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Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:49:28 PM »
You know what the Mongols brought?
nomadic peoples do tend to make the best empires

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:46:58 PM »
My argument is that you shouldn't look at minorities as monolithic groups or as "enemies" to white people.
I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to look at any ethnic group as perfectly monolithic, but we're also not autistic enough to react to any generalization with "hurr but there are exceptions!"

The fact of the matter is that very large portions of most minority groups in the western world DO see other groups as near-monolithic and DO perceive some, especially "whites" (there's no such thing as a white person), as enemies of their own tribe. If you don't understand this you've either not been exposed to enough minorities or you're lying to yourself.

It is also quite apparent that the "whites" tend to see more value in tolerance and less value in tribal behaviors than pretty much every other group. You might hear community leaders of minority groups cry about the need for inclusiveness when they're down, but look at areas where those groups make up the majority and you will see injustices that would have appalled "whites" even 30 years ago. It is only in areas of "white" majority (and, indeed, only in some of those) that the issues of tolerance and inclusion are given any thought at all.

I'm not making any value judgements about whether such and such race is better than any other, because that's imbecilic. In fact, I dislike the emphasis Western Europeans and Americans place on tolerance. I would very much like to downplay its importance in my own culture were it not so blatantly heralded as a virtue. Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:31:59 PM »
Like, on some real tho, y'all niggas sound like White Man's Burden in here
I mean to indicate that while Europeans are not unique in their history of ethnic conflicts, no other people is innocent of it, and extremely few have adopted ethnic tolerance as a value as quickly or as thoroughly as Europeans.

White man's burden has colonial implications.

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:26:13 PM »
Oh shit. Black people sometimes make jokes about "light skinned niggas".

You got me. Niggers are hateful filth.
It may seem like jokes on the surface, but there is a definite influence on the social hierarchy and sexual marketplace based on skin tone. It's all muddled up with elements of ethnomasochism, too.

If you wanted, I could write off ethnic tension between white peoples the same way.

Oh shit, white people sometimes make jokes about "slavs are nonwhite."

You got me. Whites are hateful filth.

I mean you can keep deluding yourself about how innocent those poor minorities are, but you'd still be deluding yourself.

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:13:50 PM »
He won because of his hard stance on immigration, White people know minorities tend to be treated like shit hence they do not want to become one.
Literally the most backwards-ass logic I've ever heard
Prove me wrong kike.
You ever heard that statistic that, like, people who cheat on their significant others are also the most suspicious and untrusting of their significant others because they think that, since they're cheaters, everyone else must also be?

Just 'cus you're a bigoted piece of shit doesn't mean the rest of the world follows suit.
Have you ever seen the way minorities are treated in East Asian cultures? Have you heard the way black people talk about pretty much every other ethnic group including blacks of a different shade?

This kind of ethnic tolerance is pretty much unique to Europeans and some Asian cultures, most of which no longer exist.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:06:35 PM »
Obama's Presidency has been fucking awful, and it seems like he's trying to outdo himself these last few months.

HURRRRRRRRRRR my party lost the general election and my foreign policy has been garbage, better lash out by continuing to fuck up our relations with a major regional power and accusing them of changing the public's mind interfering with the democratic process. Then the next guy with my job can try to clean up the shit I smeared everywhere.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:05:59 PM »
Let's just hope the sanctions already previously in place don't come down.
FUCK you. I want my Saiga and I want it right fucking now.

Serious / Re: What did he mean by this?
« on: December 29, 2016, 12:17:14 AM »
"David Shlomo Aram, Israeli"

You can't make this shit up.

Gaming / Re: What if Skyrim was good?
« on: December 28, 2016, 11:57:55 PM »
With what we got as Fallout 4 Bethesda is probs going to give us the same formula for the next ES. Which is sad of course.
Nah, they've openly admitted to some faults with FO4, like the voice acting.
I don't know tbh it really depends on what direction Bethesda wants to take their games, maybe they misread consumer data. I wanted to write about how Bethesda took a more casual approach to Fallout 4 to appeal to a larger audience but looking at sales data other than Fallout 1 & 2 their other games all hit 10mil plus so I don't understand their rationale if they were going for a 'more casual more sales' approach.
My impression is that they're just lazy and don't want to put in the work necessary for games with as much depth as Morrowind or Oblivion, when they can make a shitload peddling shit like Fallout 4.

