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hook up culture is disgusting
You know you would if you could Jim.
I like to think I'm strong enough to resist, but if the opportunity presented itself to me I'd probably give in because I'm weak.
i have faith in you jim
Thank you, brother.

May Christ be with you
And with your spirit

hook up culture is disgusting
You know you would if you could Jim.
I like to think I'm strong enough to resist, but if the opportunity presented itself to me I'd probably give in because I'm weak.
i have faith in you jim

Serious / Re: Daily reminder that Syria is still a clusterfuck.
« on: February 10, 2016, 02:27:21 PM »





The Flood / Re: Going out with a 5'8" blonde
« on: February 10, 2016, 11:45:43 AM »
I like how Deci comes into these threads to call Roman a loser as if it's going to make us like him.

I like deci
I like killing Armen
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo....ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia....hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac... you are ppoor stink turk... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ....fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

Gaming / Re: New Pokemon game hinted at in CoroCoro?
« on: February 10, 2016, 11:11:01 AM »

Holy shit what an awful design

That's even more overdesigned than Gen 5 shit, wow.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything about Ancient History
« on: February 10, 2016, 11:10:05 AM »
Who really started the Finno-Korean hyper war

Jive, stop being a bitch. The only reason people care about how many guys a girl has slept with is that they are scared of underperforming.

You have a small dick, there's nothing wrong with that. Just fuck harder.
Nah brah, I care, and I'm not worried about that. It's a matter of values, loyalty, and mindset.

Loyalty to someone she hasn't met yet, values based on irrational ideals, mindset... of hamsters...
Women who sleep around cannot be trusted for long term relationships. The fewer partners, the clearer it is that they can handle one.

If you're just looking for a lay, fuck whatever used up woman you want. Smart men will look for stable, quality partners.

You're such a fucking misogynist. It's okay for you to stick your dick into anything under the sun with a heartbeat, but if a girl wants to sleep around she's publicly shamed. Get over yourself and realize that your double standards and sexism are quickly fading into the past.
Now this is cuck mentality

Jive, stop being a bitch. The only reason people care about how many guys a girl has slept with is that they are scared of underperforming.

You have a small dick, there's nothing wrong with that. Just fuck harder.
Nah brah, I care, and I'm not worried about that. It's a matter of values, loyalty, and mindset.

This comes off somewhat hypocritical.

What matters is knowing where not to look

The Flood / WHO HERE /HYPE/
« on: February 10, 2016, 02:15:33 AM »

The Flood / >band has two drummers
« on: February 09, 2016, 11:19:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: Who is the actual prime hero in the LotR?
« on: February 09, 2016, 11:14:37 PM »
Tiber Septim

can't stump the trump
It's making me ashamed to live in this country to see him get the nomination. It's a sickening feeling.
le ebin he's an ebil nazi meme lmao

Fuck off, this outrage culture bullshit is exhausting. Trump only gets the attention he does because people are so vocally offended, which draws edgelord contrarians to him.

Serious / Re: Hong Kong Riots
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:51:09 PM »
I'm not going to scream "government get out reeeee" like a retard, if that's what you assume anarchism is. Political change comes slowly over time. A liberal regime that abuses less and grants more individual and economic freedom is, by my anarchist standards, far better than an authoritarian regime like the CCP. I'm not going to turn down a band-aid just because it won't instantly heal my wound.
Then you're not in favor of anarchism. You're not an anarchist.
I'm not a revolutionary anarchist. Change must be incremental, lest we find ourselves in the position the communists did.

Wanting to see humanity progress and become peaceful so we don't need government and police and military isn't anarchism. It's just the logical course.
No, fam, that's pretty much anarchism. Long-term anarchism.

I prefer to contemplate sitting and pray standing. Join me.

Serious / Re: Hong Kong Riots
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:36:02 PM »
Recolonization fucking when
Aren't you an anarchist or whatever it was?

Fuck it I can't keep track of your weekly changing views.
It's really not complicated at all.

Anarchism is the ideal, limited-interference liberal statehood is the quick fix and first step toward the ideal. British rule would be magnitudes better for Hong Kong (or anywhere, really) than CCP rule.

No, not exactly. Completely opposite.
No, really.

I don't know why you're incapable of comprehending "the lesser of two evils", but you might want to work on that.
"maybe if I talk shit I won't look like a fucking retard"

You can't be an anarchist and promote colonization/government intervention/forcing people.
I'm not going to scream "government get out reeeee" like a retard, if that's what you assume anarchism is. Political change comes slowly over time. A liberal regime that abuses less and grants more individual and economic freedom is, by my anarchist standards, far better than an authoritarian regime like the CCP. I'm not going to turn down a band-aid just because it won't instantly heal my wound.

