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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: Regarding Kiyo
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:58:20 PM »
She should have instantly become a regular member after the penis thread event, but otherwise she was a decent poster.

As Cheat said back when that occurred, the problem was that he was not clear with the staff at the time about the anonymity and the fact that one should not reveal anons.

Yes, it should have been common sense, but it's long done now.

The Flood / Re: So Kiyo finally joined the site
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:43:56 PM »
I'm not the real Icy

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:29:46 PM »
Why shouldn't they have it? Should they not be on an equal playing field as many other countries?
Considering it's a fundamentalist Islamic regime, despises Israel, has supported attacks against America and could spark an arms race in the region. . .

No. . .

No it fucking shouldn't.
Should they not be able to have similar weapons as their enemies? It's like using a bow-and-arrow against a sniper rifle.
why the fuck would you give the people you're trying to kill a weapon to defend themselves? the whole fucking point of a war is to conquer, not to play fucking games and get yourself killed because you were stupid enough to let the enemy get a hold of the tech you have. Fairness has no place on a battlefield, you take every opportunity to fuck over the enemy as hard as you can until they submit or are slaughtered.

We aren't at war with Iran.
we aren't, but the allies in the area are at war with the people Iran support. you give them nukes, and the allies in the east go down.

Allies in the area?

You mean Israel vs. Palestine? You mean, the conflict where most of our "allies" in the region support only Palestine?

The Flood / Re: Hey Secondclass
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:26:23 PM »
I would have done this via PM, but still, cute

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:25:45 PM »
Why shouldn't they have it? Should they not be on an equal playing field as many other countries?
Considering it's a fundamentalist Islamic regime, despises Israel, has supported attacks against America and could spark an arms race in the region. . .

No. . .

No it fucking shouldn't.
Should they not be able to have similar weapons as their enemies? It's like using a bow-and-arrow against a sniper rifle.
why the fuck would you give the people you're trying to kill a weapon to defend themselves? the whole fucking point of a war is to conquer, not to play fucking games and get yourself killed because you were stupid enough to let the enemy get a hold of the tech you have. Fairness has no place on a battlefield, you take every opportunity to fuck over the enemy as hard as you can until they submit or are slaughtered.

We aren't at war with Iran.

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:23:49 PM »
Why should we have them but they can't?
Because we aren't a fundamentalist Islamic regime funding Hamas or Hezbollah and encouraging suicide bombings. . .

Eh. Give them a bomb.

It could make for a fun year.

The Flood / Re: Hey Democrats
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:20:53 PM »

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:01:52 PM »
That's not going to happen unless you want to trade out Israel as an ally.
Not to mention, Iran has funded Hezbollah and had a part in the 1983 Beirut bombing. The second of which, I'm fairly certain, should constitute an act of war.

I'm sure there are hundreds of potential acts of wars.

Serious / Re: Two party system
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:51:50 PM »
and the lack of an actual left...
>obama named most liberal senator by national journal
>implemented a stimulus bigger than the new deal
>raised tariffs on south korean steel by 13pc, and other steel by 118pc
>has been using federal funding to implement a national agenda
>expanded medicare/medicaid at the expense of certain states
>not to mention bush increased federal spending by 35pc

Yeah, there's no left-wing in American politics.

The American left is far less than Euro left. But, it's slowly working there.

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:49:23 PM »

What we should do is try to mold them into an ally.
That's not going to happen unless you want to trade out Israel as an ally.

Not exactly.

Serious / Re: Two party system
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:46:28 PM »
I wouldn't say two-party systems are inherently bad, at least in America. In more recent years, big name donors have vastly increased donations into the two parties, forcing candidates to become more hardline left/right, instead of being more moderate as seen in previous decades. This had caused a rise in polarization and lack of bipartisanship on key issues

The Flood / Re: Hey Democrats
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:56:27 PM »
Hey Republicans, remember your President got no scoped.
Hey Democrat, remember your President got hard scoped.  8)

It was for the best. Kennedy would have started a Monarchy

The Flood / Re: Hey Democrats
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:54:14 PM »
Hey Republicans, remember your President got no scoped.

The Flood / Re: Oh Kentucky....
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:49:27 PM »
So you're saying Kentucky isn't part of the South?

Nah. Kentucky is its own failure.
>his president got assassinated
>my president died of old age
>is still butthurt over it

>lost the war
>president got no scoped

So who really lost?

Still the south

The Flood / Re: The next Nobel Prize
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:57:19 AM »

Serious / Re: Opinion: Obama was Right to Skip Paris March
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:51:54 AM »
A quick skim makes it look, to me, as if the author is saying our response was wrong because we played right into their strategy. You can't avoid playing to these people's strategies. They either get to trample all over your rights, or they'll kill you for stopping their own brand of imperialism which includes, among other things, genocide.

