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The Flood / The hero we need
« on: May 31, 2016, 04:27:15 PM »


Serious / Crouching Libertarian, hidden Democrat
« on: May 31, 2016, 04:20:30 PM »

>Austin Peterson stood by his word by endorsing Johnson after he won the candidacy.

>As a token of good faith, Austin gave Johnson a replica of George Washington’s flintlock pistol, to let him know that he has Austin’s full support in the general election. Tearing up on the front stage of the convention floor, Austin said to Gary as he presented him with the pistol, “You have my sword, and you have my gun.”

>Hours later, a number of delegates were reporting on social media that Johnson was seen tossing Austin’s pistol in the garbage. A husband and wife witnessed Johnson throwing out the pistol and retrieved it from the garbage. The pistol has since been returned to Austin Petersen and remains in his possession.

What the FUCK, Gary?

The Flood / GOT spoilers: >That faint "allahu ackbar" at 0:50
« on: May 30, 2016, 05:26:51 PM »

holy kek

Serious / Re: So about this whole Cincinnati Zoo thing
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:52:07 PM »
A human is always more important than an animal.
And you make this assertion on what grounds?
I'm white. My race is more important than a different race.
oy vey fucking nazi
There are no races. There's the human race. The differences in each ethnicity are so minor in the large scale that differentiating between them is meaningless.

The differences between species are actually relevant.
Relatively speaking, the differences between humans and gorillas are also extremely minor.

Serious / Re: So about this whole Cincinnati Zoo thing
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:17:58 PM »
A human is always more important than an animal.
And you make this assertion on what grounds?
I'm white. My race is more important than a different race.
oy vey fucking nazi

Serious / Re: So about this whole Cincinnati Zoo thing
« on: May 30, 2016, 03:15:24 PM »
A human is always more important than an animal.
And you make this assertion on what grounds?

Serious / Re: So about this whole Cincinnati Zoo thing
« on: May 30, 2016, 03:10:07 PM »
I think the media pretending this is notable in any way is ridiculous.

Serious / Re: Free college would mostly benefit the rich
« on: May 30, 2016, 02:03:14 PM »

Serious / Re: Snoop Dogg: "Fuck Roots"
« on: May 30, 2016, 01:46:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: GoT S6 episode 6 discussion - Radmure Tully edition
« on: May 30, 2016, 01:33:08 PM »
5 minutes until the death of cleganebowl
yfw the trial is still going through

yfw cleganebowl still HAPPENING

The Flood / Re: GoT S6 episode 6 discussion - Radmure Tully edition
« on: May 30, 2016, 01:28:30 PM »
>Dany is just one orc army away from being LITERALLY Sauron
>Jorah has greyscale
>yfw Jorah spreads it accidentally

It makes me happy knowing this whole time they've been lowkey setting up Dani as the main antagonist of the show. It explains her fucked up behavior and shitty attitude perfectly.

Bravo, Dabid, bravo.

Serious / Re: Who is going to win the General Election?
« on: May 29, 2016, 03:46:42 PM »
Electoral college fucks third parties. Just pray for 5%.
What will that do, honestly?
more funding and an invitation to the general debate stage.
I don't vote libertarian with the hope of putting one in office now, I vote libertarian with the hope that in 30 years one might have a shot.
A vote Libertarian today is a vote for Clinton and helps cement the status quo.
Libertarians are going nowhere. That should be obvious at this point.
We're gaining ground each election. We got .99% of the popular vote last time. I think we can go for 1.5 this year.
The growth of libertarianism does not meet the pace of the de-democratization of the country. By the time a powerful support base could exist, political freedom will be bought and propagandized into oblivion. Only the illusion of freedom will remain, and all will be for nought.

Serious / Re: Who is going to win the General Election?
« on: May 29, 2016, 03:26:49 PM »
Electoral college fucks third parties. Just pray for 5%.
What will that do, honestly?
more funding and an invitation to the general debate stage.
I don't vote libertarian with the hope of putting one in office now, I vote libertarian with the hope that in 30 years one might have a shot.
A vote Libertarian today is a vote for Clinton and helps cement the status quo.
Libertarians are going nowhere. That should be obvious at this point.

Serious / Re: How did Vice turn into such cancer
« on: May 29, 2016, 02:58:40 AM »
I used to liked their documentaries about little known things like the rock band in Iraq.