Why don't you go get on your knees and pray to the sky wizard to give your bitch ass some clarity.
I prefer to contemplate sitting and pray standing. Join me.

Serious / Re: Hong Kong Riots
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:24:15 PM »
Recolonization fucking when
Aren't you an anarchist or whatever it was?

Fuck it I can't keep track of your weekly changing views.
It's really not complicated at all.

Anarchism is the ideal, limited-interference liberal statehood is the quick fix and first step toward the ideal. British rule would be magnitudes better for Hong Kong (or anywhere, really) than CCP rule.

No, not exactly. Completely opposite.
No, really.

I don't know why you're incapable of comprehending "the lesser of two evils", but you might want to work on that.

Serious / Re: Hong Kong Riots
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:21:49 PM »
Recolonization fucking when
Aren't you an anarchist or whatever it was?

Fuck it I can't keep track of your weekly changing views.
It's really not complicated at all.

Anarchism is the ideal, limited-interference liberal statehood is the quick fix and first step toward the ideal. British rule would be magnitudes better for Hong Kong (or anywhere, really) than CCP rule.


The Flood / Re: Going out with a 5'8" blonde
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:19:51 PM »

Serious / Re: Hong Kong Riots
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:16:48 PM »
Recolonization fucking when
Aren't you an anarchist or whatever it was?

Fuck it I can't keep track of your weekly changing views.
It's really not complicated at all.

Anarchism is the ideal, limited-interference liberal statehood is the quick fix and first step toward the ideal. British rule would be magnitudes better for Hong Kong (or anywhere, really) than CCP rule.

Gaming / Re: Attila Slavic Faction Pack
« on: February 09, 2016, 10:27:46 AM »

Serious / Re: Hong Kong Riots
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:19:39 AM »
Recolonization fucking when

I'd have assumed that you of all people would be supportive of riots protesting the kidnapping of people who oppose an oppressive government.
Hong Kong is so much better than China precisely because it was under British rule, free from China's oppressive government. Giving control over to PRC was a dumb fucking move.

But yeah I'm always behind anybody who wants to fuck with the CCP.

Serious / Re: Hong Kong Riots
« on: February 09, 2016, 01:00:36 AM »
Recolonization fucking when

Better than IS.
setting the bar a little low there

Serious / The FSA were never moderates, reminder that FSA are terrorists.
« on: February 08, 2016, 08:19:41 PM »

Politicians that support the FSA are endorsing terrorism.

Serious / Re: Madeleine Albright pulls sex card for Clinton
« on: February 08, 2016, 06:08:41 PM »
What is Japan and Germany.
Fairly rational and not Muslims.
Look, I dislike Islam more than the next guy but this is just bullshit. Imperial Japan changing into modern Japan is one of the most radical cultural shifts in history, especially given how rapidly it happened. A hypermilitarist, genocidally-xenophobic people were beaten down, occupied, and guided into being one of what one might reasonably call the most advanced peoples on earth. This development was slow and controlled, with important strings pulled (notably the suppression of the Japanese communist movement and the assassination of its key leaders), and it led to a real success story.

This happens all the time everywhere because Democracy a shit.
This is a bit bollocks, because it's not quite the same. ME voters wouldn't know the difference between Obama and Dylann Roof, which is basically what happens over there. (Plus, the US parties have primaries to narrow down the candidates, so there isn't a splintered vote that allows some wacko like Morsi to reach power through, well, luck. It's something that comes through experience.)
This really is just a matter of trial and error. American representative democracy has had two and a half centuries to feel things out and find what works, and it still isn't all the way there. Obviously you can't hand democracy over to a culture inexperienced with it and expect them to make it work immediately. Change must be gradual.

In which case we should handle it like we handled the Nazi party gaining power through the democratic process. Ideally, though, we can foster a culture of liberal individualism and separation of church and state. It will take time, work, and money, though, because separation of church and state is problematic for Islam. The concept of a caliphate is more important in their theology than most people realize.
I think that's unreasonably optimistic.
I don't think it's unreasonable, but I will admit it is optimistic.

