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Serious / Re: Gun manufacturer liability
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:01:41 AM »
So this will probably come down to whether the black rifles were targeting kids or potential mass shooters in their marketing, yeah?

The focus from a lot of these manufacturers is on presenting these as "leet tactical operator" guns, which does appeal to the CoD crowd. That said, the videogames do most of that marketing for the manufacturers. You don't really see a ton of gun marketing outside of dedicated gun media and outdoor magazines.

Hard to say where that leads. I don't think you could honestly say that these people want kids or the mentally ill to buy their products. That popularity and cool factor comes from vidya.

At the very least this could result in a change of marketing trends. You might see more companies follow DSA's style of selling their FALs based on their popularity with anti-poaching squads in Africa, or the way Colt marketed the AR15 as a lightweight sporting gun way back when.

Honestly though gun marketing isn't generally direct. Movies, vidya and youtube sell guns better than magazine ads or commercials ever could. Companies like Glock and FN don't even really need to run ads anymore, just keep getting their guns placed in movies and shooter games.

The Flood / Re: Tolkienism and the decline of fantasy tales
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:23:52 PM »
If you get into elder scrolls proper, it's not really much like Tolkein

It's just the surface appearance that gives that impression
These days Elder Scrolls IS just the surface appearance

Serious / Yuri.
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:55:06 PM »

Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 24, 2016, 11:56:30 PM »
Why are you so obsessed with your ethnicity?
He doesn't strike me as obsessed, especially as Armenian diaspora go.

Especially as an Armenian diaspora guy who is literally named Armen goes.

Not much wrong with it. I'm not big on "muh heritage", and I actually have cool ancestors, but if Mexicans are allowed to get away with it, other groups might as well have their pride too.

Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 24, 2016, 11:41:09 PM »
Ye briefly stayed at the yearly times square event about it..

Saw some armenian family friends there and spoke to a group of Kurds that were prostesting as well

Kool shit fam, Turks had thier own mini protest too. Bit of tension in the air


Yeah until there's recognition and justice, the protests really aren't going to stop. Out of all of the Armenians when it comes to this day, I'm the most tame about it really. I don't go to these protests because in a way, I've already given up. This will probably be the last time I also make a thread about it here too since its not really something anyone wants to discuss.
I mean I'm all for talking the history and about how Turks are the worst thing to happen to Europe and Asia Minor, but honestly there isn't much to say about the genocide itself. It happened, it was awful, it inspired Hitler, and denialism is a major component of the Turkish government's claim to legitimacy.

Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 24, 2016, 04:23:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: Some leaked GoT S6 pics HEAVY SPOILERS
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:31:32 PM »
> People watch this shit show
i cant stop

please help me

The Flood / Re: Some leaked GoT S6 pics HEAVY SPOILERS
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:19:08 PM »
yfw Dorne is the coolest setting but the lamest plot arc

>bunch of degenerate shitskins that do nothing but sodomize each other
snow nigger detected

back over the wall with you

Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:10:29 PM »
I googled "Hide Armenian threads"

The Flood / Re: Some leaked GoT S6 pics HEAVY SPOILERS
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:03:06 PM »
yfw Dorne is the coolest setting but the lamest plot arc


Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:55:41 PM »

Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:53:04 PM »
We all know it happened,
Turkey sure doesn't.

To clarify, I'm referring to the Turko-Anatolian country Turkey, not our poster Turkey.

The Flood / Re: Kristen is a faggot
« on: April 22, 2016, 09:08:45 PM »

Attempt 2

My girlfriend is retarded fam

The Flood / Kristen is a faggot
« on: April 22, 2016, 09:07:52 PM »

The poison is rampant on my campus, but this petition is meme-tier stupid and will only give them ammunition against us.

Social justice must be torn down the way it rose to power- by quietly infiltrating and undermining the institutions it occupies.

The underdog cannot strike out against the champion openly. He must prepare.

The Flood / Re: If Verbatim is ever made into a moderator on here...
« on: April 21, 2016, 07:51:11 PM »
Nothing wrong with a little shitflinging tbh

As long as it doesn't become personal

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 12:06:13 PM »
Thank God.

I'm not a consentfag but cosmetic body modifications before a child is old enough to speak are absolutely disgusting.

Serious / Re: Gun manufacturer liability
« on: April 21, 2016, 12:00:27 PM »
These poor families are getting tricked into lawsuits they can't win.

I picture this going exactly how the Lucky Gunner suit went. Family gets BTFO in court, Brady Bunch conveniently decides it can't afford to cover their legal costs, and now uses their loss as ammo against "muh gun lobby".

The Flood / Re: MY FINAL FORM
« on: April 21, 2016, 11:55:29 AM »

« on: April 21, 2016, 11:53:20 AM »

Serious / Re: The hero Canada needs
« on: April 20, 2016, 10:51:48 PM »
Ignore the hilarous Canuck PD tweets about how the "high powered" rifle is "accurate up to a mile".
Weren't those commonly made in 7 wsm? Shit's an elk round, dude.
I honestly don't know shit about fudd rounds.

Still, it's a lever gun. I've always been under the impression that lever actions are inherently less tight and accurate than bolt guns. That could be fuddlore though.

Serious / The hero Canada needs
« on: April 20, 2016, 10:28:53 PM »
Toronto police are looking for a sniper who took down an organized crime figure.

Using a Browning BLR Short Magnum fitted with a Bushnell Legend high-definition scope. The shot was made at night in windy conditions at around 200 yards.

Ignore the hilarous Canuck PD tweets about how the "high powered" rifle is "accurate up to a mile".

Well, it is disgusting and degenerate, but it beats repeat murder, so I guess it is preferable if abortion must be available.

Serious / Re: 4/19 - NY Primary
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:53:15 PM »
The problem here is you feel that anything less than over-the-top living is somehow very little. You don't need to make six digits to live comfortably or happily. Obviously more money will make getting better living easy, but you're not automatically poor just because you're not in a six digit bracket.

Right, so the majority of people need to be "reasonable" (AKA be content with very little) while a select few live like kings.
Yeah you do need six digits of you want to live comfortably. If you want to be able to live Ina safe neighborhood and own your own home and car. Not have your kids pay off debts for schooling until they're 60 also under a shit ton of stress.
Maybe in an overdeveloped shithole like California or London.

In the real world it's not so bad.

>you will never become a benevolent dictator who leads his country to a golden age
>you will never uplift your countrymen to greatness and build an educated citizenry who need not be cowed by corporate interests or demagogues
>you will never reject rampant capitalism and stagnant socialist policy alike in favor of a third path which espouses the virtues of the material and spiritual alike
>you will never pass off the reins to a worthy heir, chosen by you with the blessing of your people
>you will never set the foundations to gradually cede power to the educated populace who might one day master their own destiny
>you will never go down in history as a controversial figure, a tyrant and beloved ruler both as you bring your own nation and the nations around you to prosperity untold
>tfw your ambitions are too great for your feeble hands
>tfw you will always be a coyote cursed with the dreams of a lion

Just replace her with Abraham Lincoln on the $5. He already has the penny.
no its nice to be able to kick jackson in the balls by removing him from the $20

Why should we remove Jackson from the $20 banknote exactly? Wasn't he one of our most important presidents?
he wuz raycis tho

don't you know it was the CURRENT YEAR back then?

Gaming / Re: The fuck Sony?
« on: April 20, 2016, 05:17:56 PM »
Believe it or not, hardware gets cheap REALLY fast.  Games still won't be allowed to ship if they can't run properly on the older hardware. 
Define "Properly". Sony still hasn't.

« on: April 20, 2016, 04:45:53 PM »



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