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« on: April 20, 2016, 04:43:18 PM »


Serious / Re: 4/19 - NY Primary
« on: April 20, 2016, 04:36:55 PM »
This statement will always be a failure since people who use it are under the impression that all resources that are being "hoarded" are somehow finite. This isn't a game of StarCraft where the resources are automatically limited on the playing field, you have ample opportunities to build yourself up with whatever money you have.

I think it's great how the normal and "educated" point of view is one of maintaining the status quo where exceedingly wealthy people hoard everything for themselves while everybody else struggles to get by.
"lmao just become a billionaire bro"

Even if I won the lottery or started some sort of business that became the next Microsoft, that doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of people are poor and oppressed.
This has been the natural state of man since literally the invention of agriculture.

You have infinitely more opportunities to improve your life than you would have had 30 years ago, let alone 100. The exceptions are all undeveloped areas like Afghanistan and rural India.

If internal success and enlightenment (which can be found anywhere at no cost) isn't your cup of tea, material wealth isn't exceptionally hard to come by, especially relative to your ancestors. It's not the end all be all, but if you think it is, today is certainly not the day to be whining.

Serious / Re: 4/19 - NY Primary
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:17:52 AM »
Purging voters? How?

Connections that can win her the election by purging voters likely to vote for sanders and restricting polling stations in their areas as well.

It happened in Arizona and it's happening again in New York.

Changing their registrations from Democrat to independent so they can't vote in closed primaries. 54,000 people in Brooklyn had this happen to them and that area was projected to be strong for Bernie.
Holy shit

Is that legal?

The Flood / Just had my first Sno-Ball
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:14:26 AM »
 damn these bitches are yummy

Marshmallow is the way to go in life.

Serious / Re: "Exagerrated & vague strawman of some philosophy"
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:11:06 AM »



Gaming / Re: The fuck Sony?
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:09:36 AM »
I better sell my xbone before they announce any kind of shit
hurry nigga
wanna buy an xbone? it's white
How much?
bout tree fiddy

no but srsly though even if i was going to sell it to you you'd get fucked with overseas delivery charges
Tru tho

Is Xboner region specific too? You guys use different outlets than us IIRC

Gaming / Re: The fuck Sony?
« on: April 20, 2016, 08:37:04 AM »
I better sell my xbone before they announce any kind of shit
hurry nigga
wanna buy an xbone? it's white
How much?

Serious / Re: Neoliberalism?
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:47:03 PM »
if you want good sources and well-thought-out arguments, you shouldnt be talking to door

The Flood / Re: Bets on Game of Thrones Season 6
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:23:01 PM »
Ron Weasley gets his cock back from Malfoy

Gaming / Re: The fuck Sony?
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:19:01 PM »
I better sell my xbone before they announce any kind of shit
hurry nigga

Gaming / Re: The fuck Sony?
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:18:04 PM »
What the FUCK

At that point why even bother with buying consoles if this is just what's going to happen?

And to think I was considering getting back into it. Damn. This could ruin the market for consumers, couldn't it?

Serious / Re: Neoliberalism?
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:05:19 PM »
Noam Chomsky's book Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order seems like a good place to start.
>Noam Chomsky

I'm critical of neoliberalism too but let's not cite spooked out ideologue retards.

Great argument. You sure convinced me.

The thing I've noticed about people who are anti-chomsky on this forum is that all they can do is resort to name-calling and ad hominem, or they regress to "lul chomsky is retarded" kind of rhetoric.
If you look into Chomsky his ideologue bias is pretty blatant. He refuses to look at any matter objectively, and always goes back to blaming the West.

We're talking about a man who REFUSED to acknowledge that the Khmer Rouge were engaging in mass slaughter, and when the proof was finally shoved in his face, rather than acknowledging his mistake or apologizing, claimed that he was right to assume their innocence because at the time the only critical source was Western media.

