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Serious / Re: RT is so smug today
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:48:07 PM »
Well yes. Their government can now admit they were in contact with the Trump campaign.
And thank God for that.

Serious / RT is so smug today
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:38:03 PM »

Get fucked, leafs.

If Elizabeth Warren does not become the first female President in 2020, Trump will win a second term and the Democratic party will be functionally destroyed.

Screencap this.

The Flood / Re: 4chan is all right
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:56:40 PM »
remember when 8chan was like a thing
god that was fucking gay


Serious / Trump Administration Customer Service
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:14:10 AM »

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:28:37 PM »
I've been awake for like 36 hours or some shit like that right now. I'm fucking exhausted physically but not mentally. The air around me feels charged and the sense of gloom that was once constant is gone. The storm clouds have gone away and I feel very hopeful.

I'm going to bed before too long and I expect I'll wake up to a country where the lights are still on, the water still runs, cars still stop at red lights, and the sky has not fallen. Everything is alright.

Serious / Re: Trump's plan for his first hundred days as president.
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:23:00 PM »
I'm particularly curious how people who got healthcare under the ACA, and who voted for Trump in swing states, feel about his repeal plan.
My dad isn't thrilled, but he's already gotten treatment and surgery he wouldn't have otherwise had out of it, with no immediate problems, so he's not too upset.

I expect there'll be a lot of fuss about this nationwide though, and I feel like some kind of compromise is probable.

Serious / Re: So I was wrong
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:16:48 PM »
Be honest- were you with CTR?

No judgement here.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:54:49 PM »
Hillary was leading by large margins.
The bullshit thing is that she got the majority of the votes, she only lost due to the electoral vote.
She got a fifth of a percentage more last I checked, and she was far below Trump in the popular vote before California came in.

The point of the electoral college is to ensure that densely populated urban centers (read: California) cannot run the country by themselves. It did its job.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:19:34 PM »
voting should be mandatory in a democracy.
Absolutely not. Too many low info voters is what gave us Trump vs. Clinton.

i dont see how it could get any worse than what we had now

David Duke could have been elected.
He said worse, not better

Serious / Re: Eric Trump for prison!
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:38:24 AM »
The entire ballot has to be shown to be illegal.
So if you get raped then become pregnant and you're unable to get an abortion because of Trump, what will you do?
Well, they probably won't murder a kid.

Serious / Re: In other news, DC just became number 51
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:35:11 AM »
I have doubts that a republican lead congress would allow a blue state into the union.
Maybe if they could split up Cali in exchange, but that's pretty far-fetched.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:30:21 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.
Go on /pol/ right now and tell me they aren't acting like children.
Also, this. It's one thing to say people are acting like children or sore losers because their candidate lost, but an ungracious winner looking to kick and humiliate a beaten opponent is equally immature and unpleasant.
This is why I liked Trump's victory speech so much. It seemed like he was stepping across the isle to say "We just had a really nasty fight, but I want to be your friend".

This has been one of the most divisive years in American history since the Civil War. I really hope we can start building bridges and stop this identarian shit.
Not a chance. After a campaign fought with so much vitriol and hate, there will not be many bridges built. As I said once before, Trump is a true demagogue and, in my opinion, should never have even been considered for presidency. Clinton won the popular vote and more so than ever before, you have a millions of voters on either side who voted just to stop the other and picked the lesser of two evils just to stop the other one from happening. And now, a majority of voters get to see a man they don't even consider a proper candidate for the other party but just a man who is so incompetent, ignorant and inadequate to lead a country win the election. Trump winning has almost guaranteed the 'identarian shit' to prosper and create a deeper divide than pretty much ever before.
Frankly, I think Trump has a much better chance at stopping it than Clinton did. I'd explain why, but it'd be a longass post and I have to go to class in a few. I might make a thread later.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:28:25 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.
Go on /pol/ right now and tell me they aren't acting like children.
You'd be sperging out too if you accidentally set in motion events leading to the election of a human meme using the magical powers of an ancient cartoon frog just because you thought his tweets were funny.
I think the people who were actually in this for the memes are just dumb and possibly crazy.

I'm talking about people talking in a way that is legitimately worrying. "Haha California is trying to secede, let's a few nukes on these degenerates niggers... No that isn't cruel enough, let's set up some concentration camps for all these liberals".

