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It's not quite as bad as MemePool, but in retrospect it was pretty much garbage.

The Flood / Re: Why did it take white vets to get the ACoE to rethink DAPL?
« on: December 05, 2016, 09:49:12 AM »

1) The tribes made their opinions on the pipeline clear by not showing up to the meetings. Civil disobedience is a valid form of free speech. USG thus had zero grounds to unilaterally approve it anyway.
I know this is just a shitpost but come the fuck on. You can't just not fucking show up to a meeting and then be all "hurr durr I expressed my dissent via my absence free speech muhfucka" or some shit like that. A country that refuses to negotiate with the enemy in war has no business complaining when it is granted no conditions for its surrender.

Some voted because they can't stand foreigners or because "british jobs for british workers", while others realized how important cheap migrant workers are for British businesses.
Trying to defend endless immigration with "it's good for the economy" is a moot point, you've got your priorities backwards. The economy exists to serve the people not the other way around. Brexit was fundamentally about whether or not Britain would remain a white country, or if it would become a paki/arab/polish mess, anyone saying they voted leave for any other reason is just being PC to avoid harassment and cries of racism.
Britain was always going to become a paki shithole, regardless of whether or not it left the EU. People can easily and will likely always easily be able to get in because of muh Commonwealth. The immigrant lobby is now far to large for Britain to go back. It has become socially unacceptable to openly oppose immigration there- a good indicator of what is to come with or without Brexit.

This is the nature of empire and why it's fucking stupid to have one. When you invade and colonize another society, you are changing yourself as well. There's no escaping that. Britain is facing the consequences of hundreds of years of imperialist policy, amplified by the effects of liberal values that overemphasize the individual and his "rights" to the detriment of the nation as a whole.

The Flood / Stop Masturbating.
« on: December 05, 2016, 09:29:46 AM »

I saw an edgelord metalhead with that written on a hoodie outside of my building the other day. Shit was cringe as fuck.

The Flood / Re: Post irony
« on: December 04, 2016, 04:58:48 PM »
>not being post-post ironic

The Flood / Re: >When your entire national identity was founded on wewuzism
« on: December 03, 2016, 11:30:32 PM »

Serious / Re: Most British Muslims want integration, claims study
« on: December 03, 2016, 11:25:10 PM »
I find absolutely no solace in the fact that Muslim immigrants who come to our countries expecting to colonize them with their own culture will eventually find themselves and their progeny consumed by materialism and individualist degeneracy just like our own people have been.  I pity them, more than I pity my own countrymen.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 03, 2016, 02:16:02 PM »
And your ethnic groups example doesn't even make sense.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 03, 2016, 01:59:14 PM »
A fetus has none of these things
You don't think individuality and the potential for all of those things matter?

Well, of course not, you're an anti-natalist. But that's a gulf we won't cross today.
Determining that a fetus lacks any of the qualities that make it deserve human rights has nothing to do with anti-natalism. There is no "Individuality" for a fetus. It doesn't think, feel, or have any of what makes a functioning human actually matter from a moral perspective, which is why it's wrong to aimlessly kill a random person, but not a fetus. You aren't taking anything meaningful away from an unborn child, because they have nothing to begin with.
Exactly. This is why its also totally cool to murder abort bed-bound vegetables, retarded people, and certain ethnic groups.

Serious / Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 02, 2016, 01:48:02 PM »
When people are threatning your personal comfort, it's okay to kill them
Killing your baby to avoid having to raise it is no different from killing someone who tries to steal your gf or killing someone you're indebted to
The later two arent allowed yet because society is still backward, but they should be allowed in the name of personal freedom and autonomy

The Flood / Meat bending was the biggest mistake of Avatar
« on: December 01, 2016, 12:07:56 AM »

The Flood / Guys I found footage of Jocephalopod's acting
« on: November 29, 2016, 11:18:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Super Saiyan 3 was the biggest mistake of Dragon Ball.
« on: November 29, 2016, 09:05:27 PM »
Any Dragon Ball YouTuber is like that.
Dragon Ball YouTuber is
Dragon Ball YouTuber
Why is this a thing and why does it make me want to gouge my own eyes out so much

The Flood / Re: Cringe Thread: 2016 Year in Review
« on: November 29, 2016, 08:53:11 PM »
This shit just doesn't surprise or phase me anymore.
I mean, you can't spell Sonic without Cringe.

The Flood / Cringe Thread: 2016 Year in Review
« on: November 29, 2016, 08:44:18 PM »

When the band starts playing this shit gets fucking amazing.

Serious / Re: Car & Knife Attack on Ohio State Uni Campus
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:54:25 PM »
People in my circles are claiming the attacker was a Somali refugee, but I'm not going to be convinced until it's confirmed.

Serious / Where do you look for alternative political input?
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:55:55 AM »
When I want to hear some solid ideas and perspectives from the other end of the political spectrum, I often find myself listening to Tariq Ali and Slavoj Zizek, among others. I try to avoid online publications, since they tend to be absolute garbage.

Where do you guys go?

Serious / Re: Based Pajeets
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:41:08 PM »
Can the UK do this too but to poos?
is it even possible to illegally immigrate to the UK? It's a fucking island.

