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Messages - Alternative Facts

Pages: 1 ... 279280281 282283 ... 306
The Flood / Re: Royal-blooded Floodians unite!
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:22:48 PM »
I'm descended from some Irish lord.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:21:25 PM »
Omfg why is everyone saying this? I am not saying anything for the PAC! For fucks sake, the things between me and china were between me and china!
And I was trying to get TBlocks off of Russia since I thought it was unfair to already be there in three pages.

Those are our terms and conditions - and honestly, I'd consider them long and hard. China's not joining, and New Zealand is conquering the Middle East in an alliance with China.

Make your bed where you wish, because you've got two sets of Islands to your name.

The Flood / Re: I found a picture of the Gay Weeb Club
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:11:11 PM »

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:07:41 PM »
Australia will be withdrawling from this Asian committee until it is in our best interests to rejoin.

Project Boom - 10%

You're going to miss out on the yakamoto battleship.

Australia will only join if Japan has less of a say in the actions of our coalition. You have already dragged us into arguments with Canada and had conflict with China. You are not right for leadership.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:31:36 PM »
Australian population reaches 150,000.

Development of three new cities begins.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:19:57 PM »
I made a claim that slaves were being freed. Didn't get into details how or why. It was stated and a source that showed such. Same with allowing blacks to fight, I didn't say why or how other than they were allowed to fight. You twisted what I said to make it sound like the South did it out of kindness

Your entire claim this thread is that the South wasn't at fault, the North is too blame, etc. Your claims were to show the South wasn't as bad as everyone says - your sources disprove that because they only start freeing slaves when they were sure they lost. Guess what - there was already a proclamation requiring them to do that anyway when they rejoined the union.

You are wrong, good day sir.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:16:07 PM »

Not damage controlling or back peddling. You twisted and misunderstood what I said in order for you to look like you know something

Twisted what you said? You made a claim and gave a source. I pulled up your source and found it contradicted what you said in all of two paragraphs.

Keep trying Kinder.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:12:16 PM »
I did read my sources. They may not be dead on accurate to the picture I was trying to represent but they do show that what I initially stated of the South winning can plausibly be true. This is entirely a "what-if" situation and not everything will come out as fact

Using what I know and these sources shows the idea that the South would eventually abandon slavery. I never made mention of the circumstances, aside from political pressure and introduction of technology.

Way not to address any of the points or try to help yourself, but just back peddle and damage control to make yourself look like you know something.

We're done here. Come back when you have an argument.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:03:15 PM »
Blacks fight for the Confederacy
Black slave owners and slave owners in general were a small minority in the South
Europe ignored the South because the North was going to free the slaves
Slavery was being rid away with in the south by 1864

Question - Do you actually read your sources, or just Google something, see a title that helps your argument, and post it?

From your first source, SECOND paragraph, about the South using slaves as soldiers:

The situation was bleak for the Confederates in the spring of 1865. The Yankees had captured large swaths of Southern territory, General William T. Sherman's Union army was tearing through the Carolinas, and General Robert E. Lee was trying valiantly to hold the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, against General Ulysses S. Grant's growing force. Lee and Confederate President Jefferson Davis had only two options. One was for Lee to unite with General Joseph Johnston's army in the Carolinas and use the combined force to take on Sherman and Grant one at a time. The other option was to arm slaves, the last source of fresh manpower in the Confederacy.

As you can see by my bolded portions for you, the South did not let slaves serve out of the goodness of their hearts. They had to let slaves serve because they didn't have more men to actually fight the North. You can twist it how you want and say the South was good for it, but they didn't even let the men who serve be free, as from the same source.

Lee asked that the slaves be freed as a condition of fighting, but the bill that passed the Confederate Congress on March 13, 1865, did not stipulate freedom for those who served.

So, there goes that point for you. Onto your third source, where you say that Europe ignored the South over slaves, you're partially incorrect. Slavery was a reason that came far later in 1862. Prior to that, Europe never recognized the South as an independent state, the Northern agriculture was far more beneficial to Europe during a grain shortage, and cotton could be made in India and Asia.

And source four. Your "The South was getting rid of slavery, they were good!" Directly from your source...

Most historians believe that the Confederacy only started to abandon slavery once their defeat was imminent.

Slavery wasn’t abolished until 1868, 3 years after the war. Thus Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Delaware still had slaves.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:46:47 PM »
Boo-hoo, I call a war a certain name. That makes me the most biased person ever. The North was being aggressive to the South by trying to enforce high taxation that Southerners couldn't afford, along with trying to expand big government and quell the concept of a limited central government. What you know of the civil war is biased northern bullshit

> War of Northern Aggression
> South initiated the War

My sides are in orbit
And why did the South initiate the war? Because it was tired of the North's aggression, hence the term War of Northern Aggression. South was on a primarily defensive campaign to protect their land

I love how you honestly think this. The South had no place to start a war - they were wrong about the entire thing. They seceded because they couldn't accept that Lincoln won the election and were so afraid he would take their slaves and money away.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:28:44 PM »
Boo-hoo, I call a war a certain name. That makes me the most biased person ever. The North was being aggressive to the South by trying to enforce high taxation that Southerners couldn't afford, along with trying to expand big government and quell the concept of a limited central government. What you know of the civil war is biased northern bullshit

> War of Northern Aggression
> South initiated the War

My sides are in orbit

The Flood / Re: What's your ethnic background?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:17:00 PM »
Irish, Italian, Scottish, Welsh, German, Dutch.