Gaming / Re: What if Skyrim was good?
« on: December 28, 2016, 11:56:00 PM »
Not to be one of "those" people, but Morrowind did it the best way; the story was built around the fact that you're new to the land and didn't push you down a certain set of quests. You could choose your house and build your name through your choice in adventures, which culminates in the finale. Every playthrough will end with the same few quests, but you don't feel railroaded into it because all of the "main quests" just play out like side quests that tie into your goal. Hell, every quest was related. It kept everything focused and resulted in a stronger overall narrative.
i havent played it but that sounds nice

i feel like i missed out but im not the kind of person to go play old games i didnt experience at the time
If you do ever play it, be warned: it looks like a 3D RPG but it's a D20 game with prettier graphics. Missing and dodges are frustrating if you don't expect them.
I would also recommend a leveling mod. Some people consider it cheating, but having to carefully manage your skill growth to prevent inefficient leveling is a (small) pain and distracts from the adventure. Still not as bad as Oblivion's leveling, though.

Serious / What did he mean by this?
« on: December 28, 2016, 11:49:50 PM »

At around 10 minutes in

Serious / Re: Trump announces job creation policy
« on: December 28, 2016, 05:12:31 PM »
Trump's policy and legislation plans have the funniest names.

IIRC his bill to get rid of Obamacare was literally the "End Obamacare Act"

It sounds like this is just a marketing angle to make the show look edgy and wild, getting the show more publicity and attention before the premier.

Serious / Re: Post the best speeches in history
« on: December 28, 2016, 04:45:13 PM »

this is better


Mosley is one of my favorite English speakers.

Serious / Re: Post the best speeches in history
« on: December 28, 2016, 04:30:17 PM »
Allegedly the final speech given by Constantine XI at the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. Almost certainly a fabrication, but nonetheless quite moving.
Most noble leader, illustrious tribunes, generals, most courageous fellow soldiers and all loyal honest citizens! You know well that the hour has come: the enemy of our faith wishes to oppress us even more closely by sea and land with all his engines and skill to attack us with the entire strength of this siege force, as a snake about to spew its venom; he is in a hurry to devour us, like a savage lion. For this reason I am imploring you to fight like men with brave souls, as you have done from the beginning up to this day, against the enemy of our faith. I hand over to you my glorious, famous, respected, noble city, the shining Queen of cities, our homeland. You know well, my brothers, that we have four obligations in common, which force us to prefer death over survival: first our faith and piety; second our homeland; third, the emperor anointed by the Lord and fourth; our relatives and friends.
     “Well, my brothers, if we must fight for one of these obligations, we will be even more liable under the command strength of all four; as you can clearly understand. If God grants victory to the impious because of my own sins, we will endanger our lives for our holy faith, which Christ gave us with his own blood. This is most important of all. Even if one gains the entire world but loses his soul in the process, what will it benefit! Second, we will be deprived of such famous homeland and of our liberty. Third, our empire, renowned in the past but presently humbled, low and exhausted, will be ruled by a tyrant and an impious man. Fourth, we will be separated from our dearest children, wives and relatives.
     “This wretch of a Sultan has besieged our city up to now for fifty seven days with all his engines and strength; he has relaxed the blockade neither day nor night, but, by the grace of Christ, our Lord, who sees all things, the enemy has often been repelled, up to now, from our walls with shame and dishonor. Yet now too, my brothers, feel no cowardice, even if small parts of our fortifications have collapsed from the explosions and engine missiles, as you can see, we made all possible, necessary repairs. We are placing all hope in the irresistible glory of God. Some have faith in armament, others in cavalry, might and numbers but we believe in the name of our Lord, our God and Savior, and second, in our arms and strength granted to us by divine power.
     “I know the countless hordes of the impious will advance against us, according to their custom, violently, confidently and with great courage and force in order to overwhelm and wear out our few defenders with hardship. They attempt to frighten us with loud yells and innumerable battle cries. But you are all familiar with their chattering and I need say no more about it. For a long time they will continue so and will also release over us countless rocks, all sorts of arrows and missiles, like the sand of the sea. But I hope that such things will not harm us; I see, greatly rejoice, and nourish with hopes in my mind that even if we are few, you are all experienced and seasoned warriors- courageous, brave, and well prepared. Protect your heads with shields in combat and battle. Keep your right hand, armed with the sword, extended in front of you at all times. Your helmets, breastplates and suits of armor are fully sufficient together with your other weapons and will prove very effective in battle. Our enemies have no and use no such weapons. You are protected inside the walls, while they will advance without cover and with toil.
     “For these reasons, my fellow soldiers, prepare yourselves, be firm, and remain valiant, for the pity of God, Take your example from the few elephants of the Carthaginians and how they dispersed the numerous cavalry of the Romans with their noise and appearance. If one dumb beast put another to flight, we, the masters of horses and animals, can surely even do better against our advancing enemies, since they are dumb animals, worse even than pigs. Present your shield, swords, arrows, and spears to them, imagining that you are a hunting party after wild boars, so that the impious may learn that they are dealing not with dumb animals but with their lords and masters, the descendants of the Greeks and the Romans.
     “You are well aware that this irreligious Sultan, the enemy of our holy faith, violated for no good reason the peace treaty we had with him and disregarded his numerous oaths without a second thought. Suddenly, he appeared and built his castle in the straights of Asomatosso he might be able to inflict daily harm on us. Then he put our farms, gardens, parks, and houses to the torch, while he killed and enslaved as many of our Christian brothers as he found; he broke the treaty of friendship. He befriended the inhabitants of Galata, the wretches rejoice over this, as they are unaware of the parable of the Farmer’s son who was roasting snails and said, “Oh stupid creature,” etc. Well my brothers, since he started the siege and the blockade, every day he opens his fathomless mouth and is seeking an opportunity to devour us and this city, which thrice-blessed Constantine the Great founded and dedicated to the all holy most chaste Mother of God, our lad, Mar the eternal virgin. She became the Queen of Cities, the shield and aid of our homeland, the shelter of Christians, the hope and joy of all wishes to destroy this city, which was once proud and blooming like a rose of the field.
     “I can tell you that this city mastered the entire universe; She placed beneath her feet Pontus, Armenia, paphlagonia, The Amazonian lands, Cappadocia, Galatia, Media, Georgian Colchis, Bosphoros, Albania, Syria, Cilicia, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Palestine, Arabia, Judea, Bactria, Scythia, Macedonia, Thessaly, Hellas, Boeotia, Locris, Aetolia, Arcarnania, Achaea, the Peloponnese, Epirus, Illyria, Lykhnites, the Adriatic, Italy, Tuscany, the Celts, and Galatian Celts, Spain up to Cadiz, Libya, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Beledes, Scude, Numidia, Africa and Egypt.
     Now he wants to enslave her and throw the yoke upon the Mistress of Citie, our holy churches, where the Holy Trinity was worshipped, where the Holy Ghost was glorified in hymns, where angels were heard praising in chant the deity of and the incarnation of God’s word, he wants to turn into shrines of his blasphemy, shrines of the mad and false Prophet, Mohammed, as well as into stables for his horses and camels.
     “Consider then, my brother and comrades in arms, how the commemoration of our death, our memory, fame and freedom can be rendered eternal.”