I mean fuck, even other alt leftists like Zizek shit on Chomsky.

He's the Ayn Rand of the left.

Serious / Re: Neoliberalism?
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:40:39 PM »
Noam Chomsky's book Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order seems like a good place to start.
>Noam Chomsky

I'm critical of neoliberalism too but let's not cite spooked out ideologue retards.

Serious / Re: Neoliberalism?
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:35:10 PM »
"Neoliberalism" is mostly a useless term, used as vague attacks instead of nuanced discussion.

The Flood / Re: Who is the new Kinder?
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:54:16 AM »
I really don't think it's Roman.

i mean yeah he is meme-tier, but we don't just shut him down and shit all over his every opinion and thought like we did with Kinder.

I just want Obsidian to get their hands on it again.
Can Obsidian even do anything with it, though?

Obsidian makes RPGs, first and foremost. Frankly, I don't see HOW you can turn what Bethesda slapped the Fallout logo on into a proper RPG this time. The framework is just not there.

The Flood / Who is the new Kinder?
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:45:25 AM »

who is the Kinder of 2016?

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:13:57 AM »
What makes a thing bad?
a distinct lack of good that goes beyond the neutral

something that causes pain, suffering, discomfort, or displeasure--a negative sensation that you do not want and did not ask for
But what makes a thing GOOD?

Serious / Re: Neoliberalism?
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:12:24 AM »
What the powers to be want you to think is "leftist" is often no different from "conservative" neoliberals. Hillary Clinton,  Bernie Sanders, Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney and George Soros are all slight variants of the same flavor of neoliberal.

Serious / Re: Neoliberalism?
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:07:56 AM »
Globalist liberalism, the destruction of native and traditional cultures in order to replace them with liberal and consumerist values present in American and Western European culture, ultimately in service to nobody but the capitalist ruling class.

Your borders will be blurred out and fade away along with your identity.

Your tribal music will at best die out, at worst be used to spice up a pop single.

Your tribal food will at best fade away to be replaced with cheeseburgers and salads, at worst be served at outrageous prices to fashionable urbanite Americans.

Your tribal values and social order will be replaced with "correct" permissive liberal values and democracy.

Your religion will likewise be strangled for the crime of failing to support mainstream liberal ideas about things like sexuality and personal freedom.

But hey, you get """""""""""""""democracy""""""""""""""", and iPhones, the UN and Nike products, so why complain?

All hail progress!

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 19, 2016, 12:58:08 AM »

this is """""""philosophy"""""""
What makes a thing bad?

"Well you see it is bad, therefore it is bad"


Serious / Re: North Carolina Bathroom Bill
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:42:36 PM »
It will increase the likelihood of trans-gendered people being attacked/harassed in restrooms.
I mean

If they cann pass, they'd most likely get away with using their preferred pooping room just like before.

If they can't pass, they probably were getting trouble for using their preferred pooping room already.

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:34:54 PM »
The capacity to feel does not seem to me to establish any moral system. "I am capable of feeling pain". Okay. "I don't like feeling pain". Okay. I really don't see where the bridge is that allows one to cross from "people generally don't want to feel pain" to "we should prevent pain".



You might as well question math. Why does 2+2=4? Why doesn't it equal 6?
Probably because 2 and four are units of measurement, not qualities. In the contexts we apply them to, these measurements might as well be objective, and they're useful.

This question has no discursive value whatsoever. If you don't see that there is no is/ought gap, then there's no discussion.
Well you sure have done a great job demonstrating that the gap doesn't exist, I guess I'm just stupid for not seeing what is right in front of my eyeballs.
If you don't know that having a fork in your eye is an objectively worse sensation than eating a cupcake, I don't know what to tell you. It's really something you have to figure out on your own.
What if I have a fetish? What if I really fucking hate cupcakes? You're taking a subjective perspective that happens to be very prevalent, then pretending it is objective because consensus or something.

