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Serious / Re: GOP Debate Tonight
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:19:33 AM »
I've given up at this point and just reluctantly accepted Trump as my future president.

Very good Choice.
Why did you capitalize choice?

cause I'm pro Choice
Then you can't be a Republican.
That's not true. That is too much of a grey area to dictate what party you stand for. I know Democrats who are pro life, and Republicans who are pro choice.
This tbh senpai.

There is a small dissident faction of Christians in the democratic party who are at least intellectually consistent enough not to try to wiggle their way out of the whole "abortion is murder" thing.

Although the way they try to rationalize voting for pro-abortion politicians while at the same time believing that abortion is murder is fucking ridiculous.

And the pro-choice republicans are basically closet libertarians.

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:16:31 AM »
Lol fuck the UK.

I hate the redskins. But I hate these PC fucktards even more
You should change that tone to "fuck all western europe".

ya know, the ones who support Democracy the most.
I think you mean "fuck the impotent husks that are all that's left of Western European nations."
It was honestly better when Rome was ruling them all.
Nah. 19th century best century. Long live the mighty German Empire
>German snowniggers
>accomplishing anything of note

LMAO greater germany could never go for more than a few decades without getting cucked

Shit tier people tbh

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:14:19 AM »
ya know, the ones who support Democracy the most.
A) They don't
B) Democracy is a spook

The Flood / Best post I've seen on /his/ so far fam
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:12:18 AM »
Islam is literally "I want my desert region to have something to bond over too?" the religion. It's like that kid who saw someone with an awesome treehouse and tried to make his own with all the reject kids and shitty materials, except they then went around trying to destroy all other treehouses.

Gaming / Re: Are you a Sunbro or a Moonfag?
« on: February 25, 2016, 11:07:15 PM »
>he doesn't know about gen 7

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Direct this Friday at 3pm GMT
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:42:24 PM »
Leaks aren't announcements. Some people prefer waiting until the official word, hence the spoiler tags.
Who gives a flying fuck?!

It's just the fucking title!
The title kinda has massive implications on what type of game its gonna be (e.g. whether it's Gen VI or Gen VII or something else entirely). Some of us would rather be surprised.
It really doesn't have any clear implications. I won't straight up tell you, but it doesn't lean either way.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Sun and Moon leaked
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:41:54 PM »

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:33:06 PM »
I don't like the idea of considering anyone involved in manual labor as just a stupid, uneducated bum that only exists to do the jobs that "Smart people" are too busy or intelligent to perform on their own.
I've done manual labor.

You literally described about two thirds of the people I worked with.

Don't like calling them bums though. They work hard, and if you try to slack off they'll let you know you're a bitch.
It isn't fair to describe them as "Stupid." They likely weren't given the same opportunities that other, more successful people had in terms of education.
No, most of these guys were straight up dumb. Which isn't entirely their fault, but it's true. There were exceptions, but they were either in or moving into leadership roles or after better jobs anyway.
There really are guys out there who can't handle anything more than manual labor. Fewer than you'd think, but they're out there in decent numbers.

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:23:00 PM »
I don't like the idea of considering anyone involved in manual labor as just a stupid, uneducated bum that only exists to do the jobs that "Smart people" are too busy or intelligent to perform on their own.
I've done manual labor.

You literally described about two thirds of the people I worked with.

Don't like calling them bums though. They work hard, and if you try to slack off they'll let you know you're a bitch.

Gaming / Re: Are you a Sunbro or a Moonfag?
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:16:09 PM »
>thinking new hope > empire

lost me there
time to become a dickwraith
you are unwanted, moonfag

Gaming / Re: Are you a Sunbro or a Moonfag?
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:13:38 PM »
your 1 sun revolution reminder that the moon only exists because it steals light from the sun.
moonfags confirmed for literal leeches

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Direct this Friday at 3pm GMT
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:12:52 PM »

moonfags get out

Gaming / Are you a Sunbro or a Moonfag?
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:04:17 PM »

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Direct this Friday at 3pm GMT
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:20:27 PM »
lmao sun and moon what the fuck is this megaman .exe
They ran out of colors lmao

The Flood / Re: Who's behind the anti-marijuana movement
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:12:49 PM »
Surprise level: zero

It's almost as if capitalism works to serve businesses, not the good of the people.
It's almost as if you don't understand the nature of competition and production

The Flood / Re: Who's behind the anti-marijuana movement
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:10:18 PM »
Pot is a natural competitor to many meds
when will this myth fucking die

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Direct this Friday at 3pm GMT
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:05:42 PM »

H  A  P  P  E  N  I  N  G

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:31:50 AM »
stop saying "spook"
Stop acting spooked and I will

The Flood / Re: Mapping The Users of Sep7agon
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:14:32 AM »

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:35:50 PM »
We all care about ourselves. It is our natural state. Inescapable on our own. Ultimately, your love for your fellow man has its roots in your ego. And there's nothing wrong with admitting that. It is okay to do things just because you like them. It doesn't make it any less good, as long as you still do what you think is good.
Look, I don't disagree with the notion that everything can be rooted to your ego ("there are no selfless deeds"), and I've actually argued for the same type of reasoning with challenger quite recently. So you're not wrong.

