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The Flood / Re: We need more anti alt-right youtube channels
« on: June 19, 2016, 01:07:34 AM »
i hope he tackles that paul joseph watson cunt some day
do people in the alt right even like watson?

I'm seriously convinced he has autism

Serious / Re: What is your honest opinion on Islam?
« on: June 18, 2016, 06:51:31 PM »
christians who are WBC are bad christians

Christian teaching is pretty clear about the whole "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" shit. Even a strict Biblical literalist should have picked up on that. I don't know why so many Christians don't get that.

That said, I'm not sure Islam has such a clause. There seems to be a lot of contradiction within the Qu'ran as to whether Muslims should attack kuffirs and apostates or just try to be a good example to them.

I wonder if there is a metric we could use to say whether someone is a good or bad Muslim. It seems like the religion should be simpler to understand than Christianity or Judaism given the nature of the Qu'ran.

Serious / Re: What is your honest opinion on Islam?
« on: June 18, 2016, 12:45:42 PM »
Its a fucking joke of a religion. Kind of like Christianity was before reformation.

Serious / Re: What is your honest opinion on Islam?
« on: June 18, 2016, 12:39:34 PM »
A base and barbaric religion, perfectly suited to the barbarian people that developed it. It has simplistic theology that any retard can understand, does not go out of its way to condemn violence (while still paying lip service to nonviolence), making it accessible to a warlike culture. Even the afterlife is basically an eternity of hedonism and debauchery, demonstrating on the founder's part either a misunderstanding of what there is to strive for higher than base pleasures, or an understanding that base pleasures sell.

I think it's fucking trash, but it's here to stay for a while so we might as well try to empower some of the more agreeable elements of the believers against the fundamentalists currently in power across much of the Muslim world.

Who the fuck takes a train from city to city?

Our country isn't laid out like Japan or the UK. You won't get anywhere even in one town without a car. Maybe with the exception of NYC.

Serious / Re: The Orlando shooter's wife
« on: June 17, 2016, 04:11:14 PM »
tfw no redpilled fanatical wife to be supportive and love you unconditionally even when you do crazy evil shit

The Flood / Re: What college/university did you go to?
« on: June 16, 2016, 06:06:57 PM »

Everything but the performing arts is garbage here.

I swear I'd transfer to a better school if my social life wasn't so entrenched here.

This seems to be reliant on having multiple officers.

Serious / Re: A Member of Parliament was shot and killed today
« on: June 16, 2016, 12:00:48 PM »

Does it need reform? Yes

Is it borderline unconstitutional? No.
Freedom of movement and, if the Democrats get their way, constitutionally protected rights being restricted without due process sounds unconstitutional to me.

Let's talk about why we need a terror watchlist that actually functions and doesn't end up stranding US veterans and people with the same names as real terrorists abroad.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 talk. 2ndClass, get in here
« on: June 16, 2016, 12:52:22 AM »

My priest shared this with the members of his parish, I think it was sent out to every parish in the OCA

June 13, 2016

To the Venerable Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Monastics, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America,

The hope of the Church is that all people should be saved and come to know the love of God. It is therefore heartbreaking to see the triumph of evil and destruction on this earth. We have witnessed yet another manifestation of the brokenness and division wrought by the evil one in the tragic shooting in Orlando, the worst mass murder in United States history.

While we should weep for the 50 victims and pray for the healing of the many wounded, our hearts and minds should not dwell on the motivations of the shooting (which remain under investigation) nor despair at the darkness of a humanity that would perpetrate such crimes (which will never disappear).

Rather we should focus on the hope that we have in the love of God, which overcomes the world, and ask ourselves whether or not we have done enough to overcome the brokenness in the world through our own Christian life.  Have our hearts yearned for union with God as our Lord so fervently prayed in Sunday’s Gospel reading? (John 17:1-13) Have we quenched the fires of jealousy and anger in our families by preserving hope and sharing the peace of God which passes all understanding? Have we pierced through the walls of fear and condemnation in our world by pursuing love for our neighbor and love for our enemies?

All of us must take responsibility, not only for this most recent act of violence and destruction, but for all such acts in the world. But at the same time, we must remember that Christ Himself has destroyed corruption and the impulsive force of death by his life-bringing death (Saturday Matins, Tone 2).  And so we can reflect, along with one Athonite Elder, on this hope: “Even if today some people terrorize the world with deadly attacks and ostentatious displays of butchery, the God-man remains without change the Almighty Lord of love and understanding. He is the ultimate solution to all our problems, however much our superficial view fails to recognize it” (Archimandrite Vasileios, Apropos of the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church, page 28).

May we all take hope in the triumph of life over death offered to us in the resurrection of Christ, and as we mourn and pray for those whose lives were tragically cut short, let us commend each other and our whole life unto the Christ Who has overcome fear, has trampled down death, and has granted us eternal life and great mercy.

With Love in Christ,

+ Tikhon

Archbishop of Washington

Metropolitan of All America and Canada

Statement of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon on the Orlando Shootings

The Orlando tragedy grieves us all.  We grieve for those who were killed in this act of hate and terror.  We ask for God’s healing power for the wounded.  We pray for the families and communities of those killed and wounded, for the people of Orlando, for the people of our nation.

The federal, state, and local agencies and officials are acting to respond to the aftermath of the mass killing.  We pray for them as they apply competence and collaboration to this human trauma and tragedy.

We join the many religious leaders—Christian, Jewish, and Muslim—who are raising their voices to express horror at the violence and the hatred behind the violence.

Together with many people of faith we repudiate the use of religion to justify and promote hatred and violence.  While the use/misuse of Islam confronts us with a global challenge, no religion is exempt from such manipulation.  We join with all those religious leaders who promote and advance respect for human life.  We see in each human being the image and likeness of God.  We decry hatred and violence as ultimate assaults on God’s intention and love for each man and woman.