The Flood / Re: The Chargers are fucking ass
« on: December 24, 2016, 04:25:58 PM »
*ahem* True ascetic intellectuals like Verbatim and myself simply have no time for your empty, meaningless *ahem*
We feel that a man should concern himself with more serious matters, like playing pokemon and not reproducing.

Serious / Christmas in Aleppo
« on: December 24, 2016, 02:39:58 PM »



The Flood / Re: Can we all agree...
« on: December 23, 2016, 12:00:30 AM »
you have autism

The Flood / Re: I really don't get the whole anti-Zionist meme.
« on: December 22, 2016, 11:51:10 PM »
Israel is a colonial state that was formed just as colonialism stopped being cool.

I don't think it's right to support Israel just because "dey b redpilled". ISIS is right-wing too but we still recognize them as evil.

I'm not saying Israel is as bad as the Salafis, but the Zionist project was disgusting and its success has been a tragedy for the native peoples of MENA.

« on: December 22, 2016, 09:54:43 PM »
This probably won't actually result in any savings for the American taxpayer this late in the game (IIRC F35 has been keeping up with the development schedule for a year or two now), but it's a big "fuck you" to Lockheed and may be the start of a change in the relationship between the President and the MIC.

« on: December 22, 2016, 09:37:25 PM »

Listen to some Drake

The Flood / For me it is the Jr Bacon Cheeseburger
« on: December 22, 2016, 05:15:58 PM »
the best fast food sandwich

why does Spain beef with Scotland?
Allowing Scotland to do shit like this would set a precedent that Spain really doesn't want w/ regards to Catalonia.
Oh shit, I forgot about that lol

Balkanized nationalist Europe when

why does Spain beef with Scotland?

Serious / 15:00 into this video. (Graphic)
« on: December 22, 2016, 02:53:02 PM »

Just a friendly holiday reminder that the real bad guys are out there right now. And stopping them is more important than trade deals, Brexit, populism or globalism.

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