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Serious / Re: New ISIS video, and apparently new Jihadi John
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:20:28 PM »
Hamas Harry

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:18:58 PM »
She said she had an abusive ex boyfriend that hurt her physically. That's actually the second girl I met that's said that.
Literally every girl ever below a certain IQ will say this.

Take it with a grain of salt.
Probably because dumb girls are easy to take advantage of and/or she has a victim complex.
pretty much desu senpai

If I had a nickel for every dumb girl I've made out with and been told not to hurt her like those other guys, I'd have like 30¢

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:16:26 PM »
What you really need is a Justinian avatar

He looks so greasy and hairy in those frescoes though

Like I imagine in real life he'd be smelly and match every negative greek stereotype

Serious / Re: New ISIS video, and apparently new Jihadi John
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:15:11 PM »
Mujahid Mike

Serious / Re: Obama to take unilateral action on US gun violence
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:13:41 PM »
Lol the NRA and their Republicunt patsies will cry and rage. :D
This is the Serious board.

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:10:21 PM »
She said she had an abusive ex boyfriend that hurt her physically. That's actually the second girl I met that's said that.
Literally every girl ever below a certain IQ will say this.

Take it with a grain of salt.

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:09:31 PM »
It's green so that way if you drop it in grass it's easier to see.
>extremely reflective blade

The Flood / Re: slash
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:17:16 AM »

pic related

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:11:23 AM »
good company

reviews are good

go ahead

this ur fist knife purchase?

always had a folder or two but they were always gifts.

good shit, this is a good starter knife, the Scandinavian grind is pretty easy to sharpen as you don't have to keep a precise angle at all times, so you'll be able to learn the basics in maintaining an already durable product.

look into a good sharpening stone if your into that thing, maybe some flitz or any other knife cleaner out there.
Flitz looks good, I need something that can be used for my new rifle anyway

what kind of sharpener should I look at? There seem to be different kinds

I use a whet stone, put some water or mineral oil on the thing and ur good to go. norton makes some good sharpeners.   

i have this one, it does well with pretty much any blade. might wanna pick up the brand oil as well.
so am I correct to assume an oilstone works with oil only and a waterstone only works with water?

To be fair, Saddam and his ilk did more to protect religious (not ethnic) minorities than democratic, theocratic, or monarchist leaders in the region have.
>100,000 dead Shi'ites.
>2,000 Iraqi Christians dead during the al-Anfal Campaign.
Like I said, not ethnic. Many Iraqi Christians are Assyrian. They'll pretty much never be safe until they have a state of their own.

Do people opposed to the Iraq War not usually argue that Hussein "preserved stability", despite the only stability existing in Iraq was for himself and his crime syndicate of a family?
To be fair, Saddam and his ilk did more to protect religious (not ethnic) minorities than democratic, theocratic, or monarchist leaders in the region have. Christians in particular seem only to avoid massive persecution when an authoritative Arab strongman is in place.

With Saddam's kind slowly being knocked off, Christians who found protection under them are now doubly targets, being both infidels and "collaborators" in the eyes of the generally Islamist revolutionaries.

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:51:01 AM »
good company

reviews are good

go ahead

this ur fist knife purchase?

always had a folder or two but they were always gifts.

good shit, this is a good starter knife, the Scandinavian grind is pretty easy to sharpen as you don't have to keep a precise angle at all times, so you'll be able to learn the basics in maintaining an already durable product.

look into a good sharpening stone if your into that thing, maybe some flitz or any other knife cleaner out there.
Flitz looks good, I need something that can be used for my new rifle anyway

what kind of sharpener should I look at? There seem to be different kinds

The Flood / Re: A New Hope
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:41:44 AM »
Personal Text:     The world is drunk

It's like it never even happened
I never got to know this side of you
Frozen all connections
Now I can't find the person that was you
Oh no, I can't remember
The leaves were bound to change

I loved you in the summer
The leaves were bound to change

Why can’t I seem to find my mind?
The time is almost up
It’s wide, I’m fried, and died inside, it’s deep and broken up

