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Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:51:45 PM »
Neoliberal doesn't mean the same thing as Liberal, in fact they're in no way alike.
Neoliberals are a subspecies of liberal. The enlightenment heritage is there.

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:45:04 PM »
Neolibs run the world, son
>Monsanto still exists
>GMOs still exist
>WTO still exists
>State-sanctioned discrimination still exists

Neo libs are for GMO's.
It's the conservative old schoolers who care about local farmers that are against Monstanto.

if you're not against GMOs, you're not a liberal

literally the embodiment of corporate greed and disdain for public health
you're using the retarded American definition of liberal that basically just means social democrat/faggot hippie.

Every major political current in the developed world outside of like, Russia and China, is liberal.

Neocons are liberals. Neolibs are liberals. Conservatives and progressives are all liberals.

Serious / Re: Shortage of gibs in America?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:21:08 PM »
expensive whole grain brown rice

It's store-brand, so it's probably pretty cheap, tho

OT: Foot stamps are supposed to be a supplement, not a sole source of food. And the max amount that can be received by an individual is actually $48, not $29.
Still way more expensive that cheap white rice.
wtf why woul dyou ever use white rice ur kids will get cancer

Serious / Re: Shortage of gibs in America?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:11:51 PM »
wow... relly makes u think..

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:09:37 PM »
Neolibs run the world, son
They run somewhere between 1/3 and 2/3 of it, I reckon.

Serious / What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:04:48 PM »
Seems to me that it has become a snarl word in some circles. I'd like to know why.

I see a lot of accusations of anti-intellectualism, but there's not really anything wrong with that. Frankly, the intellectual class has failed the people of the western world. Pursuit of ideological goals and humanist utopian nonsense has led to the ruling classes of many liberal nations acting contrary to the interests of the native peoples. Why then, shouldn't the people criticize those who have been put in power supposedly to serve them?

I'm just not seeing the problem here from any perspective but that of a spooked out neoliberal.

The Flood / How you bitches doing?
« on: June 25, 2016, 04:27:49 PM »
I've been drinking for days. Girlfriend broke up with me so I'm trying to figure some shit out by drinking. Hopefully
l'll feel better when I crawl out of my booze coccoon.


An angry crowd of Muslims reportedly looted and burned the homes of 80 Christian families in an Egyptian village Friday after rumors circulated that they wanted to build a church.

Christian media reported the violence taking place in the village of Qarayat al Bayda, near Alexandria, quoting witnesses who claimed police did little to protect them. The alleged violence began after noon prayers, when a throng of Muslims gathered in the front of a home being built, Mousa Zarif told International Christian Concern.

"They were chanting slogans against us,” Zarif said. “Among these slogans were, 'By no means shall there be a church here.'"

Egypt is roughly 85 percent Muslim and Coptic Christians have long faced persecution in the Arab nation. The village in which the attacks were reported to have occurred has no Christian churches, according to International Christian Concern.

The incident prompted renewed calls for the government in Cairo to do more to protect religious minorities.

Naim Aziz told Daily News Egypt the homes, a community center and other properties owned by Christians were destroyed. Police initially arrested Aziz and Zarif, according to reports. They also reportedly arrested six Muslims, who were quickly released, while holding the Christians on bail after charging them for praying and building without a permit.

Serious / Re: . . . and today EU unveils its plans for military
« on: June 25, 2016, 11:05:56 AM »
This can only end badly

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 24, 2016, 12:02:02 PM »
making sure the globalist Brexiteers beat the nativist Brexiteers.

Serious / It's time for a Sexit
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:54:42 AM »

No longer shall the states of the South, bastions of Constitutionalism and freedom, as well has home of distinct cultures and ethnic heritages, be a slave to the whims of urban centers on the other side of the country. No longer will we bow to creeping centralization and judicial activism.

We will be free and sovereign once again.

The Flood / Am I the EU in this scenario
« on: June 24, 2016, 09:22:54 AM »
>be yesterday
>gf dumps me
>get wicked drunk with friends
>try to hit on gf's roommate

>wake up this morning
>fuck last night was rough
>friend on her phone
>"Britain left the EU"
>"oh fug"

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 24, 2016, 09:19:41 AM »
Far-right nationalists
This is populism, not far-right nationalism, which is distinctly unsuccessful in this country.
it's true

Britain's depression-era fascist movement was almost as pathetic as America's.

Serious / Re: Democrats staging sit-in over gun bill
« on: June 23, 2016, 01:23:17 PM »
For anyone on the pro-gun side (if that's what it can be called), what exactly is the opposition over universal background checks? I understand that it would place a burden on small dealers or individuals selling guns, but is that the only argument against them?

I also recognize that, as far as I'm aware, those background checks wouldn't have prevented any recent mass-shooter from obtaining weapons, but it just seems like a common sense law.
Background checks already are universal- for FFL dealers.

Requiring background checks for ALL transfers would pretty much shut down private salss between individuals, something almost all people in the community prefer for reasons of cost and privacy.

There is already a registry on the federal level, anybody with any sense would assume that. Nobody in power will admit it, though. Which is half of why private sales are popular- uncle sam doesn't know about them. The other half is the same reason people buy cars on craigslist instead of from dealers- saving money and interesting finds.

