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Messages - Alternative Facts

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 309
The Flood / Re: #Invalid YouTube Link#
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:35:43 PM »
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

Serious / Re: So this is why Trump's presidency is such a failure
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:34:34 PM »
Everyone jokes about this but I seriously doubt we'll get another meme candidate in 2020.
You say that now.

We said that four years ago.
Honestly I think Kanye deserves a chance.

Your trolling has gotten so shitty lately.

Serious / Re: Karl Marx was a racist
« on: May 01, 2017, 02:17:09 PM »
The fact that people seriously entertain the thought of this man somehow making a system better for people he looked down on when he himself was in no better situation. Trump was at least a millionaire while stating absolutely vile shit because he knew how to play the system

So, Trump or any of our past leaders saying shit is okay because they had money? I'm still not sure I see the connection here.

Marx had nothing and somehow people resonate with a man who's ideology has done nothing but cripple the countries that embraced it.

If I understand right, it's a psychological relation. Younger people, particularly millennials, only see the burden of capitalism because of the issues being thrust onto them - trillions in student debt, government financing issues, even the price of gas that was over $4 just a couple of years ago. Naturally, these people would support a different system - socialism - in greater numbers than the generations before them.

They didn't grow up with the constant barrage of "Socialism bad! USSR bad!" that our parents and grandparents did. Instead, they see "socialism" and link it to prosperous countries in Europe, not China and Russia. 

The crippling of those countries also had plenty to do with the corrupt nature of their politicians, socialism aside.

Serious / Re: Karl Marx was a racist
« on: May 01, 2017, 02:02:02 PM »
I see nothing false about this statement either:

With this, we see the truth. Donald Trump is an unedcuated, racist dumbass who couldn't even balance his own checkbook in between calling Mexicans lazy and Jews greedy. Yet even today, people still persist that his ideology will somehow pull the poor and disenfranchised up and it will be a perfect Utopian society.

Inb4 "But he wasn't a REAL Trump!"

What exactly are we discussing here? A guy from a different era in history used what we'd consider to be racist and ugly words and phrases to discuss groups of people?

Cause if so, let me lead you through a brief history of our Presidents. 

The Flood / Re: For those of you tired of Trump
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:33:41 PM »
Does Kevin Spacey ever play in any roles NOT directly related to political corruption?

A Bugs Life

Check again

Kevin Spacey as Hopper, the dictator of the grasshopper gang

Serious / Re: So this is why Trump's presidency is such a failure
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:22:23 PM »
Everyone jokes about this but I seriously doubt we'll get another meme candidate in 2020.

Precedent is a strong concept in the political arena. While I don't imagine we'll get anyone quite as....shitty as Trump, his victory opens the door for a lot of people who aren't experienced in the realm of politics to jump into the fray.

The Flood / Re: For those of you tired of Trump
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:12:04 PM »
So claire has stopped being an insufferable thot then?

Nah, Frank decided to fuck a dude instead.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

Couple spots sprinkled through the trailer say no, it is not a joke.

Though could be a dream sequence.
Fucks sake

The show was already bad enough for degeneracy with most of the main characters fornicating like rabbits, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised they are gonna keep going ham with it.

I'm surprised the show hasn't attempted an orgy.

Not that I'd be opposed, so long as it is all male.

Serious / Re: So this is why Trump's presidency is such a failure
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:01:51 PM »
I'm pretty sure this ranks pretty low on the pole of "Reasons Trump's Presidency is a failure"
That's fake news talking Icy.

Alternative facts.

The Flood / Re: For those of you tired of Trump
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:00:45 PM »
So claire has stopped being an insufferable thot then?

Nah, Frank decided to fuck a dude instead.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

Couple spots sprinkled through the trailer say no, it is not a joke.

Though could be a dream sequence.

Serious / Re: So this is why Trump's presidency is such a failure
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:54:10 AM »
Its a failure? Could have fooled me. My stocks are at an all time high.

Were your stocks terrible over the past 6 years?

The Flood / Re: For those of you tired of Trump
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:53:48 AM »
So claire has stopped being an insufferable thot then?

Nah, Frank decided to fuck a dude instead.

The Flood / Re: For those of you tired of Trump
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:39:57 AM »
Never finished s4

Shame. Starting at around episode 8, the show kinda realizes how shitty it was for the past season and a half and reverses course.

Serious / Re: So this is why Trump's presidency is such a failure
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:38:32 AM »
I'm pretty sure this ranks pretty low on the pole of "Reasons Trump's Presidency is a failure"

The Flood / Re: For those of you tired of Trump
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:37:03 AM »
I was expecting you to post a trailer for Designated Survivor.

I lost interest about five episodes in. Had been hoping for a West Wing vibe, but instead I got Scandal without the sex.

