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The Flood / Re: An Update on the New Rules
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:35:30 PM »
I would assume y'all are going through or have already gone through the moderation on NSFW content. Related to that, I don't think there's anyone younger than Alphy who visits. (Yep, I think he'd be the benchmark) No posting straight up porn, I get that much, but where exactly would the line be drawn?

Currently, the plan is

- Sex Stories/Sexual Role-playing/Cheerio's Thread/Sexual Text Based Threads will be allowed in The Flood, AS LONG as the title of the thread indicates it is NSFW.
- Pornographic Images and Videos, along with Gore and Shock Threads, remain Anarchy only.

The Flood / Re: An Update on the New Rules
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:34:30 PM »
This is neither a sticky or in news.
Consistency.  ;D

> People complain of too many Stickies

The Flood / Re: An Update on the New Rules
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:24:53 PM »
I think I'd rather have stricter moderation.

Moderation on some of the rules will remain strict. However, by more relaxed rules, it would be better to say they have been made less complex to understand, so we leave less confusion between them and members.

The Flood / An Update on the New Rules
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:21:44 PM »
Since several users have requested more communication as to what the site staff has been doing, figured it would be best to give you an update as to where we are with the update to the rules.

As of tonight, after a few weeks of discussion, the draft of the new rules has been created and further discussion will continue over the next couple of days. Overall, the rules are slightly more relaxed than what we have now, but not to an extreme degree.

We'll keep you posted until their release.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 08, 2015, 09:25:08 PM »
Oh great more things I have to pay for!!!


Says the child who doesn't pay taxes yet.

Hey, if you want 50% of your hard earned money going towards low lifes, go ahead. But me, I want most of my money. At least 90%.
how can you say that in good faith? that's a horrible way of thinking about taxes. you think people who benefit from taxes are all low lives? you use that tax money just as much as anyone else in this country. that's a distinctly elitist and snobbish stance.

Obviously not all are low lifes.

But if you have lived where I have lived, been to unemployment lines and welfare centers and you realize that 90% of people relying on government assistance (under 65) are NOT working to better themselves.

Free college? Thats a great idea in theory. But when it takes away from my money, and takes food out of my children's mouths, theres a problem. I already pay entirely too much for taxes.

Considering you just spent 7k on baseball tickets, I doubt your children are losing food.

Septagon / Re: mfw This Place's Modding Is Now Even Worse Than Bnet
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:55:22 PM »
Question - if the new policy was as followed:

- NSFW threads (Limited to sexual role-plays, sex stories, cheerios, etc. This does not include images or videos) must be marked as such in a thread title. They do not have to be spoilered.
- One-off NSFW responses in a SFW thread must be spoilered.
- War Clips/Images and  other similar graphics with Discussion Value must be posted in Serious and spoilered.
- Sexual videos and images must remain Anarchy only

Would you support?

Septagon / Re: mfw This Place's Modding Is Now Even Worse Than Bnet
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:36:06 PM »
boo fucking hoo, we aren't allowed to post porn. You know there's more to forums than masturbating to some random pictures and stories on the internet right? like having an actual fucking discussion and not shitposting like an autistic 12 year old.

Isn't that why we have the Serious board?

Which is for Political/Religious/Controversial issues discussion.

Not for any thread to be put in to avoid shitposting threads and posts.

Septagon / Re: mfw This Place's Modding Is Now Even Worse Than Bnet
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:30:29 PM »
The rule's are being changed, so some of the rules are in a limbo stage.

Currently looking forward (when the new rules launch, NOT now), so long as the stories are clearly labeled as NSFW in either the thread title, or the top of the post (If a reply), and spoilered - it will be fine.

Pending to be altered if needed.

I don't see why posting NSFW stories have to be against the rules unless you take us for a bunch of pussies

And that's the problem

You think as mods, you have so much responsibility and need to set up all these rules and professionalism

Chill the fuck out

Have you forgotten what this place is?

It's just a place for friends to hang out, not a fucking company

I'll bring it up to the staff ._.

The Flood / Re: Okay. See if you can answer this correctly.
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:26:15 PM »

Septagon / Re: mfw This Place's Modding Is Now Even Worse Than Bnet
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:25:33 PM »
The rule's are being changed, so some of the rules are in a limbo stage.

Currently looking forward (when the new rules launch, NOT now), so long as the stories are clearly labeled as NSFW in either the thread title, or the top of the post (If a reply), and spoilered - it will be fine.

Pending to be altered if needed.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:21:59 PM »
Oh great more things I have to pay for!!!


Says the child who doesn't pay taxes yet.

I'll send you a copy of my tax return.

low lifes

> low lifes
> working towards a college degree and not flipping Mickey D's burgers on welfare for life.


The Flood / Re: PSU is Max
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:20:31 PM »
Speaking of which we really need to get grandpa over here

Worse idea ever.

Of all time.

The Flood / Re: Would You Support Unsticking the "Art Thread"?
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:19:23 PM »
The fact that it's so close (unlike the music thread) gives me the impression that it should probably just be left alone.