See, I read it as European Governments (And the US government, in most cases, excluding this one) is just as he wrote: While they demonstrate bold unity against the extremists after attacks, the aftermath almost always causes more problems between Muslim (Specifically younger generations) and non-Muslim communities - which, in the end, leads to more issues as it is apparently exactly what Al-Qaeda/other extremist groups wants.

Of course, that's mostly for European Muslim communities.

Serious / Opinion: Obama was Right to Skip Paris March
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:42:04 AM »

President Obama has run into harsh criticism, both at home and abroad, for not attending this week’s Paris protest march or sending a high-level substitute in his place. French and European leaders, meanwhile, have won widespread praise for their aggressive and bold stand against jihadists.

Yet it’s the European reaction that plays right into Al Qaeda’s hands, and the Americans who are actually taking the wiser approach by not turning the Paris terror attacks into a giant battle for civilization—and Charlie Hebdo into a rallying cry for free speech. It was hardly a surprise that the group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula appeared eager to claim responsibility Wednesday for the attacks. But for Al Qaeda, a triumph isn’t complete until it gets a reaction.

And, wow, did it ever get a reaction in Europe—precisely the wrong kind.

Since the 9/11 attacks, Western governments–the United States included–have struggled to grasp the challenge posed by al Qaeda’s strategy. They still seem all-too-mystified about how to respond and extinguish the enduring appeal that al Qaeda’s ideology seems to have for young Muslims. The world’s most infamous terrorist group—at least until Islamic State burst on to the scene last year—has in turn spent decades trying to figure out how to instigate a global Muslim rebellion against the West. It has always relied on a sort of geopolitical judo, using its enemies’ strength against them by making them prove its own worldview.

This strategy has succeeded to a greater degree among Muslim communities in Europe compared to the United States. In Europe, in general, Al Qaeda has found it easier to win over angry young European Muslims—as has the Islamic State—because it has found a pliable audience and exploited it. The most effective way to convince a target audience to buy into a rhetorical vision is to echo and respond to their grievances. In other words, use their existing complaints to make them sign up to your plan to fix things. Globally, al Qaeda’s problem has always been that although average Muslims have many long-standing complaints about Western foreign policy—such as support for Israel and Arab dictatorships—the vast majority were not ready to subscribe to its remedy of war and harsh religious law.

In response, Al Qaeda has sought to overcome this lack of interest among Muslims by trying to polarize Muslim and Western views, and here is where it has had a great deal of success in Europe, far less so in the United States. The Muslim underclass in many of these European countries is already polarized, and the over-the-top reaction to the Charlie Hebdo killings is only exacerbating that trend. The idea, as stated in the jihadi strategy document “Management of Savagery,” is to “transform societies into two opposing groups, igniting a violent battle between them whose end is either victory or martyrdom.” The best way to make sure the intended audience understands the justification for the attack is to make the attack itself self-explanatory, the strategists behind the document say. Clearly, the targeting of Charlie Hebdo, a magazine well known for printing images that many, if not most, Muslims would find offensive, but were seen as part of a cherished European tradition of free expression, fit very comfortably in this strategy.

True to Al Qaeda’s methodology, the attack is sharpening differences between communities and isolating European Muslims from their countrymen. Thanks to the efforts of European leaders and opinion makers to show solidarity with Charlie Hebdo by embracing its humor—and the now-ubiquitous “Je Suis Charlie” slogan—many mainstream Muslims are resentful about the impossible choice they are being forced into: To demonstrate they do not support murder, they must show support for images they find offensive. Demands that European Muslims condemn the attacks serve to make many feel that they are seen as guilty until they prove themselves innocent. The focus on freedom of speech also re-opens simmering accusations from Muslim Europeans of double standards; in the days after the Hebdo attacks, a notorious French comedian known for his anti-Semitic comments, Dieudonne, was actually arrested for posting an offensive comment on his Facebook page. Overall, the direction of the public debate plays directly into Al Qaeda’s narrative that Muslims cannot live in the West without demeaning themselves. Meanwhile, the increase in anti-Muslim violence in the wake of the attacks reinforces the idea that Muslims are in danger and under siege.

Even Pope Francis has weighed in, oddly enough, on the side of offended Muslims and against the lionization of Charlie Hebdo. “You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others,” the pope said on Thursday, giving voice to seething Muslim resentment.

More worrying is the messaging being directed towards young, criminalized Muslims. While the attack was still underway, television channels around the world played images of the Kouachi brothers—the two terrorists who broke into the Charlie Hebdo offices—getting out of a car, moving along a street and shooting dead an injured policeman. News anchors described them in terms verging on awe, mentioning frequently that they seemed “highly trained” and “skilled in military tactics.” Such coverage glamorizes an act to an audience that is excited by the idea of instant recognition and adulation. According to one account of the hostage drama at the kosher market in Paris after the Hebdo killings, while the standoff was going on the gunman, Amedy Coulibaly, spent a lot of his time monitoring what was being said about him in the media—and grew very angry that new channels were not reporting that he had killed people.

