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Gaming / Re: Games you own multiple copies of?
« on: February 19, 2016, 05:50:43 PM »
Been through three copies of Halo 3, three Fallout: New Vegases, three Mass Effect 2s (more discs=more to break), and five or six skyrims across various platforms.

Serious / Re: Note to Politicians: Leave Memeing alone
« on: February 19, 2016, 05:47:35 PM »
LOL I love how conservatives rush to defend any instance of racism

"Sure it's bad, but is it really racist?"

Yes. It is. Fuck yourself and dive off a cliff you fascist fucks. Sleep well at night knowing your shitty states are all going to become Latino majority in the next 50 years.

Please articulate how it's racist to make a joke about a Mexican accent resulting in ironic mispronunciation of words.
Please explain how drawing Obama with huge ears to imply he's a monkey and at the same time showing a Mexican in a sombrero whilst making fun of their accent isn't racist.
Motherfucker people draw obama with huge ears because he has relatively large ears, it's a noticeable trait that cartoonists latch onto. It has nothing to do with monkeys.

Serious / Re: Note to Politicians: Leave Memeing alone
« on: February 19, 2016, 05:37:11 PM »
Racism is a spook

Tolerance is also a spook

Your values are all fuqqed up tbqh fam

Serious / Re: Note to Politicians: Leave Memeing alone
« on: February 19, 2016, 05:36:12 PM »
LOL I love how conservatives rush to defend any instance of racism

"Sure it's bad, but is it really racist?"

Yes. It is. Fuck yourself and dive off a cliff you fascist fucks. Sleep well at night knowing your shitty states are all going to become Latino majority in the next 50 years.
Le everything i dont like is fascist meme


And you people get so assblasted when anyone dares to compare a leftist to the Soviets

The Flood / Re: Donald Trump Cucked By The Pope
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:37:40 PM »
He just called what he said "disgraceful"

Goodbye all of Trump's supporters
The type of catholic supporting trump is not the type of catholic who cares about what Le Progressipope says

The Flood / Re: Donald Trump Cucked By The Pope
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:36:35 PM »
Lmao, the Roman church literally only chose this pope for his PR skills with non-Catholics
No, shit. They've been saying for ages how they needed to bring in or back to the faith.
By pandering to those totally opposed to the church


The Flood / Re: The type of people who attack Hillary Clinton on twitter
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:53:07 AM »
Wow, people i disagree with like to criticize politicians I agree with!

Who'da thunk it?

The Flood / Re: Donald Trump Cucked By The Pope
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:51:15 AM »
Lmao, the Roman church literally only chose this pope for his PR skills with non-Catholics

Papists on fucking suicide watch

Serious / Re: Justice Scalia Found Dead in Texas
« on: February 17, 2016, 02:51:04 PM »
Loretta Lynch
The end of the second amendment is in sight, my brothers.
It's treason, then.
We should have let the South secede when they wanted to.
What's this we shit

California isn't America
Don't you mean KOMMIEfornia?

The communists at least had some sense of masculinity.

The Flood / Re: unban me from SRS board
« on: February 17, 2016, 02:44:51 PM »
yes because i was pushing for a realistic scenario
*tips ushanka*

Serious / Re: Justice Scalia Found Dead in Texas
« on: February 17, 2016, 02:44:01 PM »
Loretta Lynch
The end of the second amendment is in sight, my brothers.
It's treason, then.
We should have let the South secede when they wanted to.
What's this we shit

California isn't America

The Flood / Re: unban me from SRS board
« on: February 17, 2016, 02:38:27 PM »

would you like some refugees  with that?
>Turkey continues to fund extremists in Syria and Iraq
>Putin retakes Constantinople, cutting Turkey off from Europe
>Russia-Assad-Peshmerga Holy Alliance blows jihadists the fuck out
>they retreat over the border to their only ally, Turkey
>no access to Europe for refugee status
>they continue being extremists, inside of Turkey
>Turkey becomes Pakistan 2.0

Turkshits BTFO
>US secretly supports turkey-saudi alliance
Sanders elected president- USA does nothing
Clinton elected president- Declares war, military mutinies because why would we fight for jihadists
Trump elected president- USA joins Russia-Assad-Peshmerga alliance
>turkey-saudi invade syria
Get slaughtered by Russia because they invaded a sovereign nation and article 5 can't protect them anymore
>turkey-saudi btfo putin and assad, massacre christians
>islamic coop in america
>barack hussein obama declares allegiance to baghdadi and caliphate
>the west as we know falls
Well meme'd, my saracen.

Serious / Re: Justice Scalia Found Dead in Texas
« on: February 17, 2016, 02:33:42 PM »
Loretta Lynch
The end of the second amendment is in sight, my brothers.
It's treason, then.

>posting Crusaders in a saving Constantinople thread

LMAO fucking Latinshits are the reason the city fell in the first place.




The Flood / Re: Your first pack of cigarettes?
« on: February 17, 2016, 12:13:32 PM »
Camel Crush Silvers, still the only cigs I smoke.

Managed to drop the habit, but I like to keep a pack around in case of stressful times or parties.

Serious / Re: Ten policies to save America
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:51:33 AM »
And who claimed that it was going to be removed everywhere?
That was literally the impetus behind this line of conversation. The first thing that was said on the matter was Verbatim calling for the removal of religion from marriage entirely.

And I'm contesting Doors claim that all marriage is religious, verbatims claims have nothing to do with this line of conversation.
He didn't even say that though. . .