Serious / New Protests Clash with Police in Hong Kong
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:04:42 PM »

Pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong reached a boiling point on Sunday, with police employing tear gas in attempts to control crowds that have surrounded government buildings for the past three days.

Tension has been escalating in the city all summer, after Beijing released a controversial plan for Hong Kong's 2017 elections that activists say falls short of the full democracy they hope for. The plan would allow for universal suffrage in three year's time, but would restrict candidates to those approved by a committee that opposition politicians say is dominated by pro-Beijing representatives.

In response, pro-democracy groups Occupy Central and student-led Scholarism have threatened civil disobedience that could shut down the city. After a week of student boycotts and protests, the confrontation escalated on Sunday when police began using heavy-handed tactics to dispel demonstrators. Police have been using pepper spray and tear gas, but protesters continued to pour into the streets on Sunday night.

Police have been photographed carrying guns, and some protest groups called for a retreat on Sunday night on fears that the police would begin using rubber bullets.

Photos posted online showed subways full of police being transported toward the protests. In response, protestors barricaded the exits to some subway stations.

Students prepared for the threat of tear gas with masks, and as the night wore on, protestors issued public appeals for more supplies on social media.

Police reportedly cleared the site of initial protests, but stand-offs continued at the government headquarters and other locations near the center of the city.

At approximately 10:30 p.m., a Twitter account for the Hong Kong Federation of Students, one of the leading protest groups, began to call for a retreat in the face of mounting injuries.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:59:46 PM »
Australia will be withdrawling from this Asian committee until it is in our best interests to rejoin.

Project Boom - 10%

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:50:45 PM »
Slavery wouldn't exist into the 20th century, that's for sure. The South even allowed blacks to serve in the military and there were black plantation owners that owned slaves, including white slaves. In dire need of man power along with pressure on foreign powers and introduction of technology, slavery could have very well ended during the war or transition to the point where slaves were still such but imitated ancient world civilizations where slaves could own land, make money, and buy themselves out of freedom; indentured servants would be the best way to explain

Yeah, no.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 10:26:48 AM »
Well it'd be much better.

Yes. Continuing slavery, the concept of nullification, and a divided United States is surely better.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:13:59 PM »
Congo begins large agricultural projects along the Congo River.

am I doing it right?


The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:08:43 PM »
Class, I think it is time for a map update.

Japan has the Philippines, I have Papau New Guinea, Indonesia. New Zealand has Saudi Arabia and working on Persia. Canada has Far East Russia.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:04:32 PM »
How do I play this shit? Do I just say I'm annexing a certain country every couple pages?

Run your country. Build up it's population, research in inventions, build your army, all that jaz. Decide the religion, government style, and making alliances/declare war.

Just don't godmod. You can't say "I have nukes!" without researching every component.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:56:58 PM »
I want the Congo

Go ahead, as long as you can ensure that you will be active.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:53:40 PM »
King Leonard sends two of the new ships towards the western coast of Africa. Estimated arrival time of Page 40.

The other two ships are sent towards Vietnam and Cambodia - estimated arrival of Page 38. All ships carry 18,000 soldiers.

Research into gunpowder complete - scientists begin looking at using it in a concentrated form. Project: Boom begins.

Construction of 10 more ships begin - 5 due by Page 40, the rest by page 45.

King Leonard is seeking interests in the Philippines.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:08:30 PM »
Australian Royal Family reports the death of King Icy, at age 60. His nephew, Leonard, takes the throne.

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:52:50 PM »
inb4 PSU

Serious / Re: Do you Support the Students Protesting in Colorado?
« on: September 27, 2014, 11:51:28 AM »
Have you learned all the bad shit about America in school over your schooling? I doubt it. Things are cut all the time.

Actually, yes. Yes I have.

Serious / Re: Do you Support the Students Protesting in Colorado?
« on: September 27, 2014, 11:44:50 AM »
Why? For one, I bet its 5% students who actually care and 95% who just want to get out of class.

Also, students don't dictate what is taught. If that were true, I'd love to have a class dedicated to the history of all 4 major sports and get rid of math. But its not up to us as students.

Considering the protests are contained to a few AP classes, you're right. A small amount actually care, but that doesn't make their cause any less important.

So, you're fine with the cutting out of who sections of US history, eh? Some patriot you are.

Serious / Re: Do you Support the Students Protesting in Colorado?
« on: September 27, 2014, 10:51:03 AM »
Of course not.

Oh, this will be good.

Why not?

Serious / Do you Support the Students Protesting in Colorado?
« on: September 27, 2014, 10:48:04 AM »
For reference to those who do not know, there is currently an ongoing protests by students in a Denver suburb of Colorado. Basically, a bunch of AP US History students have stopped going to class to protest a new proposal for curriculum in the class:

The protests are aimed at new JeffCo School Board member Julie Williams’ proposal, which states, in part: “Materials should promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage.”

Essentially: Teach kids that America is great, write out stuff that would say otherwise.

So, thoughts? Support the kids? Think it's an overreaction? To read more about it, click Here

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 27, 2014, 10:43:11 AM »
Indonesia and Papau New Guinea are now annexed under Australian control.

King Icy I falls ill under a mysterious illness.

Serious / Re: Do you support big government or small government?
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:50:16 PM »

Things like FEMA, EPA, etc basically everyone on this list

The only things the federal government should do is enforce a few certain laws and protect the country from invaders as outlined in the Constitution. Everything else can be handled by the state governments.

Horrible idea, really.

The Flood / Re: UN Game VI
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:32:54 PM »
King Icy would like to request a private meeting with the leaders of China and Canada.

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