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The Flood / Australia thread?
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:31:30 PM »

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:25:12 PM »

I must've seen you use this a million times and I still don't know what it means.
"Whoso is full of sacred (religious, moral, humane) love loves only the spook, the “true man,” and persecutes with dull mercilessness the individual, the real man."

The spook is the god of the modern man. He fancies himself a free thinker, detached from the religious dogma and delusion of the past. Little does he realize he has only traded a personal god or gods for impersonal ones.

In the past a man justified his action by claiming it was god's will, shouting Deus Vult.

Today men justify their actions by shouting praise to "progress", "reason", "society", "the common good".

These are intangible abstracts, "ghosts of the mind". Man places them above himself, to his own detriment. He fails to acknowledge and act on his own ego.

The Flood / Re: Your user number dictates what Pokemon you transform into.
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:16:30 PM »

Why me.


Gaming / Re: Favorite, Meh tier, and Least Favorite Pokemon, design wise?
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:15:09 PM »
Favorite- It changes, but right now my favorite is Torterra

Meh- Meganium. It's just boring, especially compared to its early stages.

Least- Patrat.

The Flood / Re: Your user number dictates what Pokemon you transform into.
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:06:44 PM »
lol get fucked any member who is below 721
user 721 reporting
i should've said at or below 721, because there actually is a 721st Pokemon

it's called Volcanion

I love the concept but the design is awful.

The Flood / Re: Your user number dictates what Pokemon you transform into.
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:01:18 PM »


The Flood / Re: This is an actual post in the Donald Trump subreddit
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:56:03 PM »
I heard something from some internet post recently, that someone sent to me. Turns out that some of these kids, Bernie supporters, were donating their life savings to Bernie. Really? Your life savings? All of it? Really unbelievable.

And wow, after Nevada, maybe not so smart a way to invest, maybe? But these people didn't get to be where they are by investing smart, lemme tell ya. And where they are, is the same place they started at. Just stuck there, going nowhere.

But I gotta say, I really admire the commitment, just an admirable thing. You know America, they say, has one of the lowest voter turnouts, when the elections come? Stats and everything on it, apparently. So it's good to see these kids, today, being engaged. It's their way of paying Bernie for the free stuff they don't want to work for.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:49:40 PM »
But why does it fucking matter if it's "biologically erroneous?"

Who in their right mind would give a solitary fuck what nature intends?
Now you're busting some spooks.
You omitted that last line, though. Do you disagree?
Defying nature it for its own sake would be on the spooky side.

The Flood / Re: This is an actual post in the Donald Trump subreddit
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:47:51 PM »
"Truth," "Facts," "Evidence," "Hard Data," or "Rational Thoughts"

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:43:19 PM »
But why does it fucking matter if it's "biologically erroneous?"

Who in their right mind would give a solitary fuck what nature intends?
Now you're busting some spooks.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:42:17 PM »
That's a social appeal. Not the argument I was making. Nice try, kiddo.
My bad, I thought you were defending the guy whose statements were being contested. In any case, while what you said may be true from the perspective of evolution as an agent, it amounts to an appeal to nature in the context of this social issue, which would be pretty weak.
Appealing to a biological requirement for our species to continue existing is a weak argument?
Honestly, yeah. Everyone doesn't need to breed.

In fact, we, and our planet, would probably be better off if most people DIDN'T breed.

It's not like it's 2000 BC and there's only a million of us.

You might as well object to Catholic priests practicing celibacy and married men getting vasectomies.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 06:48:17 PM »
That's a social appeal. Not the argument I was making. Nice try, kiddo.
My bad, I thought you were defending the guy whose statements were being contested. In any case, while what you said may be true from the perspective of evolution as an agent, it amounts to an appeal to nature in the context of this social issue, which would be pretty weak.
I would say it's as much a health issue as a social issue.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 06:46:33 PM »
You'd have to look elsewhere for a better way to try and slam transgender people.
This right here is a big part of the problem. There is this attitude that anyone even somewhat critical of transgenderism is being hateful. It stifles and limits conversation.