Maybe once you've lived life and suffered a little bit yourself, you can develop the empathy required to know that everyone else suffers just as much, if not even more, and that should give you pause.
lmao what? I've experienced physical and emotional discomfort and pain to various degrees at various times. Often I'd experience the same thing at different ages, and react differently as I aged and developed a better tolerance and understanding of myself and my surroundings, helping me understand that these feelings are not objectively quantifiable.
But most people grow out of their nihilistic tendencies by, like, age 6. So I don't know what to tell you.
I'm not a nihilist, so there's that.

This would be like me calling you a retard for not believing in the Triune Christian God, failing to understand that what I have experienced is subjective and absolutely not self-evident at all. When humans reproduce, we do not birth perfect copies of ourselves. Every one of us is a somewhat unique organism with a unique consciousness. We do not, in fact cannot, all perceive or understand things the same way, and all this blathering on about how we can derive moral rules from fucking physiological reactions to sensory input is getting ridiculous.

The Flood / Re: users you miss
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:09:40 PM »
I will always miss having Noelle around these parts. RIP in pepperonis the best lolcow Sep7agon ever had.
Dustin and Comms were pretty great too

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:59:20 PM »
The rule is that the best ideas win.
but that's not even remotely similar to what i said though

i don't use words like "tend" for the fuck of it, you know
Then what was the point of even saying it?

"X tends to happen. Except for when it doesn't."

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:58:31 PM »
may i see one
i mean if theyre so many and easy to find
have you tried reading the thread

the nihilist posits that nothing matters--not even suffering

i posit that suffering does matter, because it's a very real and a very intense sensation that we are capable of preventing and even replacing in favor of a more pleasant sensation

given that system, where good sensations are good and bad sensations are bad and preventable, it follows that we, to the best of our ability, ought to diminish bad sensations

does this refute the central point of nihilism? no--nothing can, which is what makes the philosopy so pervasive and insidious--but what you asked for what a contradiction, and there you have it
We still haven't established why good sensations are good and bad sensations are bad.

The capacity to feel does not seem to me to establish any moral system. "I am capable of feeling pain". Okay. "I don't like feeling pain". Okay. I really don't see where the bridge is that allows one to cross from "people generally don't want to feel pain" to "we should prevent pain".

Plus, the result here just seems to be mass primal hedonism for it's own sake. I get the urge to fuck things, and occasional violent instincts, and not acting on them can lead to frustration and stress, but you would never advocate people act on those.

"People should act on all their instincts" is coming from the exact same place as "people don't like hurting". Aversion to painful sensory input is driven by the same anatomical forces as our urges to fight and fuck.

You're applying moral labels to sensations that are primal. Pre-moral forces that are incompatible with right and wrong.

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:47:53 PM »
cough* religion *cough*
religion and natalism are the two big exceptions to the rule, but those are both very broad and lofty ideas

i'm referring more to concrete ideas that can manifest physically, like a transistor

or, a scientific theory that has massive and groundbreaking implications on the previous model of reality
Scientific theories are functionally no different from philosophies or ideologies.
I mean seriously, how fucking silly do you have to be to say "Here's this rule. The rule is that the best ideas win. But not arguably the two most succesful ideas in the history of our species (that I don't like), because they're too broad and shit. "

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:44:31 PM »
Only God can judge me 👌👌👌👌😏🇺🇸
could god create a dick so big that his ass could not take it
If we could find a rational or technical explanation for the "God makes a rock He can't lift" hypothetical we might as well not even call Him God.

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:39:04 PM »
cough* religion *cough*
religion and natalism are the two big exceptions to the rule, but those are both very broad and lofty ideas

i'm referring more to concrete ideas that can manifest physically, like a transistor

or, a scientific theory that has massive and groundbreaking implications on the previous model of reality
Scientific theories are functionally no different from philosophies or ideologies.

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:37:59 PM »
Only God can judge me 👌👌👌👌😏🇺🇸

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