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Owning a gun is a privilege and not a right. Only a trained and cool headed individual that has a good and valid reason should own one.
Fuck off commie

It's my right to do whatever the fuck I want so long as I am not infringing on your rights. Get off my dick.
Anarchy is fun

You're god damn right it is

Owning a gun is a privilege and not a right. Only a trained and cool headed individual that has a good and valid reason should own one.
Fuck off commie

It's my right to do whatever the fuck I want so long as I am not infringing on your rights. Get off my dick.

Staged af

The Flood / Favorite movie scene of 2015?
« on: January 05, 2016, 06:12:49 PM »

Gaming / Re: Jack Cabot is officially the coolest character in Fallout 4
« on: January 05, 2016, 06:09:50 PM »
>in my fallout


Absolutely not and anyone who thinks there are should kill his or herself.

It's funny because this literally wouldn't happen if euros would start having babies again
or just competently manage their borders for fuck sake
Nah the continental leaders need unmanageable borders desu senpai

Because euros aren't breeding, and you need a big labor pool to back these kinds of economies, they're importing brown people to make up for the Kraut babies that aren't being born

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:50:42 PM »
Oh your trying to mug me? Hold on let me reach into my backpack all stealthy cause it's a stealth knife. Get a stiletto knife and keep it in your pocket faggot.
but I already have a pocket folder

I'm not going to fight off a mugger with a knife though that's fucking dumb

Beta fig
>you have knife
>mugger has longer knife

>you have knife
>mugger has longer reach

>you have knife
>mugger is faster

>have gun
>mugger has gun
Any non-crazy mugger backs down

>have gun
>mugger doesn't
We Charles Bronson in Deathwish now

It's funny because this literally wouldn't happen if euros would start having babies again

Serious / Re: Obama's Executive Gun Actions
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:37:16 PM »
It's honestly hilarious watching you burgerclaps flip shit on this issue across the pond.
^ This.
shoo shoo slimey limeys

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:35:48 PM »
Oh your trying to mug me? Hold on let me reach into my backpack all stealthy cause it's a stealth knife. Get a stiletto knife and keep it in your pocket faggot.
but I already have a pocket folder

I'm not going to fight off a mugger with a knife though that's fucking dumb
but door

a tactical defensive blade could save your life if you happen to find yourself stranded in NYC without your Glock 43

it should always be an EDC item and right next to your titanium flashlight and collapsible baton.
>carrying a Gen4 Glock

It's like hypothetical me wants a rusty gun

The Flood / Re: Better Call Saul Season 2 Poster Released
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:31:41 PM »
Did people actually watch this show

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:29:36 PM »
Oh your trying to mug me? Hold on let me reach into my backpack all stealthy cause it's a stealth knife. Get a stiletto knife and keep it in your pocket faggot.
but I already have a pocket folder

I'm not going to fight off a mugger with a knife though that's fucking dumb

Serious / Re: Obama's Executive Gun Actions
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:24:50 PM »
bought out by the NRA. Obviously dramatic, but it's a big issue, the gun lobby. Anyway, g2g.
Seriously fuck off with this shit meme.

Da ebil gun lobby is backed by Americans who want it to protect their constitutional rights. The NRA, in fact, has done quite a bit to give our rights away in the past. It is only in recent years, with the changing attitude of the gun community, that they've started to care about the black rifle crowd.

Everybody bitches when the NRA does its fucking job, but I don't hear you lefties bitching about muh money in politics or muh lobbyism is bribery when Bloomberg, a single fucking man, drops $50 million to promote gun control.

Serious / Re: Obama's Executive Gun Actions
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:18:15 PM »





Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:48:24 PM »
But can you please tell me why people actually being able to get, what is considering by every other 1st world western nation, a basic human right, that healthcare is bad?
"Everybody else is doing it" means nothing. Services are not a right.

This is probably an issue where we're not going to be able to come to an agreement, because I do not believe in positive rights, only negative rights. The idea that it is a person's right to receive something from someone else is ridiculous and offensive.

I don't really think a state-backed or state-run medical system is all that problematic if you're going to have a state in the first place (which, I think, you shouldn't). It may even be good policy depending on the situation.

But calling it a "right" is fucking stupid.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:40:04 PM »
My dad has healthcare now thanks to the ACC, so I'm a lot more sympathetic to it than I should be, but it really is kinda fucked up.
My thought on it is...

it's not perfect

but it sure is a hell of a lot better than what we had before. It's laying the foundations down for something better. Something that DOES need improvement, but at least it's something. We may have the best healthcare in the world, but when nobody can afford it, it's kind of not the best if you ask me.
It's really not laying the foundations for anything better. Unless you consider single-payer to be better, in which case you're just wrong.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:37:50 PM »
My dad has healthcare now thanks to Obamacare, so I'm a lot more sympathetic to it than I should be, but it really is kinda fucked up.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:32:47 PM »
Al shabaab, a sect of ISIS, even use his speeches for recruitment. Trump is an idiot. No amount of tax reform would fix the things he's been saying.
I never looked into it but the general consensus on the Chans is that this isn't true.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:32:06 PM »
I wouldn't be so sure.
Without a black candidate, Democrats are going to lose a lot of the black vote that was so heavily mobilized last time.