It's seems like they're just trying to be hip.

Serious / How did Vice turn into such cancer
« on: May 29, 2016, 02:02:48 AM »

Was it always this bad? Am I imagining a non-horrible Vice that never existed?


The Flood / Re: >11 page questionnaire to apply for a job
« on: May 24, 2016, 02:05:59 PM »
The key is to get ahold of a manager

Nobody gets hired these days without an interview.

The Flood / Re: Hey Door remember when you weren't retarded
« on: May 24, 2016, 12:53:43 PM »
He's just a contrarian faggot that aligns his opinions with whatever is cool and edgy at the time. Give it a few months and he'll be an Islamist.
I prefer the phrase "open minded". I align my views and opinions with whatever feels right. Deep down everyone does.

I just tend to run into new ideas pretty frequently.

The Flood / Re: Hey Door remember when you weren't retarded
« on: May 24, 2016, 12:51:45 PM »
I still feel comfortable calling out anyone who wants a safe space for their beliefs.

Other than that though the thread is full of me fedoraposting and making assertions based on bullshit.

I was really fucking spooked

Serious / Re: US fully lift arms ban on Vietnam
« on: May 23, 2016, 12:39:20 PM »
Good. We should have been allies from the start.

Ho Chi Minh was a huge Ameriboo, and came to us for help first, but we chose fucking France.

>no Dorne for 5 episodes now

Genuinely think they've aborted it lads.
I promise they're going to reintroduce the Dorne subplot in some corny ass way like having bad pussy murder Jaime out of the blue.


The opinions of the unwashed and unlearned do not matter at all.

I think it is reasonable to be critical of ANY opinion not coming from a well-read person.

Most women are fucking dumb, for example, so it isn't wise to take their opinions seriously at all, just like it is unwise to take the opinions of men seriously. They are equal in their ignorance.
this is the highest concentration of fedora-tier /pol/ack cuckbait i've seen in minutes
shittalk all you will, it is ridiculous to assume the opinions of women matter more in a discussion about women when the vast majority of people don't know what they're talking about in the first place.
Frankly, I don't think most people understand any subject matter at all. I would even consider going further and suggesting that it is impossible to truly understand anything.

Prioritizing the opinions of the subjects MIGHT be useful, but it should take the very backseat to prioritizing those who have seriously investigated a matter (what constitutes a serious investigation, I leave up to you.)

The opinions of the unwashed and unlearned do not matter at all.

I think it is reasonable to be critical of ANY opinion not coming from a well-read person.

Most women are fucking dumb, for example, so it isn't wise to take their opinions seriously at all, just like it is unwise to take the opinions of men seriously. They are equal in their ignorance.

The Flood / Re: Went to a gun show today
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:34:13 PM »
Oh sit brah I just noticed you've got a hex reciever

Definitely don't rape that one, hex mosin is best mosin

The Flood / Re: Went to a gun show today
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:33:03 PM »
I want to sand it and give it a nice commie red cherry finish

Please don't rape a perfectly good Mosin. There are so many raped Mosins out there because people thought "Hurr durr there's like a zillion of em, it's no big deal".

People thought the same thing about Mausers and Enfields and look at those now.

Remove the cosmoline and treat your Soviet raifu with the love and affection it deserves. Maybe refinish in a pretty wood color if the original finish is fucked, but but don't give it some bright toned autistic meme shit. Please. Sergei Mosin's ghost will haunt you forever.


I would say the Russian invasion of Crimea and the subsequent geopolitical turmoil has had more impact on my worldview than any other event.

« on: May 21, 2016, 07:49:15 PM »
do Hillary shills get paid per post? secondclass or icy please answer
Bill pays us in brothel gift cards.

Lucky for me I'm gaming the system by shilling for them on an alt while I rail against them on my main, allowing me to keep up appearances while making a sexual profit.

The funny part is that OP is a liberal too, he just doesn't know it.

The Flood / Serbs are truly the Meme Race
« on: May 21, 2016, 05:35:04 PM »

Serious / Re: How do you guys feel about Slavoj Zizek
« on: May 21, 2016, 04:02:15 AM »
Is anybody else noticing that, on a lot of issues, our arguments start to boil down to the same few questions and issues over and over again?

I find it encouraging. It feels like we're approaching the bedrock, our core values.

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