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The Flood / Re: The Blaze sums up how I feel about Trump supporters
« on: March 01, 2016, 02:38:35 PM »
>a clickbait article designed to appeal to the LCD reflects my views

shameful tbh

The Flood / Re: At what age did you lose your virginity
« on: March 01, 2016, 02:14:49 AM »
not a positive or rewarding life...but whatever, I do drugs to feel better, you can look down on others to feel better. But one of those only affects the individual.
Have you considered that you may be using the drugs as a stand-in for spiritual experiences you are, for whatever reason, missing?

The Flood / Re: At what age did you lose your virginity
« on: March 01, 2016, 02:07:34 AM »
I think it should be obvious that Verbatim's outrage and criticisms aren't out of vanity or a sense of superiority. He genuinely believes that his positions are right, and that you (we) are worse off for not taking them.

To characterize this as masturbatory is simply an act of outrage, a natural hostile response to criticism.

From my newfound Christian position I can see a lot to admire in it. Maybe not Verb's hostile tone, but definitely in his unflinching stance. Right now I struggle to reconcile my new values with my natural inclination toward the old. I hope one day people will think of me as someone so stubborn.

I have very mixed feelings on Julius. Like I get the change was necessary but he did an awful lot of power grabbing for pleasure.
Still trying to figure it out tbh.
I like that about him. An attitude of "I'm going to win in life and I'll be damned if you're not going to win with me"

Well in less than a decade he united all the tribes to march against the NCR. That's something, right?

We never covered rome in history for some reason so I'm not as educated on the subject as I ought to be.
The best we got was "They changed the religion to Christianity and moved Rome to Constantinople and there was this king named Justinian who had a cool wife. He was a good king and stuff".

That was it.

Serious / Re: Opinions on the raising of children by same-sex parents?
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:58:40 PM »
Well, I'm not a retard, so I'm aware that same-sex couples are not better nor worse parents than hetero couples.

The lack of one parental figure (be it the mother figure in male homosexuality, and father figure in female homosexuality) is what I'm concerned with. Does this actually have any impact on how the child will grow up?
source pls

The Flood / Re: The 10 most and least intelligent states in the USA
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:56:55 PM »
Something something haha those poor rural folks don't even bother getting a decent public education lmao no wonder there are no jobs and they're poor lol there is literally no economy

Serious / Re: 10 Republican debates
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:54:41 PM »
This would be equivalent to a question asking Democrats what they intend to do about government taking prayer out of the classroom.

How do you figure?
Like I just posted a minute ago, the issues are parallel in that one side of the political spectrum is seriously concerned while the other doesn't even recognize it as a problem.

Serious / Re: 10 Republican debates
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:53:17 PM »
This would be equivalent to a question asking Democrats what they intend to do about government taking prayer out of the classroom.
except climate change isnt a political issue. its an issue of species survival.
Right, and the religious right thinks that climate change is a political issue, while religion is an issue of social and spiritual survival.

It is a non-issue to one side, and a huge deal to the other.

Serious / Re: Opinions on the raising of children by same-sex parents?
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:51:07 PM »
I want a better understanding of the long-term effects and consequences before I can take a position.

Another question you could ask is how different would the world be, had Rome fallen to Carthage. I would think government as a whole would be entirely different, along with the language we speak.

I can't see Carthage have holding the northern Mediterranean long if they would have taken out Rome in the Punic wars.
Yeah probably not, but who knows. Those were the two super powers at the time. The ancient Cold War (only hot). If one fell, the other would be the top dog.
Until the Suebians migrated south and the Visigoths emerged from Gaul...
carthago delenda est
Our Suebian knots will protect us from the spear chucking elephant riders.
It's funny to me that elephants get hyped up as Carthage's big thing when they were only ever a minor presence in the punic wars, and not all that important to Carthaginian strategy.

Like, Hannibal was a great tactician, but all he is really remembered for (in popular culture) is getting a bunch of elephants across the Alps.

I wouldn't blame Ceasar for not knowing about gravitational waves. I don't see any evidence that the concepts of suffering and morality are post-Rome inventions.
Ours certainly are.

Consider also Caesar's political surroundings. I can summarize in a fairly lengthy post if you're not familiar with them. He was hardly much worse than those he competed with, by the standards of our day. If anything, he was better.

Again, though, the standards of our day aren't anything special.
I don't think anything about how he compares to other of his time is how you should assess the morality of someone. Doing so's not even in alignment with historical impartiality, which would be along the lines of just saying "he did this, events followed".
I'm just going along with a moral history thought process here, for the fun of it. I recognize the influence of taste in my view of history and try to separate my opinion from my understanding.

But, if you are a follower of consequentialist or utilitarian morality, Caesar's alternatives are of great importance to any evaluation of him. If Caesar had not kicked off the civil war and taken over when he did, Pompey would have been the top dog in Roman politics, and he was a power hungry senate shill. Pompey's first interest was amassing power and glory for himself. I doubt things would have gone so well for the plebs if Caesar didn't take over.

I wouldn't blame Ceasar for not knowing about gravitational waves. I don't see any evidence that the concepts of suffering and morality are post-Rome inventions.
Ours certainly are.

Consider also Caesar's political surroundings. I can summarize in a fairly lengthy post if you're not familiar with them. He was hardly much worse than those he competed with, by the standards of our day. If anything, he was better.

Again, though, the standards of our day aren't anything special.

ironic how the people itt trying to appropriate old julio are the same that mock cultural relativism
Who here is appropriating Julius?

I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to try to translate his actions and worldview into modern politics, or vice versa. The realities of the ages are too different.