Host of the feelings, left, isn’t there
Ran outside to waste his cares
If had done faster, then I’m spared, to sleep instead of suck
Maybe it’s time to quit the game, it wasn’t me the world is drunk

I’m a piston on a mission, pumping out my guts
She said I was a something like a filler in her molar, a hibernating Siamese twin on her shoulder

I lose my shit enough, I bite a bit off more than I can chew
You collected fashion tips, and now I wear a cage.
Stuck in a batters grip
Faking a limp, happy to cry, waiting for gifts, biding my time
I injected apathy, attempt to disengage
Avoiding those parroting…
They wont decide a, they wont decide a, they wont decide a, they won’t decide a thing

When I saw your there
Looking like a shadow
Of what you were
I could see my sorrow

Shining in the moment
When you turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around my world
Shining in the moment, hit me with the cold
I'm alone I'm alone I'm without you girl

Snow falling, downpour
Snow falling, downpour

I’m so sick in the brain, I don’t even practice keepin in touch. Throw my thoughts in the drain, the clutch of abraxas stone, torn deep through the rug. Watch my drippin bone erupt, as I below the message, compete with the flood, when the hot fog rolls on a match and sparks it up, ribbon lip quiver, God callin when I’ve had enough.

I'm lost

Why can’t I seem to find my mind?
The time is almost up
It’s wide, I’m fried, and died inside, it’s deep and broken up
If had done faster, then I’m spared, to sleep instead of suck
Maybe it’s time to quit the game, it wasn’t me the world is drunk

Would it be unreasonable to suggest media focus plays a role in this?

We don't hear very often the grisly details of what goes on in conflict zones, but anything done wrong by a western government with relative freedom of the press is going to be made very public knowledge.

When we hear about Saddam gassing Kurds, it seems so far away. We weren't there, we can't really be sure. It could all be propaganda, right?

But if the US Army fucks up, and kids get killed? Well shit, why would they lie about that? Baby-killers! Neocons! Jackbooted thugs!

Am I on the wrong track here?

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:26:34 AM »
Right, so if you fail to win over the general public, your cause is fucked.
It's fucked either way.
Suppose this is why I, personally, tend to be more respectful of violent resistance.

Better to die right than live defeated.

In this case. For causes with more potential for public acceptance, you've convinced me that nonviolent protest is the better route.

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:22:45 AM »
good company

reviews are good

go ahead

this ur fist knife purchase?

always had a folder or two but they were always gifts.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:19:26 AM »
or appointed by politicians who are elected by voters
You know this is pretty irrelevant for most positions besides Supreme Court appointments, right? The law is the law. The problem is that we saw a bad law in action, as is bound to happen. Funnily enough, threatening to kill federal agents and taking federal land is not an effective method of changing the law.

Cough cough.
First, a campaign’s commitment to nonviolent methods enhances its domestic and international legitimacy and encourages more broad-based participation in the resistance, which
translates into increased pressure being brought to bear on the target. Recognition of the challenge group’s grievances can translate into greater internal andexternal support for that group and alienation of the target regime, undermining the regime’s main sources of political, economic, and even military power.
Right, so if you fail to win over the general public, your cause is fucked.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:08:28 AM »
And puts who in the role of the judge? The voting populace? Majoritarian morality is garbage.
Uh, duh.

That's why the rule of law is not majoritarian. Western countries have independent judiciaries for a reason.
Judges who are elected by voters or appointed by politicians who are elected by voters, and subject to the consequences of negative public opinion.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:02:45 AM »
Use the institutions democratic societies offer you,
These institutions are useless for those who are in the ideological minority. This is the core problem with democracy. It only offers self-determination for the groups with the greatest numbers.
The good thing about the rule of law combined with democracy is that it disallows men from being the judges of their own cause. Every ideologue considers their crusade to be morally upright, and these guys lost when they put their cattle on land they did not own without paying the proper fees and then trained their weapons on cops back in '93. Was the conviction right? No. But having a standoff with the police and threatening to be violent is not the correct solution.
And puts who in the role of the judge? The voting populace? Majoritarian morality is garbage.