There is a pretty big chunk of this country that hates Clinton, and a bigger chunk that would like to avoid her. She only gets a lukewarm response from her own fucking party. She's the Romney of this election cycle. Definitely not as dangerous as the media wants you to think she is.
Obama also got a shit ton of the vote though because he was the face of "new hope" in a very shitty situation at the time. If you capture the young vote, odds are you'll probably win. It was a new face against "old generation" with John McCain. Hence why I say Rubio is the only one I feel would beat her. It'd be the same thing as '08, but flipped.

Still, I think when the election cycle actually kicks in, along with the debates with Clinton and *insert whoever*, it'll get more people excited for voting. I dunno if I'd say she's "dangerous". It's more of "yeah it's gonna happen" with the media and her. The only "dangerous" candidate I see is Rubio. Trump wouldn't survive the general, and neither would Cruz. Carson is basically out at this point but doesn't want to admit it yet. Everyone else is lightyears behind.

Honestly at this point, if Romney was actually still in the race, he'd probably win it. I think it was a mistake he dropped out. He talked about new faces wanting to run, but almost all the new faces are fucking crazy and hated by even their own party.
I agree that Rubio is the last, best hope now.

But yeah, I think a defeat during this cycle would be a big fucking wake-up call for the GOP. I almost want Hillary to win so America finally gets sick of Democrats and the Republicans are forced to get their shit together. I worry about the damage she can do to 2A rights, though, which along with international relations and the environment makes up the big three issues for me. The next four years are really going to suck.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:16:45 PM »
I really don't want the Republican candidate to lose to Sanders or Clinton
They will, because any of them that will win the party nomination are bat shit insane and won't stand up to Clinton (Sanders won't win his parties nomination) at all during the general.

Unless it's Rubio or something. He's the only one in that entire party I see even putting up a fight to her.
I wouldn't be so sure.
Without a black candidate, Democrats are going to lose a lot of the black vote that was so heavily mobilized last time.

There is a pretty big chunk of this country that hates Clinton, and a bigger chunk that would like to avoid her. She only gets a lukewarm response from her own fucking party. She's the Romney of this election cycle. Definitely not as dangerous as the media wants you to think she is.

Whereas, this time, most of the leading Republicans, sans Trump, have fairly similar platforms, and have similar potential to win over the traditional Republican demographics. They can win this game if a nominee is chosen who can win a portion of the Latino vote.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:14:15 PM »
If you want to play a fun game, replace the word "muslim" with "Jew" with anything Trump says and he sounds a lot like Hitler.
If you want to play a fun game, replace the words "one percent" or "corporation" with "jew" with anything Sanders says and he sounds a lot like Hitler

Seriously this is retarded and you could conceivably apply it to any candidate. There are legitimate ways to criticize Trump, this just makes you sound stupid.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:12:17 PM »
Because he's one of the only candidates guaranteed to lose to Sanders or Clinton

We really don't want the Republican candidate to lose to Sanders or Clinton

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a lips/mouth fetish
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:10:36 PM »
Tongue, no.

Lips, yes.
why not tongue
tongues are slimy and gross and smell funny

nice full lips are soft and smooth and I want to touch them

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a lips/mouth fetish
« on: January 04, 2016, 06:39:06 PM »
Tongue, no.

Lips, yes.

Serious / Re: New ISIS video, and apparently new Jihadi John
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:40:45 PM »
No you dumb shits it has to be a European name and the first word has to have to same first letter as the name


The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:25:26 PM »
If you fucking want it, buy it, don't fucking attention whore around the internet over it. Fucking retard. Did your car wreck make you even fucking stupider?
just ordered the knife and shipped it to texas with coordinates to your heart so it stabs you bitch nigga

Serious / Re: New ISIS video, and apparently new Jihadi John
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:37:05 PM »
Labour Larry

The Flood / Re: Real though I might buyt this knife tell me i'm retarded
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:35:44 PM »
What you really need is a Justinian avatar

He looks so greasy and hairy in those frescoes though

Like I imagine in real life he'd be smelly and match every negative greek stereotype
I've read a book where he's a smallish, thoughtful man. Quite likeable, and that's my preferred way to picture him.

And Romans did bathe you'll recall
I might read the Alexiad this semester if I have a lot of down time.

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