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Serious / Re: Would nuking the entire middle east be beneficial?
« on: April 29, 2016, 01:00:15 AM »

it is all rightful Roman and Persian clay

we just have to take it back from the muslims and somehow get it to the heirs.

The Flood / Re: what are some goals by the end of the year for you?
« on: April 28, 2016, 03:19:02 PM »
Meet and exceed Army fitness standards

Put on 10Ibs or more

Get a job

Kasich simply isn't going to happen, even if he's better than Trump/Cruz/Clinton.
Kasich would be a better choice for the RNC than Cruz or Trump for a general against hilldawg

Kasich wouldn't get the voters mobilized the way Trump or even Cruz can. He's a great man, but he just doesn't have that PR edge Trump has.

Hilldawg is a high energy candidate, and the Republicans need to field someone just as exciting and visible.

Serious / Re: Donald Trump and African Americans
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:28:22 PM »
As far as I know yeah, it's just people failing to investigate all of the henious accusations thrown at Trump on the daily.

Considering how socially destructive it is to be outed as a racist, it is frightening how quick some people are to fling that word around.

The Flood / BREAKING: Steven Seagal contracts down syndrome
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:47:55 AM »

The Flood / Re: Should the US Government subsidize the gun industry
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:46:53 AM »
which is curious, because normally they're as left wing as i am
The old school left wing loves mass armament.

Gotta make sure the proletariat is ready and able to fight off its oppressors.

The Flood / Re: Should the US Government subsidize the gun industry
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:42:08 AM »
my parents unironically believe that we should arm the world

as in, everyone must have a gun with them at all times

from like, middle school

Gaming / Re: Nintendo NX: The final nail in the coffin
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:41:19 AM »
The PS4K has little to no influence on it.  Nintendo's issue isn't centered upon rendering capabilities.  It's an embarrassment, but the issue is the fact that the consoles are centered on gimmicky hardware (motion controls, giant TV gamepads, etc...) that no one outside (and likely some inside) Nintendo can and wants to develop for.  In terms of consumers, it's like the Kinect: it was neat and gained some initial popularity for being different, but no one (on a large scale) wants it in the long run.
If it ain't up to par with Sony's machine, you can bet 3rd part devs will leave it alone again.

Also not true.  Where are you getting your information?
It has to be on par with the original PS4.  Devs can't release any game for PS4 that doesn't conform to the oldest version of the console's hardware.  The PS4K has seriously no impact on anything.
In a year or two, the games that come out will start to run like shit on PS4. I guarantee it.

Sony has never been good about supporting old hardware.

The Flood / Re: Should the US Government subsidize the gun industry
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:37:29 AM »
my AR is a S&W tho
>he didn't build his own rifle

It's like you don't want to own a gun with a soul

What the fuck happened in this thread

Got screencaps? Shit sounds dank as fuck

At absolute best, you're saying, "They're not being this kind of bigoted, they're being this other kind of bigoted. Checkmate! You called us the wrong type of bigot!" At worst, you're hiding behind the shield of "I promise we're not racist!" to avoid the fact that everything about what that subreddit hates has to do with race.
I really don't speak for this subreddit, because I don't spend any time there, but there is nothing wrong with bigotry against Islam. It isn't a race or a gender, Islam is an ideology that one chooses to profess. Hating Islam is no more morally reprehensible than hating Nazism or Irish separatism.
When people say "Muslim" on that subreddit, they're obviously referring to Arab immigrants and not Indonesian or Indian Muslims, which actually happen to make up the vast majority of the religion.
I'd like to see where you found this rule codified, other than in your own mind, which desperately wants to assume anyone who hates Islam hates it not because it is a degenerate faith with garbage theology and abusive treatment of various demographic groups, but because dey raciss.

I have never once heard anyone on /pol/ shit on Arab christians or druze, for instance, but again, that's generalizing a board that I don't frequently browse.