You can tell when people are posting memes, and then there's these other posts. Posts from legitimate racists and neo nazis who think they're "taking their country back". It's really sickening.
nigga you need to stop taking /pol/ so seriously.

Nobody is trying to nuke Cali.
Obviously not dude. Do I look fucking retarded to you? It's the attitude. That even after they won, they're still so full of hate.
Like I said, don't take /pol/ seriously, especially not today. This is the equivalent of a YouTube comment section on cocaine. They've always been like this, but it's amplified by the sheer improbability of what's transpired over the last year and a half.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:23:58 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.
Go on /pol/ right now and tell me they aren't acting like children.
You'd be sperging out too if you accidentally set in motion events leading to the election of a human meme using the magical powers of an ancient cartoon frog just because you thought his tweets were funny.
I think the people who were actually in this for the memes are just dumb and possibly crazy.

I'm talking about people talking in a way that is legitimately worrying. "Haha California is trying to secede, let's a few nukes on these degenerates niggers... No that isn't cruel enough, let's set up some concentration camps for all these liberals".

You can tell when people are posting memes, and then there's these other posts. Posts from legitimate racists and neo nazis who think they're "taking their country back". It's really sickening.
nigga you need to stop taking /pol/ so seriously.

Nobody is trying to nuke Cali.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:19:50 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.
Go on /pol/ right now and tell me they aren't acting like children.
Also, this. It's one thing to say people are acting like children or sore losers because their candidate lost, but an ungracious winner looking to kick and humiliate a beaten opponent is equally immature and unpleasant.
This is why I liked Trump's victory speech so much. It seemed like he was stepping across the isle to say "We just had a really nasty fight, but I want to be your friend".

This has been one of the most divisive years in American history since the Civil War. I really hope we can start building bridges and stop this identarian shit.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:15:40 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.
Go on /pol/ right now and tell me they aren't acting like children.
You'd be sperging out too if you accidentally set in motion events leading to the election of a human meme using the magical powers of an ancient cartoon frog just because you thought his tweets were funny.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:14:10 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.
In all fairness, there's a very significant difference between supporters complaining about an outcome they were not hoping for, and the unprecedented event of an actual candidate refusing to accept the outcome of a fair democratic process just because he lost.
I suppose you're right. Still, the wailing is odd to me, considering I was expecting defeated Trump supporters to be the ones throwing a fit.
But, given the amount of misinformation and slander circulating about Trump, it makes some sense to me that liberal normies think he's going to start gassing Mexicans and putting Muslims in camps.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:46:46 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.

What really killed the Dems was the fact that they, as a party, turned on the American worker in favor of university ideologues and whiny, identarian minority groups. They could have had them all, but Clinton ignored the working class while alienating a large chunk of it- the white part.

The Democrats may have accidentally given new life to working class white identarianism, largely as a reaction to their own endorsement of various "fuck whitey" groups.

The Rust Belt gave the Democrats a Presidency, and it just took one away from them.

The message from white workers is "We will not be left behind."

Imagine a US, Russia and UK alliance. It would be glorious.
>Putin Russia, Trump USA, Nationalist France and Brexit UK against EU, Saudis and China

Serious / Putin offers full restoration of relations between USA and Russia
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:37:42 AM »

Serious / Re: Eric Trump for prison!
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:27:58 AM »
Hope he's taken to prison and gang raped
no need to be mad mi friend

Serious / Re: Eric Trump for prison!
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:22:30 AM »
Fucking silly. Why do people feel the need to do this?

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:14:41 AM »
Here's to hoping that California stays a safe bubble.
You guys really ought to have a secessionist movement. The concessions made to keep you would give the left a newfound respect for the notion of States' Rights, and could be good for everyone in the long term.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:44:43 AM »
Oh yeah, and all the steps we've taken to embrace environmentalism, alternative forms of energy, and acknowledging the very real dangers of climate change and global warming, etc.
This is one area where I don't align with Trump, and I hope his previous comments on the matter were intended to win over hesitant Republicans.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:58:08 AM »
]Dropping the "opinion" card doesn't mean a lot when your opinions WILL result in a slow regression of everything we've accomplished in the last eight years. Fact.
Literally what the fuck has been accomplished in the last eight years.
An absolute shit system that has the failings of a market system and a single-payer system, without really being as good as either
Gay marriage.
The people who can participate in gay marriage are the people who should care least about gay marriage.
Not having an incompetent shithead in office.
But we've had those in office since the 90s.

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