Everyone shitposts, but I, and I assume everyone else here who is questioning or unsure about the matter, am concerned about the mental and physical well-being of these people. What happens twenty years from now, if my kid comes out transgender? I want to be absolutely sure they are able to get what they need, be it medicine or counseling or what. I'm not throwing caution to the wind for the sake of a spook like tolerance, and accusing me of bigotry isn't going to make me change my mind.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:50:16 PM »
Wouldn't you agree that environments where people are liable to hold feelings like those are hostile and discourage people of different demographics from ever entering them?
 I'm not trying to say that there's a problem with homogeneous regions, but if conditions like these are just sort of thought to be okay and allowed to exist, that limits the freedom of different groups to freely move and settle in new areas wouldn't you agree? Are those disadvantages we want to create for anyone?
You raise a good point I didn't think of- discouraging outsiders from coming in. Which could be bad or good, for a population collectively as well as for the individual.

I'm not really sure what is the most beneficial course of action, in that case.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:46:01 PM »
it seems like bullshit to me.

The legitimacy of transgenderism, or recognizing someone as something other than their sex in a social context?
The former. Which is unfortunate, because I really do want to be supportive of it. It's not easy holding views the people around you would be disgusted by. I just can't get over the suicide statistics, genetics and doctors turning away from sex changes. It seems really off at this point.
Are your views on sexual reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments the same?

(Let's leave this to the case of adults, medical intervention with children is controversial for obvious and understandable reasons)
As someone with a libertarian (no longer necessarily anarchist) political stance this is very problematic to me. Obviously a consenting adult has the right to do with their body as they please. The question is- is a transgender person mentally healthy and able to make this decision reasonably? If not, it would not be morally permissible to offer them these procedures and medications. Quite a few medical professionals are coming out against it, which, coupled with the frequency of suicide and other mental health conditions in transgender persons, makes me very apprehensive about it. I don't think rushing toward this stuff with open arms, screaming "fuuuutuuuuurre" all the way, is the smartest way to handle it.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:38:57 PM »

If there were no social consequences in a homogeneous setting like that, the negatives would be minimal, it wouldn't be a terrible decision, but I see no point unless you really harbor racist feelings deep down. With such limited exposure to those outside of your ethnic group (white is not an ethnic group outside of formerly colonial nations), I don't know what would inspire you to develop racist views in the first place.

no but one of my grandfathers old friends is on a US declassified document
I saved it a while back but it's been deleted since then
*islamic terrorism joke*

Cuban girls are hot. Do you have any qt cuban cousins?

OT: My dad is mentioned on a wikipedia article, but doesn't have one himself.

The Flood / Re: Going to the US for the first time in the summer lads
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:02:52 PM »
Being real for a second here. You seem to have an irrational hatred of cities. There can actually be a lot of culture in them because that's where people gather. Some are better than others, but the same is true for any rural area too.
Up to a certain point. Once a city gets big enough, though, it goes straight to shit.

Greensboro, NC, where I go to school, is an example of a decent city, I suppose. Lots to do, an okay number of people, and it isn't entirely crusty.

They're overall just not great, though. Loud, dirty, and they cut out landscape that would otherwise be gorgeous. This is probably my biggest beef.

There's also the way cities impact politics. They have significant impact on people living in smaller communities or settlements within the same province or county. In a democratic system, large cities allow urbanites to have an unfair role in the lives of people outside of them. That really bothers me.

The Flood / Re: Going to the US for the first time in the summer lads
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:51:00 PM »

You must be ridiculously sensitive to get your panties in a bunch over people poking fun at the south and not sharing your opinion that it's the best gosh darn place in the world.
Not sharing my opinion=/=trash talking it like it's some kind of south america-tier shithole.