I don't really believe in cultural relativism in regard to examining modern politics (I'm not totally opposed to it either), but trying to look at history through ideological lenses is ridiculous and destructive to the science that it is.

Can we look at history for fun and discuss who was right and who was wrong, make value statements? Sure. But trying to read into ancient history based on our modern standards and ideologies is ridiculous.

In doing so, you end up looking at history as "thousands of years of asshole shit followed by like 100 or so years of not so terrible shit".
you cant say that ceasar did nothing wrong because what he did was par of the age and simultaneously not believe in cultural relativism. you're excusing ceasar because the culture he was in made his actions appropriate.

>history is science so you can't make moral evaluations on actions made

lmao what
if there's some context missing that changes the moral value of his decisions then moral opinion will change when that information comes to light, i don't know where you're getting these memes from
I think the important distinction between cultural relativism in modern politics and cultural relativism in historical contexts is that historical peoples had no exposure to the standards of today. Compare this to our massively networked world, where people have, for the most part, access to a great diversity of ideas. There are exceptions, of course, but most people have a choice in their ideology.

That said, right and wrong don't really exist to me right now outside of the context of my Christianity, and good ol' JC predates Christianity. So you shouldn't read into my positive view of Caesar as anything more than "Caesar pleases me".

if I go out and pillage a town, it's just as bad in the year 200 as in the year 2000
I dunno, that 200AD village's enemy villages would probably be pretty happy that you did them a service.

ironic how the people itt trying to appropriate old julio are the same that mock cultural relativism
Who here is appropriating Julius?

I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to try to translate his actions and worldview into modern politics, or vice versa. The realities of the ages are too different.

I don't really believe in cultural relativism in regard to examining modern politics (I'm not totally opposed to it either), but trying to look at history through ideological lenses is ridiculous and destructive to the science that it is.

Can we look at history for fun and discuss who was right and who was wrong, make value statements? Sure. But trying to read into ancient history based on our modern standards and ideologies is ridiculous.

In doing so, you end up looking at history as "thousands of years of asshole shit followed by like 100 or so years of not so terrible shit".

Most people in the past were hideously immoral.
By your standards. Which did not yet exist, and are irrelevant. These people would think you're some kind of effeminate lunatic. Consider that.

Looking at it through that modifier doesn't excuse the swathes of brutality and injustice done to all sorts of innocent people.
I mean if we're JUST talking about ol' JC, he brought down righteous fury on a corrupt and dysfunctional system AND showed mercy toward his enemies. He was one of the most morally upright men of his age, by its own standards and arguably by our own (or, at least, my own).
Pacifism isn't predated by anything, it's a goal that's embedded in the human experience.
You are delusional.
Those who choose to ignore it for their own gain aren't excused by what year they were born in.

Serious / Re: 10 Republican debates
« on: February 29, 2016, 06:11:03 PM »
This would be equivalent to a question asking Democrats what they intend to do about government taking prayer out of the classroom.

Another important question- could the Republic have survived as it was before Caesar, or was it inevitably going to have to change to prevent implosion?

He was a monster, just like all war-mongers and conquerors.
Confirmed for knowing fucking nothing about Julius Caesar or Republican Rome at all.

This meme of projecting postmodern morality onto historical figures and events is ridiculous. You're talking about a man who essentially predates pacifism.

I want critical theory to get the fuck out of history.

You're doing something right when the plebs love you and the rich fucks want you dead because you're reforming shit all up in that shit to bridge the extreme ends of Roman society.
You say that now...

Although I agree the Senate was corrupt and institutionally incestuous as fuck. Shit needed to be done and the plebs were the most powerful vehicle for change throughout Roman history.
But Sanders won't really help us on the lower end or those at the bottom beneath me.
What matters is they think he will, and he says he will.
With these kinds of leaders it's kind of a "wait and see" thing.

Although I feel like I'm insulting Caesar's memory by comparing him to a slimy fuck who thinks welfare spending should take priority over geopolitical dominance and posturing.

You're doing something right when the plebs love you and the rich fucks want you dead because you're reforming shit all up in that shit to bridge the extreme ends of Roman society.
You say that now...

Although I agree the Senate was corrupt and institutionally incestuous as fuck. Shit needed to be done and the plebs were the most powerful vehicle for change throughout Roman history.

Disregarding the events following his death and the shift from Republic to Empire, do you think Julius Caesar was a *righteous* individual? I certainly can't call him incompetent. The man got things done, but did he get the right things done?

The Flood / Re: Weekly reminder that Anglos are subhuman
« on: February 29, 2016, 04:32:35 PM »
daily reminder door is a faggot

Serious / Re: John Oliver's Donald Trump segment
« on: February 29, 2016, 04:21:29 PM »


The Flood / Weekly reminder that Anglos are subhuman
« on: February 29, 2016, 04:11:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: Where are the real front lines for militant atheists?
« on: February 29, 2016, 02:42:49 PM »

Those guys aren't really atheists so much as Scientific Positivists

they're the obnoxious Baptists of atheism

The Flood / Re: Where are the real front lines for militant atheists?
« on: February 29, 2016, 02:41:38 PM »
'militant atheism' lmao, what are they gonna do, vape and fling fedoras at terrorists?
Seriously what is with this "vaping is autistic" meme?

Maybe I'm on a campus where everyone who smokes or vapes is cool anyway, but I've never encountered this mythical fedora vaper people talk about.

The Flood / Re: Where are the real front lines for militant atheists?
« on: February 29, 2016, 02:38:33 PM »
A real atheist wouldn't care what retards around him believe.

But then a real atheist would be one of the retards.

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