That said, I don't even see how cutting private sales adds to security from terror. If someone under surveillance pursues a private purchase, the correspondence would be seen.

Serious / Re: What is your honest opinion on Islam?
« on: June 22, 2016, 09:40:39 AM »
Similar things can be said about most religions, though
Is that really the case, though?

Most other major religions are much more critical of violence, fringe sects aside. The only exception I can think of is traditional fundamentalist Judaism, but given how liberal most jews outside of Israel are, I'm sure there's a major theological argument against violence that I don't know about.

On a practical level as well, you don't see Jews actively trying to subjugate the goyim, and you don't see Christians carrying out mass murders for their religion. It seems most cases of violence committed in the name of these religions are heavily intertwined with ethnic and nationalist conflict, the religious aspect being an overemphasized afterthought and casus belli. The worst you get these days is a handful of neo-Calvinist nuts going around telling queers to kill themselves (which I suppose could be seen as oppressive if you're a tremendous faggot).

The more I speak to Muslims, Christians, and people of other religious backgrounds, the more this seems like an Islam problem, not a religion problem.

« on: June 21, 2016, 06:24:23 PM »
It's almost like a blend of capitalism and socialism is the best economic system
By what metric?

Serious / Re: I can't even... KINDERGARTENERS DID THIS!
« on: June 21, 2016, 06:21:13 PM »
Am I the only one who genuinely finds this cool as fuck?

It's like Sparta-tier.

Serious / Re: I can't even... KINDERGARTENERS DID THIS!
« on: June 21, 2016, 06:06:20 PM »
/k/ as fuck

>your kids will never operate this hard

The Flood / Re: DELET THIS
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:17:15 PM »
Kali Yuga is at its zenith

The Flood / Re: Rate your game with the opposite (or same) sex
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:14:51 PM »
6 on a bad day

9 on a good day

bad no

memorable no

Serious / Something something corruption
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:10:56 AM »

Serious / Re: I'm voting for Clinton now.
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:27:23 PM »
I #ShillforHill now

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton is not innocent
« on: June 20, 2016, 04:35:32 PM »
I'd vote for a dead clam over Trump.
I'm genuinely convinced you know next to nothing about Trump's politics beyond his (moderate) fiscal conservatism and conflating deporting illegals with racism.

We're criticizing Islam because its teachings have no place in a secular Western democracy.
That's all well and good but that's not the argument I'm talking about. I'm talking about criticisms of Islam itself. The integration question is a whole other discussion.

But maybe you're seriously not memeing here and you actually want your masturbatory orthodox theocracy implemented. If so, then perhaps you should fuck off to some slavic shithole and remain there.
theocracy is gay and breeds lukewarm spirituality in the masses. It has the opposite of the intended effect.

That's perfectly valid criticism though. Islamism directly violated the NAP.
You can't realy critisize a religion within it's own context without spooks because then you're just left with cultural relativism telling you that it's actually all okay.
not cultural relativism, more of a general relativism.

There is also still the matter of taste.

Serious / Opposition to Islam for the wrong reasons. (A pet peeve)
« on: June 19, 2016, 11:16:45 AM »
I'm a little bit annoyed with the common criticisms of Islam.

You hear a lot of criticisms citing the religion's violent texts and homophobic or misogynistic attitudes.

The thing is, these are kind of like me saying Islam is bad because they don't believe Christ is the messiah or that God is trinitarian. You're criticizing Islam from the perspective of another religio-ideology.

These criticisms get us nowhere because they don't matter in the context of Islam. If the religion is true, it doesn't matter that it's homophobic, because in Islam, god himself condemns honosexual acts. Your humanist worldview and the Islamic worldview do not intersect.

I think, if we are to criticize Islam, it would be most reasonable to criticize the religion within its own context, or to find a fully de-spooked position to speak from, even if we continue to hold to our personally preferred ideologies otherwise.

The Flood / Re: Why does everyone on this forum hate Muslims?
« on: June 19, 2016, 01:18:41 AM »
someone took this bait

Faggots watching Sargon, Paul Joseph Autism, Milo, etc. Other groups do it besides the alt right, but these guys are the first to come to mind. TYT is a good example from the other end of the spectrum. Or the fedora side of youtube full of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins compilations.

What's up with this shit? I mean I used to do it too but it started to leave a sour taste in my mouth and I really wanted to understand where other people were coming from, so I stopped.

I want to understand this trend. Why do people watch hour long videos telling them things they already believe?

I doubt anyone has genuinely been converted to atheism from a Christopher Hitchens video, and I've never heard of an SJW abandoning xer previously held beliefs and joining team Milo after watching him act smug in some interview.

This phenomenon isn't JUST on youtube. People still watch shit like The Daily Show and John Oliver's shitspewing, although most of those people are at least dumb enough to find Oliver funny.

Even I sometimes find myself letting Gavin McInnes tell me shit I already know for ten minutes of my life.

What's the deal?

The Flood / Re: We need more anti alt-right youtube channels
« on: June 19, 2016, 01:09:07 AM »
Also you don't need to be an alt-righter to know identarianism is gay as hell.

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