Religious folks will have religious marriages, secular folks will spend thousands of dollars on ceremonies they don't even really believe in. It's all marriage. Different groups just have different ceremonies.

Like, what fucking thread are you even reading?

Taking religion out of marriage isn't something you can really do, fam.

The part I initially quoted and the part you conveniently cut out. What you quoted are supporting statements,
I think you're misunderstanding what I was saying.

You can have an irreligious marriage. That's been happening for years, nobody questions that.

 What I was saying was that religion cannot be totally separated from the institution of marriage through policy or direct action. I was responding to Verbatim's post, which in the context of this thread made it sound almost like he wanted a policy or something separating religion from marriage (I doubt that is what he literally meant), which to me seemed like an absurd notion. That kind of change can only come from socio-cultural shifts.

Socialism is a far-left movement and, simply as a fact, the farther and more extreme one goes on the left side of the political spectrum, the closer one moves to communism.

Sanders wants to persecute, physically identify, and rob rich and successful business people because he perceives the economic and social problems in a country coming from a wealthy minority group.

Sounds kinda similar, js.

Serious / Re: Ten policies to save America
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:27:11 AM »
So yeah, you can take the religion out of marriage.
So are we just going to pretend that the modern incarnation of marriage isn't totally different in a consequential way to what has come previously, and that religion absolutely is a massive part of the institution in its current form?

So are we just going to pretend that increasingly in the modern world religion hasn't become less and less important to people and deny that religion and marriage are not intrinsically linked therefore making the statement that you can't remove the religion from marriage unequivocally false?
When I said you can't separate marriage from religion, I meant literally YOU (the actor) can't take (via action) it out. Of course change could come, and it likely will, to some extent, but it isn't something you can just DO. This is really something that is up to the masses, unless you want to start dabbling in propaganda.

lol implying we aren't already surrounded by propaganda

Serious / Re: Economists Questions Costs of Sanders Policy Plans
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:23:34 AM »

The Flood / Re: Now THIS is Judaism
« on: February 16, 2016, 07:17:59 PM »
Odds on it not being from Jerusalem?
Guy sells a lot of IDF surplus, which isn't too common in Europe or the US.

So odds are he probably is """""legit"""""

The Flood / Re: I regret my decision (NSFW)
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:09:44 PM »
Try Aveeno

The Flood / >British people will never be this cool again in your lifetime
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:07:30 PM »

TFW no bloodthirsty Falklands veteran sergeant to teach me how to kill.

And it's just as bad when an employer chooses one employee over another because of facial features.
This is actually not that bad a thing in many cases.

A salesperson, for example, gains a lot from being physically attractive or at least pleasant to look at. You may not like it, but unless you're consciously trying to be le open minded, you are statistically more likely to buy from an attractive seller than an ugly one.

This isn't the case in many other fields, but it is in enough jobs that you can't just totally discount it.
EVERYONE should constantly be trying to be open minded. You can stick a "le" in front of it, like social tolerance is some kind of joke, but that just makes you look ignorant.
Well spooked, my property.

And it's just as bad when an employer chooses one employee over another because of facial features.
This is actually not that bad a thing in many cases.

A salesperson, for example, gains a lot from being physically attractive or at least pleasant to look at. You may not like it, but unless you're consciously trying to be le open minded, you are statistically more likely to buy from an attractive seller than an ugly one.

This isn't the case in many other fields, but it is in enough jobs that you can't just totally discount it.

The Flood / Re: visit this website just do it now
« on: February 16, 2016, 03:14:52 PM »
anyone remember when redirected you to r/atheism?
ran a google search, looks like it's a porn site now.

Serious / Re: Ten policies to save America
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:56:35 PM »
Take the religion out of marriage entirely, and give everybody the right to tax breaks with whomever they seek a domestic partnership with. Then maybe I'll give a fuck about marriage.
Taking religion out of marriage isn't something you can really do, fam. Religious folks will have religious marriages, secular folks will spend thousands of dollars on ceremonies they don't even really believe in. It's all marriage. Different groups just have different ceremonies.

And granting these benefits is fair, I suppose, but that's really not the point of marriage, and only acts as a way to waste potential tax income because equality I guess? The benefits are there for couples to prepare to raise children, not make monogamy more appealing. Diverting the benefits only to couples raising children would make it fair I guess.

The Flood / Re: Cluster bombs in Syria
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:45:50 PM »
I don't quite understand...

Chemical weapons and everyone goes in uproar, Syria agrees to take them away. But a greenlight for clusterbombs?
The chemical weapons weren't Assad's. The evidence was faulty, and IIRC it was actually an opposition group using them.

I'm not saying Assad dindu nuffin but a lot of his vilification is bullshit. At worst SAA the second-most benevolent faction in the region after the Iraqi Kurds (Syrian and Turkish Kurds are commie shits).
haha that's brilliant, iraqi kurds are the worst after the SAA? please
Benevolent means good nigra

Kurds are okay and all but they're kinda like turks in that you shouldn't trust them around other minorities.
They had a grand old time genociding Armenians and Assyrians back in the day, and still have a habit of claiming historical sites of Armenian and Assyrian heritage as their own. Also the Yazidi honor-killing shit is Saudi-tier.

Don't make the mistake of praising Kurds just because they're a western ally in the region right now, like the Pakistanis and Saudis were during the cold war. That may not even last too long considering they're not even really fighting SAA anymore and seem to be getting support from Russian advisors now.

The Flood / Re: visit this website just do it now
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:40:03 PM »

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