My contention is that, while it's true that being an "altruist" makes me feel good (if that's even the right word to use), and the fact that it does make me feel good might just be the #1 reason why I take up the ideology, there's two caveats to that.

- I ultimately care MORE for the welfare of society than I do myself.
- Even if I cared more about myself, it wouldn't matter--care for society outweighs care for oneself, in terms of absolute value.
I see. So your care for society is what you want. Unspooked, then, since it is acknowledged.

And I don't disagree that the Self isn't end-all-be-all. It is ultimately better to find an Absolute outside of the Self to bow to. This allows both fulfillment and transcendence of the self. Yours is the human race, mine is the triune God of Christianity.

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:31:25 PM »
because most of us are rational people who care for others more than we care for ourselves
okay, i won't say "most of us"

most of us are fucking retards who care more about the self than anything else

but let's not blanket all people under that--let's not pretend that's how we SHOULD think
We all care about ourselves. It is our natural state. Inescapable on our own. Ultimately, your love for your fellow man has its roots in your ego. And there's nothing wrong with admitting that. It is okay to do things just because you like them. It doesn't make it any less good, as long as you still do what you think is good.
Out of curiosity, how do you feel about him adhering to the spook of collectivism if he were willing to admit that he does so because it makes him feel good? Or what if he doesn't admit it?
It only becomes a dangerous spook when one puts it above self-interest. If one acknowledges their spooks, but continues to practice them because they enjoy doing so, they are acting in their self-interest, which is healthy.

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:21:36 PM »
because most of us are rational people who care for others more than we care for ourselves
okay, i won't say "most of us"

most of us are fucking retards who care more about the self than anything else

but let's not blanket all people under that--let's not pretend that's how we SHOULD think
We all care about ourselves. It is our natural state. Inescapable on our own. Ultimately, your love for your fellow man has its roots in your ego. And there's nothing wrong with admitting that. It is okay to do things just because you like them. It doesn't make it any less good, as long as you still do what you think is good.

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:02:56 PM »
I think the more important, and so far unanswered, question is- why should we care about doing anything for society in the first place? I like the idea of civil service, but that service is inherently egotistical. My care for society ties back into caring for myself.

I don't disagree that he should probably see mental health professionals and that they should likely be able to turn things around for him if all goes well

Doesn't mean the dude didn't fuck up

Pedophiles, rapists, and murders all need psychiatric evaluations and counseling, as well. Not to compare what he did with any of those three acts, but a lapse in judgement doesn't excuse the action.
Charging a 13 year old with a sex offense, something that is functionally life-ending, is ridiculously excessive.

The goal of any useful court system should be to A) Secure public safety and B) rehabilitate criminals for reintegration if at all possible.

Ruining a preteen's life because "He did a fucked up thing" is backwards and draconian.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
They're kids, though.

I really think charging minors with sex crimes is bullshit.
Yeah, man, who cares if he's been emotionally and mentally abusing a vulnerable girl?
The kid's fucking 13. It's fucked up, but a psychiatric evaluation and counseling could go a long way toward turning the kid around. Sex crime charges will ruin your life. Why on earth would you want that to happen to a child?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
They're kids, though.

I really think charging minors with sex crimes is bullshit.

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 09:02:32 PM »
"Why should society become more educated as a whole if it costs me more money?!?!?!?!"
This question is more valid than you think.
I really just can't understand the "I got mine" mentality of so many right-wingers

Why is it so bad to create a more equal society?
That isn't a right wing mentality at all. That's Self-interest. The right wing, like the left, is concerned with steering society. Just because it isn't in the form of free shit, doesn't make their social service nonexistant.

It's not so much that it is inherently good or bad to create a more equal society. It's that the need for a "more equal" society is unconvincing. Equality for its own sake is an arbitrary value.

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:57:15 PM »
"Why should society become more educated as a whole if it costs me more money?!?!?!?!"
This question is more valid than you think.

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