Otherwise you're about as incoherent as the "anti-racist is anti-white!" shitposts on YouTube videos.
They also ignore that most of the violence conducted by Muslim terrorism effects other Muslim, but that stuff can't be relevant because the people aren't white.
A turd in the bathroom is an everyday concurrence. A turd on your kitchen table is cause for concern.

Not to mention the racially-charged favorite word of the subreddit, "cuck", and the obsession it seems to have with white women having sex with Middle Eastern or black men. "My girlfriend's son" and similar sayings are spat around the subreddit with pictures of white men with black children, and they constantly refer to rape happening to "our women"
lmao they're memeing you fuck.

Girlfriend's son is making fun of the mindset of a particular type of man. It's an extension of the cuck meme, which is about more than just sexual practices.

I won't deny /pol/ bleedover, but you're generalizing a board that I really doubt you seriously understand.

- seeming to have no regard for rape statistics committed by white men.
Please no statistical illiteracy, fam.

Meanwhile, taken off of the same fucking page:
The Rules

        No Spamming
        No Trolling
        No Racism or anti-semitism
        No releasing of personal information
        No vote manipulation, brigading or asking for votes
        No BernieBots or SJWs.
        No posts related to being banned from other subreddits with one exception.
        No concern trolling. Mandatory Reading.
        Don't post people planning to assassinate Trump.
        New Centipedes must assimilate.

Eat my ass.

>Conflating Islamophobia with racism


Serious / Re: Finest state in the union by far.
« on: April 27, 2016, 03:14:25 PM »
It was me. Cuck had it coming
It was a black guy. Not cuck at all, just backing up a power dynamic that benefits him.

Serious / Re: Finest state in the union by far.
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:24:32 PM »
Also, note the pattern of the fire. Somebody made damn sure the accelerant didn't get on anything he didn't want burned.

Serious / Re: Cruz's "major campaign announcement"- Fiorina ??
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:12:27 PM »
YFW Trump's running mate is Jim Webb

Serious / Finest state in the union by far.
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:11:47 PM »

THIS is how you fight the ruling ideology.

To quote /pol/:
Surprisingly, people don't like being told they're privileged because they're white while simultaneously not receiving scholarships because they're white.

Really though, given recent events on some campuses, I expect it will eventually come out that the poster did it himself.

The Flood / Chinese banter is top tier
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:38:26 AM »

Sweden on suicide watch.

The Flood / Please explain the -kino meme
« on: April 27, 2016, 01:09:52 AM »
I started seeing it on /tv/ today out of nowhere, and I'm totally lost.

It is generally used as a suffix.

Serious / Re: The hero Canada needs
« on: April 27, 2016, 01:01:13 AM »
I hate vigilantes.
The only difference between a vigilante and a cop is that a vigilante acts based on his morality.

Vigilantes also don't shoot dogs

Who here /teamsparrow/?

khal mongo goes from 'LOL' to 'oh okay i believe you' at the drop of a name (ok)
This bothered me as well.

"I'm Kelly C to Khal Drogo lmao"

"lol okay I won't rape you then seeing as how you don't have a shred of proof"

Tbh it wasn't reasonable to take the risk

I mean imagine how stretched she would be after taking Drogo?

Other Khals just can't compete

The Flood / Re: I'm getting fucked left and right
« on: April 26, 2016, 08:31:25 PM »
Vote for sanders

The rich will pay for all of your problems


I just want to see Euron and the Ironborn fuck somebody up already

The Flood / WHO HERE /CLEGANEBOWL2K16/?????????
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:12:41 AM »



Serious / Re: Gun manufacturer liability
« on: April 26, 2016, 08:31:31 AM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: Movies more offensive than Dragonball Evolution
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:20:08 AM »
Lady in the water was a p shit meme tbh
Just read the wikipedia plot synopsis

What the fuck

The Flood / Re: ITT: Movies more offensive than Dragonball Evolution
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:12:53 AM »
World War Z. Literally has no right to be called that.
The book was worse

Not even memeing

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