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Serious / Re: How do you guys feel about Slavoj Zizek
« on: May 21, 2016, 02:06:04 AM »
Smells like y'all niggas are cooking with PURE IDEOLOGY in here.

Gaming / Re: Polygon=100% cuck
« on: May 21, 2016, 02:00:27 AM »

help i am downs

Gaming / Polygon=100% cuck
« on: May 21, 2016, 01:57:01 AM »

Meanwhile, in Sweden

The Flood / Post YFW Sanders drops out
« on: May 21, 2016, 12:29:10 AM »

The Flood / "Uhh, I don't know that Finland is white"
« on: May 21, 2016, 12:12:52 AM »
T. Austin

The Flood / "Lamborghini can be pretty shitty"
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:00:09 PM »
T. Austin

The Flood / A E S T H E T I C thread?
« on: May 20, 2016, 05:05:37 PM »

Serious / Re: How do you guys feel about Slavoj Zizek
« on: May 20, 2016, 04:09:53 PM »
he has some cool interviews on bigthink


Are they mirrored on any other channel? I don't want to give views to Big Fedora
i'll transcribe it (slightly abridged because the dude's speaking patterns are kind of hard to follow in text)

You know, happiness is, for me, a very conformist category. It doesn't enter the frame. You have a serious ideological deviation at the very beginning of the famous proclamation of independence, "the pursuit of happiness."

There is a point in psychoanalysis that people do not really want or desire happiness—and I think it's good that it is like that. For example—let's be serious—when you are in a creative endeavor, in that wonderful fever, "My God, I'm onto something!" and so on, happiness doesn't enter it. You are ready to suffer.

Sometimes scientists—I read history of quantum physics, or earlier of radiation—were even ready to take into account the possibility that they will die, because of some radiation, and so on. You know, happiness is, for me, an unethical category.

And also, we don't really want to get what we think that we want. The classical story that I like, the traditional male chauvinist scenario: I'm married to a wife—relations with her are cold—and I have a mistress. And all the time, I dream, "Oh my God, if my wife were to disappear"—I'm not a murderer, but let us say—"it would open up new life for me with the mistress!"

You know what every psychoanalyst will tell you what quite often happens? That then, for some reason, when the wife goes away—you lose the mistress, too. You thought, "This is all I want," when you have it there—but it turns out that it was a much more complex situation, where what you want is not really to live with the mistress, but to keep her as a distant object of desire, about which you dream.

And this isn't just an excessive situation. I claim that this is how things function. We don't really want what we think we desire.

Serious / Re: How do you guys feel about Slavoj Zizek
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:37:08 PM »
he has some cool interviews on bigthink


Are they mirrored on any other channel? I don't want to give views to Big Fedora

Serious / Re: How do you guys feel about Slavoj Zizek
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:26:55 PM »
used to like him until i saw this


better film critic than philosopher

Serious / Re: Map of Babylon
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:25:40 PM »
So it was pretty much Balmora IRL?

Serious / How do you guys feel about Slavoj Zizek
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:25:00 PM »

I've been pretty interested in him lately. Currently watching the Pervert's Guide to Cinema, might pick up one of his books soon. His critiques are pretty on-point. From what I've read and seen of him so far I think he's onto a lot of the same currents Stirner was onto, but with a very different perspective and response.

The Flood / Tips for working fast food?
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:49:22 PM »
Just got hired at a local Cook Out, and I start Monday night. The store is on a busy street, but my first shift is 8pm to 1 am on a Monday so I'm not worried about a lunch rush or anything. This is my first fast food gig, so some advice would be neat.

The Flood / Re: Canada is so cucked
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:45:11 PM »
Quality discussion ITT

The Flood / Re: ITT Tell me why I'm awful and you hate me
« on: May 19, 2016, 03:33:17 PM »
I don't remember what you went by before so....
I'm Door



Serious / Re: Why so few Christians among the refugees
« on: May 19, 2016, 03:23:33 PM »
Other than Hasakah and Aleppo most of the Christian areas in Syria have remained relatively conflict free.
Really? I wasn't aware, I'd assumed they were clustered in the Kurdish reasons since the Christian militias I'm a fan of tend to ally themselves with the Peshmerga.

Serious / Why so few Christians among the refugees
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:48:21 AM »

The video fails to point out an equally important point, though- there just aren't that many Christians in the conflict zones anymore. The Islamists have driven them out of most of Syria and Iraq, and things aren't that much better in Kurdish territory.

Only a fraction of the Christian population remain in Syria and Iraq.

Gaming / Re: Kojima Reveals Ludence
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:11:16 AM »
I dig the shit out of the space knight aesthetic

Fedora atheists and the post-Gamergate anti-SJW crowd have one big thing in common- they love being told shit they already believe.

I have plenty of respect for philosophical atheists, but none for the New Atheists or "muh science" fags.

The Flood / ITT Tell me why I'm awful and you hate me
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:52:42 PM »
Hit me daddy hit me harder

The Flood / Re: Post here and I'll describe why I hate you
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:34:07 PM »
honestly forgot all about this, tbh

think i'm done
no FUCK you do me

The Flood / Re: Post here and I'll describe why I hate you
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:28:35 PM »

« on: May 18, 2016, 10:22:51 PM »
Whhyyyyy-yyy-yyyyyyyy-hieeeeee-hieeeeeee do I have to be the one who watches and thinks "It doesn't look as bad as they're saying it looks"
It's just your shitposting genes acting up

Serious / Re: 1100 Declassified U.S. Nuclear Targets
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:43:28 PM »
Why isn't Mongolia on the target list? For all we know those bastards could be building up to bring back their empire.
Even the Soviets didn't think mongolia was relevant except to spite china with.

Modern mongolia is actually pretty based I hear

The Flood / Re: Next Big purchase?
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:41:03 PM »
Ammunition and magazines for the coming panic market.

I intend to make a profit on this one.

The Flood / Re: Just started watching Arrested Development
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:38:12 PM »
The original show is fucking godly but don't bother with season 4 onward. The Netflix seasons are pure cancer.

The Flood / Re: Rank drugs
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:57:18 PM »
1. Menthol Cigarettes
2. Menthol Cigarettes
3. Menthol Cigarettes
4. Menthol Cigarettes
5. Menthol Cigarettes
6. Menthol Cigarettes
7. Menthol Cigarettes
8. Menthol Cigarettes
9. Menthol Cigarettes
10. Menthol Cigarettes
all these years and i never knew door was actually a black guy. i bet you smoke newport menthols too.
Camel crush actually

love them turk cigs
what the actual fuck? who likes menthol that much? you're off your rocker
My first cigarettes were menthol and ever since that's just been how a cigarette is "supposed" to taste in my mind. I don't smoke much though, I only go through like a pack a month, if that. It's mostly a social or stress thing.

The Camel Crush Silvers I smoke are like an STD though. EVERYONE I share them with starts smoking those after they try one. Just last month I accidentally converted my buddy from Marlboro reds. I love 'em.

The Flood / Re: Rank drugs
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:43:15 PM »
1. Menthol Cigarettes
2. Menthol Cigarettes
3. Menthol Cigarettes
4. Menthol Cigarettes
5. Menthol Cigarettes
6. Menthol Cigarettes
7. Menthol Cigarettes
8. Menthol Cigarettes
9. Menthol Cigarettes
10. Menthol Cigarettes
all these years and i never knew door was actually a black guy. i bet you smoke newport menthols too.
Camel crush actually

love them turk cigs

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