Since it is so close, this will stay open until the very end. We'll decide then - the "unstick" has taken a slightly larger lead.

The Flood / Re: I Wont Be Around Here This Christmas.
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:16:11 PM »
Remember when / was a cool guy?

Yeah I remember those days

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:15:30 PM »
Yeaaaah uhm, sorry I've been rather busy <.<

Things seem to have gotten a bit confusing itt. We have a nameplate ready too, courtesy of Tru (idea) and Byrne (Creation) but I might have to put this on hold a little/kill off the AFKers etc.
Kill them off already.
If anyone can make a rough list of the Afkers that would be immensely helpful because I'm stuck on my laptop atm <.<

Going since Page 13, these are the people that haven't replied (People already dead or still alive are removed from the list):

Kiyo - Alive
Numb Digger - Alive
Meta - Alive
Ingloriouswho - Alive
Assassin - Alive
Tblocks - Alive
Workshop Wizard - Alive
Lord Ruler - Alive
Lord Commissar - Alive

The Flood / Re: I saved Slash
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:12:12 PM »
We'll be back....with bigger guns

The Flood / Re: Whatever happened to Noelle anyway
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:05:24 PM »
All I'm going to say as there was a falling out between certain users and when a certain person brought it to the forums and started going after another user they were given a warning. Their response was to leave the site.

The reason Vien left is different and I can't really go into it without getting into peoples personal lives.

Needless to say the version you're getting from Kinder is pretty skewed.
White knights will be white knights.

So sticking up for a friend is somehow being a white knight? By that logic, Nick and Rocketman must be blinding people with their suits or armor

Neither side is giving the entire story, so to only listen to one of them (Or either sides without having all the facts) is a joke.

Septagon / Re: Make the karma system functional or remove it
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:04:18 PM »
But it does, in terms of unlocking customization perks.
I'm talking about upvotes and downvotes here. Pretty obvious

And those play into whether you unlock the customization (On top of just being active).

Unless you want us to set post requirements to unlock it. In which case, I don't care.
But the post requirement is the unlock at this point

No one hits Legendary before 3000 posts. No one

The upvotes and downvotes literally have no effect on the system

Legendary is the only one with a post requirement however, and you still need a solid amount of upvotes to get it - even with 3000 posts. The up/downvotes are heavier factors for the other tiers.

Septagon / Re: Make the karma system functional or remove it
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:01:43 PM »
But it does, in terms of unlocking customization perks.
I'm talking about upvotes and downvotes here. Pretty obvious

And those play into whether you unlock the customization (On top of just being active).

Unless you want us to set post requirements to unlock it. In which case, I don't care.

Septagon / Re: Make the karma system functional or remove it
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:57:06 PM »
But it does, in terms of unlocking customization perks.

The Flood / Re: Mods can't silent us. This is a free country!
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:55:59 PM »
Oh I see

The staff "isn't sure" if they're editing out the cheerios story yet I instantly get warned and edited for it


It's that very dark grey area - it's essentially a pornographic story, but not too graphic.

We don't allow pornographic material in The Flood atm, but that mostly pertains to images and videos.

Essentially, it comes to discretion I guess.
But I don't believe you are fucking understanding the fucking point

I posted this story just the same as Tackle did yet he just got it wrapped in spoilers but I got mined edited out completely and I got warned.

Essentially, it comes to discretion I guess.

If you'd like, I can find out the mod that handled your thread and warned you.

Septagon / Re: Make the karma system functional or remove it
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:54:41 PM »
Do you want to elaborate?

The Flood / Re: Mods can't silent us. This is a free country!
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:52:55 PM »
Oh I see

The staff "isn't sure" if they're editing out the cheerios story yet I instantly get warned and edited for it


It's that very dark grey area - it's essentially a pornographic story, but not too graphic.

We don't allow pornographic material in The Flood atm, but that mostly pertains to images and videos.

Essentially, it comes to discretion I guess.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:51:41 PM »
Oh great more things I have to pay for!!!

The Flood / Re: this image
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:46:42 PM »
ayyy lmao

The Flood / Re: Mods can't silent us. This is a free country!
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:46:16 PM »
I'll never understand the fucking fascination.

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:41:53 PM »
Yeaaaah uhm, sorry I've been rather busy <.<

Things seem to have gotten a bit confusing itt. We have a nameplate ready too, courtesy of Tru (idea) and Byrne (Creation) but I might have to put this on hold a little/kill off the AFKers etc.

Kill them off.


It's grammatically correct.

"I make people nervous."

"I make people fetch me water."

"I make people stick their fingers in my bum while a fuck sheep."

It would be if you were telling him you make him in the present tense, or routinely.

You're speaking in the future tense. What do they teach you in Britbongistan?

I fucking make you flip those burgers.






The Flood / Re: Upvote 4 Upvote thread
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:10:42 PM »

(You're going to need to post a lot more)

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