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Serious / Re: The San Bernadino shooters used 30 round magazines.
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:15:16 PM »
>letting people buy things that are designed to kill as many people as possible quickly

Can't justify this, absolutely unacceptable.
>violently kidnapping and imprisoning people who posses a small metal box with a spring in it.

Can't justify this, absolutely unacceptable.

Serious / Re: The San Bernadino shooters used 30 round magazines.
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:05:53 PM »
The argument you'll get from statists here is that it's because neighboring states allow them, and the area would a better place if free states were to give in to California's poisonous influence more than they already have.

Serious / Re: More security lapses by Secret Service disclosed
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:09:59 PM »
in which a person pretended to be a member of Congress to slip past security and talk with President Obama.
That's actually really cool.

I hope Obama really did have a conversation with him. That would be the good president thing to do. Someone who goes through all that trouble should get to talk to the Chief.

Poor Messianic Jews. Always getting the shit end of the stick.

Serious / Re: CNN/ORC Poll: Donald Trump at 36% among Republican Voters
« on: December 04, 2015, 11:17:42 AM »
Like how can anybody take this man seriously, I don't get it.

Disenfranchised blue collar workers who are, for the most part, less educated will believe anything.
That depends on a lot of things, though.

When I was doing temp work for the city of Fayetteville this summer, most of the other crew members had democrat candidate stickers all over their lockers and stuff. They were all black though.

accessibility of more advanced firearms?
I would think this would up the lethality, but not the rate.

Serious / Re: Consent is the greatest illusion of the 21st century.
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:39:54 AM »
thread of the year

Serious / Re: How Many of You Have Actually Used A Gun?
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:35:19 AM »

Serious / Re: Heart Disease vs Guns: The Real Killer
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:32:32 AM »
Restricting the right of men and women to bear arms and defend themselves is not worth however many lives it *might* (but wouldn't) potentially save.

The Flood / Re: This place is better than
« on: December 02, 2015, 12:39:16 AM »
Nubbin is a low quality poster that has made himself prominent on by continually posting nsfw anime pictures.

He's the poor man's John Cena since he is hardly as persistent as him.
What about the guy that spams the gay furry porn from time to time?
Ryle posts here sometimes too

would that be fucked up or what?

The Flood / Re: Hey can you guys photoshop some "snow" on my avatar
« on: December 01, 2015, 03:04:22 PM »

i gotchu fam

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:38:26 PM »
I wanted to join the Army out of high school as a tank crewman but then I found out you can't be a tank crewman if you're over 6' and I'm 6'2".

Did a recruiter tell you that? Height restrictions are mostly a guideline in almost any case.
I recall it being on the Army's website. Either way, I'm tall, so they'll probably want to keep me away from a cramped tank.
Why the hell do you want to be in a tank so badly?
Why the hell wouldn't I want to operate an Abrams tank, with a hugeass engine and bigass gun?

Tanks are fucking amazing.

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:21:00 PM »
I wanted to join the Army out of high school as a tank crewman but then I found out you can't be a tank crewman if you're over 6' and I'm 6'2".

Did a recruiter tell you that? Height restrictions are mostly a guideline in almost any case.
I recall it being on the Army's website. Either way, I'm tall, so they'll probably want to keep me away from a cramped tank.

Serious / Re: Ethics: Vending Machine Gives You Two, Should You Tell?
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:13:52 PM »
If it happened repeatedly I'd call it in.

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:09:36 PM »
I wanted to join the Army out of high school as a tank crewman but then I found out you can't be a tank crewman if you're over 6' and I'm 6'2".

Still might enlist out of college for the fuck of it. Who knows.

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:07:40 PM »
This is what I would consider a sex offense by omission honestly. INB4 sjw.

If you appear by all visual indicators female, but are not literally female, and a potential partner does not seem aware that you are not female, you need to make it clear.

Offensive violence is not okay, period, but there's absolutely no excuse for what the tranny did, either.

Serious / Re: Egoist anarchism in Wizards of Waverly Place
« on: December 01, 2015, 12:31:02 PM »
Stirner would tell you that responsibility is a spook
And I'd call upon Stirner to answer for the clear benefits that responsibility and duty has on society.
Stirner would tell you that society is a spook too
And I'd ask him why he has an issue with the mathematical function of summation.
"Your collective view of individuals is nothing more than a man-made spook, my property."
I'd pick Durkheim over Stirner. Being a philosopher doesn't relieve him from the weight of empirics.
I'm not a follower of Stirner myself, but his work is really fun to read. Probably the greatest troll of his day. Calling everything a spook is the best way to bait.