Talking trash about the North and the rest of the US is fine, but make a couple of jokes towards the South and its time  to bring out the lynch mob.
The north is fine. The urban centers are awful. It's just that most of New England has been urbanized.

California would be amazing if you just got rid of all of the cities.

Shit nigga there's probably not much I could do.

Break a glass bottle and go to town, but then, they've got pads.

Do they have helmets too?

one of them has a coyote hat

Serious / Re: Jeb Bush Drops Out of Race
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:46:01 PM »

Okay, so him spending more money on ads means he's going all out?
In a way, yes. He has much less financial backing and, up until now, has largely relied on viral marketing by his supporters.

The Flood / Re: Being broke sucks
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:42:51 PM »

gonna get a job asap. My friend a girlfriend can get me one that pays 12.50 an hour
You fucking pussy I had a job where I made minimum fucking wage (that's $7.25 an hour), 8 hours a day picking up litter off the side of the road for my city.

I worked through fucking summer in 90 degree heat dealing with nasty, days old trash and road kill, and crossing freeways where people drive 70mph in a 55, often walking miles by myself through the shitty parts of Fayetteville, NC, one of the shittiest, most crime-ridden cities in the Southeast.

I'd kiss ass to get payed $12.50 an hour in a job my fucking friend hooked me up with.

Fucking pussy.

The Flood / Re: Going to the US for the first time in the summer lads
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:31:30 PM »

You must be ridiculously sensitive to get your panties in a bunch over people poking fun at the south and not sharing your opinion that it's the best gosh darn place in the world.
Not sharing my opinion=/=trash talking it like it's some kind of south america-tier shithole.

The Flood / Re: Going to the US for the first time in the summer lads
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:30:36 PM »
It's the bigger picture. It's the fact that Southerners are far more racist.
Southerners are also poorer and less educated. So you have poor black and latino communities right by lower middle class white communities where nobody is that well-educated. The crime and squalor comes with the poverty and white folks start associating it with blacks and latinos. Blacks are racist here, too, and Latinos to a lesser extent. People living in de facto segregated communities with poor education and economy are going to resort to tribalism. I don't think it's something you can really blame these people for. It'll improve with education and economic opportunity.
That to this day governors and politicians in the South support Jim Crow laws
This literally does not happen.
and creationism taught in schools.
Not gonna defend this

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:26:48 PM »
it seems like bullshit to me.

The legitimacy of transgenderism, or recognizing someone as something other than their sex in a social context?
The former. Which is unfortunate, because I really do want to be supportive of it. It's not easy holding views the people around you would be disgusted by. I just can't get over the suicide statistics, genetics and doctors turning away from sex changes. It seems really off at this point.

Do you believe transgenderism is a mental illness?
I currently lean that way, although I'm not hard on this position. You could call me a moderate critic.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:24:22 PM »
That's rather odd, usually college campuses are open minded about ideas such as these.
You're very mistaken. College campuses are open minded like the DPRK is Democratic. Any opinion that runs counter to the mainstream (which is distinct from the overall cultural mainstream) is at best looked down on and at worst actively suppressed.
That's probably the whole point of being in a learning environment to begin with.
I agree.
That's quite a peculiar school you have there.
In the context of art-oriented schools, not really. Maybe if I were an engineering major out west or something it'd be different, but UNCG's campus, at least, is dominated by the progressive cult.

The Flood / Re: Going to the US for the first time in the summer lads
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:19:19 PM »
i just wanted a tour guide of your country guys gawd
Just you wait till the next civil war breaks out

I'm going to make a huge profit on war tourism

The Flood / Re: Going to the US for the first time in the summer lads
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:18:31 PM »
Quote from: challengerX link=topic=57465.msg1158368#msg1158368 date=1456088294
[quote author=LC link=topic=57465.msg1158361#msg1158361 date=1456088055
of the only white culture with any value!
You have to be ridiculously misinformed to think the Klan still exists in any functional form. There are like 8000 of them. The Girl Scouts of America in NC alone could take them in a stand up fight.

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