Serious / Based Pajeets
« on: November 27, 2016, 12:27:29 PM »

Indian officials are registering all illegal Muslim Bangladeshi residents in the state of Assam in an apparent bid to reduce the Muslim population.

“The Hindu rate of population growth is declining. But the Muslim rate is rising. Most of the Muslims here are from Bangladesh. If this continues, the Assamese Hindus will become a minority soon — we will lose our language, our culture, our identity,” Assam’s finance minister told The Washington Post.

Assam shares a long border with Bangladesh, with much of it consisting of wetlands easily crossed by boat. The majority of the Indian army and its border force are positioned hundreds of miles away on the Pakistani border, particularly clustered over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

The registration and deportation effort is known as “detect-delete-deport.” Indian officials are now concerned that Bangladeshi Islamic terrorist organizations, like the Islamic State, can infiltrate India by posing as illegal immigrants. Officials say detecting illegal immigrants from Bangladesh will be exceedingly difficult, as some have false identity papers and have even voted. “As soon as they arrive, their priority is to enter their names into the voter list somehow. They forge all kinds of documents and pay bribes for this,” an Indian judicial official confirmed.

A fascist takeover by an admitted sexual predator of adolescents and fraudulent businessman was inconceivable.
Do these mouthbreathers even think through what they write?
Yeah, that was a little bit too close to the truth there.
A facist takeover is winning an election?
To be fair, most fascists see that as a legitimate means of obtaining power.

The next step is to abolish the democratic institutions in order to cement their grip on that power.

The Flood / Re: Discord server has been moved here
« on: November 27, 2016, 10:32:13 AM »
Is this the sperg out I heard about?

What sperg out? The fuck is going on?
Class kicked everyone, and was the only mod online at the time it happened, and is now poorly trying to make it seem like he did nothing and that everyone should join the server where he is now admin to sate his ego among other things I imagine.
I heard the same thing from Nexus. I believe this.

"Everything wrong with America is actually Russia's fault."

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 26, 2016, 10:51:42 PM »
This ain't a democracy anymore
It never was.
What is it then, edgelords.

"A republic"?

That's a form of democracy.
One of the shittiest possible forms, being the implication.

It's absolutely not a true democracy, though, and it doesn't matter how "edgy" you find that.
Not even the truest form of Democracy, Athens, was that great. It had just as many problems with it as we do with ours.

You soon find out that almost every form of government is shit. It's just that democracy is the least shitty. That's just a more bitter way of Churchill's quote on it.
That's really not the case. Historically, the notion that the Democracy is the least shit political system starts and ends with Churchill.

Athens' contemporaries and their descendents were well aware of just how stupid and gay democracy was. Athens' democracy consistently got it into stupid shit and led to poor decisions getting thousands of people killed and the city itself sacked, over and over again. Athens became a temporary regional power largely in spite of its democratic politics, not because of them.

Oligarchies, Monarchies and Republics both contemporary to and after Athens outlasted it and fared much better in their spans of life.

America was established as a Republic largely because the founders were Classicists who knew exactly how stupid and destructive Democracy was. Most of them hated the notion, especially once they found out what happened during the French Revolution.

Republics can be democratic, or can be partially democratic, or not democratic at all. But they do not have to be democratic.

Anyway, my point is Democracy is not the least shit, and is actually probably the shittiest if not the second or third shittiest.

The Russians did not commit voter fraud in the US. This is just more outlandish red scare nonsense.

The DNC was most definitely involved in multiple acts of voter fraud nationwide. It's possible that the Republicans committed some fraud, but I doubt it.

If this recount doesn't turn up a shitload of fraud coming out of the Dems, I'll definitely question the legitimacy of the whole thing.

Serious / Re: Fidel Castro is dead
« on: November 26, 2016, 12:58:52 PM »
2016 best year

Serious / Re: And here we... go!
« on: November 26, 2016, 12:57:07 PM »
Stein's been a prominent critic of Clinton so I'm not really sure why she's doing this. Lefty street cred points I presume.
My understanding is that she was planning to pull this stunt regardless of who won.

Although something tells me she wouldn't have gotten all of those Soros shekels if Clinton had won.

utilitarianism is when the net happiness outweighs the net suffering
The ideal being that suffering should be quashed entirely--and if this ideal is not met, it's not utilitarian. You just have a compromise--the "most" utilitarian option, but not the utilitarian option.
And in the scenario I described, the most utilitarian option is to allow that society to continue.
But it's not the utilitarian option. It doesn't describe a utilitarian society, because it doesn't represent the true cause behind utilitarianism. It's a society where people say, "Well, this is good enough." That's not utilitarian--that's Bentham's shitty outdated brand of utilitarianism that's been ousted for centuries.

God, English philosophers are such shit.
"My magical utopian brand of Utilitarianism has never been tried"

Serious / Re: Reminder why the Middle East is shit
« on: November 23, 2016, 11:32:53 AM »
They're all British nationals and video evidence shows it was consensual.

Are we all just going to say racist shit without even reading the article and blaming scary brown people when everybody involved is British? Just because it happened in the UAE?

Punishing extramarital sex is a law in Muslim countries, deal with it. Don't like it? Fuck off back to the UK where you can be applauded for being a whore.

Let's shit on Muslim countries when they do evil terrorist shit, not when they suppress degeneracy.

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