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The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 2014-2016
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:11:26 PM »
Sapphire is better anyway tbh

Sep7 was a reactionary shithole

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:09:22 PM »
Progress in the sense of women's rights, equality, etc, isn't really "progress", it's just being morally correct.
What is the source of this morality?

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:07:59 PM »
My problem is not that women are receiving preferential treatment, my problem is that combat effectiveness and unit cohesion are being sacrificed in the name of arbitrary shit like "equality".
Probably because equality is more important than combat effectivenss and unit cohesion.
Sure, until you lose your equality to a more competent invader that doesn't give a fuck about muh soggy knees.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:07:13 PM »
The tangible progression and advancement of our country. How big our cities are, how big our military is, how bug our GDP is, etc.
That is quite a conservative interpretation of progress.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:04:47 PM »
I don't give a fuck what the point of this shitty thread is, and your "reasons" are nothing more than justifcations of sexism.
Yes? Changing the wording doesn't make a difference. Yeah, those are justifications for discrimination that is, on the surface level, "sexist". Dropping that word like it'll spook me out of my stance doesn't mean shit.
If you're going to bitch that women are getting some kind of preferential treatment here, you're even more of a misogynist than I thought.
My problem is not that women are receiving preferential treatment, my problem is that combat effectiveness and unit cohesion are being sacrificed in the name of arbitrary shit like "equality".

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:58:05 PM »
Then that's obviously not equality, and your title is wrong.
That was the joke.

The focus of the outrage is that, even without this, even with regular admissions tests, women who do just as well or better than men aren't allowed to do the same things they're doing.
We've been over the reasons for this, but that's not really the point of this thread.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:51:45 PM »
Literally no one said that. The issue is that a woman who passes every single thing that the man sitting next to her does isn't allowed the same assignments he is.
Did you read the article? The standards were lowered to ensure women could get in, because women cannot reliably meet the same standards men can. That's the focus of the outrage, here.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:50:04 PM »
So coveting thy neighbors wife doesn't mean that you get stoned or anything, I guess. That's not in there whatsoever.
It's really not cool to covet your neighbor's wife, no. Or to commit adultery. Christianity doesn't advocate stoning anyone over that, though. Christ is quite clear about the whole "turn the other cheek" thing. Christ died to save us from our sins, to give us the chance to become Christlike ourselves and escape from sin. Christianity is a religion about repair, not punishment.

Say what you want about this "well WE dont INTERPRET ours like they do theirs", there's just as much messed up crap in the Bible as there is in the Qur'an.
Again, only if you read it like a toddler or idiot, interpreting everything literally and individually and missing the entire point.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:43:09 PM »
Birth defect =/= demographic
What's the difference?

And yes, if a mentally retarded person passed every test and requirement that's required to enlist, it would be wrong to deny him that.
But it's unfair to expect the mentally ill to meet the standards of the healthy. We have to lower them to make sure they can get in.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:28:45 PM »
Discrimination is immoral because we don't choose the way we're born. We have the duty to ensure that anyone born in our country has the same rights, priveleges, and treatment under the law that anyone else born in our country does. Women have a right to enlist in the military because men have a right to enlist in the military.

This isn't that hard.
So, by this logic, we should allow the mentally retarded to serve on the font lines?

After all, they didn't choose to be born that way.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:25:05 PM »
If Christians interpreted the Bible as strictly as Muslim terrorists interpret the Qur'an, ISIS would be the least of our problems.
Our religions don't even advocate scriptural interpretation the same way. The Christian Bible was composed long after Christ's death, and is made up of books by many different authors writing in different times and in different styles and languages, and was then run through several translations before it got to modern Christians. A strict word-for-word interpretation of our religious text is completely stupid.

In the Islamic tradition, the Qur'an is the literal word of God delivered through the prophet Mohammed, word-for-word and perfectly preserved. They don't even like teaching Qur'an in languages other than Arabic, because they fear misunderstanding it. Of course they're going to interpret it literally, that's the whole fucking point.

There's just as much fucked up shit in both books. You can use as many big words as you want, that doesn't change that fact.
There's really not, and quite a bit of the "fucked up" things in the OT are parts of the Jewish Law that have been overwritten or transformed by Christ's new Covenant.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:12:16 PM »
So you put the tangible, short-term "good" of your society over doing the objectively morally correct thing.
Aren't you a lefty? I thought the "good" of society was your whole deal.

What makes discrimination so inherently immoral? On what basis do women have a right to serve in the military?