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:26:54 AM »


Serious / Re: Developments- I am a theist.
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:23:24 AM »
Why is anyone even surprised? Door changes his mind like every other week
more like year tbqh fam

Serious / Re: Developments- I am a theist.
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:23:04 AM »
Let me ask you this

Why would you pay attention to anything people from thousands of years ago said instead people now who can actually prove what they say?
Humans throughout history have various shared experiences. Sex, friendship, warfare. When I was reading old Greek writings about their deities, it seemed to me that humans throughout history have shared spiritual experiences as well. I figure they must be onto something. Maybe not right about everything, but something.

Serious / Re: Developments- I am a theist.
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:01:56 PM »
Adam's original sin could be seen as a metaphor for man's inherent sinfulness.

If sin is inherent, Christ isn't really necessary, though.
something to think on

Serious / Re: Developments- I am a theist.
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:38:24 PM »
I think it's important to note that the laws of biology would not necessarily apply if god did not want them to.
This way of thinking is honestly dangerous in my eyes.
As long as you're not attributing every anomaly to an act of god, I don't see it as being too problematic. It's not my line of thinking, I should note. I believe in natural selection and the geological formation of the earth following the big bang. You're talking to someone who always wanted to be a paleontologist growing up. I just don't necessarily see these notions as incompatible with divine intervention. We can clearly observe that competition between organisms is a natural force. Attributing this force to god's will isn't really problematic.

Serious / Re: Developments- I am a theist.
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:25:20 PM »
I don't see how, unless you're fixed on a strict literalist interpretation of the KJV.

I was thinking more Adam and Eve. It's literally impossible that we came from two people -- and if you don't take that story literally, then that would mean sin has always existed, making Christ's appearance later completely irrelevant.
While I don't subscribe to literalist creationism, I think it's important to note that the laws of biology would not necessarily apply if god did not want them to.

Adam's original sin could be seen as a metaphor for man's inherent sinfulness.

Serious / Re: Egoist anarchism in Wizards of Waverly Place
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:15:57 PM »
Stirner would tell you that responsibility is a spook
And I'd call upon Stirner to answer for the clear benefits that responsibility and duty has on society.
Stirner would tell you that society is a spook too
And I'd ask him why he has an issue with the mathematical function of summation.
"Your collective view of individuals is nothing more than a man-made spook, my property."

Serious / Re: Egoist anarchism in Wizards of Waverly Place
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:12:47 PM »
Stirner would tell you that responsibility is a spook
And I'd call upon Stirner to answer for the clear benefits that responsibility and duty has on society.
Stirner would tell you that society is a spook too
What if I think that Stirner is a spook?

Serious / Re: Egoist anarchism in Wizards of Waverly Place
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:08:13 PM »
Stirner would tell you that responsibility is a spook
And I'd call upon Stirner to answer for the clear benefits that responsibility and duty has on society.
Stirner would tell you that society is a spook too

Serious / Re: Egoist anarchism in Wizards of Waverly Place
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:01:40 PM »
> believing people will behave responsibly without set institutions with the power of enforcement

shiggy diggy
Stirner would tell you that responsibility is a spook

Serious / Re: Developments- I am a theist.
« on: November 30, 2015, 08:54:54 PM »
I don't claim to understand the nature of god at all, but I don't feel that evolution or the big bang conflict with the idea of a creator god.

So how do you reconcile the creation story with evolution? They're incompatible.
I don't see how, unless you're fixed on a strict literalist interpretation of the KJV. The Hebrew word used in Genesis can mean either "day" or "age". Even then, biblical creationism being wrong does not necessarily mean that the notion of a creator god is wrong. Evolution is driven by Natural Selection, which is driven by the natural force of competition. Competition is a kind of invisible hand that one could attribute to a supreme being.

I believe it does. Calvinism is fucking gay.

Did you believe that as an atheist?
Yeah. Even if we are driven by natural forces to move in a certain way, it is not something we can perceive, making it somewhat irrelevant. If I'm compelled to do something or do it by choice, the result is the same, zand I'm still going to feel like I had a choice. It also doesn't really work out with consciousness, as I see it.

Just because they have the same result does not necessarily mean they are compatible.

Of course, yeah I know what you mean. I was just saying -- at a glance, I'm not so different from many Christians.

I think the biggest things for me is going to be the heaven/hell/afterlife bit... I just can't make sense of it. But thanks for taking the time to address my thoughts.
i mean I'm just some shitposting college freshman, but I'm glad somebody wants to hear what I think

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