
Well that's a stupid way to qualify "your people"

You know how vast and diverse Africa is, right?
Yeah I do. A lot of people don't get along over there and it's divided as fuck. But at the end of the day, it was their people.
That's not how the tribal mindset works, sadly. That'd be like saying all European people are "their people", ya know? Germanic people aren't the same as British or Greeks, even if they look it.
Nah but at the end of the day it's different and blacks view each other as one people when it really comes down to it.

So that was some fuckboy shit.
American Blacks are culturally lightyears away from Africans.

It's like comparing Spaniards to Finns.

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