Thus, the Charlie Hebdo attacks highlight what many people have suspected while witnessing the spectacle of hundreds, possibly thousands, of young Muslim Europeans flocking to the battlefields of Syria and Iraq: Al Qaeda has managed to find a receptive audience in the continent’s Muslim underclass, with their angry sense of disenfranchisement from broader European society.

There is more to the article at the link above, with details the author's experience with Islamic Extremist group recruiting camps and strategies.

Either way, I found the article interesting, though not sure whether I entirely agree with the points he made (Though there are parts I can side with).

The Flood / Re: Oh Kentucky....
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:22:48 AM »
So you're saying Kentucky isn't part of the South?

Nah. Kentucky is its own failure.
>his president got assassinated
>my president died of old age
>is still butthurt over it

>his president was butt ugly
>my president was glorious
>still butthurt
They were both ugly

The Flood / Re: Oh Kentucky....
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:20:20 AM »
So you're saying Kentucky isn't part of the South?

Nah. Kentucky is its own failure.
>his president got assassinated
>my president died of old age
>is still butthurt over it

>his president was butt ugly
>my president was glorious
>still butthurt

The Flood / Re: Oh Kentucky....
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:16:02 AM »
So you're saying Kentucky isn't part of the South?

Nah. Kentucky is its own failure.

The Flood / Re: Oh Kentucky....
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:13:23 AM »
So you're saying Kentucky isn't part of the South?

Nah. Kentucky is its own failure.

The Flood / Re: Oh Kentucky....
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:10:35 AM »
Just so much wrong in this story
I don't get it. Are we looking at the same post?

- 18 year old and his 13 year old girlfriend
- Crime spree across several Southern states
- Kentucky

The Flood / Oh Kentucky....
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:01:19 AM »

An 18-year-old Kentucky man and his 13-year-old girlfriend who have been missing for 12 days are believed to have taken off on a crime spree across the South, authorities said Thursday, during which they're suspected of having stolen at least two vehicles — one of which had guns in it.

"It is imperative that these two be located and apprehended as their behavior is becoming increasingly brazen and dangerous," the Grayson County Sheriff's Office said in a statement.

The sheriff's office identified the pair as Dalton Hayes, 18, and his girlfriend, Cheyenne Phillips, 13, whom Cheyenne's father reported missing on Jan. 3. They're accused of stealing a neighbor's red Toyota pickup truck, which was spotted on security video nine days later outside a Walmart store in Manning, South Carolina. The couple themselves were captured on video entering the store.

They apparently ditched the truck Thursday in Henry County, Georgia, south of Atlanta, and are believed to have stolen a silver Toyota Tundra — which Grayson County Sheriff Norman Chaffins said had .45- and .38-caliber handguns in the back seat.

Chaffins said that both are suspects in at least the two auto thefts and that Hayes is also wanted on charges of custodial interference — that is, luring Cheyenne, a minor, away from her legal guardians.

"We're hoping the two of them have enough sense not to do something with that gun and hoping it never comes to that," Chaffins told NBC station WAVE of Louisville.

Hayes' mother, Tammy Martin, told reporters that her son had just recently started dating Cheyenne, who she didn't know was only 13. She said Hayes texted her on Jan. 6 to say, "Mommy, don't worry. I'm fine, okay — plenty of money and food. Love you, good night, sweet dreams."

"Whatever it is, it can be worked through," Chaffins said. "That's what we want to tell these young people — we want them to come home."

Just so much wrong in this story

The Flood / Re: I have a request for our lovely staff.
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:21:49 AM »
If anybody calls me a fox, I want them to be warned appropriately, as I do not like being called that. It's very degrading to my dingo persona.
I'll put it in the rules right away.


The Flood / Re: I have a request for our lovely staff.
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:19:24 AM »

Septagon / Re: Should there be a crackdown on alts?
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:05:28 AM »
For now, no new alts or Tor accounts will be approved without a much stronger inspection.

The Flood / Re: February Anarchy is Not Happening
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:53:13 PM »

The Flood / February Anarchy is Not Happening
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:51:15 PM »
Cheat just announced it in the Official! Septagon Skype Group.

We will be getting Penguin Party instead.

The Flood / Re: Phone place is gonna "transfer" data to my new phone
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:44:04 PM »
You could just send the photos to the cloud, delete them off your phone, and restore it at a later point.

But lol at having porn on your phone.

The Flood / Re: Custom Nameplate Requests
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:38:31 PM »
Loving mine :D

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