I would say something like a regime that protects human and minority rights and levels of violence close to that of eastern Europe. We can't turn Mesopotamia into France in a lifetime, but there is room for improvement.
That would be ideal, but as you said that's not something that'll happen in our lifetimes. I think that just shows the futility of this.
It's important to note why it won't happen. Because Democracy is a shitty political system. Voters are short-sighted and want immediate results. If something doesn't produce significant positive results in a frame of 8-10 years it is deemed futile or destructive. Then an opposing party is voted into office and reverses the process, fucking it all up. Rome didn't bring civilization to Gaul in a decade. The West, if united, could easily fix the middle east. But it would take actual effort over a very long period of time, something the voting masses are incapable of understanding. It really comes down to a question of how much westerners care about bringing peace to the middle east. And it seems to me that the answer is "not much". At least, not as much as they think they do.

lmao what. Even China is tired of NK's bullshit lately. They're still at like early 1970s levels of military technology, if even that, and only because they spend all of their money on it. The only threat North Korea poses to anyone is the threat of collapse. If North Korea ceases to be a state, and South Korea or China has to incorporate the land and people, we'd have an economic and refugee crisis the likes of which have never been seen before. South Korea would go bankrupt overnight.
Except China doesn't want anti-missile systems near NK. Except China and Russia won't let the rest of the world bulldoze NK. They're still allies, for all intents and purposes.
Only because China doesn't want a US ally right next to them. NK is a buffer zone, in the Chinese eye. It's not even a matter of not letting the rest of the world take them out. Nobody wants to take them out. That could not possibly end well for anyone. There would be thousands, if not millions, of needless deaths.

Serious / Re: Madeleine Albright pulls sex card for Clinton
« on: February 08, 2016, 02:22:36 PM »

So uh, let's just make this clear: opposing the bad guys is only a marginally better situation than before. It's no substitute for results.

The fact is, boots on the ground cannot and will never change culture.
What is Japan and Germany.
Even through instating a democracy, there's still that huge change that the electorate will be morons.
All electorate are morons. All people are morons period. This is a fundamental flaw with Democracy, I agree. I don't claim to necessarily know what government is best for which people. But it's hard to do any worse than Saddam if you actually try.
They've never had democracy before, so they may very well elect folks who don't truly represent their best interests (see: Egypt).
This happens all the time everywhere because Democracy a shit. Again, I'm not necessarily advocating democracy, just occupation and installation of a government infrastructure that supports human rights and liberal values.
ISIS could simply become the next Hamas or Hezbollah through these elections.
In which case we should handle it like we handled the Nazi party gaining power through the democratic process. Ideally, though, we can foster a culture of liberal individualism and separation of church and state. It will take time, work, and money, though, because separation of church and state is problematic for Islam. The concept of a caliphate is more important in their theology than most people realize.

It begs the question: what even counts as 'mission accomplished'? Poll numbers? A few good elections? What possible milestones can be set that aren't utter bollocks?
I would say something like a regime that protects human and minority rights and levels of violence close to that of eastern Europe. We can't turn Mesopotamia into France in a lifetime, but there is room for improvement.

North Korea's honestly not much of a threat, but they will be... eventually. What's more concerning is Russia and China impeding progress the US could be making against NK.
lmao what. Even China is tired of NK's bullshit lately. They're still at like early 1970s levels of military technology, if even that, and only because they spend all of their money on it. The only threat North Korea poses to anyone is the threat of collapse. If North Korea ceases to be a state, and South Korea or China has to incorporate the land and people, we'd have an economic and refugee crisis the likes of which have never been seen before. South Korea would go bankrupt overnight.

Serious / Re: Madeleine Albright pulls sex card for Clinton
« on: February 08, 2016, 12:06:18 PM »
I don't know why this came to be about Obama and Iraq, but whatever. The absence of Saddam is what allowed ISIS to gain strength. US involvement only enabled that chain of events.
Fantastic, then, we would have Saddam doing most of what ISIS does, just to minorities and unopposed.

The problem isn't that we did the job. The problem is that we left it half-finished. You cannot just fix a middle eastern country. All of them are interconnected through ideology, allegiance and ethnicity. The whole region is going to have to reshape itself before the dying stops, and the US absolutely must have a hand in making sure things are in the best arrangement possible when the dust settles.

Also please don't tell me you think North Korea is a legitimate threat to anything but the northernmost parts of Seoul.

The Flood / Re: Team Iron Man or Team Cap?
« on: February 07, 2016, 11:18:08 PM »
What the fuck a superhero registration act

lmao what next if you lift too much you're gonna need a muscles license?

Ironcucks please go.

>Little Green Men in Crimea
>Rise of ISIS

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