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random non sequiturs it is

so much for serious getting more serious

sexism against women lives on through double standards and supressed judgment of them

live with it

Same reason a guy can go fuck ten women in one night and be a god, but a woman does it and she's publicly shamed.

People who think sexism is dead are idiots.

Okay? Do you have a point here or just non sequiturs?

Same reason a guy can go fuck ten women in one night and be a god, but a woman does it and she's publicly shamed.

People who think sexism is dead are idiots.

Holdover from the days when Christianity was culturally dominant.

« on: May 03, 2016, 05:43:34 PM »

Serious / How fascist are you?
« on: May 02, 2016, 02:27:57 AM »

Your F Score is: 4.47
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

The Flood / Re: seeing the Who tonight
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:10:03 AM »
Uhh All American Rejects just played at my college last weekend.  It was alright
they still exist?

The Flood / Re: seeing the Who tonight
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:08:36 AM »
Going to see Beartooth this coming Wednesday. Pretty excited, hope they play the new single.


Nice thing about Bearooth is they have a really small discography right now, so I'm sure they'll play just about everything I want to hear.

I've conceded like four times ITT that my culture instilled values upon me. You keep ignoring that.

The point here is that you haven't shown how that means culture has value, let alone how that means certain cultures have more value than others.
I don't believe value is inherent at all. I think you expect me to defend something I don't believe in, here.

I just think it's fucking hilarious that you're unwittingly participating in cultural supremacism while shitting on cultural supremacism.
And I criticize America while being an American. Just because you can't escape from something doesn't make it exempt from criticism.

I guess since culture gives everyone their values, no one is allowed to say a word against cultural supremacy.
I don't really give a shit either way.
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

But, again, it is funny that you think you're not participating in the structure by criticizing pre-liberal or non-liberal cultures and the value of culture, as if you're not just backing your culturally-encouraged ideology by doing so.

It's like philosophical or political ideologues criticizing religion for its role in their society, failing to understand that their ideologies would simply act to take on the traditional religion's role.

These are structures you can't get away from.

I've conceded like four times ITT that my culture instilled values upon me. You keep ignoring that.

The point here is that you haven't shown how that means culture has value, let alone how that means certain cultures have more value than others.
I don't believe value is inherent at all. I think you expect me to defend something I don't believe in, here.

I just think it's fucking hilarious that you're unwittingly participating in cultural supremacism while shitting on cultural supremacism.

When you know you'll succeed.

Atheism saved the day again, m'lord

*tips halfhelm*
I can't wait for Based Sparrow to bring down almighty justice on the morally bankrupt noblefags.

We're all the same, it's the human race.
You realize this, and almost all of your beliefs, come from your culture, right?

You've just been taught for so long that they are inherent and transcendental, you cannot comprehend the notion that they're a product of your cultural background.
You realize that doesn't matter, right?

All of my experiences come from my family unit, but I'm not going to hold my family above every other family and have some weird pride in it.

People who are obsessed with their culture are idiots.
And you assume you or your family's values are free from cultural imposition based on what bullshit?
I never made that assumption. They're not free from cultural imposition (I literally just said that), but so what? Just because I'm a product of the culture I live in doesn't give my culture value.
Your attempt to devalue culture is in fact inspired by the liberal values imposed on you by your culture.
You fail to prove how that gives one culture value over another. The whole concept is meaningless, and trying to preserve a racial identity serves no purpose.
You are thinking with values imposed on you by your culture. That is my point. You shittalking cultural values is funny precisely because disregarding cultural values and seeking muh inherent values is 100% based on Western post-enlightenment culture, the values of your society. You don't even realize how ironic your comments are. It's like faggots who say "Christianity isn't a religion- it's a personal relationship with God!".

I suppose you think it's a mere coincidence that these inherent values, human rights, muh consent, equality of the sexes, were discovered by the culture you were raised in, and are largely absent from other cultures.

B-but that's not culture right? Nah it's right so it can't be culture or tradition or the system, man! Those things are bad! All hail progress amirite guys?

We're all the same, it's the human race.
You realize this, and almost all of your beliefs, come from your culture, right?

You've just been taught for so long that they are inherent and transcendental, you cannot comprehend the notion that they're a product of your cultural background.
You realize that doesn't matter, right?

All of my experiences come from my family unit, but I'm not going to hold my family above every other family and have some weird pride in it.

People who are obsessed with their culture are idiots.
And you assume you or your family's values are free from cultural imposition based on what bullshit?
I never made that assumption. They're not free from cultural imposition (I literally just said that), but so what? Just because I'm a product of the culture I live in doesn't give my culture value.
Your attempt to devalue culture is in fact inspired by the liberal values imposed on you by your culture.

"o btw guys i killed the warden of the north and I'm literally a crazy bastid now watch me take command of the Bolton army cheers lads"
I am a bit mad now that the only reasonable bad guy in the show is gone.

who /notabeggaranymore/?



>Ned arrives at the Tower of Joy with his entourage
>The Kingsguard has already fled like the honorless cowards they are
>He makes his way to the top of the tower
>Leanna is there holding a baby
>Ned lectures her on honor and duty and how she betrayed her family before stabbing her
>Before she dies she says "Promise me Ned. Promise, you'll keep my baby safe. Promise me you'll save my
>Ned sends the baby away to safety and slaughters his comrades to keep them silent
>Also he rapes Leanna why not

We're all the same, it's the human race.
You realize this, and almost all of your beliefs, come from your culture, right?

You've just been taught for so long that they are inherent and transcendental, you cannot comprehend the notion that they're a product of your cultural background.
You realize that doesn't matter, right?

All of my experiences come from my family unit, but I'm not going to hold my family above every other family and have some weird pride in it.

People who are obsessed with their culture are idiots.
And you assume you or your family's values are free from cultural imposition based on what bullshit?

can take book ramsay seriously. show ramsay feels like dick dastardly.

Book Ramsay is leaps and bounds more cruel than in the show. I don't recall ever seeing him peel the skin off of Theon's fingers before snipping off each knuckle one by one. Maybe he's a little more subtle in the book, but there's only so much showtime.
I recall him starting to peel Theon's pinky finger in like season 3, but I don't remember where that went.





We're all the same, it's the human race.
You realize this, and almost all of your beliefs, come from your culture, right?

You've just been taught for so long that they are inherent and transcendental, you cannot comprehend the notion that they're a product of your cultural background.

The Flood / Re: The Reverse Slavaboo
« on: May 01, 2016, 05:52:16 PM »
Isn't that ACU?
ACU, UCP, vomit, all acceptable names.

The Flood / Re: The Reverse Slavaboo
« on: May 01, 2016, 05:45:15 PM »

Serious / Re: Donald Trump and African Americans
« on: May 01, 2016, 05:31:41 PM »
condoning racially motivated violence at his rallies
Source please


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