The Flood / For those of you tired of Trump
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:34:16 AM »

Come join a real President.

Serious / Re: Trump Invites Duterte to the White House
« on: April 30, 2017, 11:32:49 PM »
Oh, that's going to make a lovely press conference.

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 30, 2017, 07:46:30 PM »
and like verb said, teddy was cooler anyway
he was a bit of a genocidal maniac so nah not really. all us presidents are scum.

And yet I'd still fuck three of them.

Can we all just agree that this thread is going to turn into a dumpster fire?

OT: Yes, of course there should be. For example, those who are mentally handicapped and those previously convicted of felonies shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 30, 2017, 07:39:15 PM »
I look forward to the day my avatar is true.

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 30, 2017, 07:30:43 PM »
One SHOULD look at Based Andrew Jackson with a look of awe, a sense of wonder, on just how bad ass an individual can be. "My only regrets are that I had not shot Henry Clay and hung John C. Calhoun!" Mother fucker puts all others to shame.

Delete your account.

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 30, 2017, 04:48:56 PM »
Media bias. I recall the same with Reagan. Turned out to be a good president.

Aren't you a teenager from Scandinavia?
No, I am Karjala.

That answers so many questions.

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 30, 2017, 03:58:37 PM »
Media bias. I recall the same with Reagan. Turned out to be a good president.

Aren't you a teenager from Scandinavia?

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 30, 2017, 11:35:35 AM »
Here we go again...

> bad mod

I haven't done any of that in over a year. It's ceremonial now.

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 29, 2017, 10:52:25 PM »
Still awaiting this supposed nuclear winter and economic collapse that was going to happen on January 21st

And I'm still waiting for a supposed Day 1 ACA repeal and a 4% GDP growth.

So I guess we're both fucking disappointed.

What the hell is this?

Serious / Re: Fox News under fire?
« on: April 29, 2017, 10:30:41 PM »
See, it doesn't really matter whether or not you believe the accusations - there is evidence that it happened, as publically detailed in media outlets, and no counter evidence has been presented to disprove the claim. You don't get to claim something is true/false, offer no evidence to counter, and then continue to parrot said belief as if you've determined it to be fact.

I can't speak to Sean Hannity's case as I've yet to read any details about it. But as I said before - O'Reilly and Fox News did this to themselves by attempting to cover up crimes. This is not a Freedom of Speech violation, it never was and never will be because the government is not stepping in saying what Fox News can say.

This is advertisers and the public disassociating themselves with a guy who did shit, lied about it and paid victims to cover it up. That isn't a free speech violation, that's the beauty of having options in who you watch and support. Unless you have evidence that this is some conspiracy to take down a network (Which still WOULD NOT be a violation of freedom of speech), then this is simply a glorified opinion of yours and not a fact.

Serious / Re: Fox News under fire?
« on: April 29, 2017, 04:44:04 PM »
Bill O'Reilly's show didn't get cancelled because people didn't want to listen to him, it got cancelled because somebody ran a slanderous mudraking campaign against him and very probably falsified claims in order to demonize him, not before his public, but before his producers, who were too afraid for their own reputations by association.

First off, neither O'Reilly nor his lawyers have provided evidence to defend himself or disprove the claims that he and Fox News paid settlements to the tune of $13 million to five different individuals. They aren't even attempting to disprove that at this point because it's been confirmed by The New York Times.

Their issue at this point is that a left-wing media group decided to bring attention to the fact the network has allowed this guy to remain in his position despite have to settle five times because of claims of sexual harassment and verbal abuse - ironic, considering the image of the news outlet standing for "Conservative, family values".

So yes, he wasn't yanked because of free speech. He was yanked because he acted inappropriately, tried to cover it up, and lost the network money when advertisers decided they didn't want to be connected to him. So I'm sure exactly sure why you're deciding to paint him with the brush stroke of innocence and victimizing him - he fucked himself in the ass on this one.

That's not dissent, that's a targeted silencing.

So hold on a second. The left-wing media group is the person in the wrong here because they uncovered O'Reilly/Fox News' unethical cover-up and decided to run with it?

The Flood / Re: Mfw the Chicago Bears pull a Cleveland
« on: April 29, 2017, 04:07:15 PM »
My theory is that the Bears and Browns are bad on purpose to get everyone to talk about them. No teams in any sport can be as stupid as they are on purpose.

The Buffalo Bills would like to have a chat

Serious / Re: Fox News under fire?
« on: April 29, 2017, 03:27:24 PM »
The fact that anyone who voices these opinions is called problematic and attacked shows a serious lack of respect for free speech.
A daily reminder that free speech is a civil liberty and not a civil right.

*insert free speech comic here*

I gotchu boo

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