At this time of national trauma and grief, doubt and questioning, we call on the better angels of our human nature to guide us toward sanity and sobriety, and the common ground of mutual support and love.

With Love in Christ,

+ Tikhon

Archbishop of Washington

Metropolitan of All America and Canada

Serious / Re: Talking Productively About Gun Control
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:02:44 AM »
I'm pretty interested in Italy's gun laws, sans their strange bans on "military calibers" (although I've heard that doesn't mean what most people think it means).

The problem is, there is no line for those interested in gun control. If we allow one inch to be taken without fighting tooth and nail, we'll lose everything. And I cannot abide that.

The Flood / Amazon thinks I'm a terrorist
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:38:48 AM »

Serious / Re: Corruption out the fucking wazzoo
« on: June 14, 2016, 12:53:09 AM »
People say the election was rigged on the Democratic side. Not really, just heavily biased in favor of Clinton.
It doesn't help that you have a corporate news media, where some including Time Warner (CNN's parent company) gave money to Clinton. The way the Associated Press declared Clinton the presumptive nominee before the California primary is just one example of corruption in media and their influence on the way people vote.
Clinton has received the most negative news coverage of any candidate this cycle.
In what fucking alternate dimension?

Serious / Corruption out the fucking wazzoo
« on: June 13, 2016, 05:53:05 PM »

It just keeps coming

Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange warns more information will be published about Hillary Clinton, enough to indict her if the US government is courageous enough to do so, in what he predicts will be “a very big year” for the whistleblowing website.

Expressing concerns in an ITV interview about the Democratic presidential candidate, who he claims is monitoring him, Assange described Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump as an “unpredictable phenomenon”, but predictably, given their divergent political views, didn’t say if he preferred the billionaire to be president.

Speaking via video link from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Assange said that there was enough information in the emails to indict Clinton, but that was unlikely to happen under the current Attorney General, Obama appointee Loretta Lynch.

He does think “the FBI can push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment.”

The former secretary of state pushed for the prosecution of Wikileaks, rather than the global criminals they exposed, and the organization described her as a “war hawk.”

Assange said the leaked emails revealed that she overrode the Pentagon’s reluctance to overthrow sovereign Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, and that “they predicted the post-war outcome would be what it is, which is ISIS taking over the country.”

Sworn testimony from officials working in the department revealed that Clinton did not “know how to use a computer to do e-mail,” instead using her Blackberry for official communications.

Clinton’s office was a designated Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), where the use of wireless devices was not permitted, leading to Clinton leaving her office in order to access emails.

Serious / Should I really feel bad?
« on: June 13, 2016, 12:21:29 PM »
So like 50 dudes got smoked the night before last, and I wasn't moved at all when I found out. My first response was to stock up on magazines in case a panic buy started and all of the shit dried up, and my second response was to hit up the web for banter. I've been cracking jokes about it nonstop since then.

I wasn't really upset by the event, just the potential consequences.

That's not to say I don't think it's bad, I do. I just

A) don't understand how anybody can seriously be shocked by an act of Islamic terrorism anymore. It's like car accidents on the highway at this point. Yeah, it's unfortunate, but it happens all the time now.

B) am having trouble seeing why I should care. From an objective standpoint, human life isn't worth all that much. People die in bigger numbers than this every day in places like Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and even moreso in central Africa. We don't freak out and mourn over them, why do we pretend these people matter any more? Because it happened to "my countrymen" or whatever?

I mean yeah, we should try to fix the factors causing these terrorist attacks to occur in such frequency, but I'm really having trouble getting emotionally invested in this shit.

Serious / Re: What did he mean by this?
« on: June 13, 2016, 12:04:47 PM »

that's nice, dear
This is the Serious board.

Come at me.

Where do you live again?



Serious / Re: 50 Dead, 53 Injured at Orlando LGBT Nightclub
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:45:39 PM »
How many more mass shootings is it going to take before the US realizes it has a gun problem?...Oops my bad I forgot gun control is on the same level of evil as Hitler and Stalin.
Didn't you buy a Century AK and some drum mags one day and then turn in to the resident spokesperson for the Brady Campaign to End Firearm Ownership™ the next?
I don't have any drums, I have eight 30 round mags. Anyway how does owning a gun atomically mean I'm a NRA member or I'm going to start thinking like one?
"Fuck you, got mine"

Serious / Re: 50 Dead, 53 Injured at Orlando LGBT Nightclub
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:33:48 PM »
Kali Yuga is approaching its peak.

Serious / What did he mean by this?
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:31:23 PM »
"Islamophobia implicitly calls for the break-up of Russia. The difference between Europe and Russia in our attitude toward Islam is that, for us, Muslims are an organic part of the whole, while for Europe they are a post-colonial wave of re-invaders from a different geopolitical and cultural space. But since we have a common enemy in the globalist elite, which is pro-Pussy Riot/Femen, pro-gay marriage, anti-Putin, anti-Iran, anti-Chávez, anti-social justice and so on, we all need to develop a common strategy with the Muslims. Our traditions are quite different, but the anti-traditional world that is attacking us is united, and so must we become.

If “identitarians” really love their identity, they should ally themselves with the Eurasianists, alongside the traditionalists and the enemies of capitalism belonging to any people, religion, culture or political camp. Being anti-Communist, anti-Muslim, anti-Eastern, pro-American or Atlanticist today means to belong to the other side. It means to be on the side of the current global order and its financial oligarchy. But that is illogical, because the globalists are in the process of destroying any identity except for that of the individual, and to forge an alliance with them therefore means to betray the essence of one’s cultural identity."

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