How shortsighted and childish.
I am rubber, you are glue.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:08:55 PM »
Exactly, so disdain the people. Don't say one religion is more extreme than the other because of the way people in third world countries are using it to take over an area. The religions themselves are pretty close when it comes to what they preach, how impoverished people in the Middle East interpret it has no bearing on that.

Islam is quite obviously more inclined to violence than Christianity is. I'm sorry that's such an offensive notion, but it's true.

Islam's most revered figure is a merchant-turned-warlord. Every significant male figure in Islam was a warlord or conqueror of some kind. I mean, fuck, they were at each other's throats almost the minute the prophet died. It's early success came not from proselytization, but from military conquest using it as a unifying force to turn Arabia from a backwater into a (temporarily) unified and influential nation. The history of bloodshed is there.

To compare this propensity for violence to the historical violent applications of Christianity or Judaism demonstrates a blatant lack of knowledge of both Judeo-Christian AND Islamic history and theology.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:00:04 PM »
"I support discrimination because it makes our military stronger"

Literally fuck off.
"Discrimination is bad, even when it is objectively beneficial"

Please stop baiting.

Serious / Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 03, 2016, 09:53:36 PM »

>Army re-writing fitness tests so women can qualify for front line once rules are changed this summer
>Physical differences between men and women will be recognised in tests
>Female soldiers expected to be allowed to join close combat infantry and armoured regiments
>reforms come alongside changes to the Army's physical training which is currently 'optimised for male physiology'
>Research found women twice as likely to suffer musculoskeletal injuries during training
>modified tests will attempt to 'drive down' the number of women injured
>Colonel Richard Kemp, who commanded British forces in Afghanistan, warned: 'You will have infantry soldiers who are less capable than they are today. I have spoken to people who are serving in the infantry who said that if women are allowed in, they will leave.'

go back to your peninsula arab barbar

this thread is for civilized peoples only


pic related it's u

Some backstory


Well at least we're not making fun of the Armenians.

Because they don't exist.
is this some hot new meme?

go back to your peninsula arab barbar

this thread is for civilized peoples only

Who's team Armenia here?
Given Armenia's history with the other Turk country, and it's overwhelmingly Christian population, I am inclined to favor whichever events bode best for the Armenian people.

That said, I am trying to get around that bias when looking at that conflict. There is a serious ethnic component to this conflict, and we all know how fucked up that kind of war can get. So I support the Armenian people, but I am critical of both governments at this point.

That said, we (the west) probabl want Armenia to win. Taking NK would be empowering for Azerbaijan, and by extension Turkey. We certainly don't want Erdogan's Turkey gaining more regional power and influence.

The best result, of course, would be for things to calm down before they get any worse. FIngers crossed.

That k/d though
What is the timespan the chart is depicting?
Night before last through yesterday I believe.


^^^^^^ Armenian site, pics of loads Armenian volunteers signing up, I believe for the NK forces.

That k/d though

EDIT: gonna clarify that this is probably propaganda. I suspect the tank numbers are accurate or close to accurate, though. As are the drone and helicopter kills.

I think it's just the guy's voice.
I've heard a lot of recordings of Farsi, that tone seems to come up a lot, but I really admire the language itself.

The Flood / Re: Trump is coming to my town
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:54:41 PM »
Don't be a fag brah go and see him

His rallies are a fucking blast

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:52:27 PM »
when Christians are just as annoying with it.
Are you insane?

iirc some catholic dude committed suicide on the alter of Notre-Dame in France when the government legalized gay marriage there

it's not exactly unreasonable to expect this kind of behavior from Christians as well
Fucking frogs wtf

Most christian sects are staunchly opposed to suicide.

I'm gonna pray for them.

Come on man. You're not really this religious are you?
A lot of times when I tell myself I'll pray for someone I forget to do it, but for the most part yes.

Contrary to stereotypes, the south usually actually handles black/white relations a lot better than a lot of northern states do. It's not the South your granddad used to know.
It's still not as great as it should be. De facto segregation is still prevalent in my neck of the woods, although I can't speak for the deep or western south.

In the South everyday is Jim Crow day.

This is fucking ridiculous.

How the fuck are store owners supposed to actively discriminate against homosexuals anyway? There is no real gay look, accent, or tell. I can only see this being a problem when someone walks into a store behaving obnoxiously, in which case an owner wouldn't be out of line telling a customer to leave, gay or otherwise.

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