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Serious / Re: Political Compass Thread
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:53:02 PM »
Communism would be a perfect system if we weren't humans.
Communism would be a perfect system if we weren't organisms that need finite resources to survive.

Serious / Re: Political Compass Thread
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:39:23 PM »
Anyone have a link to the superior version meta posted a while back?

The Flood / Re: Team Iron Man or Team Cap?
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:36:51 PM »
Who here /fuckcapeshit/

I struggle to believe Cam was a sellout and blew the game because he was paid off....
No, that's not the case at all.

It was the refs who were bought, at minimum. Probably goes higher than that though.

The game wasn't bought. Cam Newton is a classless fuckboy who thought he was on top of the world. He lost fair and square and was losing his shit in the 4th quarter.
Yeah those refs had nothing to do with it, nothing at all.

The Flood / Worst editing ever?
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:21:59 PM »

The Flood / If any of you have home addresses for Broncos fans let me know.
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:21:29 PM »
My boots are itchy and I need some teeth to kick in.

That game was bought and fucking paid for.

It just seems to me that political compromise never turns out to be compromise, per se, so much as a kind of ceasefire that allows one side to consolidate power and prepare for an offensive later to take what is left.

It seems dishonest, to me, to call it compromise, when neither side intends to let things sit as they are forever.
Does anyone?
Exactly. I dunno, I'd rather just call it what it is.

Serious / Re: Experiences with drug use
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:33:31 PM »
It's degeneracy but I still do it because it's fun and I'm pretty sure not sin.

Serious / Re: Democrat Donars are panicking
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:32:51 PM »

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton will win New Hampshire
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:32:13 PM »
even in the case of rape and incest.
I never understood why people get so hung up on this.

If all life is sacred, a fetus shouldn't be aborted no matter what caused its conception. A child of rape is still a child.

If all life is not sacred, or a fetus just isn't a life because dude muh just muh cells dude women's rights muh, then it doesn't matter, all abortion is okay.

I don't see why people seem to glorify this garbage compromise position.
Women's rights are far more important than your shitty, outdated beliefs. Get a grip.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton will win New Hampshire
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:57:59 PM »
Let me clear some things up.

You say a right is a right always, so yes I think your choice to choose is your right.
And pro-lifers think that fetuses have a right to life. It's important because these two positions are in conflict and must be resolved.

I mention Western Europe because they are easily known for being better in the human rights department than the US ever has.
Not necessarily. Really depends on whether you consider certain things to be rights or not. I'd think someone who sees fetuses (fetii??) as people would think countries that allow their destruction are abusive.
There's also the limitation of free speech, which most of Europe, not just western europe, has a big fucking problem with.
The US is playing catch up (and always has basically) with a bunch of things in that department, such as health care for a prime example.
The notion that healthcare is a right and not something we should simply strive to provide is pretty iffy tbh fam.

And I say religious because it seems everyone in congress who wants to preserve life is insanely religious and very aggressive about it.
Well yeah, that's a result of our polarized system. Pro-life democrats, and especially pro-life atheists have no platform, and are frequently sabotaged by those on the left who oppose them.

Serious / Re: Female journalist hires a male escort and feels "validated"
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:48:37 PM »
But really why would a man become a prostitute out of desperation instead of a criminal like the large majority of other men?
Some men are born fuccbois, too pretty and too weak for a life of crime.

Anyway, yeah, I've been saying that Bernie needs to learn how to calm the fuck down and compromise on some of his plans a little bit as soon as he declared his plan to grant everybody in the country Medicare--at least, if he plans on moving the country further in the right direction.

I know "compromise" is a scary, scary word for a lot of people who bend too far in one direction, but the article does make a fair point in the sense that you simply can't be too extreme with your policies if you want to make it in this country.
It just seems to me that political compromise never turns out to be compromise, per se, so much as a kind of ceasefire that allows one side to consolidate power and prepare for an offensive later to take what is left.

It seems dishonest, to me, to call it compromise, when neither side intends to let things sit as they are forever.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton will win New Hampshire
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:37:52 PM »
I say old white men because that's almost the entirety of our congress
Uh huh.

But one could argue that something already passed from the Supreme Court to say it's legal, should stay legal.
Why. Plenty of anti-gun politicians dislike previous supreme court positions on firearms. What makes the Supreme court right forever? A right is a right always, it doesn't change.
Especially if the rest of the western world has no issue with it either.
If Western Europe jumped off a bridge because they came to the consensus that it was the "progressive" thing to do, would you follow? Who gives a shit what the rest of the "West" does? What even is the "West" exactly?