What exactly would the correct solution be? Standing around while the authorities do whatever they want? Just hope the general public will care once they've been shot unarmed? There is a time to work with the system, and there's a time to defy it.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:53:55 PM »
Use the institutions democratic societies offer you,
These institutions are useless for those who are in the ideological minority. This is the core problem with democracy. It only offers self-determination for the groups with the greatest numbers.

Nonviolent movements only find success when the international media backs them- something it does not do for conservatives. Better to have a stand-off than stand unarmed and risk being slaughtered in the hopes that sympathetic reporters sway public opinion.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:44:09 PM »
This country was founded by seditionists training weapons on government forces.
The country was also strengthened by what has essentially been a history of imperial domination in everything but name, but we won't hear the faggots occupying federal buildings admit that, will we?

There's a difference between revolution, and threatening to kill cops because you don't like a conviction. It's well-known among political scientists that non-violent movements that face State opposition are more successful than violent ones; not a single one that has garnered the support of 3pc of the population has failed.

But no, these fucking morons decide to go and act like terrorists because MUH LIBERTAHS. It would be hypocritical of me to not hope these fucks get shot, just as I'd hope any Muslim fundamentalist doing the same would also be shot. Fuck these lunatics.

EDIT: No, the U.S. wasn't founded by seditionists fighting off teh ebul gubment. It was founded by property-owners who didn't want to pay tax, and had the foresight to copy the inclusive institutions of the government they wanted to fight and maintain a standing army.
Keep on kissing that jackboot.

The people have a duty to stand up to state forces in order to protect one another from illegitimate and excessive action. This is the reason we have a 2nd amendment. Overcentralized, overreaching authority is a problem and defiant communities are the solution.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:39:24 PM »
if they were black or muslim the cops would have shot them already
More than likely at least one is black

McNig is a tripfag on /k/ who is associated with the Oathkeeper and Bundy crowd.

It's probably safe to assume he's involved here.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:31:32 PM »
I get why they'd be pissed over the conviction, but these people became seditionists the day they trained weapons on cops because they wanted their bumfuck cows to be able to graze on federal land. Occupying a federal building, even for a wildlife refuge, and not identifying whether they are armed, saying they will use violence against the police etc. makes them criminals any way you look at it.

This country was founded by seditionists training weapons on government forces.

The Flood / Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:16:35 PM »

I've suddenly hit on a knife kick and decided I want a sheath knife to keep in my backpack. Really like the looks and specs of this thing relative to the price.

The Flood / A New Hope
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:11:05 PM »
i dont not understand why was these made be for revenge of the sith and the toher as luke was born after any became lord vador but yet these where made befor then or was rebenge of the sith made after for a back story such as this is luke then show how he was born i dunno im confused why this has been done

The neat thing about sprites is that they could pose the Pokémon in a number of cool ways, but with 3D models, they pretty much have to be in this completely idle and vanilla position, and it looks kinda... boring.

Whereas if they were to pose, it would just look weird. And that would take more effort.
I dunno, Pokemon Colosseum and XD had some pretty interesting models.

That's not how you spell R/S/E

The Flood / Re: Christmas really came and went this year...
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:44:38 PM »
Summer christmas was really awful. It was fucking 75 degrees out all day, shitty as hell. Ruined the holiday for me desu senpai.

I don't know how Mexicans and Australians do it.

"A movie made for entertainment isn't realistic omg wtf"

It's not a documentary, lol. It's a war movie.
You could use that excuse to defend even the stinkiest turd.

It's still a turd.

I mean if you really like to look at Mosin Nagants, and you don't own a Mosin Magant of your own to look at, it's good for that, because there are lots of Mosins in the movie. But even then I'd recommend putting on headphones and listening to some sludge metal instead of the shitty dialogue.

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