I believe taking it away is suppressing someone because of their religious beliefs.
There are irreligious pro-lifers, you know, and there are secular arguments against abortion, although these tend to give room to the rape and incest compromise.

Serious / Re: Female journalist hires a male escort and feels "validated"
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:48:09 PM »
No big deal either way, and no one would flip out if the genders were reversed. This is a non-story.

Here's the same site criticizing men who have bought escorts, broadly denouncing them as "not real men".

Here's The Atlantic, a bastion of progressive liberalism, arguing that escort services are worse than simple prostitution.

Here's another article from The Atlantic detailing a similar story to the OP, basically a romanticized retelling of a journalists night out with a male escort.
Leftists, and leftist journos in particular, are hypocrites. What's new?

I mean I'm with you on this Turkey. It just feels like a non-topic, pointing out hypocrisy in a crowd of hypocrites.

The Flood / Re: Chuck Norris kidnapped Liam Neeson's kid
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:42:58 PM »
Direct to DVD sales

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton will win New Hampshire
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:38:58 PM »
Because if you get raped, which is non consensual, you shouldn't be forced to have the kid.
Which is totally fine from the pro-abortion perspective, but inconsistent with the stance that a fetus is human and subject to the same rights as a child.

If you have a kid via incest, odds are it will be WAY more fucked up than if not.
Again, I know this, and from the pro-abortion perspective there's nothing off about it, but from the pro-life perspective, even retards have rights.

You can think all life is sacred if you want, fine, but don't go forcing your archaic beliefs on everyone who doesn't agree.
Whoooaaaaaaaa there fam. You don't get to pull the muh forced beliefs shit if you're a statist. Imposing policy through force is the universal trait of all government.
That's why I get hung up about it. Old white men trying to make the decision for womens bodies across the entire country.
Them being old, male, or white has no bearing on whether they're right or wrong. Plenty of female politicians enact policies that impact men, but you don't see us bitching about someone outside of our demographic telling us what to do.

I'm undecided, but this "muh bodies" shit always struck me as hypocritical coming from anybody but libertarians, especially when people get upset about the anti-vaccination crowd.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton will win New Hampshire
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:16:12 PM »
even in the case of rape and incest.
I never understood why people get so hung up on this.

If all life is sacred, a fetus shouldn't be aborted no matter what caused its conception. A child of rape is still a child.

If all life is not sacred, or a fetus just isn't a life because dude muh just muh cells dude women's rights muh, then it doesn't matter, all abortion is okay.

I don't see why people seem to glorify this garbage compromise position.

This is exactly why Sanders has to beat Clinton, to crash the Democrat machine.

Except Republicans can't vote in the Democratic primary.
In North Carolina, unaffiliated voters can vote in either the Dem or Rep primary.

So a lot of people who lean republican will go independent. Just gives them more options.

Yeah, there are several states in which unaffiliated voters can do that. It's kind of a shitty system.
Just realpolitik in action.

I'd really like to understand the logic that some conservatives seem to think that a Bernie candidacy would be a layup for Republicans, or that Bernie would be way better than Hillary. Have you even looked at his proposed policies?
His policies are only marginally more radical than Clinton's, he just talks big.

He's much less enthusiastic about gun control than Hillary, which is comforting to me (although anyone who tells you he's pro-gun or even neutral is either a liar or seriously misinformed.

He's also most likely going to fuck everything up in the first four years, meaning the Republicans can sweep him out of office easily in 2020.

Except Republicans can't vote in the Democratic primary.
In North Carolina, unaffiliated voters can vote in either the Dem or Rep primary.

So a lot of people who lean republican will go independent. Just gives them more options.

« on: February 05, 2016, 12:43:47 AM »

The Flood / Re: What user would you pilot a Jaeger with?
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:43:14 AM »

Serious / Re: Does the number of parties in a political system help?
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:42:01 AM »
"Compromise" isn't an inherently good thing. We don't need compromise, we need more leftist ideals in the government.
This^^^ is actually the attitude of all political parties.

Compromise is nothing more than a ceasefire.

You should never give ground you have a chance of keeping. They'll just come back for the rest later.

The Flood / Re: Charlmange has been demoted.
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:07:04 AM »
He was a mod?

I recall him being a member in the TFS days

The Flood / LMAO British think they're people
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:14:05 PM »

deci will single-handedly tear down the tyranny that is turkey and return asia minor to its indo-european roots



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